[FF] My (26f) gf (33f) made me moan so loud I think my neighbors think I’m possessed

Ok, so, obligatory backstory: We live in some shockingly affordable housing near my graduate program in a large apartment complex filled with students. Me and my GF are well known in the area because apart from being tall (she’s 5’11 I’m 5’10, people call us “Fruit by the Foot”) I am some sort of dog magnet, and there’s a vet school nearby that houses a lot of students here too. The housing is sturdy – I had a neighbor with 3 kids and could only hear them when the baby was crying in the parent’s bedroom, and their baby was SO chill so basically never. I’ve checked with my neighbors and none of them can hear me, which is fine because I watch movies and TV shows I hate ALL the time specifically to bitch about how much I hate them and can be a little noisy (Can y’all BELIEVE they made Zach a serial killer apprentice in Bones? I lost my goddamn mind, that is such bad writing I get heated just thinking about how dumb it was). Also, I’m not quiet during sex, and since me and my GF have an active sex life I’m happy to know I can be a little noisy about it and not disturb people.

That probably changed today.The buildup to today started last weekend – My legs were sore from swimming with some cousins I was babysitting, so when my gf told me she was feeling amorous (partially brought on by the tight swimsuit I’d worn all weekend – those kids can swim for hours) I asked if she could contain her affection to just my nipples and give my legs a break. She said yes, and over the course of three days, morning and evening, she would give me these mind-blowing orgasms from a combination of tickling and nipple stimulation (I have a HUGE tickling fetish).

Anyways, on to yesterday. I had a late start because I had some online meetings, which I did pantsless mostly because I was tired and a little burned out, but also because she talks about my ass the same way Gordon Ramsey talks about cake. After my meetings ended I had a bit of time to get to the office and as I was getting ready to leave she started revving me up a little – some slow, deliberate kisses, a little tickle on my neck or waist, some butt squeezes, and I was ready to call in sick for work but she told me to go and get my work done so I’d have time this weekend to relax. I went to work all revved up and was basically counting down the hours until I could go home. I got home, made some nice dinner, we went for a walk, and I tried to initiate but she said she was feeling stressed and asked if we could go slow. Despite my best efforts, I went a bit too fast, so we took a break and after an episode of Bones (I hate that show so goddamn much, it’s addicting) I leaned in for a kiss and BAM the fireworks were happening.

I lost myself in her lips and on her tongue while we touched each other. She stripped me of my shirt and straddled me on the couch, using her weight to keep me pinned down while she pushed her breasts into my mouth, and I sucked on them as eagerly as I could until I felt her breath shudder in her chest and knew she was cumming. I kept sucking on her nipples until they were too sensitive for her to bear, and then let her rest, holding her until she was ready. After she was comfortable and happy, she asked if we could move things to the bedroom, and I said yes. We got to bed, and I asked if I could continue to pleasure her – she shook her head, saying she had gotten her fill, but I hadn’t even started. She started my kissing me from my neck to my tummy, where she began to get overwhelmed and started biting me gently, eventually ending by biting my thighs while rolling by nipples between her thumb and pointer finger. As the pleasure started to build, she switched from laying alongside me to straddling me again, keeping me locked in place with her strong, thick thighs and tongue fucking my tits ravenously while slowly she began to work her fingers along my ribs, gently tickling me ribs, waist, armpits, and legs, occasionally taking a break to deliver some hard slaps to my inner thigh or a gentle bite to my tummy before resuming. Before long, she had worked me into a sweet spot, tickling my ribs while she kissed and sucked on my neck. I was getting ready to cum and she knew it, and that’s when she broke out a new trick – still tickling me, she moved her thumbs on both sides of my body onto my nipples, applying pressure with them and massaging by breasts while she continued to tickle me.


I screamed. Like, genuine “roller coaster just went down the big hill holy shit” screaming – I didn’t know I was doing it, I don’t even remember doing it. I actually have no recolection of anything I did or ssaid for approximately 30 seconds after that happened – the massaging of my nipples, the tickling, and the feeling of her weight on top of me was overwhelming, and I just lost it. And she wasn’t even done. After I stopped twitching, she pulled the vibrator out from under the bed, and held it to my clit while she squeezed my sensitive breasts with the other, alternating between breasts and keeping me cumming until I was almost frothing at the mouth. I felt like a live wire, and my whole body felt like it was filled with pressure waiting to burst out in any way it could.

THAT is when she delivered her Piece de Resistance. With nipples so sensitive an eyelash stroke could make me whimper, she reached down to my wet pussy and covered her finger in my natural lubricant, then gently pushed her middle finger into my ass, fucking me in the ass while she continued to hold the vibrator against my clit. I mean, I was DYING for this, and all it took was the gentlest touch to make me moan desperately – I was ready to confess to crimes I had not committed, ready to make any promise she asked, ready to carry her children, ready and willing to do anything at everything necessary to keep her fucking me. Fortunately, she only asked that I lay back and let her work, and within moments an orgasm was upon me.

I felt a familiar building of pressure, it was just too much, and I squirted hard. The whole time she had been lavishing her skills on my breasts my pussy had been throbbing and my ass had been begging to be filled – only the briefest, gentlest touch was needed to send me over the edge. I was incoherent, disoriented, seeing spots, and unable to believe my own luck. This girl iss INCREDIBLE. She has magic fingers, a tongue longer and stronger than any other tongue I’ve seen, thick thighs, an incredible ass, and the will to top my insufferable ass. I genuinely needed several minutes to recover my wits, at which point I was still only able to express my amazement at her. Once she realized I was alert and aware, she asked if I knew how much noise I had made. I shook my head – I assumed it was the normal amount, right? WRONG. I was VERY loud. She told me that I had screamed when she moved her thumbs to my nipples. Obviously this is a little embarrassing – my neighbors are delightful. They have adorable cats on two sides, and the one right about us has an absolutely precious pitbull I love more than any other dog I have ever met – we are all acquainted through our pets, and the odds they didn’t hear me howling are so slim as to be nearly impossible.

I’m planning on keeping my head down for a week or two and hoping this just blows over, but I love going for evening walks with my gf and I’m embarrassed now that I’m going to be a spectacle for a few days. Not helping my case is the fact that we had sex again tonight where she did the same combo rough nipple play/tickling move. I’m pretty sure I’m scarring my neighbors for life with the noises we’re making. On the bright side, the Mormon missionaries have been stopping by WAY more than I’d like (I guess they found me again :c) and I haven’t seen them in a few days so maybe being audible comes with some upsides to make up for making my neighbors afraid for my safety and sanity.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tuchkh/ff_my_26f_gf_33f_made_me_moan_so_loud_i_think_my


  1. Great story! Very well written. I m happy for you that you have such a great GF that knows just how to get you off so well.

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