[M/F]Best Friends Brother at the Cottage

The sun is rising, a little morning light peaking through the window curtains. Bed feels just to comfortable to move from. The scent of nature with cottage mixed in is the recipe for relaxation in the morning. I drag myself from under the warmth of the sheets. Slipping into sandals next the the bed. A full length mirror stands next the chair where my zip up hoody lays. I do a once over of my morning bed head long Brunette hair, white tank and green shirt pj shorts. I pull the hood over my head and open the bedroom door. To my surprise Jay is awake before me lounging on the sofa catching some morning toons.
….” You’re up early, couldn’t sleep?”….
I inquire as I pass him into the kitchen for some morning coffee.
….. “nah, couldn’t sleep. Luke called he’s on his way here”….
He exclaimed as he made his way off the sofa to the kitchen counter top for another cup of coffee.
Jay’s parents have owned this cottage since him and Luke were babies. My parents and their parents have been friends for years. Jay and I have been best friends since.
I rolled my eyes to the news Luke was soon arriving. Luke and I have never really seen eye to eye over the years. He’s a major ladies guy. Not sure what they see him. Or he sees in them for that matter. He’s smart and attractive such as his younger brother Jay. I admit I have always had a little crush on Luke but have never thought anything of it.
Jay and I had the weekend to ourselves at the cottage and decided to have some local friends come for hanging around the fire and cottage games.

…. “ let’s sit outside. I love the morning view on the lake”….. as I stepped out of the double screen door onto a large upper deck.
…..” Bro, morning!” ….. Luke greets Jay.
As they both exchange nods I make eye contact with Luke, he nods and I could have thought I caught him checking out my cleavage from my white tank top. I didn’t think anything of it and fluffed it off.
…..” anymore coffee or the two of you drink it all?”….. exclaiming as he enters the screen door to drop his bag on the floor.
I decide to be a dick and grab the last lounge chair by us on this part of the upper deck, placing my legs on it.
Jay side eyes me and chuckles.
As I sit back down Luke’s leaning on the door frame.
…..” it’s going to be like that to start this weekend, huh?”…..smirking with and intense look on his face, beaming at me. And there is another look. Maybe I’m not making it up in my head.
I smirk back, picking up on the intensity of his stare.
He then strides towards me, never loosing eye contact with me. His hassle blue eyes stirring into me. He was looking so sexy with his day or two old stubble that ran across his jawline. Some light stubble above his upper lip. Outlining his big full lips. Some strands of dark brown hair falling over his brow a las the morning sunrise catching the perfect angle of his face. I’m starting to feel warm all a sudden. What’s going on with me. Just as I snap out of my thoughts
he leans over, places his one hand over both my legs. Just one of his large hands was capable of taking gripe of both my legs and as he slumps his body down into the lounger, he places my legs over his thighs with his legs comfortably open.
I’m stunned. His unexpected actions brings me feeling shy and speechless. It seemed as though he was always one step ahead of me.
Sitting directly across from me now, smirking with a satisfied look on his face. Tossing a look over to Jay, beside us,
…..” ahhh, pass me my coffee?”….
Jay handing it to him, he takes a small sip in enjoyment.
Jay shakes his head at us and takes another sip of his cup.
…..” I’m going to take a quick shower. Can I leave you two alone without killing each other ?”…..
as he sits up before going back inside.
I smile at Jay ……..” no need to worry I’ll push in the lake if it calls for it”….. I exclaim as he’s already back inside.

I take another sip of my coffee and notice it’s starting to cool, while doing so, I peering over the rim of the mug, I notice Luke eyeing me again. Not evening hiding it this time, lurking at the small mound of my chest, reverting lower down to my short pj shorts.
I lean over the arms of the chair to place my mug on the deck floor.
When I sit right again, I move my feet to either side of his hips. He’s pinning me with his eyes.
…… “ why are you looking at me like that, Luke?” …..
questioning him, this time I give a flirtatious smile on return.
He answers me
….” Looking at you like what? How am I looking at you?”….
Never taking his eyes off me. He’s never done this before. Although we have never been this alone before. Or sitting practically on the same chair with our bodies touching like this.
…..” intensely eyeing me…. Like you want to say something …?” …… stating him as a matter fact.
……” it’s been awhile since seeing you. You look good.” …. Complimenting me.
What the hell? What is going on here. This coming from the guy that I rarely get along with. He rarely talks with me, really only when the family is together. I felt confused but intrigued with what he means by that statement.
….. “ Thanks, Luke” ….. accepting the compliment with a shy but innocent smile.
…..” you look good too. “…..
as I tried not to be too obvious when I looked at his junk, and his chest. I made eye contact again and he has an amused smile.
Shit, he noticed. I break eye contact and look up and the sun is appearing higher in the sky now. Which is rising the warmth in the air. I take my sweater off and toss my hair back over my shoulders.
He’s still watching my every move. As I try to move my feet he stops me with both hands on either of my calfs. His hands slowly move up my to my knees. Stopping. My breath increases. My hands brace on the arms rests of the lounger.
….. “ you have soft legs….”
Luke states, still peering eyes at me like lasers.
I am unable to communicate words at this point. His hands are warm, little soft but rough at the same time.
…..” I’m not like the other girls, Luke. Why me …..
Finally managing to spit out a sentence.
…..” exactly, you’re beautiful, cute and sexy all at the same time. No you aren’t and that’s what I like most.” ……
He professed.
Not sure what came over me but I just went with the moment. I motioned in get up and he grabbed me by my thighs and place me into his lap. I’m straddling him now and I can feel his hard cock between my legs. Our faces in close proximity. Our noses inches from touching. Our eyes locked. Our breaths vibrating of each other. I’m aching between my legs. He softly brushing the strands of long brown hair from my face, placing his hand at my neck line up to my jawline. Next thing I know our lips touch. Starting soft and slow seductive kisses, reverting to our tongues dancing in our mouths. Fuck, he’s a good kisser. His hands run down my upper back tracing my bare back, down to my lower, making way to my bubble of an ass. He quickly finds out I’m not wearing anything under my pj shorts while he grabs and pulls me in closer to his major hardness. His motions push a soft moan from me into his mouth while we continue kissing. Naturally I begin to grind myself into him.
…..” ugh, fuck you feel so good, you smell intoxicating”….
He whispers into my ear between kissing me and my neck.
His smell is better than I could imagine. His lips are so soft and the way he nibbles at my lower lip sporadically while kissing me turning me on more.
A grunt escapes him and intensify his kiss when slipping my tongue into his mouth tracing the top of his mouth.
Just as he is about to run his big hands over my bare ass under my shorts we instantly stop….

….. “ Lisa, wanna go to the store with me?”….. Jay yells from the window in his room.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tu12ah/mfbest_friends_brother_at_the_cottage

1 comment

  1. { This is my first time posting a story on here. It is fiction. Hope you like, there can be more if there is enough requests. }

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