The odd one out (MMMF, nc, humiliation, oral)

Trigger Warning: While entirely fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read. Thanks and enjoy! 😊


It was winter break. I was home from college finally, with a chance to hang out with my old friends again. Just time to relax, catch up, and joke around like we used to. That was our plan at least.

“So why would you ever root for them again? They’re like our rivals?” Jason was asking with a hint of annoyance as he sipped at his 5th beer.

“What?” I replied “My dad was born in Seattle remember? I’ve just always rooted for them I guess.”

“You know they’re going to lose right?” Jason replied.

“Hmm i dunno, we’ll see.” I replied a bit smugly.

Football was on today, and Jason, Kyle, Scott and myself were all lounging in Scott’s living room glued to the big game. I was lounging on the loveseat and the 3 guys were sharing the couch. There was only a few minutes left, and it was all tied up.

“You didn’t want to go with the girls?” Kyle asked.

“Nahh…” I waved off the suggestion. “Not this time of year. The mall is stupid busy, and besides I like watching football more anyway.” Kyle and Scott’s girlfriends were two of my best friends. They had both left about half an hour ago to drive to the mall across town for some holiday shopping, but given how close the game was, I just had to see how it ended, so had elected to stay behind with the guys, at least until it finished. I’d never spent time with the three of them alone before, but so far I hadn’t been disappointed. We had been laughing and joking around a bunch, and the game was close.

“Any excuse to stare at guys in tight pants ya?” Scott joked, which got a chuckle from the other two.

“What? No, I just like football. All the drama and excitement, it’s good entertainment.” I tried to explain.

“Uh huh, sure.” Scott laughed. “I’ve seen you staring at that lineman’s ass.”

“What? No,” I stammered back. I felt my face get a bit red and turned back to the TV.

“Ok, she’s totally checking them out right now,” Jason teased.

“What? I am not.” I shot back. The guys were all laughing at this point, and I couldn’t help but giggle a bit too. They’d often tease us girls with jokes like this.

“You were too! All that ass right there!” Jason laughed, pointing at the T.V.

“I was just watching, you’re way too obsessed with ass.”

“It’s okay we don’t judge.” Jason replied, “Kyle mostly watches for the cheerleaders ya?”

Kyle laughed a bit and took another drink of his own beer, “Man has a point…” He conceded.

“See!” Jason said to the laughter of the other two. “Nothing wrong with admitting it. We’re all adults.”

I tried to deflect him a little, “Okay, I agree with that, but I’m really just watching the game.”

“Or do you even like guys?” Jason asked. “I mean you haven’t had a boyfriend since what, middle school?”

I turned and flung a pillow at him, smacking him square in the mouth with a satisfying “flump” sound. Kyle and Scott just burst out laughing.“Well that struck a nerve,” Scott joked as Jason wiped up some spilled beer from the drink in his hand. I couldn’t help but laugh too at this point. I doinked him with the pillow much harder than I intended.

“And how many girls have you dated recently?” I joked while grabbing another pillow to rest on.

“Can we just watch the game, people please?” Kyle said, trying to calm us down. The game was entertaining anyway, so we were all thankfully distracted for a few minutes.

“Blocked, he blocked it!” Jason yelled as all three of the guys cheered.

“No way! He can’t jump on top of the other guy like that!” I countered.

“You’re just in denial,” Jason mocked. “Your team is going down!”

“No I’m not, see there’s a flag!” I pointed at the TV. Sure enough it was a penalty, “See!” I pointed out smuggly “told you!”

“That’s a BS call!” Jason countered as he watched.

I just grinned, indulging in being right about something in football for a change.“See, we’re still totally in it to win it.”

“Well if you’re so sure about your team, let’s make a bet, like 50 bucks to the winner.” Jason offered in a voice that betrayed a hint of annoyance.

I dismissed his offer. “What? No.”

“You sure, we’ll all chip in if you win,” Scott offered motioning to the three of them, “That’s like 3:1 in your favor.”

“I don’t have money to pay you all if I lose,” I rolled my eyes, “besides I never bet.”

“Well let’s pop you cherry, first bet then,” Jason said, he pulled out $50 from his wallet and put it on the table then motioned to the other two.

“Yeah alright, I’m in” Kyle tossed down a few tens, and Scott added his own.

“See come on, you were so sure about your team a minute ago.” Jason prodded me.

“You guys…” I shot Jason a lot of annoyance.

“I didn’t hear a no.” Jason joked, “So she’s in.”

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes and went back to watching and snacking on my bag of chips, while Kyle got the guys a couple of more rounds of beer. I had one myself, which got a bit of a reaction. Apparently I should be drinking “girly” fruity drinks. Scott was adamant there were laws about it. They also agreed cleavage is a fun way to hold a bag of chips, which I demonstrated to a round of laughs. Yay for V-neck sweaters I guess.

“Aww this game is dumb,” Kyle lamented as time ticked down. His team was three points short, and one first down away from defeat.

“Fucking rigged,” corrected Scott.

“You’re fucking rigged!” Jason yelled at the screen in a drunken fit. He tossed an empty chip bag toward the TV and opened another beer.

“Pffft, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles,” I said smugly.

“To the victor goes the spoils?” Kyle asked.

I looked at the money on the table again, “nah you guys can keep it, I’m feeling generous.” I joked.

Then as if karma was coming home to roost there was a fumble! I couldn’t believe it. The guys started cheering and jumping and screaming as it was picked up and ran back for a touchdown as time expired. They were ecstatic, high-fives and flying chips were everywhere, and it was hard not to get caught up in their excitement.

“Aww congrats everyone,” I smiled and congratulated them, “that was a fun game!”

“Hell yeah!” Jason cheered back, “Where my victory spoils now girl?”

I laughed, “Hey, I never said I was betting, you guys did!”

“Yeah, but you were acting all like you were going to be generous and let us keep the money a minute ago.” Scott said, with a hint of gotya in his voice, “that means you totally thought you were betting and you had won!”

Jason jumped in “Yeah, yeah, that’s right! You were all acting like you won missy! Now’s time to pay up!”

“What? I said I wasn’t taking the money!”

“No, you said you were letting us keep the money. Totally different.” Scott countered.

“Whatever,” I scoffed, “Like I said I don’t have money anyway, so not like it matters.”

“Still gotta pay up, cutie like you must have something of value?” Jason said.

“Ok fine then.” I said, admitting defeat. It wasn’t worth arguing against them anyway. “What would you even want?”

“How much did that sweater cost?” Scott asked as he began downing another beer quickly.

“I dunno, I got it years ago. Maybe $50?” I replied, “Wait… why?”

“I like it, and it’s a good start.” said Scott with a chuckle.

“What? You want me to give you my sweater?” I asked in surprise.

“Yup, take it off already missy,” Jason said eagerly. “You owe the man a sweater!”

“You can’t be serious?” I said flabbergasted, “I’m just wearing a bra underneath!”

“That’s better!” Scott joked, “that’ll get you a couple bucks closer to even.”

My mouth just hung open at this point, I wasn’t sure quite what to say. “Come on strip, sexy lady, strip!” they started chanting, “strip sexy strip!” over and over. I was embarrassed, but we had all been laughing pretty hard. They really were a great group of guys, and it was hard to want to disappoint them. Peer pressure was building, and I began to think of caving in.

“Come on,” Scott begged, “Not a big deal, we’re all adults right? No different than wearing a bikini on a beach.”

“oh god… okay, okay fine!” I reluctantly relented. It was all in good fun anyway right? No worse than wearing my bikini I guess, though it didn’t quite feel the same.

I slipped my arms in the sleeves and pulled my sweater over my head. There were cheers and hoots and all four of us laughed. Myself especially as after I tossed Scott my sweater and he went and actually put it on. I don’t know what was more absurd, me standing there in a black lacy strapless bra and black yoga pants, or Scott in my purple V-neck sweater and blue jeans.

“It looks good on you,” I joked. “You should wear more purple.”

“Right? I really should,” he remarked and snapped a selfie of himself in it, much to my horror. “Don’t worry I won’t share it.” he laughed.

“Okay well Scott’s a happy man but you still owe me.” Jason laughed. “What piece of clothing do I get?”

“None,” I laughed and told him, “sorry I’m not a stripper.”

“Have you considered it though?” Kyle asked, speaking up for the first time in a while. “You’d probably make more money as a stripper or a hooker than working part time as a receptionist.

“What? No…” I laughed, as I clamped my arms a bit around my chest.

The guys’ gaze was starting to linger a lot more on my bare torso than I was comfortable with. Between this, their earlier comments, and the large collection of empty beer bottles on the coffee table I was starting to feel a bit more uncomfortable with where this had been heading.

“And I’m serious nothing more is coming off.” I warned them sternly, hoping to cool things off.

To my pleasant surprise Jason did push the clothing thing any farther. “Aww man, ya know okay, but you still need to do something for me though.”

“Ok, what?” I asked.

He wandered across the room lost in thought for a moment, until an idea hit him. “I got it!” He suddenly said and turned to face me.

“Okay?” I replied, waiting.

“First you gotta get down on your knees.” He said.

“Um ok…” I kneeled down where I was standing.

“Now hold your hands behind your back.”

“Ok…” I replied, doing just that.

“Now walk on your knees over here to me.”

“Huh, like this?” I started shuffling toward him on my knees. It was kind of awkward as I bobbled along. Kyle and Scott just laughed from the couch as I stumbled along comically. About ⅔ of the way there Scott let out a whistle, “look at those tiddies bounce when she moves!”

I looked up at Jason who was just staring at my chest, and felt my face turn bright red. “oh my god…” I lamented. “You guys are horrible! How much did you drink?”

The three of them just laughed, “Be nice to the pretty lady now Jason, or she’s never going to hang out with us again.” Kyle warned him with a chuckle and gave him a wink.

“Right right, sorry, I’ll be good.” Jason promised, “No more tiddy bouncing, but have to bow down and put your forehead on the floor and repeat what I say ok?”

“Nothing raunchy,” I warned him.

“Of course not” he promised.

I did what Jason said, and bowed over. Kneeling there, arms wrapped around my chest, forehead on the floor, I couldn’t help but wonder how silly I looked just now. The guys seemed to be having a good time. They laughed, whispered, and crowded around me.

“Now say, Jason’s football team is the best,” came the command.

“Jason’s football team is the best!” I said laughing a little at the absurdity of it.

“Jason is an awesome hunk,” was the next line.“

Jason is an awesome hunk,” I repeated giggling.

“I want Jason to take off my bra,” Jason said, trying not to laugh.

“Hell no!” I said out loud to a roar of laughter.

Then I felt a hand on my back at my bra clasp, and my bra popped loose. I grasped at it and held it against my chest.

“Ahhh!” I shrieked in surprise. Then there were fingers on my side. “Tickle tickle! I know you’re ticklish” I heard Scott say. I couldn’t hold it in, I closed my eyes and was laughing and laughing. Then my bra was pulled free from my grasp!

“No!” I yelled as the tickling stopped and the guys all stood up.

There was a slap of a high five, and more laughing.“Okay I’m good. Just you now Kyle.” Jason said with a satisfied laugh.

Still laying there on my knees with my eyes closed and my hands clamped over my nude breasts, I was overcome with embarrassment, “You guys are horrible!” I told them. “Give me my clothes back. Please?”

“You still have Kyle,” Scott said, “then you get your clothes back.”

I sighed, “Please, I don’t want to do this.”

“Well you shouldn’t have bet then!” Jason laughed.

“I’ll make it quick, since you’ve been such a good sport with these two horny freaks.” Kyle said “Just three things, they’ll just take a few seconds total. Nothing embarrassing.”

“Do you promise?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” Kyle swore.

“What do I have to do?” I asked, a bit fearfully.

“Are your eyes still closed?” Kyle asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Okay, keep them closed and sit straight up on your knees.”I sighed again, and sat up. “Like this?”

“Yes, perfect.” He replied.“Now open your eyes,”

I opened my eyes. Kyle was standing right in front of me. He’d dropped his shorts and I was staring right at his fully erect dick, just inches from my face.

My jaw dropped open in surprise and I froze.

“Now suck my dick, slut!”

He grabbed at my head but I quickly ducked down. I started to stand but then I felt hands on my shoulders pushing me back to my knees. Jason and Scott were holding me down. They kept me on my knees and a hand grabbed my hair tightly. I couldn’t move my head. I just stared straight ahead at Kyle dick in fear as he took another step towards me.

“No… what are you doing? Don’t…” I protested, but there was just a giggle from the boys behind me, and Kyle grinned widely.

He grabbed his dick in his hand and flicked it forward. I flinched as he smacked it against my face. He did it again and again, four or five times. “I always wanted to do this with you. I’m glad we finally got a chance.”

“Kyle… please!” I begged again, as I tried to muscle free from the two others holding me tight.

“No, you see,” Kyle began to explain, “You need this. You’ve been a tomboy for years. Then tonight? Watching football? Beer? No shopping? No boyfriends really ever? Naw, that stuff ain’t right. It’s not natural. I know you’re really a girly little slut inside, and I’m going to help you discover that side of yourself tonight.”

He looked down at me with a sly smile. “Now… Kiss. My. Dick.”

With that my head was shoved forward. My lips were pressed against Kyle’s dick, and I closed them tight. My head was held there. All I could see was Kyle dick and hips. All I could smell was musty sweat.

“God, is that how you think people kiss? Any wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.” Jason’s voice mocked me. “You need to use your tongue girl.”

“Open your mouth,” Kyle told me.

I didn’t move.

“Get this slut’s mouth open,” Kyle called to the others.

Jason’s hand reached around my head and pinched my nostrils shut. I couldn’t breathe now! I twisted my head what little I could, but couldn’t free myself. Beginning to panic I reached up with one hand that had been covering my breasts to try and free my nose.

“Dude, grab her other hand!” Jason said from behind me.

Scott reached around me and grabbed my wrist. I clamped my arm tight against my chest but he was stronger and pulled it away. My bare breasts fell free, now exposed to any leering eyes. As he forced my arm behind my back I covered my chest again quickly with my one free hand. There was no hope of freeing my nose now though. Left with no other choice I opened my mouth.

“Huhhh!” I gasped for air and panted a couple of times. Then I felt something jammed in my mouth. It was Kyle’s penis!

“Damn girl no teeth!” I heard him say, “you got a lot to learn if you’re ever going to treat a man right!”

As his dick slid around my mouth I struggled to breathe again.“Open wider and I’ll let go of your nose,” I heard Jason offer.

Desperate to breathe freely again I did as he suggested and opened my mouth wider.“There we go, good girl! That’s much better.” I heard Kyle say, and Jason subsequently released his grip on my nose. While it totally pissed me off that I was essentially enabling my own assault, it was a relief as I finally began to catch my breath.

Kyle was seemingly satisfied with how things were going now. He began pushing his penis in and out of my mouth. It was horribly uncomfortable as he jammed it about, and the longer it went on the worse it got. My jaw began to ache. Drool trickled down my chin. His dick would touch the back of my throat and I’d gag. He began to sweat more and more, and his crotch odor was horrible.The whole time this was going on they mocked me endlessly. Telling me how all my future boyfriends would love my mouth, how I would be a serious catch if I just acted like this more often, how cute my boobs were, how I looked like a real woman now with a dick in my mouth. They treated me like less of a person than I had ever experienced before.

After a few horrible minutes Kyle pulled his dick out of my mouth. “Grab her other arm will ya?” He asked Scott.

Scott quickly grabbed my other arm and held it behind my back, and my breasts fell free again. I wanted to fight, but my body didn’t have any fight left. An overwhelming humiliation sapped my strength as I kneeled there in front of him red-faced, topless, and panting for breath; enduring his leering stare.

“So slut, do you watch porn?” Kyle asked me bluntly.

I shook my head ‘no’.

“Do you know what a facial is?”

I shook my head ‘no’ again.

“Look at me,” Kyle said.I looked up at him, he was grinning down at me holding his phone in his hand. I must have made a sour face because he just laughed.

“You’re cute when you’re angry,” He said in a mocking tone. “Now eyes on my dick you slut.”

Not wanting to hold gaze with him anyway I turned my gaze to that dumb sausage of his which had been assaulting my mouth. Kyle had it pointed at my face and he was stroking it gently. Slobbered over with my saliva it glistened a bit in the room lights. I could also see a little red mark on it that must have been from my teeth. I wished I had the guts to bite it harder. I felt silly kneeling there watching him stroke his dick, but it was 1000x better than having him try to jam it inside my face. I sighed a little as he continued to stroke it, not really knowing what to do, but no one was barking directions at me though, which was nice.

I watched as Kyle began stroking a bit faster. He started making weird groans and I guessed he was enjoying himself.I watched his dick as he rubbed faster and faster. Then he just stopped all of a sudden and held it still for some reason. Nothing happened for a brief moment then to my surprise his dick made a little wiggle.

Then it jumped!

As it jumped a white stream erupted from the tip! His warm juice splashed onto my face, sticking to the bridge of my nose and my right cheek!

“Ahhh!” I gasped!

Bad idea!

It jumped again and this time his stream covered my lips and a big glob of gooey salty semen landed on my tongue. I gagged and tried to pull my head away, but Scott and Jason held it firmly in place. Unable to move I scrunched my eyes shut and endured. I could feel drips hitting my eyelids. It felt like it hit my hair. It hung off my chin and dripped down on my chest. After a couple of more seconds I felt it touch my lips where Kyle seemed to let it ooze out a few drops worth.

When he was done I felt Kyle take a step back. “There you go, you’re a real woman now!” he exclaimed.

“Damn she does look hot, let me get a picture of this too!” Jason laughed.

“Share it with me bro!” Scott yelled.

“Get up and get your own pic. She ain’t going nowhere.” Jason replied.

With that my arms were released, and I let them fall to my sides. Jason was right. I just sat there, eyes clamped shut, afraid to open them. Not sure what to do now I felt frozen in place as a disgusting ooze ran down my face. This salty glob rested on my tongue, and an overwhelming helplessness tore through my body. To make matters worse, to my total embarrassment, I started to tear up and cry.

“Damn, she is a real girl now! Look at her bawl!” Jason laughed. “You fixed her right up!”

“Told ya,” Kyle said, “now be a gentleman and get her to the bathroom so she can clean up, and let her have her stuff back. The girls will be back eventually and we don’t want them to know ya?”

“Here girly, let me give you a hand.” Jason said grabbing a hold of my hand. I let him help me up, and he slowly led me down the hall and into the bathroom.

“Here’s a tissue sexy. I put your clothes on the floor. Good luck cleaning up!” Jason stuffed a tissue in my hand and gave my butt a slap then I heard him exit the room and shut the door.

‘I need to be strong, and just get away from here fast.’ I thought to myself.

I dabbed off my eyes first with the tissue and opened them. I blinked away semen and tears and stared at my reflection in the mirror. Through my blurry vision I barely recognized the dirtied, shocked, red-faced individual staring back.

There was still laughter and cheering coming from the other room. The evening game must have started, but I had no urge to be in there watching with them now. I spit out Kyle’s semen from my mouth, then wiped myself down the best I could with tissues and a blue washcloth. Dabbing up the droplets of semen, mopping up the little that got into my hair, and trying to make myself look as normal as possible. I pulled on my bra and sweater and looked at myself in the mirror again. This was as close to normal as I was going to get I guess. I looked like I’d been crying, and hated that I couldn’t hide it any better. Summoning up my courage I grabbed my purse and opened the bathroom door.

The hallway was quiet so I snuck down it to the front door. The guys were still entranced by the game on the TV. It’s like they forgot I was even here, like it was just a normal evening, drinking and watching TV with friends. I slipped out the front door quietly and made my way home.

The drive was uneventful and typical. I got back home safely. The house was empty, my parents must have gone out too. They weren’t expecting me home for a few more hours anyway. Probably a dinner date, or whatever normal couples do in the evening.

I went upstairs to take a shower. I struggled to remove my clothing a bit, fighting these new demons I seemed to have found. The water was warm and comforting however. I washed and scrubbed myself clean, then hopped into my pajamas and went to bed. It was 8:30pm, so I looked at my phone. Only message was from Jason.

“Hey you didn’t say goodbye! The girls were surprised you left as well! Hope you had a fun night, we sure did 😉. Got lots of pics and a video if you want to see them sometime. Always you’re welcome to come and hang with us. Don’t be a stranger, and don’t worry we can keep secrets if you can!”

I fumbled and dropped my phone on my chin as I read his message. My shocked response startled me as this new primal fear crept into my mind. I’d never felt anything like that before. There’s no way I could reply to his message tonight. It was time to sleep. Somehow my shaky hands managed to plug my phone into the charger and I laid back in bed.

It took me a long time to fall asleep. My brain sorting through things, tripping and stumbling awkwardly as it went. I didn’t want anyone to know what happened. It was way too embarrassing. I was a stronger person than that. How to pick up my life and move on though? I have to act normal or people will know something was up.

Wait, I never texted either of my girlfriends back! That’s not normal! Do they suspect something? What would I even say? The truth? Sorry your boyfriend assaulted me so, I didn’t text you. She probably would want to know though, but I don’t want anyone to know, but…After going in circles for too long my brain finally conked out.

These were problems for another day.


Hi again everyone! 👋

Hope you enjoyed my story! As always feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments below or by DM. I love hearing your thoughts!

Also! I’m having trouble deciding what to write next, and thought people here might want some input? I did something like this with my choose-your-own-adventure series earlier. If you’d like to vote for one of the options below, I’ll write the winner next. Just let me know your choice! 😊

Story A: A pair of high school friends go for a run where a rebuffed admission of love ends badly. Also, be careful who you let see your new health app! (rebuffed affection, unwanted pregnancy).

Story B: A newlywed couple has a disagreement about when to start a family, and the husband takes the decision into his own hands. (birth control sabotage, pregnancy).

Story C: A pair of friends visit an aunt’s house in a tropical location. Her partner has a get together one night with his friends, and things happen. (group sex, drinking/drugs, age difference).

Story D: A successful business woman tries online dating one last time as her biological clock is ticking. She’s matched up with the wrong person. (kidnapping, light BDSM themes).

Hope you have a safe and sexy day! 😊
