Step Sister Corruption Part 244 – Day 128 Mia’s Date Retold (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat down on the couch as I held my phone excited that my *idea* was about to launch. I couldn’t wait to tell the girl’s the good news.

I had just returned from my parents after seeing something that I shouldn’t have…..still can’t believe I saw that.  

Has anyone created or invented a bleach for someone’s mind yet?  Asking for a friend.

When I got back the door to Kel’s room was still closed though I wanted to open the door but heard moaning and faint smacking sounds coming from Kel’s room as I put my ear against the door.

I smiled as I tried to imagine what *exactly* was going on in Kel’s room as I could only imagine what was going on behind the door.

All I knew is they were doing something naughty that I really *really* wanted to take part in but knew they were doing something for their adult profiles and shouldn’t be disturbed.

I sighed as I thought of all that they were giving up but maybe if I catch them before they upload whatever they were currently doing then we could direct their new video to our new site….as long as they aren’t live then we are kind of screwed.

I sighed at all the thinking and emotions I was currently having.

I walked over to the couch where Sabrina was currently sitting being quiet and was following her previous directive from me which was to remain quiet.

As soon as I plopped down next to Sabrina I noticed that she still have her stupid goofy grin on her face as she basked in the glow of having had sex again in god knows how long.  And a very distinct bruise forming around on her neck.

Looks like all the thrusting may have made her neck bounce around in the wooden apparatus as she obviously was enjoying herself.

Oh well after some time her bruise will heal…..unless she turns into something she has been very vocal about…..a sex crazed nympho.

I looked at Sabrina to test the waters of my suspicion and spoke, “Be a dear and suck my cock.”

I was expecting her to revert back to her usual ire and give me the dirtiest look and spout some nonsense. 

But was shocked when she smiled and simply stated, “*K*”.  As she re-adjusted herself on the couch to lay across it to start kissing my dick awaking the creature before wrapping her lips and mouth around it.

I looked at the scene and thought *Who the fuck are you and what did you do with Sabrina?*

I shrugged letting the girl go at it as I pulled my phone and start letting the girl’s know.

Instead of texting each girl individually I did a group text attaching all the girls except Kel as she was in the next room.

*Me: The website is live!*

I waited to see if I got any responses.

It wasn’t long before I got a chorus of *Yay*’s before I got bombarded with questions.

I just blinked as the questions from the group text just started pouring in as I hadn’t really thought that far ahead.

Questions like:

*When do we start?  How do we start?  What do we do?  Will we have to start coming into the ‘studio’?*

I quickly started thinking and came up with nothing as this would be my first website.

I sure as fuck had **no idea** what to do.

I quickly wrote my reply.

*Me:  I know you all have questions which I will address later.  We will meet at the ‘studio’ when I can get the girl you met to come and start getting you guys going.  I just wanted to let you know that the website is now live and to expect a meeting or something later when I have everything set up.*

I looked at my phone hoping that would do it before I started getting individual texts outside of the group chat.

I sighed as I switched over to whoever sent me the individual text and saw it was from Jaime and Heidi.

*Jaime: would love to meet you sooner for another chance at that cock*

*Heidi: looking forward to what you have in store for us also can’t wait for more time with you*

I sighed looking at their texts and decided to ignore their texts….well Jaime’s text at least. I was nice enough to reply to Heidi with a simple *looking forward to it too*.

I tossed my phone letting Sabrina do her job on me while I tried to think of what to do next as their questions made me realize I should have thought of what to do next.

I was too excited to think.

Maybe Jesse or mom will have ideas and help guide our fledgling website.

I leaned my head back against the sofa as my dick registered that Sabrina had quickened her pace but that was about all.

Just then I heard a door open as I looked over hoping it was Summer or Kel and instantly smiled as I saw it was indeed Kel’s door meaning their little show was over.

I spoke, “Hey there’s my girl’s!”

The first out of Kel’s room was Summer and instantly had an ear to ear smile as she saw me just sitting there on the couch as she spoke, “Hey there yourself.”

Next out of the room behind Summer was Kel who equally gave me a bright smile seeing my mug just sitting there.

Both girl’s walked and stopped to see the display.

Summer shifted her weight onto one leg and folded her arms under her mounds with her usual smirk, “Well wasn’t expecting that.”

I looked down at Sabrina before I looked back up to address Summer as I reached over and smacked Sabrina’s ass….hard. Which caused Sabrina to step, yelp with my dick in her mouth before groaning lightly and returning to bobbing her head.

Summer looked at me with semi wide eyes and nodded like she was impressed at the display.

Kel just looked at Sabrina and had a semi mischievous smile on her face.

I spoke, “So how was your private show?”

Both Summer and Kel looked at each other with their own mischievous smile as Kel spoke, “Let’s just say I think our audience will appreciate our *show*.” All while Summer laughed and added, “That is once we upload the video.”

I raised my eyebrow for a moment as I didn’t know what they were exactly talking about but I had some ideas as to what their content was….well more of an all encompassing idea not an exact idea to *what* they exactly did.

I spoke, “Well I would hold off on any more uploads.”

Kel spoke, “So you already handed the money to dad?”

I nodded.

Kel spoke, “How soon until it’s up?”

I smiled, “Should already be up but right now it’s just a front page stating that this site is currently being built and will be live soon.”

Kel quickly dashed out of the room to go look at the new *site*.

Summer watched as Kel bolted towards her room to possibly go check out the site before she addressed me, “So I see you did your thing.”

I nodded, “That I did.”

She looked at me, “So tell me about what happened during your day with Mia and what you wanted to do today?”

I looked at her, “Only if you tell me about **your** day as I have received a few texts and this,” I spanked Sabrina’s ass hard again making her groan but continued doing her *duty*, “little minx told me **you** approved her to be part of the circle now.”

Summer raised her eyebrow at me as she looked at Sabrina before she looked back at me, “You first.”

I smiled, “Deal.”

I looked at her, “Where do you want me to start? The morning?”

Summer looked at me, “Is that when you needed to do whatever you did today happened?”

I shook my head, “No that happened in the evening.”

Summer sat down next to me, “Then that’s what I want to hear.”

I nodded and started speaking.

Actually I started in the sauna as Mia prepped me about the dinner with her folks. I talked about how Mia told me I was going to have dinner with her family as I *played* the role of being Mia’s new boyfriend just to appease her mother as she put it. Then I talked about how Mia was telling me about her family and the sudden realization of her sister’s that she quickly changed her mind due to one sister’s need to *steal men* and asked to go home.

Summer stopped me, “Wait. What’s a breeder? Is that what I think it is?”

I looked at her and nodded before I continued as Summer’s mouth hanged open at Mia’s sister’s profession.

I told her how I tried to help prep for the night and still accomplish the same thing for Mia’s sake and ended up going to the tailor and paying $475 for boxers that would keep my dick from popping a tent.

Summer smiled, “Did they work?”

I shrugged, “Sort of yes but didn’t really get to test them out.”

Summer looked at me quizzically but I continued the story of how I met each of her sister’s.

Summer stopped me, “Wait wait wait. You’re telling me you **MET** Geri Phillips? Tell me she’s not the man stealer?”

I nodded, “Yeah and no.”

Summer quickly spoke after hearing Geri wasn’t the man stealer as I hadn’t used names of which sister had what *kink*, “What’s she like?”

I shrugged, “Like any girl I guess. Can I continue?”

Summer huffed and shut up so I could continue the story.

I talked about meeting her parents. Then the dinner seemed to go fairly smoothly.

Then I got to the *BIG* reveal as Mia sat down and her boyfriend stealing sister called her out on missing a particular piece of clothing and calling Mia a derogatory name. Then I talked about how Mia started to defend herself and in turn spilling the beans on ***EVERYTHING***. She told them about my dick, my relationship status, and said the one thing that started how the night ended….that I was a *marathon man*.

Summer smiled, “God that would have been something to watch.”

I chuckled, “You don’t know the half of it.”

Then I went through the rest of the night of how I talked to the sisters, letting them think what Mia was doing meant nothing to me as she gave her sister’s a show.

Summer smiled, “That was good.”

I nodded and then I talked about how I finished the show by asking the sister’s how exactly I should have my *slave* branded and where the brand should be.

Summer looked at me incredulously as she spoke, “You didn’t?”

I nodded my head with a big smile, “Yep.”

Summer smirked at me, “You got some balls on you Mr. Newman.”

I smiled, “I learned from the best.”

Summer smiled as she blushed thinking I was implementing that I learned from her. I wasn’t going to confirm it nor tell her she wasn’t wrong.

Then I finished the story of how the girl’s finally started protecting their sister as they feared that Mia was in fact my *slave*.

Summer spoke, “Is that it?”

I nodded, “Pretty much. After that I took Mia home and I came here where you two proceeded to drain me.”

Summer smiled, “That explains the extra helping. How long were you holding that back?”

I smiled, “All DAMN day.”

Summer chuckled for a moment before she looked at me, “So which one called you? It wasn’t the boyfriend stealer was it?”

I shook my head and spoke the next words as I watched the color drain out of Summer’s face.

