I can’t say goodbye (female-pov, MF, nc, creampie, unwanted pregnancy)

Trigger Warning!

While entirely fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read.

Thanks and enjoy! 😊


“Hey Mark, you finally made it!” I waved and called to my good friend from the trailhead.

It was the closing days of summer, and I’d be leaving for college soon. Mark had been a friend of mine all through high school. He’d actually had a crush on me a couple of years ago, but the feeling wasn’t mutual. It was an awkward couple of months after I turned him down, but he moved on, dated other girls and we had managed to stay friends.

It helped that we had a common interest. We both did track and cross country for all these years and often went running together. With or without our other teammates, and no matter the weather. Now we were both planning on attending different colleges, and both had sports scholarships. So we had spent most of the summer training together. With just a couple weeks left until fall sports started these were some of our last few runs together. It was a bittersweet time for us.

“Jasmine!” He called out excitedly and ran over to give me a hug like he usually did. “what’s up shortstack?”

Mark always had that nickname for me. He was tall and slim but muscular, 6’3” on a good day. I on the other hand topped out at 5’2”. We were quite the mismatch in size, always looking like an odd pair on these runs. Oddly enough my mom always hated him for some reason, at least after I had told her about his crush on me way back then. Don’t think she ever approved of us going on these runs together, but as time went on she stopped giving me a hard time about it at least. It was my life after all, or whatever she said.

I laughed and hugged him back. “Not much, I just got here a minute ago. Just stretching. Which way did you want to go today?”

“Nice, I’m not too late then!” Mark said as we sat down on the grass and began stretching. “You up for the peak today?”

“All the way to the top?” I asked, it was quite the climb. One of those runs you take slow, but still get a good workout from the elevation climb. A long slow jog didn’t sound bad though.

“We’ll see how we feel, maybe?” He started, “we’ll want to get back before it gets too hot.”

“Good point, it’s nearly 9am already,” I replied as we launched into conversation as we stretched. Families, getting school supplies, fitness…

“Wow, that’s a lot of miles for a week.” Mark was surprised I’d been training as hard as I had been.

“I know, but I want to make a good impression on my new team.” I explained.

“How do you track your times?” He asked, pulling off his shirt and tying it around his waist. I was always jealous that guys could go topless when it was hot like this. It never seemed fair.

“Oh, my new coach recommended a health app when I met her in the spring.” I opened the app on my phone and handed it to Mark to show him. “Here, have a look.”

He took it from me and started scrolling through it. “Wow, it has a lot of features. Miles, timers, calendars for planning training…” he read as he scrolled.

“It can do a lot of things, sleep patterns, diet plans, there’s a fitness blog…” I told him as I took off my own shirt and tossed it in the backseat of my car. It was definitely warm enough to be a ‘sports bra only’ run today. “Honestly there’s so much stuff on there I haven’t explored yet.”

“Heart rate record, cycle… cycle? What’s cycle?” Mark asked.

“Um… that tracks my… cycle.” I answered awkwardly.

He looked at me all confused.

“You know my, girl cycle…” I explained poorly, as I glanced around the thankfully empty parking lot, happy no one else was within earshot.

A lightbulb finally clicked in his head, “ohhhhh….” he answered, as he got it. “Does it work?”

“Umm… mostly, pretty well I guess.” I shrugged.

“Ahh ok, so like the red part of the circle is your period then?

”I laughed as I locked my car and tucked my key into my fanny pack, “Yup, it’s kind of nice to have a reminder when that’s getting close.”

“So what’s the little blue part the indicator is in the middle of?” He asked next.

“It’s in the blue part now?” I asked as I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder.

“Yup, see.” He said handing me my phone.

I looked at it and explained, becoming a bit embarrassed, “oh, um yup it is. It can track your fertile days too, if you’re curious about that kind of thing.”

“Wait, so you’re…” Mark started.

“Anyway…” I interrupted him, “it’s not a conversation topic. Let’s run, come on, move, move!” I said shooing him towards the trail head.

He laughed as I pushed him towards the trail, “Alright, alright, sheesh! I was just asking!” I tucked my phone into my fanny pack and we started up the trail after him.

The run started fairly uneventful. We made our way into the woods and began our climb. Normally more chatty Mark was a bit on the quiet side during the run today. I asked him briefly about it, and he said everything was fine. He was just concentrating and his pace more today, something he’d been working on. We did end up going faster than normal. It wasn’t long before I was focusing on my workout too and struggling to keep up with him a bit. I fell behind for a while as he sprinted ahead.

After a bit I came around a corner and Mark was waiting on the path. He waved and called to me, “This way shortstack!” as he headed off the trail.

“Wha… where are we going?” I asked while panting for breath. It wasn’t easy keeping up with him! “I thought we were going to the top?”

“Naw,” he called back. “Let’s cut through here, there’s a clearing this way we can stop and rest at for a while.”

I nodded and followed after him. Going off-trail was hardly unusual for us. So many times our team had gotten lost exploring or been trespassing somewhere we shouldn’t have been. We never did anything seriously wrong of course, and it kept the runs from getting too monotonous.

After maybe 5 minutes of jumping over tree branches and weaving our way through the woods we came to a clearing’s edge like Mark said. It was on the side of the hill and gave a nice view with a sunlit valley stretching out below, and our town just visible in the distance. “You can really see a long way from here.” I remarked as I took in the view.

“Isn’t it great?” He asked.

“It is!” I said, feeling pretty winded now. We’d gone a lot faster than I’d expected. Mark wasn’t breathing hard at all, but my legs felt all wobbly. Not an unusual consequence when running with guys, of course, especially Mark when he was running motivated. “How’d you find this place?”

“Exploring on a hike with Amanda one day,” he said as he sat down on a fallen log. “Come, we’ll rest for a bit before heading back down. You’re looking pretty winded.”

I nodded and sat down beside him, and he handed me his water bottle.

“Thanks,” I said, taking a swig of it.

“We’ll go slower on the way down,” Mark promised. “Just wanted to show you this place.”

“I’d hope so,” I joked, still trying to catch my breath, “that was like going race pace for me!” Mark smiled but didn’t say anything for a bit. I took off my fanny pack, removed two energy bars from it and offered him one. He nodded and took it, and we sat there munching away enjoying the view. It was a peaceful place, very quiet, with nothing around us but warm sun and a beautiful view. It made the grueling run to get here worth it at least.

“I really thought we’d end up at the same college,” Mark finally said, breaking the silence in a unexpectedly somber tone.

I nodded, “Me too. I just couldn’t turn down the only place to offer me a scholarship though.”

“Yeah I know,” Mark said, sounding disappointed.

“We’ll only be like 2 hours apart, and both our teams will be at that invitational in November. So I’ll definitely see you there!” I tried my best to sound up-beat, and see if I could get him to look on the bright side of things.

“I don’t know how I’m going to make it without you,” He admitted with a bit of a grin.

“Pfft, you’ll do fine! You’ll make new friends, and have new teammates. It’ll be fun!”

Mark just nodded and got quiet again. He stared out into the distant valley and seemed deep in thought.After a moment he spoke again “I have a confession to make…”

“Oh?” I asked, taking another bite. “What’s that?”

“I never stopped loving you.” He said with a bit of a broken voice.

I turned to him in surprise. It was evident from his face he was serious. So this is what had been on his mind all day! I worried our conversation was about to get awkward.

“Wha… I?” I stuttered.

“It’s true. I never could get over you.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond, my mind was struggling to wrap my head around that thought, “How? But you dated Amanda for like a year, and Emily…”

“I did. They were never able to take your place though Jasmine. You’ve always been the most important person in the world to me.” Mark said in a dead serious voice.

“Mark, I’m sorry.” I said feeling super guilty about what I had to do, “But nothing has changed since sophomore year. You’re an amazing friend, but I just don’t see you in that way.”

Mark nodded, “I know, and I understand.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again. While I wasn’t attracted to Mark, he was still my friend, and I was feeling terrible for what he must have been going through holding this in.

Mark just clenched his fists and stared off into the distance, “It…. it’s just I don’t know how to move on without you. Like, we just have to be together, you know? It just makes so much sense? Nothing else does. It’s tearing me up inside.”

“It’ll be okay, take a deep breath. College is a big change, but you’ll be okay. I know you. You’re a really awesome, social and friendly guy. I’m sure you’ll be fine without me.” put my arm on Mark’s back to comfort him. I felt horrible now, on one hand my friend was clearly struggling, but on the other I really just did feel any spark with him. I didn’t know what else to say or do though. I couldn’t really change my feelings.

“No!” he said and he stood up and started pacing back and forth. Then paused and looked towards the horizon again, “I think I know a way I won’t have to let you go though.”

“Huh? How?” I asked. All I could think of was maybe he meant chatting on zoom or visiting more often or something.

“Of course,” He chuckled, still with his back to me looking at the view. “When I saw your app today! It was a sign. A clue from whatever greater power is out there, this was my chance. I just need to seize it. It all makes sense.”

“Huh? You mean my fitness app?” I asked all confused, “What about it?”

He turned back toward me and smiled. “Your cycle, silly. You’re fertile today right? We could make a baby today and would have an excuse to always be together!”

“A… what?” I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped all the way to the ground and was off rolling down the hill somewhere.

“Sure? Why not?” he said, “It’s the perfect solution.”

“Mark…” My brain was still trying to recover from the shock, but I put together a response as best I could. “Mark there’s no way that’s happening.”

“Of course it is!” He replied, “We have to!”

“No we don’t. We have to start college in a week.” I argued back, feeling completely flustered now. “We’re not a couple, and I wouldn’t want a baby right now even if we were…”

“Jasmine, shortstack… Come on, let’s do this. It’s the perfect solution. You can’t fight fate after all!” Mark smiled at me and opened his arms like he wanted to give me a hug.

“Mark…” I sighed and trailed off in frustration. What the hell had gotten into him today?

“Come here, it’ll be fun, you’ll see,” Mark took a step towards me. At that point that little voice in my brain which had been slowly growing more anxious began screaming at me to get away from here.

“No, um Mark…” I took a slow step back.

He kept advancing, “Jasmine come on, let’s do this”

I took another step back, “Mark… Mark, you’re scaring me!”

“What? No, don’t worry it’ll be fine…” he pleaded as he advanced closer.

That was all my mind could take, I spun around and dashed as fast as my tired legs could take me in towards the trees.

“Jasmine, please stop!” I heard Mark yell, but my body was in full flight. I heard his footsteps behind me as I ran. I was always fast, but Mark was easily faster. I strained and sprinted like I didn’t know I could, but his steps kept closing. As I broke into the woods they were nearly on top of me. Then I felt his hand grab the strap on my sports bra, as an otherworldly scream lept from my lungs.

Next thing I knew I wasn’t running, but falling backwards and sideways, then around. Mark had grabbed my bra and tugged at it, throwing me off balance. He yanked and pulled on it, and I stumbled and fell while he tore it up, off my chest, and over my head. Somehow I landed a few feet from him. He was holding my bra in my hand and staring at my chest.

My bare chest!

I instinctively covered my breasts with my arms while I stared back at him terrified.

“Damn it Jasmine,” he was angry now, “Please! I don’t want to hurt you, but we need to do this, for us!”

Mark started for me again. I tried to leap to my feet, but stumbled. By the time I gained my balance his arms were wrapping around me. He squeezed me close to him, pressing my head against his chest.

“Mark, stop.” I told him firmly as I tried to push away, my voice was strained now. While one of his arms wrapped me in an embrace the other plunged down my back and started pulling down my running shorts.

“Mark don’t!” I called out but he already had them down to my knees. While he was distracted by my shorts I twisted and squirmed free from his grasp! I only managed to get half a step though, as my half- removed shorts were caught around my ankles. I tripped and fell catching myself just before I face planted.

Mark was at my ankles in an instant he pulled off my running shorts and grabbed at my underwear! I twisted over on my back, but he grabbed the front too. His eyes were wild with determination as he tugged hard. I pinched my legs together and grabbed at my underwear as well, pulling it back. You could feel the fabric tearing with every pull, little by little it began to come apart. Until, after several long rips, it was gone. I was left clinging to a shredded piece of fabric.

Mark tossed his worthless scraps of fabric aside and just kneeled by my ankles. His eyes dashing up and down, peering at every inch of exposed flesh I had. “I never imagined you’d look this beautiful without clothes on.” He commented softly. These wild shifts in emotion weren’t something I’d ever seen from him before, and they added to an already frightening situation.

His brief pause didn’t last long however as his gaze made it to my legs, still pinched tightly together. He leaned over me and grasped my right knee with one hand, the other he pushed and shoved between my thighs. Then he grimaced and strained. The muscles in his forearms tightened and flexed as he tried to pry my legs apart.

My own face contorted as well as I strained as well. He was stronger, but I had so much more to lose. He was able to push his hand through my legs, but every time he’d make headway pulling my legs apart I twist or turn and he’d have to start over. I tried to sit up and push him off me, but I couldn’t budge him. My puny arms could barely budge him. We stalemated for a couple of minutes, but it was soon becoming apparent I was tiring faster. Each time I’d shift it’d take him less time to make headway. My legs, already exhausted from our run, were crying out in pain. Then they buckled briefly. That’s all the time Mark needed, as he looped one arm in then the other through. By the time I could recover his torso was wedged between my thighs. I tried lifting my legs in front of him but he scooted forward fast. His head was even with my breasts now, and my legs pried apart.

“Mark please!” I begged, but he didn’t respond at all. He simply reached down with one hand and tugged down his own running shorts. His uncut erect penis popped free. It hung beneath him menacingly, pointing straight at me.

He worked his shorts down, pulling them below his knees and then lifting a leg through. Then kicked one of his legs free of his shorts and spread his knees wider apart, wedging my own legs apart in the process. I tried to push him away with my knee, but he casually moved my exhausted leg aside and inched himself up my body. I tried to use my knee again, but failed and he inched higher and higher. When he finally stopped he was over me completely, resting on his forearms and shoulders while I stared up at his chest just a couple inches from my face. My legs were spread wide apart, and trapped on either side of his very solid body. Looking down my body I could see his penis still just dangling there, but now only inches from my hips.

He didn’t stop there though, he looped one arm under my knee, then repeated with the other. I reached forward to try and stop him but he grabbed my arms, pinning them to the ground. I tried to straighten my torso, but couldn’t. For his part Mark just leaned forward. His weight folded my legs back until my ankles were nearly even with my head. My legs were spread awkwardly wide apart. As my legs folded back, my hips curled, and my mound was pulled up until it aligned with his penis; which hung there patiently, like a hunter watching his prey approaching a trap.

I simply stared at it, petrified, as a feeling of hopelessness overcame me. I desperately felt the need to do something, anything, but I couldn’t think of a single thing. I had tried talking to him, I argued, and screamed, and yelled. I had tried to flee. I had tried to fight. Nothing I had done had made any difference. Now I could only watch in horror as Mark began to lower his hips toward mine. The tip of his penis disappeared from view behind my vulnerable mound and a second later I felt its unwelcome touch on my sex.

The touch became a push as Mark lowered his hips and rocked them forward. Any resistance only lasted a second though, as his cockhead popped inside me.

“Ahhhh!” I groaned in despair.

Mark chuckled, “shhh… try to relax some, it’ll feel better.”

There was no relaxing though. Mark began rocking his hips, drawing them back a little and then pressing them forward. Each time his shaft would coat itself more and more with my wetness and in turn slide a little further inside me. It didn’t take long until I could feel his balls resting against my upturned butt.

“Wow, your pussy feels amazing!” Mark moaned. “Way better than Amanda’s.”

“Please…” I whispered weakly, “please… take it out.”

“You worry too much shortstack,” Mark said as he kissed my forehead gently. He took a deep breath and then began to rock his hips back and forth. His shaft was sliding effortlessly in and out of me. My body shook with each impact and he bounced his hips off mine. This lasted about a minute before he stopped.

“Jasmine,” he said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to last very long. I think it’s time.”

“Mark please don’t,” I begged again. “Take it out please!”

“I know you’re worried,” He replied, “but it’ll be okay. I’ll be there for you I promise. I’m sure you’ll be an excellent mommy.”

That word sent a shiver down my spine, “Please Mark, I don’t want to be a mommy. I want to go to college!” I managed in a bit louder voice.

“You can still go to college I’ll make sure of it,” Mark insisted, “now try and relax. I’ll let you know when it’s coming ok?

With that he started thrusting again. This time with more vigor. He slammed into my hips roughly as I absorbed thrust after thrust, scratching my back against the dry ground. He began to sweat more in the heat. His face turned red, and he began to grunt with each thrust. I began to wince in pain as each one landed hard against me. There was a sharp discomfort deep inside me.

“Jasmine, it’s time,” Mark gasped breathlessly.

“Don’t! Mark!” I begged.

“ohhh, ohhh, ohhh…!” he gasped breathlessly as he pounded against my hips. The thought occurred that this was my last chance to do anything, but I couldn’t even lift my arms. What could I…

“Rahhhh!” Mark growled as he jammed his hips forward.

“Ahhhhh!” I screamed in an involuntary reply.

This thrust was different.

It was powerful.

It was sharp.

It was piercing.

And most ominously, he didn’t pull back out again like after the others. His hips just pressed into mine and remained firmly in place.

“It’s coming!” Mark panted.

His cock throbbed ever so slightly inside me, stiffening, almost like a tiny contraction.

Then it throbbed again.

And again.

That was his sperm. It must be. It would be come out the other end of his penis, deep inside me.

Another small throb, then another.

It was too late now, I was sure of it. My futile efforts ended for good, but the throbbing continued however, and Mark growled in delight.

Soon his cock’s pulses began to weaken. A couple of tiny throbs later it stopped. Mark sighed and looked down at me, pinned helplessly beneath him. “That was really amazing Jasmine, was it good for you too?”

I didn’t say anything at first. Just remained silent for a moment. I’d given everything I had to try and stop him, and was exhausted. “Please, can I get up?” I finally asked.

“In a minute,” He replied, “It’ll all spill out if I let you up now. We need to make sure it works its magic and puts that baby inside you.

So we laid there for almost 10 minutes. Him buried in me asking question about what to name our child and how we’d care for the baby. I don’t think I responded once. My mind was elsewhere. Trying to think of my dreams of college, sports and classes and new friends. Try as I might though I couldn’t shake the image of his sperm inside me. I imagined it was leaking into my womb, swimming toward my fallopian tubes, and all that stuff we learned about in health class. It all seemed more sinister now.

At long last Mark pulled himself out and rose to his feet. He put his running shorts back on and gathered my clothes for me, all while I lay there on the ground motionless with shock.

Coming back with my fanny pack Mark seemed surprised I was still laying there. “Are you ok?” he asked naively.

“I’m fine” I responded, as emotionless as a robot.

“Are you going to get up?”


“I have somewhere I need to be in an hour, but if you want I can wait for you.”


“Okay, I’ll give you a call later though?”


“I love you Jasmine. I really do. I’m sorry it had to happen like this. Have a safe run home, bye!”


And with that the man I thought was my good friend ran off through the forest, with barely a care in the world.

After he left I forced my battered body to sit up and started picking twigs out of my hair. That done I stood up on my wobbly legs. As I worked my way to my pile of things a big blurp of semen fall free and drip onto my leg. I was suddenly aware I didn’t have anything to wipe it up with. I tried using my hand, but that made more of a sticky mess than I had hoped. Wonderful. I pushed away the thought of how well it was probably sticking to my insides.

I slipped my shorts back on and put back on my sports bra. We were going commando thanks to our earlier tug of war. I was starting to regret that part of the struggle, even more so when I realized how stretched out my bra was. I didn’t fit right at all anymore. I probably could have saved my clothes and still been just as raped if I hadn’t struggled so much.

My jog down back was uneventful, if not a bit long. I was sore and tired, and moved slowly. It seemed like every time I started to lose myself in the run and forget what happened another drip of semen would wiggle its way free to remind me. I was so thankful to finally reach my car in the parking lot.

My mom thankfully bought my story about me tripping and falling. I just got a lecture about being more careful, since my scholarship was based on my sports performance I’d better not get injured she warned me.I couldn’t tell her the truth. If she found out what happened I’d be in even worse trouble, since she never liked Mark anyway. I just went and took a shower, at least that wiped away the stickiness on the outside of my body. It was about then I started to realize there was a bit of new discomfort above my hip on my left side. At first I thought it was just another bump from our scuffle, but then I realized I recognized that feeling.

I was ovulating.

My poor egg was about to get mobbed by a whole river of sperm that was laying in wait for it. I caught myself hoping Mark was infertile.

The days proceeded quickly after that. At times I could forget what happened to me, and live a normal life. I avoided Mark’s calls and just told him I was busy through text. I said he still loved me and understood. I secretly wished him plenty of harm.

I went to my new school, made new friends and teammates. All was great on the surface, my times even improved substantially from the year before. It was everything I’d hoped for. That only lasted about a month into the season however. As time went on I began feeling more and more tired. My times slowly dropped from being the best on the team, to being more average. I found myself getting frustrated by my body’s failures to do what I knew it could.

Then I missed my period. I’d had a light one in those weeks after my tussle with Mark, so hoped I was going to be fine. Now I wasn’t so sure.

Things got worse over the next month, my coach was growing upset with me now too. She accused me of slacking on workouts. I was barely staying on the team at this rate.

Then I missed another period.

I finally worked up the courage to grab a pregnancy test from the store while shopping that week. It confirmed what I already knew however, honestly I felt surprisingly emotionless about the whole thing. It was neither wonderful or horrible, it just was what it was.

I somehow managed to finish the cross country season, I didn’t do well, but didn’t lose my scholarship at least. Best of all I didn’t make the cut for the invitational Mark was going to attend, so I didn’t have to see him. A very slight silver lining. I broke that news to him over text. He said he was sad he wouldn’t see me, and had been lonely without me. I didn’t care, but didn’t tell him that part.

Thankfully winter came. Sports ended, and baggy sweatpants and sweaters made it easy to hide the first signs of a baby bump. Yay for college casual.Driving home for winter break I began to realize I couldn’t hide this much longer though. I was going to need to tell my mom, maybe talk to Mark. Though I still didn’t know what to say or do. My mom would probably kill me for ruining the holidays. This was going to hell, but what choice did I really have?

The truth was about to come out.


Hi again everyone! 👋

Hope you enjoyed this tale! Feel free to share thoughts in the comments below or via DM! As for choosing my next story, I’ll leave it up to a vote again. I recycled the less popular options from before and added a new option A. Feel free to vote for what one you’d like me to write next in the comments below!

Hope you all have a safe and sexy day! 😊

Story A: Part 2 of [The Odd One Out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsrj8j/the_odd_one_out_mmmf_nc_humiliation_oral/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (nc, virginity loss, light BDSM themes)

Story B: A newlywed couple has a disagreement about when to start a family, and the husband takes the decision into his own hands. (birth control sabotage, pregnancy).

Story C: A pair of friends visit an aunt’s house in a tropical location. Her partner has a get together one night with his friends, and things happen. (group sex, drinking/drugs, age difference).

Story D: A successful business woman tries online dating one last time as her biological clock is ticking. She’s matched up with the wrong person. (kidnapping, light BDSM themes).

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tv1ruc/i_cant_say_goodbye_femalepov_mf_nc_creampie

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