Sex at work [FM]

I answered a question on ARAD earlier this week, from the amount of messages I got asking for more details, I figure there is interest in the full story. So here it is.

I was 18, 5’1 and maybe 100 lbs wet through. I was slim, fit with bleached blonde hair and waiting for summer so could get a tan. I’d been working in the small local department store since my birthday a few months earlier. The majority of the staff were all similar ages. A couple of managers were in there 30’s and then there was Scott.

Scott was 26 and he was everything I’d ever wanted in a man, except he was the type of guy who had always done something that bit bigger or better than anyone else, you know the type, an asshole. But I was young, dumb and he was drop dead gorgeous so I ignored all the most obvious red flags. We had been flirting with each other off and on ever since I started.

Scott and I were scheduled to do Friday close, Saturday open. Horrible shift, I only turned up for the Friday as Scott would be running the show. I flirted with him every chance I got, I made sure my top button was undone and that he got an eyeful every time he looked at me, but he kept blanking me, Ignoring my not so subtle signs. Five hours of me throwing my tits and ass at him and it got me no where. We closed the shop down and I decided to head out to the local pub to drown my sorrows.

I took a quick trip home to change into something cut low at the top and high at the bottom, met a couple of friends and hit the bar to start drinking. After a couple of rounds of shots, I notice Scott staring me from further down the bar. I hadn’t seen him arrive, didn’t even know he was going out that night. I gave him a smile and a wave. An hour or so later and I’m on my way to being very merry and Scott comes over and tells me I ought to be going home as I’ve got work in the morning.

“We’re not at work now, fair enough, when I’m at work , you’re my boss and can tell me to bend over and take it, but it’s not like you’d be man enough to do that anyway.“

I was furious, hours spent flirting and flaunting and I’d just been told off like a child. I had another round or two of shots. I had the righteous anger of the drunk on my side. I was gorgeous, if he didn’t want me then fuck him he wasn’t worth it. At some point my friends took me home and next thing I remember is my alarm going off.

I got up, got dressed, got a coffee and went to work with a half remembered dream that I might have said something stupid the night before. We open the store up and it’s just me and Scott, Saturday mornings were dead at the best of times and this day was one of the worst, no customers at all. I head to the staff room to make a coffee. All of a sudden, Scott’s there behind me. I try to stay calm.

“Did you mean what you said last night?” He asked.

“Which bit?”

“The bit where I’m the boss and you do what I say”

Memory flooded back into my mind, my cheeks turned scarlett, I was mortified, it was all I could do to nod. I felt him move closer behind me.

“Even the bit when you bend over and take it?”

Embarrassed turned to aroused in the blink of an eye. I turned to face him, grabbing at him and pulling him down for a kiss. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up, my legs wrapped round his waist, we stumbled to the bathroom. He shut the door and put me down. My hands were undoing his trousers when he spun me round. The buttons of my jeans popped off with a clatter as he yanked them down over hips.

With one hand on my shoulders he bent me over the sink. His other hand pushing my knickers to the side to find me dripping wet and ready. Moments later and his cock was inside me. He slapped my ass as he fucked me hard and fast, slamming his hips against me. I quickly lost control, I was pushing back as he slammed forwards. Neither of us lasted long. I heard him swear as he pulled his cock out of me, spanking me as he came, feeling his cum spurt and dribble over my ass.

Scott quickly pulled his trousers up and left. I took longer to clean up a bit. I was surprised at how satisfying that had been. The build up and anticipation had been much longer than the actual sex.

Tl:Dr – got fucked at work. It was fun


1 comment

  1. Phenomenal story. Paired with the pics in your profile I can fill in the details perfectly.

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