Two Birds of a Feather: An Animal Crossing Story [mm] [birds]

Brewster was a bird of few words; Blathers, too many. Yet their improbable love carried them through the darkest times of Tom Nook’s Reign of Terror.

Blathers may have been a blow hard, but he was wiser than the average owl. He knew when Nook came to power that he would soon become a social outcast. He made a measured decision to hide his lifestyle and make himself useful to the regime.

He was an Entomologist by trade. He knew that Nook made plans to hop from island to island, pillaging resources to sell for profits in order to fund his war machine back on the mainland. One of the most profitable industries was underground fossil sales. He approached Nook and made a proposal. He would assess and collect fossils under the guise of running a museum, and funnel all the fossils through Nook’s company store, Nook’s Cranny, where it could then be sold onto the Black Market.

The scheme was an enormous success and Blathers soon rose in notoriety as Nook’s right hand man.

Yet he held onto his secret, fearful that this delicate arrangement could come crashing down at any moment were he discovered.

Then fate intervened.

On a sunny afternoon, Blathers strolled into a local cafe to clear his mind. Nook had begun lacing the local coffee supplies with an addictive compound that forced people to have a cup every day. Blathers head ached like it had been driven through with an ice-pick. He needed his fix.

He sat down at the counter and laid eyes upon a rather handsome Pigeon. Green feathers with a waist coat, bow tie and mustache with glasses.  The bird was the spitting image of an old west saloon keep.

“I was wondering when I would see you today,” the Pigeon said. “Coo, my name is Brewster. Pleasure to meet you.”

Blathers felt as if the Pigeon knew more than he let on. He felt the hot gaze pierce through his soul. He feared his racing heart might stop. That voice. That wonderful voice.

“I’m Blathers. The pleasure is all mine.”

“I thought I recognized you. You’re a well known bird around these parts. Would you like a cup? You know the drill, it’s 200 bells.”

“Yes, Pigeon milk please.”

Blathers took the coffee. It was a perfect 176 degrees. He had longed for the creamy goodness of Pigeon milk. It had been months since he had his last fix and this one hit the spot.

“You look like a bird with the world on your shoulders, what brings you in today?”

Blathers appreciated the kindness.

“I’m going through a lot with work. Running a museum is quite the responsibility. I normally love the job but, today, we had rather a large number of insects come in. Those are the bane of my existence. It ruffles my feathers just thinking about them.”

“Coo, that sounds very difficult. Do you have a Mrs. Blathers at the nest to help ease your mind?”

Blathers looked up in an instant. He knew exactly what Brewster was getting at. It was an acknowledged way to probe to see if other birds were like him. He measured his response.

“I am an eligible bird with a brown empty nest.”

Was this a ruse to find him out? Brewster seemed so disarming and comforting, the way his voice filled Blathers’ ears made him feel at home in that cafe.

“I am, too,” Brewster responded. “I know, in these uncertain times, how difficult it can be to not have a missus at the nest. Would you like another cup? It’s on the house.”

The two sat in conversation for hours. Rather, Blathers spoke and Brewster listened in earnest. Blathers returned to the shop every day for months and the two developed a relationship.

It was a dangerous time to be two birds of a feather under Nook’s reign. There were purges. Nests were inspected at random. Birds were turned out and roasted for loving each other. Blathers knew he must be careful.

Nook was a hard driving master. Blathers was expected to live at the museum. He was made to sleep in the atrium in the event someone would come in with a donation. He knew he couldn’t stay with Brewster.

Then he had an idea.

The museum was rapidly growing. He thought he could find a way to get Nook to allow them to be together. He proposed that they build a wing onto the museum. It would house a cafe where Brewster could serve up his coffee. It would be an easy way for Nook to drug the islanders in order to keep them in line. It was the perfect plan and Tom loved it. He allowed Blathers to build the Roost Cafe.

Finally, he could be with his Brewster.

The two had to be careful still. The museum never closed, so an islander could walk in at any time. However, after the Roost closed and the islanders were all asleep, Blathers would sneak up to Brewster’s room and the two would make Pigeon Milk together.

They could only steal away for brief moments, but in those days that was all they could ever want.
