[M/NB] The other guy who lives in your head is pretty hot too (Part 1)

Andria was going on a date with that guy, Flavio, they had met on OKCupid. He was hot, hung, and didn’t seem overly smart, so they thought he was the perfect guy for a quick lay while on vacation in Madrid. No strings attached, unless he was into bondage, of course.

His profile was typical of fuckboys on that app: plenty of pictures with his abs out that also showed the bulge in his pants, numerous emojis, mainly “😜” and “💦”, and a short bio in English to maximize his chances with hot tourists: “Here for a good time, not a long time. I’m sure our kid would look great, but please be on the pill anyway.”

They got on a bus that contained a few other goths and an old lady who was taking her dog to the vet, and they daydreamed about the kinds of things they would do with Flavio. They knew they wanted to leave his place with plenty of hickies and get their nipple piercings played with. And their black leather choker wasn’t just a statement to how goth they were, it also meant their preferred method of collaring was hands. 

They arrived at the meeting place, an utterly adorable little café in an alley that was pretty much impossible to find if you didn’t know about it. Really, this was just a formality. They would have an espresso with the guy to make sure he didn’t give off too many serial killer vibes, and then go to his place to fuck. They looked for a tall, muscular guy with black hair and blue eyes, and they found one that looked strikingly like Flavio. But it just wasn’t right. The guy was wearing a choker eerily similar to theirs, and he was putting on black eyeliner. They took off their sunglasses and placed them over their head.

“Uh… Flavio? I’m Andria.”

Flavio stared at them for five long seconds, then his eyes widened.

“Oh yeah. Andria. Sure. Uh, sit down.”

He continued applying his eyeliner, more focused on getting a perfect wing than on giving any attention to Andria. They ordered an espresso and Flavio did the same, although it took the waiter snapping his fingers for him to answer.

“Dear *fucking* God, it’s hot in here,” said Andria. 

“You’re in Spain in the middle of summer,” Flavio responded. “What did you expect?”

Andria took off their black jacket and fanned themself with the menu. They were scared their foundation would drip along with their sweat and reveal that they were not *that* pale, actually.

“So, uh… What’s up with your makeup and clothes, man? Quarter life crisis?”

Flavio was wearing a black crop top with the name of some Japanese metal band on it, and Andria sneakily looked under the table to see really tight black jeans with holes in them and black Dr Martens.

“Yeah. Nah. It’s just, uh… Fuck. I messed up.”

“Let me see.”

Andria grabbed a tissue from the pocket of their jacket and wet it to remove the ugly blotch of eye liner from the corner of Flavio’s eye, and then took the liner and grabbed his face in their other hand to bring it closer to them.

“You’re looking pretty fucking hot, if I’m being honest.”

Flavio blushed a little, but he could pretend it was just the heat.

“So… First things first: my name’s Lorenzo, actually.”

“Catfishing on dating sites, are ya? At least those abs are the real deal.”

Andria tried their hardest to form the perfect wing on their date’s face, one that would match the other. But for that, he would have to keep his mouth closed, so they told him to shut up, just in case.

“Okay, I’m done. What were you saying?”

“This might freak you out a little, but Flavio is somebody else.”

“Your twin brother? This is pretty weird, but I’m into it.”

“No. Well, not exactly. We live in the same body. We’re alters. Ever heard that word?”

“Alters… That sort of rings a bell.”

“We have dissociative identity disorder. Do you know about it?”

Andria thought for a little bit.

“Oh, yeah, D.I.D. I saw that girl online who had it. It’s like… When you were young, stuff happened that made it impossible for your brain to create a single identity, so it made several, right? And they’re called alters.”

“Pretty much, yeah. So Flavio’s around a bit more often, but you lucked out, and he’s not here today.”

“Flavio being the one I talked to on the app.”

“Yeah. So… If you want to leave, that’s totally cool.”

“Nah, I think I’ll stay. Well, if you want me to. You seem pretty cool.”

“Oh, okay. That’s unexpected. Uh…”

“Well, what are you into?” Andria asked.

“What, you mean sexually, or…?”

“No, I mean everything. Tell me about yourself.”

“Well… I’m 25, a year younger than Flavio, and I’m kind of making music at the moment. I know he wants to get into business, but that’s just not my thing, if I’m being honest.”

“What are you making?”

“Think Muse, but with more bass and edgier lyrics.”


“Thanks. Other than that, I’ve always wanted a pet rat, but Flavio is scared of them. And, unlike him, I do want kids.”

Andria sort of smirked and hid behind the menu.

“No, I mean- God, fuck, no, not *right now*, just someday, you know?”

“Must be a hell of a ride to share a brain with somebody.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. He’s so fucking annoying sometimes. He loves to talk about himself and how his dad owns a bank and how he got that internship at that prestigious company… And he listens to pop. Sometimes shitty rap, but that’s just when he works out.”

The espressos arrived. Andria sipped on theirs, smiling.

“Now you can tell me what you’re into *sexually*.”

“Oh, uh… Are you asking me just out of curiosity? To see how different I am from Flavio?”

Lorenzo took a sip of his own drink.

“Well, I know what *he* likes.”

“Okay. Uh… I can tell you what I’m *not* into. Getting pegged.”

“That’s Flavio’s thing.”

“Yeah, exactly.”

“And… You’re into everything else?”

“Well, nothing that’s too difficult to clean up, but… I like to say I’ll try everything once.”

Lorenzo finished up his coffee.

“So, why did you want to know?”

Andria finished up theirs.

“Just fucking pound me, Lorenzo,” Andria said.

Lorenzo’s face looked like it was about to melt. He stared at Andria, who just shrugged.

“Unless you’re not into me.”

“No, I am. I really really am. I just didn’t expect that.”

“Well, learn to read a room. You’ll need that when you’re a professional musician.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tu15r0/mnb_the_other_guy_who_lives_in_your_head_is