Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret

Chapter one.
The hospital visit.

“Zane wake up”
“WAKE UP Zane!”

Zane wakes up snapping his head up, eyes wide open with his surroundings slowly coming into focus. Shit I fell asleep in class again, Zane thinks. Hoping that he didn’t say that out loud “Sorry Ms James”. “Ms James is gone Zane” said in a more soft tone. Zane looks to his right and left realizing he’s the only student left, then looks forward standing about four feet away was Amber Ryan, Ms James’s Teaching assistant. “OH sorry Ms Amber, how long has class been over?” Amber nodes towards the clock “class has been over for 30 minutes.” Zane puts his head back on the deck “fuck I definitely missed my God damn buss!” Zane says through a wet cough. “Zane what’s going on with you?” Amber says while pulling up a seat facing him. “Nothing, why?” Zane muttered through gritted teeth, looking down at his hands of course he knows what she talking about, his left hand’s knuckles are torn up with dryed blood covering most of them and his right hand was almost completely bandaged from his wrist to his knuckles and is still wet with blood. His right eye was almost swollen shut and black, with a bandage from his temple to down to the bottom of his cheek on top of a mess of fresh stitches. Zane looks back up at Ms Amber, he’s always been enamored with her. He’s always thought she’s absolutely perfect, her pale skin, her short pixie blonde hair, her dark green eyes and easily c cups, she has a thick waist and from what he can tell a great bubble butt. She’s always dressed pretty modestly which makes sense knowing that she works at a high school in a rough city. Though he’d kill to see her in a sundress. He’s never asked her, her age he guesses she 23 or 24. Zane skipps school all the time but when he does go he makes sure to make it a Ms James’s class. Amber was her Teaching assistant and has been for a year and a half, Zane knows this because he failed Ms James’s class and had to retake it two times now. “Come on Zane what happened and you can’t tell me that you fell down some stairs or something like that, you don’t get injuries like those from a fall” Amber said with a fair amount of concern in her voice. “I’m fine” Zane says while standing up and grabbing his backpack he stumbles a little bit, his head was now pounding with a headache. “Well I better start walking if I’m going to make it home for dinner” Zane lied he had no intention on going home, he doesn’t want his mom to see him like this again. Amber gets up and grabbed her purse “I’ll give you a ride.” “Na I’m good it’s only a 30 minute walk” said Zane surprised by her offer.
Amber is not impressed she can plainly see him limping and a little bent to the right side holding his ribs. Amber gets in-between Zane and the door in a confrontational voice “OK! Zane don’t tell me what happened AND, is happening with you.” She paused for a breath. “I mean, you haven’t been to class in at least a week and the when you do show up you look like you have been hit by a, A DAMN BUS!” -then she stomps her foot trying to keep herself from getting even more upset- “Zane I’m going to let all that go I won’t say anything to your parents about this, so at least I can do is give you a ride.” Zane stares at Amber confused “Why do you even car…” -Zane looks at the ground- “she’s not going to let this go” he whispered to himself.” “Ok, alright… Let’s go” as he said this, Amber had a quick smile flash across he face. “I can carry your backpack, I mean, if, if you need me to?” Amber said then immediately looked down. “Amber why are you getting nervous it’s just Zane… Is it because it’s him? He’s definitely changed more then any other student in Ms James’s class. When she first met Zane was a 5’8″ skinny outgoing class clown, with long golden brown hair, now he’s at least 5’11” and 50 pounds heavier with muscle, a shaved head, quiet and stoic. She can’t remember the last time she heard him say a joke or anything, other than answering a question in class. She’s always known that Zane is actually more intelligent than the average student, he just doesn’t show up to class. It’s like he’s a completely different person. This isn’t the first time Zane’s come to school with black eyes and cut up but he’s never been injured this bad before” Amber thinks while staring at her shoes. “NO thank you” Zane says feeling completely confused by her long pause and speech that was really all over the place.

Zane, following Amber to her car at a really slow pace, not able to keep up. After doubling the normal time it takes Amber to walk to her car. “Are you gonna live kid?” Amber asks in a joking tone trying to mask the real concern in her voice. “Yeah, got a couple of busted ribs” Zane grunts. In the car Zane keeping himself from staring at her. It was a normal thing to, think to himself which car is Amber’s in the administration parking lot while going into school. Now he’s IN her car and in really bad shape, wearing dirty clothes. “Amber?” Zane said while try not to get blood on her car seats. “What?” Amber says while looking over at him. “It’s noth.” Zane coughs, “nothing I’m just not feeling so hot.” Amber looks back out the windshield. “Zane seriously though is something going on at home?” Amber’s concerned tone was back just softer. “My home life is fi.” Zane’s pocket starts vibrating. He takes his phone out and looks at the screen. It’s his mom again. Zane then quickly declines the call and leaving his phone on his lap. “Ms Amber, I was just in an accident th..” Zane said while slumping over losing consciousness.

Zane slowly opens his eyes, slowly trying to dicern where he was again. “You’re in the hospital Zane” Amber says while standing up from her seat and walking towards him, stopping at his bed side. “What time is it and what happened, I feel like I got hit by a bus.” Zane said with a quick laugh, then closing his eyes tight, trying to stop the room from spinning. “It’s 6:35 Saturday morning and you passed out on our way to your house yesterday. I pulled over and grabbed your phone off your lap, then called your mom. I told her what happened and took you to city general ER, you mom wasn’t far behind. Your mom told me last night that you haven’t been home in a week and a half, where have you been and who or what gave you these terrible wounds?” “Why are you still here?” Zane said trying to change the subject, feeling a little embarrassed and happy that she seems to care about him. “I asked her to stay” says a short tan, woman with black hair and glasses walking into the room. “HI mom” Zane said covering his face with his hands waiting for the inevitable fit she’s about to have. “Well you owe Ms Ryan here a thank you.” “Please just call me Amber, Ms Smith. ” she says. “Of course sorry. The doctor just to told me that you had a bad concussion and combined with the opioides AND methamphetamine in your system, you could have easily died.” Zane’s mom says while tears are forming in her eyes. She hugs Amber. “I can’t thank you enough for your help and support through the whole night, please feel free in leaving. You’ve already done way more than I can ever repay you for.” “It’s not a problem Ms Smith.” Amber says while turning red with embarrassment. “By the way Zane a few of the nurses remembered you from a visit that happened about 36 hours ago, I guess it was here, that you had your face stitched up” Ms Smith said drying her eyes. “Well bye Zane, I’ll see you at school soon hopefully.” Amber says while gathering up her purse and phone. “You will” Zane said abruptly surprising himself. “Thank you again Amber, you should come over for dinner sometime” Ms Smith said hugging Amber goodbye. “Ok, that sounds fun” Amber said trying to hide her embarrassment. As she’s leaving she can here Ms Smith starting to yell, she stops walking and realizes that she wants to do is go back in there and protect Zane, but that’s not her fight. Hell, she’s not even his teacher. He’s 18 years old not even a minor anymore. She can’t believe that Zane is on all those drugs, what is he hiding so desperately? That even with his drug use out in the open like that, he’s still is keeping the secret what of happened to him. Then she has the thought that she has her own secrets that she doesn’t want to be brought to light.



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