The Farm, pt 3 (body expansion, forced breeding, forced orgasm)

“Wonderful! Absolutely delicious, Avery dear,” the speaker crackled with the voice of Patent Pumps, “And what a workout.”

Avery could hardly bring herself to respond, however disdainfully, as she panted for breath. She felt as if she’d run a triathlon; every muscle in her core aching from the numerous spasms.

But in addition to the soreness, a strangely satisfied tiredness also seeped into her muscles. She was sweaty, and soaked with her own juices from the waist down, but felt as though she could simply fall asleep right there on the sterile gurney. The bright, fluorescent lights glared at her from the ceiling, but when she shifted to her side she could close her eyes without having to squint against the light.

She saw herself reflected in the imposing mirror across from her, taking up the entire length of the wall and stretching from the waist-height ledge to the ceiling. Avery blinked at herself lazily, when suddenly her blood ran cold. She gaped at her reflection.

Her entire body had changed.

Avery had always been athletic. Tall, muscular, with long, lean legs and toned arms, she’d been the envy of every sports team she’d been a part of. She and Lindsay had met playing softball in college together- and Lindsay had often mentioned how jealous she was of Avery’s sculpted frame. Sure, her boobs had always been a little on the big side, but with a sports bra and her jersey on, it had been difficult to tell.

Now, Avery looked down the length of her body as it sprawled on the gurney, reflected cruelly before her without prejudice. The first thing she noticed was her hips.

The width of her thighs dwarfed the rest of her, the apex of her hips towering above the slope of her thighs and waist with her laying on her side. Avery’s eyes widened as she moved her arm down to slide from her waist to her knee, marveling as she confirmed through touch what she saw in the mirror. Her hand journeyed up the slope as if it were a mountain of flesh, ending at a point higher than her own shoulder when she crested the curve of her ass. Avery moved to sit up, when her tits swung to her attention, sagging with unfamiliar weight- to the point that she struggled to sit up without her hands to push her.

She winced as she engaged her core muscles, still sore from her escape from the restraints, and pushed herself to sitting, still gawking at the woman who stared back at her.

Her face, undoubtedly, was hers: albeit tired, and slightly fuller around the cheeks. Her massive breasts hung almost to her belly button with her seated, and she arched her back to lift them higher on her frame. Within seconds, her shoulders ached from the added stress.

She stood, testing her back and legs- still shaky, but sturdy enough, and walked closer to the mirror.

Her waist didn’t seem all that much bigger than it had been when she’d been kidnapped, she thought, although where before the skin had been smooth and taut over muscles, it was now soft and slightly fleshy, squishing in and back when she poked it with her finger. Her arms seemed smaller, less strong, than they’d been. Her thighs were larger- although hints of the lines of strong muscle were there.

Soft curls had grown in around her pussy during her time in internment. She lifted her arms, and found that hair had grown in there as well.

“We have provided you with a razor,” the voice from the ceiling mused.

Avery froze. In her distraction, she’d almost forgotten she was being watched. She eyed the mirror with suspicion, then terror, jumping back- creating feet of distance where before there had been merely inches.

It’s a two-way mirror, she realized.

She could hear, and imagine, the evil smile in Patent Pumps’ voice as she once again crackled through the speaker, “With the soap, and towels.”

Avery looked around the space, spotting the pile of toiletries and stacked towels. She also realized that there were shower heads behind the half-wall that split the room.

Desperate to afford herself whatever modicum of privacy she could in this perverted observatory, she quickly gathered the supplies they’d left for her and scurried behind the wall. She turned on the water- as hot as she could stand- until steam was filling the tiled room. She smiled to herself as the mirror fogged, relishing in that one small victory, before she began to soap herself and inventory her new body as she tried to wash away the shame of her current situation.

She shaved under her arms, and tried for several seconds to figure out a way to negotiate shaving her pussy without arranging herself in an uncompromising position. With the newfound breadth of her thighs, she found it much more difficult to reach without squatting or spreading her legs particularly widely, and she realized she didn’t feel comfortable enough to bear herself to whatever other hidden cameras there might be around the shower.

Besides, she thought, the hair helps keep it hidden.

She ignored the memories of her ankles buckled in the stocks that had kept her ass and pussy painfully on display for the past several weeks. They’d given her, for whatever reason, some ounce of control back. So she would take it.

As much as she could, she’d take it.

Eventually, she found she couldn’t leave the water on any longer. It had started to grow cold, and she was still quite tired from the exertion earlier. She turned off the water and wrapped herself with one of the towels, using another to pat and twist her hair dry. When she was adequately covered, she edged around the half wall, to find a covered tray of food and a Styrofoam cup of water with a lid and a straw. She instantly realized how thirsty she was, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth for a second when she opened it to lick her lips.

When was the last time I ate real food from a plate?

Avery’s stomach growled, and she pounced on the tray, every thought fading from her head as she lifted the lid and found chicken pad thai beneath it. Her mouth was so dry it couldn’t water, so she gulped a sip of water as the savory and spicy scent drifted up to her nose, and she hastily unwrapped a set of plasticware to dig in.

The briefest moment of hesitation befell her as she examined the tray, wondering if it was safe. Her eyes darted back to the mirror, and up to the speakers, which sat decidedly silent. Another growl erupted from her stomach, and Avery gave in.

Five minutes later, she rubbed her soft stomach, satisfied in a way she hadn’t been in longer than she could remember, when the room began to slowly dim around her.


The thought never fully formed in Avery’s head before unconsciousness befell her.
