I’m an Educator: Abby

You’d be surprised how few people think about the future until it’s too late. All of us have goals, whether they’re something measurable, like saving and staying on track for retirement, or something broader, like having a big family. The trick is identifying these goals early, since our number one asset we all have earlier in our lives, is time.

That’s one of the things I’m passionate about and why my primary job is serving as a financial planner for my clients. I find fulfillment in helping people understand early in life that if we start planning and acting now, it will make future goals so much easier to obtain.

This is also one of the reasons I took on a second job a year ago, teaching personal finance to undergraduates at our local university. I’ve always seen myself as an educator and if I can engrain these skills into them early on, then I can rest better about the future of that next generation.

It’s so great being back on campus. I graduated nine years ago and some of my best years came from the experiences (and mistakes) I made as a student. But aside from nostalgia, there’s another reason I took this job, as it better aligned with one of my true passions, college-aged women.

I consider myself to be mature in many facets of life. I’m active in my community, I am obviously planning for a financially secure future, and I keep myself in very good physical shape. The one area though that I’m not quite ready to “grow up” in is when it comes to settling down. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with a 30-year-old woman, but since I’m not looking for marriage and children, much to the chagrin of my parents, I’m not interested in women my own age.

University employees do have certain rules we have to follow. For instance, all faculty is prohibited from having any sort of relationship with a student that they teach, supervise, yada yada yada. That’s fine, I can see the conflict of interest. But what isn’t written there is a clear answer about all the other students outside of my classroom. I’m sure it’s “heavily frowned upon,” but this is a gray area that I’m plenty comfortable playing in.

Let me tell you about Abby. Not only was she the first student that opened up to me, but she is also responsible for helping me understand how I can be of service to the students at this school. More on that later.

We’ve all known an Abby in our lifetime. An average-looking girl, 5’7″ brown hair and eyes that has average-looking features, non-athletic build, but is battling back against the dreaded “Freshman 15” weight gain, modest chest size, and a cute face sprinkled with freckles. She wasn’t someone that would turn heads as she walked by, but is someone you’d be happy to get stuck in a conversation with at a party.

On this particular day, the one thing that wasn’t average about Abby were the bags under her eyes and the sniffling sound her nose was making. This was a girl who just finished crying.

I wouldn’t have paid much attention to this, but it’s hard to ignore since we were both in the quiet section of the library. I teach on Tuesdays and Saturdays and have a flexible work arrangement with my financial planning employer, where I work remotely on Tuesdays from campus. The library has the best WiFi on campus and I prefer the quiet section since I plan my Tuesdays to revolve around backend administrative tasks so I can avoid being on the phone.

If there’s one thing that can snap you out of a productive trance as you submit all your weekly status updates, it’s the constant sound of sniffling.

I shut my laptop and walked in the direction of girl hiding in an over-sized chair facing the window.

“Either you just finished the most heartfelt romantic novel of our generation or some guy just did something very dumb,” I said from over her shoulder.

She nearly dropped her water bottle “I, um shit, I just—”
“Shoot, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” I interjected.
“Ugh, it’s fine”—she gave a defeated sigh—”Is it that obvious?”
“If anyone can pull off a look of despair, it’s you,” I joke back.

A small smile. Now we’re getting somewhere.

I pull up a chair and we spend the next 30 minutes talking about college, what it’s like for her as a freshman, how it blows her mind that I’m as old as I am, etc. Nothing was off topic, except for the reason why she was crying, Abby didn’t want to get into that. Before I knew it, I was running up on the start time of my class.

“You’re a professor? I just thought you were a librarian coming over to shush me”

~Side note to the reader, I am merely a part-time teacher, I don’t have the credentials to be a professor. But believe me when I say that college women are much more interested in the idea of a professor than they are a part-time teacher~

“Yeah, but I’m one of those really cool professors you always hear about, not one of those nerdy professors. See, watch this” —opens Snap chat on my phone— “how many professors do you know that can keep in step with the younger generation?”

Once she’s finished rolling her eyes and finishes her pity laugh for me “I’m [sarcastically] wildly impressed. Here, I’m going to add you on Snap and we’ll see how you hang.”

Not a bad Tuesday, I thought to myself as I set my stuff down in my classroom and started my lecture.


It had been three days when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

@abigail2004: You clearly don’t know how to work Snapchat

A grin crawls across my face. Being patient has never failed me before.

ME: Don’t I? Seems like the goal is to see how long it takes for someone to reach out with the first message
@abigail2004: Oh, WOW. Who would’ve thought in this day and age that it’s the guy who likes to be chased and pursued?
ME: Is that what’s going on here?
@abigail2004: Hardly, just checking back in to thank you for that chat in the library. I definitely thought I wanted to be alone in that moment, but it was helpful to chat with someone outside the immediate sphere of influence of my friend group. Sometimes it seems like friends judge you more than one would like.
ME: Yeah for sure, but to be fair, you didn’t share ALL the details.
@abigail2004: Well, yeah, some shit is embarrassing.
ME: What’s embarrassing about a guy moving on? It’s all part of the circle of life.
@abigail2004: Ah, so sensitivity is not one of your strong suits. Got it.
@abigail2004: I wouldn’t have a problem if that was it, but he got off a parting shot before he walked out.
ME: He said he couldn’t handle your loud sniffling?
@abigail2004: NO. Gah, you can be an asshole. But at least you’re easy to talk to.
@abigail2004: Apparently, I am bad at sex. Which, I have pretty thick skin, but that piece of shit found a way to say the one thing to cripple a girl’s self-confidence.
ME: Oof, that’s rough. But don’t waste tears over a guy like that. Believe me when I say that college-aged guys don’t know what they’re talking about or what they’re doing. when it comes to sex
@abigail2004: Maybe, or maybe he’s right? Either way, it’s super shitty to say.
ME: Totally. But no one is ever BAD at sex.
@abigail2004: Awwww, look who is Mr. Silver-lining over here.
ME: No, seriously. Especially at what, 18 years old?
@abigail2004: Yeah, 18
ME: Phew, could’ve gotten awkward. But right, at 18 no one is “bad at sex,” people are just inexperienced
@abigail2004: Thanks for the benefit of the doubt, but he wasn’t the Prince Charming who took my virginity, more like “Guy #3” in my historical record book.
ME: And he was the first one to say you were bad at sex, right?
@abigail2004: Well, yeah, but the others didn’t outright say otherwise. Come to think of it, if I had to guess, I’d say they just went through the motions with it. Probably not the highlight of their life.
ME: You’re being to harsh on yourself. College is the place you go to figure out life and gain experience. Most people don’t even know how to do their own laundry, let alone master the art of sex.
@abigail2004: Oh great! Didn’t realize I could get a double major with a Business degree and a Sex Goddess degree.
ME: Don’t be silly, it’s only offered as a minor degree.
@abigail2004: Fantastic, so I’ll just need to get some more credit hours with some drunk frat boys. Weird, I thought that earned you other, unsavory labels, not one proclaiming I am an “educated woman”
ME: Ok, let’s have some real talk for a moment
@abigail2004: Good, I was getting tired of beating myself up here
ME: Nope, the focus is still on you here
@abigail2004: Fucking great
ME: Have you ever had an orgasm?
@abigail2004: FFS, WAY TO BE SUBTLE HERE. Holy hell man, if I was taking a sip of water, I would have spit it out
ME: Answer. The. Question.
@abigail2004: You mean to ask if I find enough time during the three minutes of pump and dump where I can take a moment to stop freaking out about what I’m doing wrong so I can focus on me? No, can’t say that I have. At least, I don’t think I have.
ME: Hot tip – “I don’t think I have” = you absolutely have not
@abigail2004: Thanks for the lesson professor
ME: That isn’t the lesson
@abigail2004: Well then what is, I must have missed it?
ME: Do you want one?
@abigail2004: …..
@abigail2004: one what?
ME: A lesson. This is easily fixable.
@abigail2004: Oh how honorable of you. Wanting to fix me by fucking me, is that what I’m picking up here?
ME: Listen, I’m an educator at heart. The easiest way to not be “bad at sex” is for you to be confident at sex. And you absolutely cannot be confident at sex, unless you know what it takes to get you off. These college guys don’t know what they’re doing either and if you can give them a step-by-step, they’ll love it. It’s a win-win.
@abigail2004: Uh huh. And you are the guy to help me figure out what I like?
ME: It’s kind of like the scientific method?
@abigail2004: Don’t.
ME: Right.
ME: Look, I don’t want anything serious, so this isn’t that. This, at its core, is an offer of a discreet way for you to get past this mental obstacle. And hell, it sounds like you need a rebound to get back on your feet.
@abigail2004: ….gah I want to respond with something snarky as a defense mechanism because I’m uncomfortable, but somehow I am actually following your logic here
ME: You still have over three years left here on campus. Why not make the most of those three years by figuring out the sex part early?
@abigail2004: You think you are going to unlock some sort of Debby Does Dallas personality type in me?
ME: You do you afterwards. But you will have a skillset that it takes others years to learn.
@abigail2004: Ah, a mentorship program
ME: I can see through all this joking from you that you are mildly interested.
@abigail2004: Mildly, yes.
@abigail2004: So how would this work? Hypothetically of course.
ME: I suggest we avoid the dorm rooms. Discretion is important here.
@abigail2004: So you want home-field advantage?
ME: Sorry that the thought of dodging your roommate to squeeze one in on your uncomfortable twin-sized mattress sounds unappealing.
@abigail2004: Fair point.
ME: Pick a night this week. And if you have any doubts or second-guessing, it’s no problem.
@abigail2004: One question before I commit.
ME: Shoot.
@abigail2004: You sure you aren’t a male librarian?
ME: Hahahaha

We settled on a Wednesday night, which Abby decided on after severely over-thinking all other options.
“We need to avoid the weekends, so my roommates don’t get suspicious”
“Can’t do a Tuesday, because what if people see us leave campus at the same time and jump to conclusions???”
“Wednesdays are boring, no one would see it coming”

She’s nervous, I get it.

She asked if there was anything she could do to prep for Wednesday, which I thought was a great question. It was kind of like homework in a sense. I told her not to overthink it. Simply, be comfortable, wear something that she would feel good in, and clean up her body however she’d like in advance.

@abigail2004: Clean my body? Obviously I use soap weirdo
ME: Well that erases my concerns. I meant more about any body hair you want to take care of in advance.
@abigail2004: Oh. Well what do you want?
ME: Doesn’t matter what I want. Whatever you decide, I just want you to be comfortable.

I closed down my workday on Wednesday early, so I could get my place ready. I wish it weren’t raining, because it was already hard enough for people to find my house. It’s a small and assuming two-bedroom home set off a brick road with a picturesque name (Elm Drive) near the historic district of town, about 20 minutes away from campus. It’s got potential, as it’s the smallest house on the block, but I don’t have the need for any major renovations right now. One nice feature is that the driveway goes all the way to the back of the house, which adds an extra layer of discretion from nosy neighbors.

Around 8:04pm, I see the bright shine of car lights through my windows and the sound of gravel crunching underneath tires. Some fast footsteps and some banging on the door, I walk to the back and greet Abby.

“Took you long enough, did you forget that it was raining?” she joked.
“I thought you wanted to get wet tonight?” I responded.
She blushed and said nothing.
“Rule #1, you have to be comfortable talking about sex in order to be confident. How else will you instruct a guy between your legs?” I asked.
“Didn’t realize the lecture has already started,” she said as I took her coat and she set her stuff down on the table.

It was interesting to see what she considered to be “comfortable” attire. I intended her to pick cozy clothes for her to relax in, but she clearly took that to mean dressing up for me. Underneath her coat, she had on a button-up white sleeveless top that was cut low, no bra. A tight charcoal skit went down just above her knees, exposing her cleanly-shaven legs. I couldn’t help but wonder what else was cleanly-shaven, which…was probably her reasoning for showing off her legs in this very moment. One thing I know to be true is that women love a reason to wear cute shoes, but it’s a shame she only got to wear them on the drive over, she’s now taking them off because they got a bit of mud on them. Whatever this version of “comfortable” is, I am very ok with it.

“You’re confident. I see that and I like that. But I’m worried. Like, what if I can’t get off? What if I’m always going to be Abby, the girl who can’t orgasm?” she asked, her eyes not meeting my own.
“You’re in your own head right now. And that’s a bad thing, a self-fulfilling prophecy if you will. We’re going to have fun tonight, but only if you allow yourself to. If you’re having hesitat—”
“NO, I mean no, no hesitations. What if I can’t…return the favor?” she asked.
“Ok, this is important, so listen up” —I guide her to the couch and sit down—”All guys who are good at sex have one thing in common. They know that to be good at it, that means both partners get off. So my approach is very straightforward, we are going to get you relaxed and in the mood and we aren’t going to even think about my needs until yours are met. This is what true experience looks like.”
“What makes you certain that I’m not already in the mood? she smiled.
“Well then we are halfway there” returning her smile with my own.

“I think what might help is if we set some ground rules upfront,” I said.
“I didn’t realize that there were so many rules involved with fucking,” she chirped back.
“They’re all meant to relax us both. For starters, this isn’t going to be straight-forward sex,” I remarked.
“Oh great, you’re into WEIRD stuff,” she laughed.
“Hah, it’s just that I want us both to feel like we can provide helpful feedback throughout. This is supposed to be somewhat instructive,” I added.
“So long as there are no pop quizzes along the way,” she said smiling.
“Good. In addition, there won’t be any weird stuff tonight, since you brought that up,” I said, sensing a very small look of relief on her face.
“We won’t be doing anything unless you are comfortable with it,” I added.

Abby nodded in agreement.

“Let’s start by hearing about what experiences in the past have felt good?” I kicked off.
“I’ve had penetration, if that’s what you’re asking,” she commented.
“Sure, that’s part of it. How did it feel?” I continued.
“Good in the moment, but fast. Seemed like I was pretty far off from finishing myself,” she said sheepishly.
“Not many women get off during that kind of sex, so you aren’t in the minority there,” I instructed. She looked surprised.
“Is that all that you’ve experienced?” I asked.
“No, I mean back in high school, I got finger-banged by a few different boyfriends. Never went further than that. That felt good, but I think that’s just because it felt “naughty,” you know what I mean? Surely sex is only supposed to feel better over the years, that couldn’t have been the best I’ve had,” she responded.
“No that’s good! I’m not surprised that some of the best you felt was when guys were actually focused on you and had some direct contact with you. Often times, guys want to blow past the foreplay part, but it’s critical to get you warmed up and ready,” I concluded.
“You guys all care about Homeruns and not making it to 2nd and 3rd base,” she added.
“So let’s start there”—I slide close to Abby on the couch, guiding her leg to rest on top of my own—”Are you ready?” I ask with a hopeful look.

She bites her lip and nods.

On cue, Abby shudders as I slide my hand from her knee up her thigh. Abby’s skin was so soft the further I went along, as if no one had spent time here in years. My hand stopped as it got to the fringe of her underwear and it was clear that all of our talking and buildup has had quite an impact on her. She had soaked through her panties.

“Sorry,” she said.
“Don’t be,” I responded.

I ran my finger up and down the stitching of her underwear, applying slight pressure, knowing that would create moments where I’m directly hitting the clit and moments where she’s longing for more as my finger drags away.

She squirms.

Wrapping two of my fingers around the inside of her panties, I give it a slight tug, giving her nonverbal instructions on what needs to happen next. As she shifts her body to help with my efforts, I place my other hand on the outside of her hip and shift her body towards my own. In one quick move, I have pulled her underwear down a few inches, while also pulling her onto my lap.

Abby throws her head backwards and rests it on my shoulder as I lift her skirt all the way up. Two things happen here. The first, is that I grab hold of her underwear and now slide it down past her knees and fully off, letting them land in front of us. But the real reason I want the skirt all the way up is so she can fully understand how much I am enjoying this as well. I am rock hard at this point and it wouldn’t be fair if I withheld that intel from her.

She takes the hint and I feel her press down on top of it, with the subtlest little grind.

With one hand, I slide my finger back up her leg and pull-back her lips to open a clear path. With my other hand, I land directly on her clit and slowly start rubbing it in a circular motion.

She moans.

While still rubbing her clit, I start unbuttoning the lowest button on her blouse with my other hand. One-by-one, I get nearly all the buttons on this white top fully opened up. Abby shifts on my lap and slides down a bit, pushing her clit into my finger and also laying back more to encourage my goal to undress her.

As I get the final button open, my suspicions are confirmed, no bra.

“You have such an incredible body,” I affirm.
“Ahhhmhhm, how is it that you seem to know it so welllllll?” she struggled to say.
“Oh you are enjoying yourself?” I asked.
“Mmmhmm,” she replied.
“I wouldn’t know. You need to tell guys when they’ve hit a good spot. Most guys don’t know where your clit is, it’s your job to guide them and telling them how you want it,” I instructed.
“And that would come across as confidence to you?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” I answered.

I bring my finger up to my mouth and makes sure she sees me enjoy myself as I lick her juices off, before returning it down to her clit.

She squeals.

“You left something out earlier,” I said.
“What do you mean?” she asked irritatingly as I interrupted her enjoyment again.
“You told me about times you’ve been finger-banged and times you’ve just been banged, but what about the times where guys have gone down on you?” I asked,
“Pfft. Would’ve told you if it had happened,” she responded.
“Really? Is that something you haven’t wanted before?” I asked.
“Of course I wanted it,” she proclaimed.
“Well then why didn’t you ask for it?” I landed the question I was driving at all along.


“Do you want it now?” I asked.
“Of course, it’s the only way to get you to stop asking questions” she half-joked.
“So why haven’t you asked?”


“Tell me that you want me to do it,” I said.
She took a deep breath.
“Go down on me,” she demanded.
“Have fun with it, toy with me, tell me exactly what you want me to do to you!” I answered back.
She took another breath.
“I want you to go down with your tongue and play with my clit. I want you to show me what I’ve been missing. I want you to make me cum.”
“Good,” I whispered into her ear as slid her off my lap and into the corner of the couch.

Standing up in front of her, I strip off my shirt and drop it to the ground. I take her left leg into my hands and left it up in the air. Lightly kissing her calf, I start moving along her leg to her soft thighs, where I get down to my knees, letting her leg rest over my shoulder.

I take her right leg over my other shoulder and scoot her towards the front of the couch. With my hands, I slide them under her ass and lift her up slightly to bring her dripping pussy up to my mouth. Starting with one of her lips, I softly suck it into my mouth and give it a slight pull. While in my mouth, I slide my tongue across the full length of her lip, taking off her juices, but also getting her comfortable with the coarseness of my tongue. I apply the same tenderness to her other lip and then shift attention over to the clit. I create a seal over Abby’s clit with my mouth and softly suck on her ever-neglected clit.

She writhes in anticipation.

Again, I use my hands to pull her closer to my mouth and tongue, asserting control, but assuring her that she’s in good hands.

My tongue dances across her, up and down, up and down, up and down. I make sure that with every flick of the tongue upwards, I provide an equal amount of pressure downwards. The key being to make sure I follow some sort of rhythm for her to grow accustomed to. Now as to whether it is too fast or too slow, I will be looking for visual cues from her to help with.

I release one hand from beneath her and blindly slide it up the front of her body until it lands on her breast. As I run my hand across it, her nipple, which was once minding her own business is now rock hard as it sits pinched between my thumb and pointer finger. I roll it back and forth with the same rhythm my tongue is orchestrating below.

“Yes, right there” she whispered. I’m proud of her, she’s finally figuring out what she likes.

Whatever reservations Abby once had, are gone. I feel her thighs wrap tightly around my head as her body shifts back and forth into the couch. I keep the same rhythm with my tongue and my fingers and I feel Abby losing control. What once was a quiet house on Elm Drive is now filled with quivering shouts of assurance.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Right there! Don’t you fucking move!” Abby shrieked as she continued to grind her pussy into my mouth to meet my motions.
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. OhhhhhHHHHH,” she continued.

Short silence, no movement and no breathing from Abby.

And then.

“FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK YESSSSSSS,” Abby threw her head back.

Her legs trembled and I mean TREMBLED. Her whole body felt like it went in vibration mode until she fell back into the couch cushions, trying to catch her breath.

“Holy. Shit.” she started ” So that’s—”
“Yes, that’s what an orgasm feels like,” I finished her thought.
“Well you were right, I definitely didn’t have one of THOSE before,” she exclaimed.
“Is that how it feels for you when you get off?” she asked.
Me, laughing “Yeah, I can’t promise I will be that loud, but that’s the gist of it.”
“Well I want to see…but, can I have a few minutes? My pussy feels SO swollen right now”
“Yeah take a few minutes, grab some water. Oh and just so you know, you tasted great tonight!” I said.
“I bet you say that to all your girls,” she joked as she got up and went towards the kitchen.

I playfully smack her ass as she scoots by me.

“Hey!” she yells “Oh who am I kidding, you can get away with whatever you want after that performance.”

After a few minutes of recovery, Abby comes back over and grabs my hand.

“A girl has to have standards, you aren’t putting your dick in me on that couch,” she smiles as we enter my bedroom.

We both land seated on my bed, but Abby playfully lays back and pretends to do snow angels on top of the sheets while I stand back up and take my pants off.

“Comfy,” she commented.
“Hey, so how did you get over your mental block over there?” I asked.
“I don’t know, I guess at some point it was readily apparent that I was going to cum hard and it was silly to keep pretending that I couldn’t do it,” she answered.
“Well now you know! And keep making affirming comments like “right there” and provide guidance, guys will be convinced that you know what you’re doing!” I added.
“Ugh, now I know that they are just boys. I’m sure they shy away from eating pussy because they have no clue how to do it! They just assume I’m wet at all times and desperately in need of their dick inside me,” she joked.
“Make them earn it Abby. Remember, you get yours first,” I added.
“Well you have certainly earned yours! How do you want me?” she playfully asked.

Remembering that this is an instructive endeavor, I turned it back on her “what has worked well for you in the past?”
“Ugh, more questions huh? I don’t know, I usually end up on my back, count to 10, and it’s all over,” she answered.
“How romantic,” I responded.
“I told you I was bad!” she exclaimed.
“Come here,” I said as I grabbed her hand. “I’m going to make you do some work tonight.”

Laying on my back, I tell Abby “I want you get me back hard without using your hands or mouth”
“What happened?” she asked. “I felt how hard you were on my lap!”
“You took your time in that kitchen,” I joked back.
“How am I supposed to get you hard without touching you?” she asked.
“Get creative,” I responded.

Abby stood from bed and circled around to meet me towards the head of the mattress. I took the chance to finally admire her body in it’s entirety. She looked a lot better than the girl I met in the library. Gone were the swollen eyes and present now were swollen nipples and a slightly swollen pussy.

Abby wanted me to look at her. As my eyes met hers, I could tell she was watching me admire her the whole time. She didn’t need to be assured, she knew that I liked what I saw.

As she got close, she leaned in for a kiss. Surprisingly our first kiss of the night. She was no longer shy as she pushed her tongue into my mouth, giving me what she wanted. Our tongues found each other and it was like two long lost friends reuniting. As we kissed, she took my hand and ran it across her pussy once more. I could feel a strand of her juices keep us connected until it broke off onto my finger. Abby took my finger, locked eyes with me and took the finger into her mouth, sucking off her own juices.

“Did I pass?” she asked.
“Huh?” I responded in a daze.
“Looks like I did,” she said as she stared at my erection.

Without giving her the satisfaction of a response, I pull her on top of me in bed. Abby straddled my legs, but pulled up short of mounting me.

“So, I just like, climb on?” she asked.
“I told you that you were going to work tonight,” I answered.

Abby gave me a trusting look as she scooted forward and lowered her pussy onto my erection. Her eyes were closed tight and she was biting her lip as she kept taking me inside her. Once comfortable, she finally took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

“How does it feel?” I asked.
“Different than before. I’d always been pretty dry down there before, which hurt a lot. This feels a lot better, but there’s some sort of….good hurting going on? Does that make sense?” she responded.
“Definitely, your still pretty swollen from earlier. Your pussy is still sensitive after cumming so hard,” I answered.
Her eyes closed again “Yeah, but it feels good to have you in me. I want this.”

Abby starts to slowly gyrate her hips on top of me, shifting her weight from her left ass cheek to her right cheek. I gave it a few more minutes before providing some guidance of my own.

“How about you try up and down?” I instructed gently.
She blushed and changed her approach.

“Oh yes, that feels so good,” I said as I stretch my arms behind my head.

Abby responded well to the reinforcement and continued to grind down on top of me. She looked at me for assurance and I met her gaze with a smile as I slammed my cock hard up into her and caught her off-guard.

“I have another challenge for you,” I said.
“Like, right now??” she responded.
“You know what would drive me nuts right now? I want you to try and grip your pussy and tighten it around my cock as you ride it. I want to see your lips hanging on and gripping as you pull them away as you go up and down,” I commanded.
“So you want me to do kegel exercises on your cock, is that it? Here, let’s try”

I watch as Abby concentrates to try something new, as if she’s trying to activate a superhero power for the first time. At first, nothing. But then, I feel her pussy tighten.

“Yes, that’s it!” I encourage. “Watch with me, watch you as you ride me and fuck me”

Abby starts to softly moan as she’s fixed on watching her lips stretch and pull with each thrust.

“Touch yourself,” I tell her.

She looks at me.

“Touch yourself,” I repeat.
“But I just came a few—”
“Touch yourself,” I insisted.

Abby sat up straight, our eyes locked again. Without breaking stride, she reached down and felt herself.

Soft moans.

As she continued to work herself, she also worked me. I couldn’t help but take a moment to feel how good she was doing.

Soft moans by both of us.

“Does it fee—”
“It feels fantastic,” I answered.
“Me too,” she said.

I watched as my shaft continue to disappear deep inside of her. I found some satisfaction with every final thrust, grazing her knuckle with my cock, a subtle reminder of the great teamwork that was going on.

“Oh fuck,” she said “Oh fuck ohfuckohfuck. Is it possible to cum twice?!” she screamed.
“Let’s find out,” I laughed.

I take my hands from behind my head and wrap them around her hips. Continuing in our rhythm, I finish each motion with a thrust and also pulling her down hard on top of me to go as deep as I can.

Loud moans.

Mixed among the chorus of “ohfuckofucks” from Abby, I see her working more vigorously on her own clit. She’s on to something.

Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust. Up, down, THRUST. Abby rubs faster and faster.

“Yes, oh yes, YESYESYES,” Abby screams as her back stiffens.

The thrusting stops as Abby throws back her head. Her body tenses, including her pussy which is so tight around my dick as she let’s out a primal moan while letting her second ever orgasm take over her entire body.

She all but collapses on top of me.

“H-O-L-Y-S-H-I-T,” she proclaims.
“I didn’t know I…why didn’t you tell me that…was that a SECOND ORGASM?!” she screamed.
“Looks like you had some pent up energy,” I laughed.

Before she had a chance to respond, I took control and started thrusting back into her.

“OMG, hold on! I need another break! That hurts…no…not hurts. I’m just so damn swollen!” Abby pleaded.
“No more breaks,” I responded.

Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust.

“No no nooooooOMG, you feel SO BIG!” she screamed.
“You’ll be fine, I promise,” I continued.

Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered.
“What was that, I’m not sure I hea—”

After I composed myself from laughing, I continued with our motion.

Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust. Up, down, THRUST. Each thrust making a sticky wet slapping sound.

“That sound is so hot,” I said.
“mmm ahhhhh ohmmmmm,” Abby added as she wanted to contribute to the conversation but really couldn’t focus on anything other than her swollen pussy getting pounded.

As I continue to slide in and out of her, I know my time is close. I shut my eyes and take in all the senses. The sounds of Abby’s pussy getting slapped, the smell of our sex, the taste that still lingered on my tongue.

“Abby, I’m going to cum,” I moaned.
“Yes baby, do it,” she responded.
“I want you to get off and catch it in your mouth,” I instructed.
“Another challenge?” she joked, but she understood.

As Abby climbed off of me and got in position, I couldn’t help myself and just totally let go of my entire load. I opened my eyes and saw my cum all over Abby’s breasts.

“Well I guess I failed that challenge,” Abby said as she wiped cum from her chest and brought it to her mouth.
“So salty, you need to drink more water!” she joked.

We laughed and fell side-by-side in bed together.

“Well you’ve ruined me, college guys aren’t going to know how to do THAT,” she said.
“Are you sure we can continue seeing each other?” Abby asked with puppy eyes.
“It’s best that you go out in the world and train our workforce,” I answered.
“Seems daunting. Especially since it is going to take a day or two before I can even walk again,” she joked.
“Do you still think you’re bad at sex?” I asked.
“Oh absolutely not. I don’t know too many other women who could take what I just took and get you to cum like I just did,” she answered.
“Well if you think of anyone, give them my business card. I am an educator after all,” I concluded.


Abby would go on thoroughly enjoying the rest of her college years. We stay in touch on Snapchat and she’ll occasionally bring up some wild or terrible hookups she’s had.

She’s definitely found her confidence and it’s weird, because I kind of feel proud of that? We joked about a Sex Goddess minor degree, but what if I sought out college women who need sexual guidance? Maybe I’m on to a new level of fulfillment…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/txuc1g/im_an_educator_abby