They lay on the hill, and watched the end of the world. [F/F]

*A short one, this time. :)*


They lay on the hill and watched the end of the world.

On her favorite blanket they lay, threadbare and faded from years of use, and listened to the sounds of traffic in the distant city, the screams of the people as they evacuated one building to have it filled again by refugees of another. Su-jin stripped nude, helped Min-ji do the same then, giggling, threw their clothes down the hill to flap and drift in the wind.

They wouldn’t need them any more.

Together, they snuggled and whispered to each other between the calls over the army loudspeakers. Kissed each other’s freckles in all the unlikely places, tickled each other in their private spots. Su-jin brushed Min-ji’s breasts while they watched the desperate manoeuvers of the jets overhead, lovingly teased her nipples while Min-ji caressed her between her legs in turn. Gasped her name as Min-ji licked and nibbled at her join, her tongue along her slit. Pulled at her hair, pulling her close to her as she wrapped her legs around her back, urging her on while she came in the final empty quiet before the first of the mushroom clouds sprang up in the city below. Smiled and laughed and flicked her tongue along Min-ji’s nose, tasting herself in the moisture beaded there, the way she secretly liked to. Ran a finger along Min-ji to get the taste of her, too. One last time.

Told Min-ji she loved her in the hot wind that blew up the hill from the center below and smiled, content, as Min-ji told her she loved her, too.

And as the first of the burning rain fell they lay lit by the sullen glow of the ruined city, Su-jin safe and happy in Min-ji’s embrace, their skin warm and soft against each other, her hair against hers and together, in the time they had left, in silence they loved each other. They had each other. Nothing needed be said.

They lay on the hill. And watched the end of the world.



  1. A great one, this time.

    Not that I know any others to judge, but this IS a very powerful story. The end could be tweaked a little bit to give it even more gravity and turn the knife in the readers gut to to eleven. Leaving ‘the world’ out at the beginning could also deepen the impact. But this is quite powerful as is.

    Great work!

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