A Father’s Struggle 39 – Redirect (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I exited my man cave too excited I *finally* had a lead on my spy case.

And all I needed was my daughter’s thumb drive to confirm that my spy had been Abby this entire fucking time.

How could I have missed all the signs? How did I miss that Abby had an attraction to **me**?

I mean how could I catch signs that I really didn’t notice until it was too late.

But looking back on it it makes sense…..now.

No boyfriend in a *while*.

No lover in a *while*.

Always hanging out with me when they could have been hanging out with a guy.

Actually come to think of it **ALL** my girl’s have had this problem for a good minute.

So it was easy to confuse all the signs.

I was too excited when I exited my man cave I didn’t realize there was a person either **at** my door or **next** to my door but I still collided with them the same as we both fell to the ground with equal sounds as we both exclaimed ‘*oof*’.

I naturally fell *on top* of the person as I looked down at the person I had collided with….Reagan.

Reagan exclaimed, “ow!”

I looked down at Reagan too focused to actually care beyond saying, “I’m so sorry Reagan. Are you ok?”

Reagan looked at me, “I’ll be alright just as soon as you get off of me and get your elbow from jabbing my side.”

I blinked, “Oh!”

I quickly got up as Reagan looked at me with a mild case of irritation but I saw her irritation quickly changed as she realized it wasn’t my elbow that had jabbed her side as her face became red.

I held my hand down to her, “Would you like a hand?”

Reagan completely red faced only murmured, “Thank you,” as she accepted my hand and I helped her up before I spoke, “Sorry again.”

And I rushed towards the stairs to go up.

I didn’t hear Reagan’s reply as I was too much in a rush still hoping Abby was still asleep.

I had rushed up the stairs and damn near sprinted down my hall to my room **hoping** Abby was still asleep and her thumb drive was still plugged into my TV.

I rounded my corner **hoping** everything worked in my favor only to find my timing sucks.

I rounded the corner to find Abby was awake just lounging on my bed….her onesie zipped up….. Thank **GOD**!

She had on the TV and was watching a different anime from it.

She took one look at me and smiled, “Hey daddy!”

I spoke, “Hi bookworm. You’re up.”

She looked at me confused, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

I shrugged, “Because I don’t know what time you went to sleep.”

She smiled, “Coming from the man who fell asleep so quickly in a series.”

I looked at her, “Hey I stayed awake for half of it.”

She smiled, “Fifth.”

I blinked, “Fifth?”

She nodded, “It’s a full anime season. Meaning there’s 26 episodes.”

I blinked, “Huh?”

How in the *fuck* could something like that last 26 episodes?

It was **SO** boring.

She smiled as she sighed, “It’s alright I know this series is boring in the beginning but it does get better near the end.”

I leaned against the door frame, “Please tell me what’s his name finally fucks one of the girl’s?”

Abby chuckled at me, “It’s an **anime** daddy not a **hentai** so *no* Todoki doesn’t fuck any of the girl’s.”

I rolled my eyes but sighed a little irritated I caught my daughter awake.

I would have preferred her asleep so I can snoop through her drive just so I could confront her about what was residing on the drive.

Now I had to be sneaky….and if my current track record shows I suck at being sneaky.

If anything, as shown by my now confirmed, I think, spy I was sorely lacking in the sneaky department compared to Abby’s level of sneaking.

What with the camera’s I didn’t know about, and I’ll admit the light cameras were a nice touch. The whole letting me think that all the signs were just figments of **my** imagination for weeks before someone fucking up.

Which is **why** I think I have more than *one* person as my spy.

If Abby was my *sneaky* spy with the camera’s and what not I would have never known I was being spied on especially if I never upgraded my security system I still would have never known about the extra camera’s.

So if she were my *sneaky* spy I still would have never known. Much less suspect her.

Which is why I think there’s at least two if not three for when I caught someone there were at least one set of purple eyes that I caught.

Still I needed to catch **this** spy.

I looked at her seeing she was playing a different anime while lounging on **my** bed.

I smiled, “So is this season 2 of *pervert*?”

*Yes I know that sounds stupid but it was **my** way of getting the ball rolling.*

That question made Abby both chuckle **and** roll her eyes at me as she replied “No dad this is a different anime.”

I lied, “Looks the same to me.”

Abby blinked at me, “How?”

She paused the anime, “The style is clearly different. The main character doesn’t even look like the one from pervert.”

I pointed at the girl on the screen, “But she does.”

Abby blinked at me, “You’re kidding right?”

I looked at her, “What?”

I watched as Abby started to sputter as she normally does when she starts protecting and defending anime….especially ones she loves.

I watched her twitch as I had just compared the female from ‘*pervert*’ to this one, which I **knew** wasn’t ‘*pervert*’.

I actually ***know*** this anime that she was currently watching very well…..because it was one of her favorites and I had seen it more than once.

She sputtered, “You *can’t* be kidding dad.  You **know** this isn’t *pervert* as **WE** have watched this anime together **MULTIPLE** times.”

I looked at the animated character knowing full well it wasn’t the same character.  I rubbed my chin and mused out loud, “I don’t know honey there’s a lot of similarities.”  I looked at her, “You sure this isn’t ‘*Pervert*’?”

I watched her left eye twitch…..heavily as she breathed in slowly.

She exhaled slowly out before speaking, “**Dad** that’s Orooichi.”

I nodded, “Yeah the girl that the main character kept walking in on.”


She sputtered, “NO IT’S NOT **DAD**!!”

I looked at her, “You sure?”

She growled, “The girl from ‘*Pervert*’ that you’re probably thinking of is Nene.  This is Orooichi from Supiritto tantei.”

I looked at her straight faced, “You sure there isn’t an Orooichi in ‘*pervert*’?”

I could tell she was getting frustrated but it served my purpose as Abby picked up the remote, stopping her anime and backing out to show me her plethora of anime on her thumb drive.

I whistled, “Wow honey I didn’t know your drive held so many.”

I looked at her, “How do you tell stuff apart?”

She looked at me, “I just do.”

I watched as she navigated from Supiritto tantei to Watashi no imoto wa watashi ga hentaida to wa shiranai.  She navigated through roughly over 70 titles going from **S** to **W**.

I spoke, “Wait, how much anime do you have on here honey?”

She ignored the question as she navigated into ‘*Pervert*’ and fired up the first episode and fast-forwarded to where they introduced all the girls.

She paused as they showed each girl’s name in Japanese, “There!  Do you see Orooichi in **ANY** of their names *dad*?”

I looked at her and shook my head, “How can I sweetheart? It’s all japanese character’s.  You’re the one who translated for me last night.”

She blinked before she sighed and said, “No **NONE** of the girl’s names are Orooichi.  Plus NONE of them have blue hair.”

I looked at her and shrugged, “Sorry it’s all the same to me.”

That did it. She huffed, obviously irritated with me and my lack of appreciation for her *love*.

She announced, “I’m gonna go shower.”

She walked up and was about to retrieve her thumb drive but I spoke, “If you want honey you can use **my** shower so you don’t have to go to your room.”

That caused her to hesitate for a minute as she looked at me, “Really?”

I smiled as I nodded, “Sure honey.”

She looked at me, “I thought you said you didn’t want ‘**US GIRL’S**’ in your bathroom?”

I laughed, “No I said ‘**I didn’t want any of your feminine hygiene products in my bathroom**’.  One shower isn’t going to cause you to leave your products in there?”

Years ago when I first updated my bathroom, right when Stacey and I were about to get a divorce, I had meant the bathroom to be a special surprise to Stacey when I upgraded and added my man cave.  Then the divorce happened.  Then I upgraded my bathroom one last time and told my girl’s that my bathroom was **MY** bathroom and was off limits to them.  I even threatened if I caught ONE feminine hygiene product in **MY** bathroom their asses were grass.

Guess that natural fear kind of stuck as Abby had just recited that *threat*.

I lightly chuckled and smiled, “Besides are you on your…..” I coughed as I spoke, “Red tide?”

Abby rolled her eyes at me, “I don’t have red tide dad. I have…..”

I looked at her and held up my hand, “Don’t want to know but my point is one shower isn’t breaking that *threat*.”

Abby looked at me for a moment before speaking, “You don’t mind **me** taking a shower in **your** bathroom?”

I smiled, “Sure honey.  Just don’t use **my** shampoo….” I thought it over, “or any of **MY** products.”

She looked at me, “Then what’s the point of using **YOUR** shower if I can’t use **YOUR** products?”

I smiled, “Have you *USED* **my** shower?  It has *multiple* heads honey.”

She looked at me, “I know I’ve *cleaned* your bathroom more than once.”

I raised my eyebrow thinking *I thought MacKenzie cleaned my room and bathroom while Savanna did my laundry and hung everything in my closet when it’s **your** job to do **my** man cave?* but I didn’t let the thought enter my face.

I smiled, “And have you *ever* **tried** my shower?”

Abby faltered for a moment but got herself back on topic, “Still.”

I smiled, “Just go grab some clothes and products.  Try out my shower while I watch an anime that calls out to me.”

Abby thought about it for a moment before looking at me, “Fine.”

She lowered her arm from her drive as I thought *JENGA!!*.

Abby walked to the door, “I’ll only be a minute.”

I nodded, “Right.”

I sat and waited pretending to shift through the multiple titles on her thumb drive dumbfounded on how many of the damn things there were as my daughter preferred using the correct naming scheme of the anime instead of the dubbed.  But there were some titles I actually knew like….Fists of High School, Initial Drift, Strongest Fighter Hanma, Mightiest Disciple, Path of Asura, and probably most noticeable from **MY** youth….Battle Droids.

Geez didn’t realize that Abby had **SO MANY** titles as I pretended to cycle through the names until Abby got back and entered her shower before I made my move.

I quickly selected Mightiest Disciple and sat back letting the cartoon start.

Abby eventually wandered back in and stopped to watch what I was watching before looking at me, “Mightiest Disciple?”

I looked at her, “How’d?”

She smiled, “Seen it.  It’s good dad.”

Then she walked off towards my room as I spoke, “Oh honey.”

She stopped to look at me as I spoke, “If you want to, you can take your time to *enjoy* the multiple heads.”

She looked at me before rolling her eyes though I saw in her eyes a mild smirk before she closed the door and I heard it click locked.

I made my move.

I quickly made my way out of my room and trying to rush that’s when I collided with someone….again as we both exclaimed ‘*oof* as we both fell to the ground.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tx24rh/a_fathers_struggle_39_redirect_fiction_family


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