Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 4) [trans]

Chapter four. The start of everything.

Zane walking down his hallway, still in shock at Amber’s quick exit. His mind is running through everything that just happened, she saw the portrait, she saw him fight, then the blow job and now this. As he reaches his bedroom door hears a his moms door open. “Good morning honey.” Zane’s mom Michelle says with a smile. “Have a good night?” Zane turns to his mom beginning to cry. “Mom, I messed up with Amber.” Zane’s said with a quiet sob. “What happened, baby?” Michelle asked while hugging her son tearing up herself. “It’s hard to explain mom.” Zane leaning his head onto his moms shoulder. “I didn’t tell her the whole truth.” “Well tell her the whole truth Zane.” Zane stands up straight and turning toward his bedroom with a new resolve, drying his eyes. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He says over his shoulder.

He gets in his room grabs his phone and dials Amber’s number. It goes straight to voice mail, “HI you’ve reached Amber leave a message after the beep.” “Amber its Zane please call me back or better yet come back to my pad we need to talk,” Zane hangs up. “FUCK!” Zane yells into his pillow. If she doesn’t call back I’m going to have to wait until Monday and wait by her car again. I don’t know if I can wait that long and I have no idea where she lives. Well I can call Gloria she has tons of contacts she can find her address, No, who knows what she will want in return. I’ll wait until Monday but hopefully she calls.

Zane spends both Saturday and Sunday locked in his room sketching a new portrait of Amber, Only stopping to eat. The old sketch neatly folded in his his backpack. When Monday morning finally arrives he starts to get anxious. He keeps looking at his phone, checking the time over and over, getting frustrated that every minute feels like an hour. It didn’t help that he hadn’t really slept in two days.

Zane’s walking back and forth between the cars in the administration parking lot at his old high school trying find Amber’s car. “It’s not here.” Zane says in frustration. “What are you looking for Zane?” “OH Ms James” Zane says jumping from being startled. “Whats going on?” Asked his former teacher. “Well I’m looking for Amber’s car.” “She didn’t come in today I was told that she’s taking some P,T.” Ms James’s says in a questioning tone. “P.T?” Zane asks. “It’s personal time.” “Do you know for how long?” Zane says looking desperate. “I believe a week but she has over two weeks saved up so It could be longer.” “NO, I can’t let it go that long.” Zane thinks getting even more exasperated. “Is there anyway I could get a hold of her Ms James?” “Come on kid you know that I can’t give out any of her personal information, even to a student, not to mention an ex-student.” “well goodbye and good luck Zane.” Ms James said while walking away.

Zane rides off on his skateboard not sure where he’s going. He stops at a corner and looks across the street at a small building. “It’s the coffee shop where we first kissed.” Zane smiled. The smile faded into tears. He rides to the shops outdoor lounge area and sits at a quiet table away from the other customers. I can’t believe that Amber is falling out of my grasp. “Ok, I can’t wait any longer” he says out loud. He jumps on his board and starts heading home. He pulls out his phone and dials Gloria, the owner of the club, the black out.

“Hey G.”- Zane
“Hey sugar, what’s up?”- Gloria
“I need a favor.”- Zane
“You know favors ain’t free baby”- Gloria
“I know Gloria just get me the address and anything else on Amber Ryan as soon as possible, please.”- Zane
“Ok kiddo, give me about an hour, but you know you are gonna owe me, so damn BIG.”- Gloria
“Yeah, yeah I get it, just get it info I need, like right fuckin now please.”- Zane

When Zane gets home he jumps into the shower. “I’ll find her and fixed this there’s no fucking way I’m going to let go of her without her knowing the whole truth,” Zane kept repeating to himself, while getting ready and putting on some clean clothes. He has little doubt that Gloria will succeed at the task he’s given her. Gloria is the most connected person that he’s ever known. She knew his name before he met her. She has, more than a few times showed off her intimate knowledge of the city, with her knowledge of what’s going on in the streets.

Laying on his bed staring at the ceiling, “new message” his phones speaker rings out making Zane jump to his feet. There it is, an address, phone number and full name, Amber B. Ryan.

Zane’s phone rings, it’s Gloria.
“Ok killer, you got that?”- Gloria.
“Yes thanks, I just need one mo..”- Zane
“You need a ride, right?”- Gloria
“Yes, I’ll meet you at the normal spot.”- Zane
“Na, you don’t want to be all sweaty, I’ll just pick you up from home.”- Gloria
“Of course, you already know where I live.”- Zane
“Yes baby, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”- Gloria

Zane gets dressed up and is on his front porch. Walking back and forth, unable to calm himself. When the familiar black escalade pulls up. He runs up and jumps in, “what took you so long?” “Sorry had to make one quick stop before.” Gloria smirked while pulling out of Zane’s street. “So how did you, the baddest mother fucker in the whole damn city lose the girl, what the fuck did you do? She was puddin in your hands after the fight Friday night.” Gloria asks. “It’s a whole thing, let’s just leave it at that ok.” Zane says with force. “Ok, damn, you touchy today.” Gloria says with a laugh. “Sorry Gloria, thank you for your help.” Zane said realizing that she has been more help than he could hope for. “No worries sweetie, I saw her. You’d be crazy to not try and hold on to her, but how you gonna just show up empty handed?” Gloria says raising an eyebrow. “Well I’m not completely empty handed,” he says grabbing his backpack tightly, “but your right I should have gotten her some flowers or something.” “Ha, I figured you’d be inexperienced in relationship type stuff.” She says pulling up to a small apartment complex. Zane grabs the door handle to jump out when Gloria stops him, “hold up take these,” Gloria said while she reaches to the back seat and pulls a big bouquet of red roses. “Holy fuck, was that the quick stop you said that you had to make?” Zane said gratefully. “Yeah, now go get your girl and expect a call from me later this week.” Gloria says as Zane jumps out. “Yeah I know.” Zane replied knowing she’s going to ask him for a something fucked up. “By the way Zane, the scar on your face makes you look hard as hell.” Gloria says with a laugh. “Thanks, I guess.”

Zane walking through the small apartment complex looking for the unit number he has on his phone. THERE IT IS, Zane’s excitement is turning into nervousness. All the windows are shut and blinds closed. Is she even in there? Then he sees her car parked in the spot in front of the apartment. His heart starts beating fast, she’s here. Zane walks up to the door and with one hand knocks and the other holding the flowers blocking the peephole. “If she’s not picking his phone calls she might not open the door,” he thinks. A few seconds go by feeling like time stopped, Zane’s anxiety is shooting up like a rocket.

“Who is it?” Amber’s voice came from behind the door. “Delivery.” Zane says in a gruff voice trying to mask his voice. “Ok just leave it on the porch, please.” Amber says. “Fuck! she is not making this easy at all” Zane thinks. “I need a signature for the package,” Zane says in the same gruff voice. “Ok but I need a minute, is that ok? Amber said. “No problem Ms.” Zane replied. Zane’s getting even more anxious now, just her voice alone is making his heart race.

The door opens. Amber is standing there in a tight black shirt and tights, with a shocked expression, “Zane! How d, did you?” Amber said with tears already starting to form in her eyes. “Can I come in,,, Please?”- Zane. “Ok Zane”- Amber. She takes a few steps back letting Zane by and noticing that Zane, now has two black eyes. Did he already fight again? Then she locked the door behind them. “Do you like roses?” Zane stumbling on his words, handing her the roses. “Yes of course what girl doesn’t, their beautiful, thank you” Amber says smiling while walking to her little kitchen placing them in a vase with water. “It’s so easy for him to make me forget myself.” Amber wispers.

She then guides Zane into her living room and they sit down on her little white leather love seat sofa. “How did you find me?”- Amber. “You remember Gloria from the club?”- Zane. Amber nodes yes. “Well she has tons of contacts in and around the city and I asked her for a favor, she found you and brought me here. Of course, I waited till today to make that call, God only knows what that crazy ass bitch will ask in return. I was waiting for you to call me and when you didn’t, I went to the high school but your car wasn’t there. That’s when I ran into Ms James and she told me that y.” Zane pauses taking a deep breath. “That you wouldn’t be back for a week, maybe more. I couldn’t wait that long, I’ve already waited for six years.” Zane said starting to tear up. Amber gets out some tissues to dry Zane’s tears. Zane took both of Amber’s hands “don’t run away from me ever again. Please, please don’t.” Zane says with a tear rolling down his cheek. “But Zane you saw what I am, right? Are you really okay with that, I, I’m not, not, well normal? Amber said trying not to look at Zane’s eyes. “Zane your so young, do you even understand what being with me means? If you and I stay together it means that you won’t ever have kids, or a normal!” Amber pauses and lowering her voice. “or a normal sex life, I don’t have a vagina and I don’t ever plan on getting the surgery.” Amber says looking down tears dropping out of her dark green eyes. Zane reaches out and takes her cheek into his hand. “Of course I know all of that”. “Just please, look at this Amber,” Zane said opening his backpack, pulling out the six year old drawing. “A drawing of a girl that looks like me doesn’t change the situation, Zane.” “That’s because you didn’t see the complete picture,” Zane said pulling out the bottom half of the page and piecing the two together. Amber’s face loses all color, looking at the now complete drawing. The girl in the drawing is wearing a bra but not panties and she has an erect penis. “You see Amber this really IS a drawing of you.” Zane says while lightly pushing her chin up looking into her eyes. “I love you! It’s ridiculous, how many times do I have to tell you that I’ve been falling in love with you in my dreams for most of my life, now that I found you in real life.” Zane pauses trying to put his thoughts together. “Now in real life I’ve found you! Im not going to let go, don’t you see Amber!” Zane takes a deep breath. “We are meant to be together, a lot of people think it but we know it and have proof, right here!” Zane said, then both of them leaning in for a tension shattering kiss. When they separate, Zane wispers “Please don’t run from me ever again. I need you.” Amber wispers back, “I won’t run Zane I promise, be. Be. Because I love you with all my heart and soul Zane.”

Amber then looks into Zane’s eyes and then leans in for another kiss. She and Zane slowly open their mouths, their tongues tasting each other and lapping up their sweet saliva. “Take me” Amber coos into Zane’s ear. Zane slide one arm behind her back and the other down under her legs, then with one swift motion he stood up taking her in his arms. “You always feels weightless in my arms” Zane wispers into Amber’s ear. Then Amber points at a door on the far end of her living room, Zane starts walking around her small apartment, towards Amber’s room. “He’s so strong! I feel like I can do anything with him by my side. I’ve never felt so safe, with this man beside me nothing can hurt me.” Amber thinks. Zane walks into Amber’s room with her in his arms. While setting her down on her bed, he looks around her room and says “it’s exactly what I imagined it would look like in your room.” “And how’s that?” Amber asks. “Pretty and pink, like you of course. Zane smiled. “Well I can be a little dirty from time to time.” Amber said smiling and remembering what happened Saturday in Zane’s room. “What, you think that I forgot about Saturday? I’ll never forget that as long as I live.” Zane said. Then he lays on Amber’s bed pulling her on top of him. They then restarted kissing deeply. Zane then wispers into Amber’s ear I love you on top it’s easier for your sweet saliva to flow into my mouth. When Amber heard that she felt herself becoming hard then she jumps up still feeling uneasy about herself. “Stop running, I’m right here and im not going anywhere.” Zane said softly. The he gets up standing in front of her, with their eyes locked onto one another’s. Zane takes her hand and brings it to his growing member, “see Amber I’m all in, I mean, I’m ready. Actually I’m more than ready” Zane said while pulling Amber’s black shirt off. “OH MY GOD, you really are perfect” Zane’s excitement growing. Then Zane rips his shirt off and then scanning Amber’s face, then chest she has a perfect set of c-cup tits with delicate light pink sliver dollar sized nipples. Then he looks down past her waist and slides both of his thumbs into the waistband of her tights and looks up into her eyes, he can tell she’s still afraid of what could happen when they come off. So he stops and takes his pants off not breaking eye contact with her, just so she’s not the only one who is exposed. “Wow your are big” Amber says while looking at his pulsating manhood. “Your turn” Zane wispers. He puts his thumbs into the waistband of her tights again and slides them down. Amber feels a rush of blood to her face. Zane kneels down he says “Amber you are the most beautiful and sexiest girl in the world. He wraps his hand around Amber’s shaft. Amber flinched a little, “he is touching me! I almost can’t believe it, he really is ok with this. How is he so strong and yet so gentle? I wonder how far he is willing to go? Will he let me,,, top? It’s ok if he doesn’t.” Amber’s thoughts are going through her head at the speed of light. Amber slows down and drops all of her Insecurities. “If he’s all in so am I!” With that thought she asks “How long are you Zane?” “I don’t know I’ve never measured.” Zane says still staring at the perfectly shaved, pink, cut, and getting harder girlcock. “My girl is a perfect six and half inches.”Amber says with pride and a cute little laugh. Zane stands back up and rubs his and her hard cocks together gently and guides Amber back onto the bed. Amber starts going to get down on her knees again. Zane stops her “no like I said Saturday it’s MY turn.” “What do you mean then?” Amber’s asks. “I’m very much orally fixated, I hope you like this because I’m going to want to do this all the time.” Zane said laying her down. Zane then starts kissing her neck then slowly down to her chest and then takes one of her hard nipples into his mouth, biting it gently and flicking with his tongue, one then the other. He’s getting even more excited kissing her stomach and then her hips. “Finally” Zane thinks getting to her pretty pink girl-dick he starts licking it up and down, Amber tilting her head back moaning. “This your first time sucking a girl-cock?” Amber says with a moan. “Yeah if you don’t count dreams.” Zane says, then takes her girl into his mouth. Getting it slippery with saliva he slides it deep into his throat, he gags a little. When Amber hears him gag she shoots a little pre-cum into his mouth. “Wow Amber your cum is the sexiest thing I’ve ever tasted.” Zane says while looking up at Amber. Then Zane guides her hand to the back oh his head. Amber moaning as Zane moves his head up and down on her beautiful girl-dick. He wants this to last, so he leaned her back onto the bed so she’s laying down not taking her out of his mouth the whole way and slowed down matching her moans. Amber is playing with her nipples with one hand and the other pressing down on the back of Zane’s head making him gag again. “Oh my goddd I want to cum so bad” Amber moans, gripping the back of Zane’s head with both hands now and push his head down hard on her hard pink, causing him to gag a little more. “I’m going to cum baby” Amber moaning louder. Then Amber’s body jumps then go’s rigid as Amber has a mind shattering orgasm, like she’s never had before. As she shoots thick ropes of gril-cum right into Zane’s mouth. Zane locks eyes with Amber and swallowing every drop. He keep sucking to get even more from her. He slides himself onto the bed. Laying on his side so he’s face to face with her. She’s still getting over her orgasm, she opens eyes. “My turn she say getting up.” Amber said in a light wisper. “Stay up here” Zane says pulling her close to him. “Let’s talk?” Zane says with a smile. “Ok,,, hey! did you already fight again? If you did that’s fine” Amber asks “No, why?” “Your other is black now to.” Amber pointing at his left eye. “Oh that yeah well I really haven’t been able sleep since you left my house Saturday, so yeah not a black eye just dark rings,” Zane said while rubbing his eyes. “Well then shut your eyes” Amber says while Zane wraps his arm around. “Ok babe, I love you” Zane says while falling asleep.


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