Strangers Ran A Train on My Wife in a Paris Hostel [MMMMF]

Anne and I ended our honeymoon in Paris. Our whole trip had been amazing. We’d seen and done so much. We’d also been careful with our money, so by the time we got to Paris we had money to burn. We didn’t go insane but we didn’t hold back either. We ate a few fancy dinners, we went to the Moulin Rouge, Anne bought some sexy lingerie in Pigalle.

The hostel was a letdown, but that didn’t last long. Our first room was disgusting but we went to the concierge and asked, in our terrible French, if anything could be done. She was charmed that we even tried to hold the conversation in French. She explained that hostel was being renovated and we’d gotten stuck in one of the old rooms by mistake. She moved us to a new room and it made a world of difference. Plenty of space, sparkling clean, its own shower, everything we could hope for. It had space for six, but the concierge assured us that the entire room would be ours. And it was. Despite the fact that the hostel was at capacity no one else came to our room. It was easy to see why. Most of the other guests were pretty rude. No one tried to engage in French, in fact they barely treated the concierge as human.

On the morning before our departure four men came down to front desk. We watched them from the breakfast nook nearby. They were disheveled and angry. They’d gotten the room we started in and were very unhappy about it. They tried to take their anger out on the concierge. She would have none of it. They got loud and a little abusive and she calmly told them that all the rooms were occupied. She would not be cowed, no matter what they tried. They were big men and clearly not used to being told no.

Anne leaned over to me. The men were oblivious to anything except the concierge.

“I want something.” Anne whispered. She blushed. She was being cagey and, after everything we’d done this trip, it wasn’t like her. She didn’t follow up.

“Yes.” I asked. I was very curious about what, at this stage of our relationship, could make her so tentative. She blushed harder, looked down, looked at me.

“Our trip is almost over and…I…want to get fucked by those men.” She looked down again. I was stunned. Anne had shown a submissive side before, but only with other women.

“Really?” She nodded, still looking down. This was obviously taking something out of her. Anne had become confident in her sexuality on this trip. I found her vulnerability at that moment extremely arousing.

“What are you suggesting, exactly?” Anne looked relieved.

“I’ll go tell them that I have extra room. I’ll spend some time flirting with them and then I’ll let them fuck me, one after the other.”

“And me?” I asked. “What am I doing?” Anne stopped short. This clearly wasn’t a long standing fantasy. It was still forming in her head and she didn’t know exactly how she wanted it to go.

“I. Um…I don’t know. Do you want to watch? I want you to be there. But…” She was really struggling. It was adorable. “I want them to be…unrestrained. I don’t know if my husband in the room would change things. I think it would.”

I was already convinced, but I wasn’t quite ready to let Anne know that. The images that she was evoking were raw, primal, disturbing but deeply erotic.

“I’m not sure, Anne. It’s a big step.”

She flashed a quick smirk at me.

“[I did let you fuck my sister while I watched. Bigger than that?](”

“Point to you.” Her smirk became a smile. I thought about it some more. The men seems to be wrapping up their argument. I didn’t have a lot of time.

“One rule.” I told her. “I have to be there. I have to see it happen.” She nodded in agreement. “Go tell them that you have the space, you’re sharing it with another backpacker. Move them in, then spend the day out in the city. I’ll be in the room when you get back. I’ll pretend to be asleep or something.” Anne gulped. She was closer to making this a reality. I gestured at the men. They were starting to drift away. “Whether this happens is up to you. Don’t lose your chance.”

Anne look over and then looked at me. For a moment I was convinced that she’d do nothing. Then she lurched to her feet. She was shaking with nerves, or arousal, or both. She recovered by the time she reached the group. She talked to them for a bit, I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Then they cheered. One of them picked Anne up in a bear hug and spun her around. He made her look tiny. The group rushed into the stairwell to head to their room. They were gone for half an hour, then they spilled out of the elevator into the city, they carried Anne along with them like a relentless tide.

I planned on going out. This was a lot and I needed something to distract me. But I didn’t. I was horny and a little terrified and I could hardly move. I sat in the shower for a long time. Then I crawled into my bunk and tried to read a book. I stared at the first page for hours, wondering what Anne was doing. Time passed. And passed. And passed. The sun set. The room got dark, lit only by my reading light. With every minute that passed I felt tension rising. It felt like I was going to explode, or pass out.

It was well after midnight when the door burst open. The group of men piled in and turned on the light. I blinked in surprise. Anne was in the center of them.

“Sorry man.” The guy in the lead said.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said. I made a show of pulling on some headphones and tugging the pillow over my head, pretending to try for sleep. I pushed back into the shadows at the back of the bunk. I couldn’t see everything, but I had a good view of the bunk opposite me.

“No Tom.” I could hear Anne. Her voice was coquettish, high pitched, and wavering. She sounded breathless. ”Not in front your friends.”

“They don’t mind.” Tom was insistent.

“You want them to watch?” She asked.

“I bet you put on a hell of a show.”

“Do you think? You think I’m sexy?”

“Let’s find out” Tom moved Anne towards the bunk. He pulled her shirt over her head. Underneath she was wearing a tight green corset. It helped explain the breathless tone. “Very nice. Take off your pants.”

Anne undid her pants and pulled them down. She was wearing green stockings that matched the corset. The lace trim matched the arches of the Eiffel tower. She was wearing green panties over the suspenders that connected the corset and stockings. It was the lingerie that Anne bought in Pigalle. The fact that she was showing strangers before me brought me a rush of excitement.

“Lose the panties.” Anne quickly stripped the panties off. She gave them to Tom. He handed them to one of his friends. The friend slipped them into his pocket.

“Sit down.” Anne obeyed, sitting on the edge of the bunk. Tom undid his pants and pulled out his hard cock. Anne parted her lips a little. Tom grabbed the back of her head and pulled her close. His cock plunged into her mouth, deep. She let him push into her throat. She was showing off for his friends. After a second she tried to pull back but he held her tight. Drool started to trickle out the side of her mouth. She tapped his thigh. He pulled back and she gasped for air.

“Are you ready to be fucked?” Tom demanded.

“Yes.” Anne sounded meek.

“In front of my friends?”


“And then you’ll fuck them too?”


“All of them? One after another? As many times as they want?”


“Lie back.” Anne obeyed, lying on the bunk. Tom moved towards her.

“Wait.” Anne said. She reached towards her purse and pulled out a box of condoms. We never used condoms. She must have bought them today, when she was out with the men. The thought was exciting. Anne tore open a packet and rolled the condom down over Tom. He pushed her back roughly on to the bunk and mounted her. Anne spread her legs wide and Tom plunged into her. She gasped. He pounded into her without finesse, fucking hard and deep. This was all for him. He didn’t hold back. He pinned down her shoulders and thrust and thrust until he exploded inside her. He climbed off and locked down at her freshly fucked body. Drool was slowly drying on her cheeks.

Even as he stood one of his friends lined up behind him. Anne grabbed another condom and slid it on him. He lay on her heavily, pinning her to the bed. He reached down to line himself up and whispered in her ear.

“You good with this, luv?”

“Yes.” Anne panted back. “Fuck me.”

He did. He grabbed her knees, forced them up on to his shoulders and thrust deep. Anne gasped. The man fucking her didn’t care. He pounded hard, again and again. It was savage, brutal. I could hear him slapping against her pussy. Anne gripped the sides of the bunk and her knuckles turned white. The smell of her pussy was thick in the air. I loved knowing that everyone could smell her. He pushed forward until Anne was bent double. Her knees touching her ears. Tears were rolling down the sides of her face and she was biting her lower lip to keep from yelping. When he pushed forward a final time she couldn’t help herself and wailed loudly. He came hard. He collapsed on her.

“You good?” He whispered in her ear. She nodded and replied.

“Yes.” Her voice was a lot softer this time.

When he stood the third man was already waiting. Anne slid a condom on him and he plunged into her. He moved faster than the last man, short little thrusts that left Anne panting. She was vocal now, like the wail has broken her resolved to stay quiet. With every thrust she moaned loudly.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Over and over as he pounded her. He came quickly and just as quickly last man mounted her. This one spit on his fingers and rubbed Anne’s clit as he plunged into her. She came immediately. She screamed in bliss. I worried that someone would come. His friends congratulated him. He ignored her orgasm and fucked her hard, like his friends had before. Now that they’d started talking they kept on. Urging him to go harder, faster. Anne was limp beneath him. He finished quickly. When he was done he tried to touch her clit again. Tom pushed him roughly away.

“She got hers.” He pulled her over, off the bunk. She knelt on the floor of hostel, her ass facing the four men.

“Do you want to keep going?” Tom demanded.

“Yes.” Anne said weakly.

“Don’t tell me. Tell them.”

“Fuck me.” Anne panted. “Fuck me hard. Use me until you’re done.”

Tom slipped on another condom. He pushed her head down until her face was pressed into the carpet. He fucked her harder than ever. She was moaning with every thrust. He went longer this second time, until she was whimpering his name. Begging him to finish. He did. But there was no respite. The second one fucked her, the third, and the fourth. Each took their turn on my wife.

When the last finished Tom rolled Anne onto her back again. She was as limp as a ragdoll, letting each man take his pleasure in her. Tom fucked her again, then the second man. The third man reached into the box of condoms and found no more. They’d used them all. He looked at Anne, lost in bliss on the floor.

“Can I finish in you?” He asked.

“Not a chance.” Her voice was surprisingly steely. “On my chest.” He looked like he was going to object, but then complied. His friends urged him to cover her, to mark his territory. He came across the green corset, staining it. The last man stepped up. His friends urged him to come on her face. He did. Anne flinched. Afterwards he sat beside Anne and, licking his fingers, very softly rubbed her clit. Anne came against his fingers with a soft shudder.

She smiled up at the men and quietly said.

“I like him the most.”

The men helped Anne to her feet and into the washroom. She was unsteady on her feet. She stayed in the shower a very long time. She came out in her favorite flannel pajamas. She futilely looked around for her panties, gave up and went to bed.

We woke up early in the morning and snuck out of the hostel. The men didn’t seem to notice. Anne could hardly walk, but seemed immensely pleased with herself. It was good that we had a long flight ahead of us. Anne slept the whole flight home.

[The Chronology of Anne and I](


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