Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 14: Paige’s Karma [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][mutual masturbation]

**14: Paige’s Karma**

I walked towards him calling his attention, “Miles?”

He turned to me mumbling, “Hey, um, I—I’m sorry?”

I noticed Charlotte looking confused at me. I suddenly realized I shouldn’t have acted like I know this kid. I won’t be able to explain the scenario to my wife without any suspicions arising inside her head.

I swallowed a lump in my throat then asked, “Are you here for Sadie?”

He panicky asked, “Yeah, yeah. Is she in there? Her parents, are they in there too?”

“Yes,” I confirmed.

With his forehead sweating like crazy he hesitantly added, “Uh, Paige, um, is she also?”

“Yes, she is,” I calmly affirmed.

“F*ck,” he grunted seemingly walking away then walking back to us.

Charlotte must have felt his nervousness so she offered to him, “Do you need us to help you get in?”

“Please, Ma’am. I—I don’t know how to face them,” he muttered.

“Alright, calm yourself first. Breathe,” she patted his shoulder.

After a few minutes, Miles decided he was ready to get in to face Sadie and her family.

We accompanied him inside where we found Ellis and Olive sitting on the couch seemingly talking to Sadie. I assumed Paige went to use the private comfort room since I thought I heard water running down the sink.

Sadie looked at him intently mouthing his name.

Miles looked at her for a second then began introducing himself to her parents, “Mr. and Mrs. Turner, I, uh, I’m Miles Conley. I’m, uh, I’m Sadie’s—“

He stopped talking as soon as Paige got out of the comfort room. Paige saw him standing there not realizing what’s happening she said, “Miles? What are you doing…here?”

He looked like he was about to cry as he stared at Paige not saying anything.

Paige’s voice broke as she began walking towards the door uttering, “Right. I, uh, I’ll be right back.”

She calmly walked out of the room trying her best not to show any emotion. No one in her family but Sadie knew she was dating Miles before, she knew it wasn’t the best time for everyone to know that.

Charlotte looked at me then said to everyone, “We’ll be outside.”

We both left the room then Charlotte began running after Paige. I followed both of them until all three of us stopped at the waiting area where a vending machine was stationed.

Paige tried to buy a bottle of cold water from the machine with her hands shaking badly. Charlotte held her hand uttering to her, “I’ll get it for you. You should sit down.”

I assisted Paige and sat her down a chair placed against the walls.

“I’m so stupid. I should’ve known,” she uttered under her breath before covering her face with her hands then cried.

“Shhh, don’t say that,” I whispered to her patting her back as I sat beside her.

Charlotte walked to us opening a bottle of water before handing it to Paige. She then sat on the other chair beside patting her back as well.

“Thank you,” Paige looked at Charlotte to thank her to which my wife returned with a soft smile.

I stood pulling a napkin out of the back pocket of my pants to give to Paige. Along with the napkin, something got caught in my fingers as I pull out and fell down the floor. I looked down to see Paige’s black mesh underwear lying on the floor, which I completely forgot I stuffed inside my pocket earlier.

Charlotte instantly looked down and about to reach for it so I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it back to my pocket.

She turned to me extremely confused shooting me a questioning look while Paige looked terrified as she glanced at her then at me.

I tried to ignore what just happened and handed Paige the napkin for her to wipe her tears.

She took the napkin, wiped her tears, then uttered while standing up, “I—I want to go home. I’ll just take a cab.”

“No, we’ll take you, Paige. We can’t let you go home alone in this state. Okay? I’ll just text your mom,” Charlotte explained to her.

At this point I couldn’t manage to get a word out of my mouth. I succumbed to a state of fear I never knew I would experience combined with a deep worry I was feeling for Paige.

The whole trip back home was filled with silence. Paige never spoke not until we stopped in front of their house as she muttered, “Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Foster. Please don’t tell anyone how much I cried, especially my parents. I went home because I was tired.”

I stared at the street with my mind like a blank slate. I didn’t even comprehend what she just said and only heard Charlotte say, “Don’t worry about it. Take care, Paige.”

Paige smiled at us before getting out of the car then into their house.

– – – – – – – – – –

***|Saturday, the week after***

Since all of us decided to move the camping trip to next weekend instead, I wondered all night if Paige would come over today for Charlie’s swimming lesson.

I tried reaching her phone but she ignored all my texts and calls. I was almost sure she won’t come and I wholeheartedly understood her.

The past week must’ve been hell for her. With Miles coming over their home almost everyday to visit Sadie, I cannot imagine how hard it was for her to deal with their situation.

The incident with the underwear must’ve added to her stress too. I supposed she won’t be talking to me for a while at least until she knew it would be safe to.

Charlotte once tried to ask me what the black thing was because it looked odd to her to which I answered with *just a dirty rag* I used to clean the cabin. It seemed to calm her and she never spoke about it again.

As of the moment, Charlie and I sat outside staring at the pool. I told him I was not sure if Paige would come over but I would watch over him if he still wanted to swim.

Charlotte and Liz decided to have a girls’ night which started last night and would end later today. On the other hand, Charlie and I had our boys’ night at home last night playing video games while babysitting sleeping Chloe.

“I’ll just start swimming, dad,” Charlie told me preparing to get down the pool.

“Sure, bud. I’ll be here,” I assured him.

Not even a minute later, the doorbell rang. I told Charlie to wait by the pool stairs while I check the door.

I found Paige waiting on the other side of the door.

She smiled, “Hi, Mr. Foster. How’s Charlie?”

“Paige,” I unconsciously muttered under my breath.

“Hi,” she smiled shyly.

“He’s uh, he’s waiting for you actually. Come in,” I uttered.

We went inside where Charlie got so excited to see her. They immediately began the lessons as I sat there with a baby monitor by my side.

After an hour, when Paige ended their session, Charlie got off the pool and began drying himself before going inside. I then told him, “Bud, after you take a shower, wait for me at your sister’s room. You can talk to me through the baby monitor. I’ll just need to have a quick talk with teacher Paige.”

“Okay, dad,” he nodded before waving goodbye to Paige then getting inside the house.

I turned to Paige and beside her by the pool stairs and asked hesitantly, “So, how are you doing?”

“I’ve been better. But, surprisingly, it’s not the worst,” she uttered putting out a smile at the end.

I smiled at her not sure what I should say so she continued, “I got hurt. I am still hurting, but not because I still love him. It’s about the fact that my sister could do that to me. I should have known. No wonder why she was always upset every time Miles and I were hanging out in our apartment near uni. She even told me I shouldn’t bring boys there because our parents won’t be happy to know that I waste my time having sex with a boy instead of studying. She also told Miles multiple times that she saw me flirting with other guys in my batch. I confronted her about it that’s why we fought on the way back here the day of the backyard party. There was also one time when I received a message from an unknown number telling me that Miles was cheating on me with a girl from uni. It’s like everyone knew and I didn’t even have a clue. And now, it made sense why she wasn’t outing us. She wanted me to stay silent about the things she did. And if I’m honest, I applaud her for being that clever.”

I reached in to rub her back to make her feel that I sympathize with her and that I’m here to listen.

She glanced at me then smiled, “I’m okay. I learned how to deal with it. And I’m not exactly a saint myself so I just think of it as my karma so it would be easier to accept. Thank you for still being there for me. I really thought you would start pushing me away after what happened.”

“I would never do that to you, Paige. And don’t think about it. I’ve already dealt with it,” I assured her placing my hand on her thigh submerged under water.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispered then added, “I’m sorry for ignoring you.”

“Shhh, that’s okay. I understand you,” I said gently cupping her cheek in one hand before continuing, “And I fucking miss you too.”

She smiled biting her lower lip giving me the lustful look she always does when hinting on me.

I ran my thumb on her lips as I tell her, “You know what. I’d like to give your dad a bottle of fine wine. We should go to the cellar and get it. What do you think?”

“Sure, I’d just wear my clothes,” she rode on.

“Just dry yourself. There’s no need to get dressed, the swimsuit will do just fine,” I said handing her a towel.

After drying her body just enough so she’s not dripping wet, we quietly walked inside straight to the cellar door, hearing the shower was still on in the bathroom as we passed by.

I closed the door behind us then turned the warm lights open. I grabbed her by the waist and we began kissing. We both moaned inside each other’s mouth as our tongues circle around.

I lifted her and wrapped her legs around my waist carrying her towards one of the wooden chairs. I sat her down then began kissing her ear then her neck tasting the chlorine left on her skin.

“Take your bikini off,” I then instructed her while I pull my shorts down.

She took it off and placed it on the coffee table.

“Touch yourself for me,” I commanded her as I began stroking my cock.

She spread her legs and began gently slapping her vagina before rubbing her clit. Along with her, I rubbed the tip of my shaft with pre-cum coming out as I utter, “I haven’t cum since last week. I’ve saved a lot for you today.”

She moaned while smirking, continuing to rub herself as she asked, “Wet my clit with your pre-cum.”

I giggled at how pervert she sounded like before lowering myself down and circling my tip onto her clit transferring my sticky cream onto it. She spread it around other areas then put two fingers in her mouth sucking them before opening up her labia and pushing her fingers inside her letting out a faint moan.

She began fingering herself at the same pace I was stroking my erect cock as I stood in front her moaning, “Fuck, how can you make me so horny. It’s unfair.”

“It’s unfair I’m getting close this early. Please, fuck me now, please, Trent,” she begged pulling out her fingers from her vagina making her legs jerk at the control.

“Alright, baby, I will. I’ll rail you now. Get your ass over here,” I commanded.



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