The young guy at work. [FM]

I’ve been going through some marriage counseling over the past year or so. My wife has been encouraged to “explore her sexuality more”. She seems to follow every thing our marriage counselor says. It’s been frustrating and difficult to deal with. She’s also encouraged me to be “open” with my feelings. Since I can’t talk to my friends about this, I’m trying to talk about it here.

Anyway, a few months ago the first “event” happened. My wife let me know there was a young guy at work that was in her office a lot. He would come in for random things. She says he would look down her top a lot. It actually made me a little upset and frustrated. The marriage counselor also told my wife to be open and honest with her feelings and to communicate them to me. So, she tells me everything. Which, I admit, has been difficult to deal with.

Fast forward about a week and her team goes out for after work drinks. The young guy apparently sat beside her the whole night. By the end of the night, he had a name. “Eric.” Again, she’s out having fun while I was at home. Frustrating.

Skip ahead about another month and…. things went off the rails. In fact, it’s still a little difficult to talk about even as I’m typing this. I’m trying to share my feelings but it’s frustrating. She went out and had “fun” and told me all about it. I actually stopped looking at my phone when it was happening because I honestly didn’t want to hear it. But our counselor says that this is “part of the process” so I’m trying to work through it and process my feelings.

Don’t really feel like typing anymore. I’ll just post the screenshots. Thanks for reading.



  1. Respectively you need to leave and find someone who would at least respect the counseling, she’s just using that as a scapegoat to do as she means. Besides that there’s two other options, you can stay can just deal with whatever she does or you can accept that she’s doing her and you go out and explore yourself as well

  2. I can’t help but read those texts and feel as though divorce or a painless death would be what I would want if I were in your shoes. I genuinely found them hard to read and painful to think about.

    Maybe it’s just me or maybe I’m a horrible person for thinking that way by I honestly don’t think I’d be able to live a day in your shoes like that, you are most definitely stronger than I am if you are still here after that happened.

    I have to say, please try to be strong enough to not take the darkest paths out if you decide to do anything at all.

  3. sorry mate. your wife is a straight up cunt to put that in your face like that and bully you into being a cuck. someone’s gotta say it .. fuck that chick. leave. go find happiness.

  4. Save these screenshots, upload them to a dropbox or somewhere besides your phone and save them as evidence for a divorce. What she’s doing is so wrong to you. This is only the beginning and you deserve better than to have this thrown in your face while she uses therapy as an excuse to do what she wants.

  5. No Councillor would ever tell her to fool around , she’s lying.

  6. She is manipulative, abusive and doesn’t care about your feelings.

    I can”t even begin with how many things are wrong here. She is using the counseling as excuse to justify being abusive and selfish.

    I’ve been the “young guy” many times. She is getting off by telling you how she cheats on you. She has constantly put her pleasure before your relationship.

    Do as everyone tells you, save the evidence for divorce and call your counselor about it.

    I’m really sorry my dude.

  7. Do you want to be a cuck? If not, leave, she obviously wants to have her cake and eat it too, she wants to feel like she’s single and do what she wants but then have somewhere safe to come home to. And to be completely frank, you should be more than that somewhere safe. I know this woman has you down bad but like bro, there’s so many fish in the sea and you’ll find one who makes you happy and it’s obviously not this one

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