The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 2-Contact

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Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for…


**The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 2-Contact**

Fuck. Why did I do this? It’s not too late, I could ghost them. They don’t know I, too, am here.I’m so sweaty. It’s so hot! I shove an ice cube in my mouth as I try to bring myself, and my temperature, back down.


I start to make my way to the bathroom as I think of my reply. I alternate hands, holding my drink and pressing my cool fingers on my hot face, weaving through the others.

I make it to the bathroom and into a stall. I breathe relief as I slide the latch across. I pull my jeans and panties down to my knees and lower myself to the seat. I close my eyes and take a couple slow breaths. Most sounds are muffled except for the two ladies conversing at the sink. I wait and breathe until they go, and I am alone.

I glance at my phone again. Two new messages. A [kissy face] and [underwear] from my husband, and another…from her.“At the bar. What’s your drink?”

Fuuuck! I immediately start googling “cool drink orders”- I’m not having another gin and ginger debacle. Jack and coke? Tom Collins? I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard. Beer? Yeah…maybe a beer, that’s pretty cool, right? I text my husband, and ask if ordering a beer would seem like something a cool person might order. He replies, “Relax. Remember, this is suppose to be fun [wink].

”I text her, “Beer would be great. Anything on tap. Surprise me. [wink]”

…super cool…right? “Just got here; making my way over. Wearing red.”

(End Chapter 2)
