Family Planning (Female pov, nc, unwanted pregnancy)

While entirely fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read. Thanks and enjoy! 😊


I was awakened from my sleep by the pleasant sound of birds chirping. It was my husband’s alarm. He rolled over and grabbed his phone, turning it off and then sat on the edge of our bed staring at the floor.

He slowly rose and went about his morning business, getting dressed and ready for work. When he was finished he came around my side. He planted a soft kiss on my still half-asleep forehead and whispered softly, “Sorry about last night. Have a good day.”

I opened one eye, and he looked sincere. I guess a night’s rest calmed him down, “I’m sorry too.” I said. “It’ll happen soon I promise.”

“I know it will, love you!” he said as he got up.

“Love you too!” I called back as he left the room.

We were newlyweds, all of three months now, and had just had our first big fight. In short, Clark wanted to have a baby and start a family right now, and I wasn’t ready yet.

It’s not that I didn’t want one at all. We talked about this prior to marriage and we’d decided we wanted at least two, maybe three kids. This was more about timing. I wanted us to wait another year or two. Maybe move out of our entry-level jobs and find a bigger place to rent. If we were more established in life it would be different, but it was so hard to make ends meet already!

This upset Clark a lot though, as he said he thought we’d be starting right away. We yelled a lot. He said I should do what he says because he’s the man of the house. I was breaking promises to him by not having kids. I told him he needed a real job if he was going to call himself that. Then that it was going to happen on my terms, and he didn’t get a say since it was my body. It was a pretty ugly stain on what had been an otherwise fairytale first few months.

I got up and readied myself for the day now. I went through my morning routine shower, breakfast, dressed, and makeup. All was good until I came to take my birth control pill. That’s when I noticed the pill for today was already gone.

I stared at the empty slot for a while. Am I going crazy? Where did it go? Had I already taken it? I must have, at least I convinced myself of it eventually. Mind mostly at ease, I went on about my day as normal.

The next day was the same routine, and with the same result. I went to take my pill for the day, and it was already gone. I was so sure I hadn’t taken it this time though.

I texted Clark about it. I said I must be losing my mind, because this was two days in a row now. He was reassuring however, texting me back saying he was sure I took it, and not to worry. Maybe stress has been getting to me lately?

He had a point honestly, I’d been super busy at work. Our fight earlier didn’t help either. I made it my goal to go to bed earlier now.

The next morning, things were worse though. I couldn’t find my pills at all! I frantically tore through drawers, looked in and under everything, but that little blue envelope was nowhere to be found. I couldn’t believe it. After giving up I ended up late to work that morning, highly unusual for me, but my boss was understanding thankfully.

On my lunch break I called Clark, “I can’t find them anywhere now!”

“Huh, wait you can’t find what?” He replied, trying to catch up with my frantic brain.

“My pills!”

“Your birth control?”

“Yes! I can’t find them at all. I looked everywhere.”

“Hmm. I don’t know, sorry. I remember seeing them this morning in the top drawer in the bathroom where they usually are.”

“I looked there though! I looked everywhere!”

“Okay, well don’t worry I’ll help you find them tonight, ok?”

“I’d hope so, since were not having sex until we find them!”

“Alright, alright, relax. Promise we’ll find them tonight. Okay?”

“Okay, thank you.” and with that we said goodbye and ended the call.

With the stress lifted at least a little with Clark’s promise of help, so I went about my day. I hurried home afterwards though, and when I arrived Clark was already tearing apart the bathroom.

“Have you had any luck?” I asked.

“No sorry,” he replied. “I can’t find them anywhere. Are you sure you don’t remember where you put them?”

“I really don’t remember putting them anywhere,” I admitted. “I didn’t see them at all today.”

“You didn’t move them last night?” He asked, “Maybe when digging for the floss or something?”

“No, I don’t think so.” I replied with a hint of frustration.

“Sorry, I’m just not sure where they could be. You’re the only one who ever touches them. If you can’t remember, I don’t know if I’ll be of much help.” I surmised.

I just nodded and walked out of the room. Sitting on the couch I decided I should at least order another pack. I called my pharmacy and was told my insurance wouldn’t cover more than one pack a month. I replied that it would be fine, and was told I could pick up a replacement tomorrow, since they were closing soon.

I came back into the bedroom to see Clark sitting on the floor, staring blankly at the bathroom cabinets.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, I just ordered some more pills from the pharmacy.” I told him.

“Oh, ok. I hope it wasn’t expensive.” He said.

“It’ll be fine. I’ll pick them up tomorrow after work.” I told him, “You’ll have to go without sex tonight though.”

“It’s been 3 days though!” Clark complained, catching me off guard.

“Well it’s been 3 days since I remember taking my pill.” I countered. “Sorry, better to be safe.”

“That’s not my fault,” he grumbled, “I don’t see why I should have to suffer.”

“I’m not arguing with you about this,” I began, getting a bit frustrated. “I’m going to put dinner in the microwave and take a shower, it’s been a long day for me.”

“Ugh, fine. Whatever,” he muttered. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back soon.” Then with that he got up, slipped on his shoes and headed out the door. This was his normal reaction when he needed to burn off some steam and think for a bit, so I thought nothing of it.

I put in a packaged microwave dinner for two and set it to cook. It’d been a long week, from our fight Monday night, to feeling like I was losing my mind all week, to my freak out today. My job had been plenty busy as well. I needed a shower in the worst way. I pulled my pajamas and sweatpants out of my dresser and laid them on our bed, then undressed and climbed in the shower. With a long soak under the crashing water I could feel my tension melting away. I began to feel guilty for snapping at Clark like I did. He was certainly having a bad week too. Maybe we should get away and do something this weekend? Something to ease the tension. I figured I’d ask him about it when he got back from his walk.

I got out of the shower and dried off, then wrapped my hair in my towel and came into the bedroom to get dressed. Clark had come back already; he was sitting on the end of the bed with a plate of his half-eaten dinner beside him. He’s brought my portion into the room as well. It was sitting next to a cold can of Sprite on my nightstand.

He looked up at me and smiled, “Hey beautiful.”

I smiled back, “hey, you feeling any better?”

He nodded and laughed, “yeah, seeing you naked always lifts my mood.”

I giggled and gave him a wink, “Well I’ll pick up my pills tomorrow and we then can go back to having fun ok?”

With that he rose up and walked over to me. He put his arms around me and pulled me in close. He gave me a squeeze and a kiss on the lips then just looked fondly at me for a moment.

I giggled again and he gave me another kiss. I could feel myself getting aroused, and thought it best I get dressed before he got any ideas.

“Okay, okay take it easy. Tomorrow ok?” I teased.

“Hmm…” he said, looking into my eyes. “I dunno if I can wait that long.”

I just gave a smirk and replied, “well you’re going to have to.”

“Hmm…” he replied again, “that might be hard.” Then he leaned his head over and his lips found my neck. He kissed it passionately, and wrapped me tighter in his arms. Any other night I would have consented at this point, but despite my body eagerly urging me on. I couldn’t do it tonight, not with missing my pills.

“Ok, that’s enough. Let’s eat something.” I offered.

Clark reached his left hand up and gave my breast a squeeze, his fingers running down it length until they reached my nipple, to which he gave a gentle tug.

“Clark, come’on stop.” I asked him now.

Clark began to push me backward. He backed me up until I was pinned against the wall.

“Honey, please I’m hungry.” I asked again, getting a bit flustered. Clark didn’t respond to me at all though. He continued to grope my chest until I pushed his hand aside with my own.

“Come’on Clark, we need to stop. Not tonight.” I told him firmly now.

His fingers made their way down my body where they parted my folds. He reached in with a finger and pressed down uncomfortably on my clit before stroking it in tiny circles. I was definitely getting moist now, and Clark was becoming erect. He rubbed his hips against my body, and I could feel his erection through his pants.

‘Well okay, if we’re going to have some fun, there’s other options,’ I thought to myself.

“Hmm, maybe I should get on my knees and you can use my mouth?” I offered in my best fake-porn-star voice.

“Hmm…” Clark thought to himself, while continuing to poke and rub me playfully with his fingers. I was warming to his touch, it always was decent with those fingers of his once he stopped pressing so hard.

I reached down and unbuttoned his pants, drew down his zipper, and then slowly pulled his dick out. “Come’on I want to suck on it, please.” I whispered tantalizingly in his ear.

“Hmm…” Clark thought again, but did respond much, other than to start kissing my neck again. His fingers left my folds and he pulled his jeans down. He stepped out of them as he brought his hand back to my breasts.

“Here, let me help you.” I whispered seductively, and began to drop to my knees.

Clark stopped me. He put a hand on my chest and pushed me back up, pinning me against the cool wall again with his forearm. He kicked my legs apart, widening my stance, and put his other hand on my hip. Then he drew his body close to mine. I could feel his erect penis rubbing on my mound while he sighed, seemingly enjoying his pleasure at pinning me in such a vulnerable position.

“You don’t want me to suck it?” I asked gently, hiding my nervousness.

Clark simply looked at me. His eyes were both eager and fierce, a lust I hadn’t seen before seemed to be driving him from within. I froze there staring back at him.

He dipped his hips and thrust up, his penis rapidly pierced my folds and dove inside.

“Clark! Wha…”

He thrust again and slid the rest of his length inside me while I stood there awkwardly, pinned in place by his arm. Satisfied, he paused a minute and panted softly.

“Clark, what are you doing?” I asked frantically.

He didn’t respond.

“Clark, you need to take it out. I missed my pill, remember?”

He closed his eyes and didn’t say anything.

“Clark? Hello?”

He took a deep breath, in and out slowly. I grabbed his arm with my hands and gave it a little tug, but couldn’t budge it. He had me locked in place.

He growled a bit in response.

“Clark? Cl…”

He jammed his hips forward and thrust into me hard.

“Ahhnnn!” I winced in response, a sudden rush of pleasure and discomfort.

Before I could collect my senses he thrusted again, and then again. His thrusts were rough and penetrating, steady and firm. I wanted to object, I tried to object, but I could barely form words before I gasped with another thrust. At first my arms tried to push him away, but soon I was clinging to him as he jackhammered away at my pelvis. It wasn’t pleasurable, but felt very erotic. An overwhelming helplessness seeped into me as I held on.

It wasn’t long before his cock began to stiffen. It was growing harder and harder inside of me now. A rock-solid mass, buried deep inside me. My mind was racing, but there was little I could do, I just grasped at him weakly and braced myself.

“Fuck!” He screamed as he jammed into me one last time. Both his hands gripped my hips so tightly I couldn’t even squirm.

He panted and then moaned. I could tell he had climaxed by the strain on his face. He was cumming inside me as he had so many times before, but now there were consequences. Consequences he didn’t seem bothered by.

A few seconds later he released me. I dropped to my knees, my body still in shock. Clark didn’t look at me, he didn’t speak to me. He simply grabbed his pillow off the bed and headed for the living room. I guess he figured he was sleeping on the couch.

I just kneeled there trying to process what happened. My brain couldn’t believe what he had done, how he had ignored me. How he had just continued over my objections. I felt a trickle flowing out of me and looked down just in time to see a drip of semen land on the carpet. Ugh, I needed to clean myself up or I’d be scrubbing the carpet tonight.

I hurried back to the shower and rinsed off, cleaning out his spunk the best I could. When I was done I simply returned to my bed, and dinner and went to sleep. Clark never returned to the room after that, and I didn’t want to speak with him either frankly. I heard him playing video games in the other room until my exhausted body fell asleep.

That night I was awakened suddenly by a body laying on top of me. I panicked briefly, before realizing it was Clark again. He had climbed on top of me while I slept!

“Ugh, get off!” I told him in a stern voice I hoped was still quiet enough not to wake the neighbors.

“No,” he replied, as I felt him move my underwear aside.

“Yes, you’ve done enough. I’m not happy with you right now.” I replied coldly.

He shifted his weight forward and I felt his dick slip inside me again.

“Clark stop!” I protested “I’m going to get pregnant!”

“I know, that’s the whole idea.” He replied with a level head, while pushing his dick the rest of the way inside me.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“What?” he asked sarcastically as he began thrusting away. “I told you I wanted a baby now.”

“Well I don’t,” I protested again.

“Meh,” he shrugged, “I’m prepared to show you how little that matters.”

My mouth hung open, I was shocked by his bluntness. He was usually so kind and caring. “I… I…”

He chuckled as he picked up the pace, “Clark please don’t do this, I trust you!” I begged

“I know,” he began, “so trust me with this.”

His pace quickened.

“Please, I’ll pick up my pills tomorrow!” I bargained.

“You’re not leaving this house tomorrow. Not Saturday or Sunday either. You’re staying right here until my plan is complete and you’re knocked up.” He said firmly.

“Plan?” I asked “What plan?”

He just smiled at me in the dark. I felt him begin to stiffen again.

“Clark don’t!” I begged softly.

He laid his head on my shoulder and thrusted forward, holding his hips against mine. I could tell he was releasing himself again. Filling me up with his seed.

“You didn’t go crazy by the way,” He said as he finished and climbed off me.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I threw away your pills,” he admitted.

It all made sense now! Of course, why was I so naive? He knew what he was doing, but I trusted him. Now I was just a victim. I just stared at him coldly.

“See you in the morning, and try to get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!”

That weekend Clark made good on his promise, I never left the bedroom. For his part he brought food and drink, I was treated to meals in bed, and everything else I might need. I almost felt like a princess. In exchange he took my body, using it as he saw fit. My dreams were dashed, and my soul torn. We must have had sex a dozen times in 3 days. After which we were both sore and exhausted.

It was no shock when I missed my next period. No shock when I saw my second pink line on that cheap pregnancy test. We eventually patched things up, Clark and I. Well, kind of. I still loved him. Still cared for him, and because of that I made excuses for his behavior I suppose. Maybe I didn’t want to admit my mistakes, though I’m not sure what those would be. I don’t think I will ever forgive him though. Even now, with all the happiness of preparing for our new family, a part of my dream was shattered that night. Marriage brings challenges you never expected, and some of us are simply left to prepare the ship as the wind shifts and the gale begins.


Hi again, hope you enjoyed my latest story! As always, I’m happy to hear your feedback and thoughts. It’s been fun chatting with everyone!

I added a couple of new choices for next time. As before, let me know which one you’d like to see next and I’ll write whichever gets the most votes!

Thanks for reading and hope you have a safe and sexy day! 😊

Story A: Part 2 of [The Odd One Out!]( (nc, virginity loss, light BDSM themes)

Story B: Emily learns the hard way why you should never trust the fae. (fantasy, oviposition)

Story C: A pair of friends visit an aunt’s house in a tropical location. Her partner has a get together one night with his friends, and things happen. (group sex, drinking/drugs, age difference).

Story D: A stroll to the local market goes wrong, when a group of men notices a lone shopper. (kidnapping, light BDSM)


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