1 New Voice-mail [BDSM] [femdom] [Pegging] [Bondage] [Masturbation]

He panted quietly through his nose as he watched the pearly skinned breasts bounce, buoyant and suspended in the air. The girl’s shrill moans increased, breasts ricocheting and bobbing as if she were riding the waves of a stormy sea.

“Yes, Daddy!” She screamed while riding the member of a man who could not be seen, but whose hand shot up and locked around her throat, stifling her cries of pleasure.

*”This is how it should be,”* he thought to himself as he stared intently into the phone screen. He had propped it on his chest in an attempt at realism.

*”I’m the man, I’m in control,”* he repeated in his head as he imagined the vivacious woman on his screen within his grasp.

This was his third replay on the video; it had always been his favorite. It seemed like he had been stroking himself for hours, he had never had so much trouble in the past and he hadn’t gotten off in a week.

“Yes Daddy, fill me!” the girl screamed while grinding back and forth.

This was the money shot, usually he would replay at this spot until he was close, but he let it play thinking he was about to finish. He panted harder and the phone on his chest began to shake vigorously as he chased his climax. His favorite part of the video was when the man pulled out at the very last second and finished all over the girl, denying her request to finish in her. He watched expectantly, hoping to finish soon too, feeling the pressure and the throbbing in his hand. As the video came to an end the release he had been hoping for never arrived. He sighed, exasperated and at a loss.
The light from his phone grew dark and he turned his gaze to the ceiling. This wasn’t his first unsuccessful attempt this week. Ever since he had last met with *that Bitch.*

They had been seeing each other almost every other day, helping to satisfy the needs of the other. They had met online, naturally. The moment he saw her he was struck by her piercing green eyes and jet-black hair. He was usually into bubbly girl’s who were easy to carry and easy to control, but she had labelled herself on her profile as a D; whatever that meant. Back then he had no idea the significance of a single letter.

He remembered when they first met. It was at a motel, room 2. He confidently awaited her arrival in the room that smelled of stale cigarettes. He had barely sat on the bed when he heard the rap on the door. She had on a long green dress with a black belt, covered with a thin grey trench. Altogether she looked polite and well polished like a woman from his dad’s mags he used to peek at as a young boy. Right away he regretted his choice of pants wishing he had worn something more loose fitting.
She gently shook his hand grasping the tips of his fingers lightly and introduced herself as Celene. She chose to seat herself in a chair in the corner of the room with her legs crossed and her purse perched on her knee while he chose to stand up to help hide his predicament.
The woman who had so easily waltzed into the motel room exuded confidence that dampened his own and he began to feel as if he was shrinking in her presence, wishing he hadn’t jumped to meeting so quickly.

“What are you looking to get out of this?” she asked simply.

He was rather taken aback by such a straightforward question, thinking that surely the answer was not. After some thought he decided upon saying, “to see what’s under that dress and cumming wouldn’t be so bad either.”
He scoffed at himself, but dropped his air as she raised an eyebrow, indicating that maybe the lack of couth was unwarranted. Despite the tone she pressed on with her questions.

“And what do you enjoy?”

“Everything, I guess,” he replied with a small shrug.

“I suppose we shall see.” She stood and made her way across the small room until she was eye to eye with him while she stood in her heels. “Will you submit to me?” She asked in a stern voice.

“Only if you make me,” he snickered, not realizing the gravity of his words in jest.

“Very well,” He heard her say then almost in an instant, too soon to process, he was face first on the motel bed with his pants at his ankles and his shirt lifted above his head restraining his arms.

“You asked for this,” she whispered warmly into his ear as she began to fasten his hands with rope. She had come prepared, and again he felt as if he was shrinking in her presence while the throbbing between his legs only grew. The rest of the first encounter was a bit of a blur in his memory. He seemed to have fallen asleep with his semen smothering his stomach and the only sign that Celene had ever come were the rope burns on his ankles and wrists, as he would come to discover as her personal signature on his body.

They eventually moved venues from the motel to his home, as he began to call her earlier in the day and keep her later into the night. He made sense of this, thinking it was best because he worked out of his apartment. She never stayed behind after he woke and the only mess she left was that on his body. As he came to know Celene’s skill he felt like he was being toyed with, like she was slowly pushing his limits, testing the water to see what might cause him to snap. He had always been rather vanilla so what Celene did to him made him feel as though he was entering into a world of rope and leather he had never seen and he would never be able to turn back from.

He considered himself respectable, straight forward, a man’s man, but Celene made him question this too when he first felt something edging past his balls, pressing further and further back. He was vulnerable and tied in a way where his legs were spread so wide he could do little to avoid the pressing of the lubricated toy. What it was he could only guess with a blindfold around his eyes, but the feeling was enough. The sound that escaped his mouth was like nothing he had heard from himself before. He felt a chill and fever all at once, and seemingly seconds later he felt the trickle of cum down his shaft. Was he really that easy? He felt violated and confused, how could someone so easily do that to him, one that took pride in his endurance?

He couldn’t possibly allow himself to be won over so easily, he would get used to it, he could resist it, after all anal was something for gay men and he was clearly straight. Celene continued to work him in upon each of their meetings, never allowing him to see the next toy that would be prying and pressing into him and each time he failed to resist the pressure on his prostate. Finally one day she allowed him to remove his blindfold and there before him, flooded in the red blood of the setting sun was Celene’s naked body, her green eyes piercing through him. He scoured her body, greedily drinking in every detail on her milky skin letting himself get drunk on her image. This was his first glimpse of her without any clothing. He scanned her over and over until he stopped at the black leather straps on either side of her hips fastening into place a long and rigid mold of a cock that resembled his own. Had she found one to look like his or had she taken a mold without his knowing? Was she planning to put this into him too and have him finish so easily? He still had his pride and he couldn’t allow it. He would not allow himself to take it in that way and so he objected. He objected to the strap on around the curves of Celene’s hips, He rejected that anything in this way brought him pleasure and he defended his masculinity. Celene said little in reply to his outburst, but she redressed herself, gathered her things and was gone before the sun finished setting, leaving him there on his bed, naked and staring up at his ceiling as he was now.

He held up his phone to check the time, 2 am. Was it too late to call someone to come over? Who would he call? He scrolled through the contacts on his phone, stopping at Celene’s number. He stared at her name, lost in arousal and bitter need for release. He went back to work on himself as he fixated on her name, imagining calling it out. He let his eyes close, and his phone flop to his chest as he worked to release, repeating Celene’s name over and over in his head. He thought about how she used to touch him and then slowly lifted his knees and slipped a finger down and inside of himself. It sent a jolt through his body, making him tilt and the phone slip off his body. He played with himself imagining Celene’s hands and the rope around him, he imagined straddling Celene’s naked body, making her breasts bounce as he rode the strap on she had so generously got for him. He was beginning to slip into his fantasy without realizing his phone had been pressed multiple times. He started at the sound of a ring on the phone speaker, but he didn’t have the will to stop. He let the phone ring as he continued to slide his finger in and out of himself. The phone rang and rang and eventually he heard a familiar and languid voice over the speaker.

“I’m not here right now, leave a message after the beep.”

He felt a shiver go through his body and goosebumps on his skin as he grew closer and closer to climax. Her voice bringing him over the top.


“Oh, Celene! Yes!” He couldn’t hold it back any longer, he yelled her name as he finally finished, his body quivered and his cum covered it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ttoikz/1_new_voicemail_bdsm_femdom_pegging_bondage