In an outdoor shower stall at a beach house [MM]

I don’t really know why I felt like sharing this today but oh well.

I was on a family vacation when this happened. We would rent a little place near by the beach for a few weeks or a month in the summer. It was nothing fancy or glamorous, just one of many little rentals that got filled up in the summer.

I was in my last year of high school and definitely bucking for more independence. It was nice to be there, but I was definitely already looking forward to college and eager to kind of get on with my next steps. I’d been very shy all through high school and was counting on college as an opportunity to try to be more outgoing, particularly when it came to dating and sexual experiences. I’d had some sort of high school relationship briefly, but it was essentially just a lot of texting and a few instances making out in parks around town, so I still felt very inexperienced.

My parents would park themselves in beach chairs under an umbrella at the start of the day and read and doze off. My sister and I were both old enough to be more or less left to our own devices. My sister divided her time between frying in the sun and texting her boyfriend during their unbearable brief separation.

I spent most of my time in the water. The beach was mainly crowded with families looking after babies and young kids, so if you were a broody teenager you had to go out into the deeper water to escape. That was where I met Alex.

Alex was one of a handful of the other kids my age on our little stretch of beach. His mother had gotten remarried and his stepfather came with some younger kids, as I learned, so Alex was also left more or less alone. We weren’t exactly fast friends but we got accustomed to each other’s presence. We’d chat when the water was calm. Mostly we’d just float in our own little world, but in each other’s orbits.

I was a morning person – I was always awake before my family on vacation, and I would head straight for the water to swim before it got crowded. By the time I was coming back for a rest and to get some food, people were just settling in for the start of their beach day. I spotted Alex a few times in the morning but it was always a nice quiet time so we just sort of nodded at each other from a little distance.

The first time it happened was after a morning swim. We had both been in the water for a while and he followed me out when I headed back to shore. I was on the road back to the house my family was staying in when he caught up to me and asked if I wanted to go to the snack stand and get some food. I didn’t have any money so I told him I was just going to go back to our house to eat. It was a little awkward – I could feel that he was making an effort and I hadn’t meant to shut him down, so I asked if he wanted to just come with me instead. He said yes, and followed me back to the house. We didn’t talk much. I felt a strange tension mounting as we spent more and more time together but I didn’t really know why.

All of the houses had little areas outside to rinse off saltwater and sand before you went in. Some of them just had a simple spigot, but on our house, there was an outdoor shower with an enclosed wooden stall. I went in automatically to rinse off and Alex followed me. We rinsed the sand off our feet and we could have just stopped there and gone inside, but that strange tension felt like it was holding me in place. We stayed under the shower and it felt good. The sun was blazing overhead by then, but the water was cool.

We were standing close to catch the spray and I could feel his body sliding against mine. It was just little incidental brushes at first, but we kept drawing closer and the incidental brushes became slow, deliberate passes of hands over each other’s bodies.

Alex stepped away to close the door of the shower stall. We caught each other’s stare as he latched the door, but we were both too embarrassed to say anything. We came back together and started touching each other under the flowing water again. This time, we let our hands fall lower, touching and softly tugging at the waist of each other’s bathing suits, gently testing if the other would stop us.

I remember vividly the wet thwack noise of a waterlogged bathing suit falling to the cement floor of the shower stall. His cock was warm and thick and it prodded insistently against my body as we drew closer again. He pushed my bathing suit off and we were both exposed in the warm sun and the cool water.

Deliberately or not, as we touched and pressed against each other we maneuvered over to a little wooden bench that held some soap and other toiletries. I felt it against the back of my knees and let myself sit back onto the sun warmed wood. Alex stepped in close and held my head in his hands while he started gently thrusting himself at my face. I was too buried in his torso to see much clearly. I could feel the head of his cock pressing randomly around my neck and my cheeks, though. I took the base of it in my hand and guided it toward my mouth.

He wasn’t rough, but his movement was steady and insistent. Once his cock was coated in my spit it slid smoothly between my lips and we stayed locked like that for a few minutes in the sun – my head in his hands, and his cock in my mouth.

I could hear his breathing becoming ragged, and the faintest beginnings of moans or words coming through his lips, but he said nothing. There was a sudden, puzzling pause in his thrusts and we hung there for a few long moments with his cock filling my mouth. The silence broke with a shocking, explosive sensation in my mouth. His cock pulsed powerfully and his cum spurted and coated my mouth until it was all I could taste.

He pulled away eventually and a mouthful of spit and cum flowed out after him before I thought to close my mouth. He mumbled something about getting back so they didn’t get worried, stepped back into his bathing suit and slipped out of the shower stall, leaving me sitting in the sun with the taste of him still in my mouth.

[If you like this and you want to talk more about that summer I’m up for it – feel free to message me. Honestly I prefer talking to women about it, but articulate, intelligent guys are welcome too]



  1. Hot and erotic. Hope you post more about what happened between you both.

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