The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 3-Not Alone

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**Find G&G: Introduction, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 1, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 2, here:**



**The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 3-Not Alone**

Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god. Breathe. Ok…I have to go.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and again, slowly blow through clenched lips. Wipe myself, pull my pants up, button, and flush. I rest my head against the cool metal door, slowly unlatch the lock, and head towards the sink. As soon as I lather up, another group enters the bathroom.

I’m reminded of the loud bustle outside of my sanctuary. They enter stalls as I try to hide my sweat-soaked hair, tuck it behind my ears. I roll my icy glass across my cheeks and forehead, and leave it on the counter. I take one last breath, pause, then push back out into the darkness.

I angle myself so I can approach the bar from the entrance. It seems darker now, and busier. People are everywhere.A buzz. “Black tank top”.

I’m not alone anymore. I start scanning…it’s packed. I try to discern couples and groups from any outliers, any singles.Breathe… Oh god! I realize that she’ll probably be able to see me before I find her. RED!

Oh my god! Can she see me right now? (hyperventilating)

Be cool… I’m cool. Draught beer ordering cool. I’m breathing cool. Going out to bars, wearing friggin’ red, grabbing a beers cool. Meeting ladies in black tanks cool.

I see her…seeing me see her. We smile. Fuuuck.

(End Chapter 3)


See you in a couple of days, with Chapter 4… things are heating up!

<3, Florence
