Raped at a party by someone you thought you could trust [Rape][MF][M dom][Rough]

Your Uber pulls up outside a large, expensive looking house in an unfamiliar but obviously affluent neighborhood. It’s a hot summer night and, although it’s late, the sun is only just setting. You’re dressed pretty casually: a tank top, denim shorts and sneakers; you’re far more interested in feeling comfortable than dressing to impress. As you and your best friend Jess climb out of the car, a slight feeling of apprehension starts to settle in. You don’t know anyone at this party and you’re really only here because Jess begged you to go with her. She has a huge crush on some guy who’s going to be here and you’re worried that as soon as you’re both inside she’s going to be all over him, leaving you on your own with a bunch of people you’ve never met. You’ve told yourself what’s the worst that can happen? Worst case scenario is you stand around on your own for a while and after an acceptable amount of time, you just make your excuses and leave. Best case scenario; you actually have a great time and meet some cool new people!

As you walk up the garden path and approach the house, you can hear music and laughter coming from inside. Before you even arrive at the front door it’s opened by a tall, muscular man in a tight fitting t-shirt who looks like the kind of guy you’d have seen shirtless in a diet coke ad from the 90s. You know this guy is exactly Jess’ type and it immediately makes sense why she wanted to be at this party so badly and why she talked about him like a lovestruck teenager almost the entire ride over.

“Jess!” he says enthusiastically. He flings his arms wide open and they embrace for a second or two longer than is customary for a platonic greeting; it seems like this guy likes her back. Good for Jess, you think to yourself. Their hug finally comes to an end as you awkwardly stand there next to them on the doorstep, waiting to be introduced.

“Hey, sorry, I’m Sam, it’s nice to meet you!”. His greeting seems warm and sincere and he shakes your hand with a firm grip. After exchanging pleasantries you are both invited inside. Sam introduces you to a few friends who all seem super friendly, you’re directed towards the large array of drinks on offer and encouraged to help yourself and you’re given a quick tour of his place and shown where the amenities are. The house is big; normally a room full of party-goers can make a room look cramped but seeing this many people in a living room and kitchen just highlights how spacious this place is. It’s well looked after but also feels lived in; this isn’t a showroom. Family pictures are everywhere; this is clearly a family home that values cherished memories over expensive artwork. Just as you start to wonder who’s house this is, you notice some photos of Sam and realize that the skinny, dorky kid in a lot of the photos you’ve been seeing is actually the same devilishly handsome man who is currently showing you around the place. That’s kinda cute, you think.

Sam tells you it’s his parent’s place.

“I’m just in town visiting but they’re not back for a couple of days” he says with a natural yet charming smile. He seems like a nice guy and he keeps looking at Jess with genuine affection. You feel comfortable here and as Sam talks to Jess he makes sure to involve you in their conversations, making regular eye contact. You’re made to feel relaxed and welcome in his home in a matter of minutes. Before you know it there’s a few people standing around in your group and you’re introducing yourself, or being introduced, to Sam’s friends, laughing at people’s jokes and grabbing your second beer from the fridge. You find yourself having a great time; everyone here is friendly and Jess hasn’t ditched you at all but is actually singing your praises to people, telling everyone what a great person you are and how much she loves you. You suspect she really wants you to make some friends here so she can sneak off with Sam at some point and not worry about leaving you, but you’re enjoying yourself so much you don’t think you’d care even if that was the case. You notice Jess is knocking back the beers a bit quickly; probably nervous. You’ve known most of her ex boyfriends and Sam is leagues above any of them in terms of looks and, from what you can tell so far, in just about every other regard. Jess has only known Sam a few weeks but they’ve been spending a lot of time together. This is her first time meeting his friends and his first time meeting hers. He seems very friendly and courteous towards you but his attention is very much focused on Jess. They both seem very happy and very smitten; if Jess hasn’t got her arms wrapped around him then his is draped over her.

The party continues into the early hours of the morning and unfolds exactly as you would expect a party like this to unfold; games are played, a huge amount of pizza is delivered, copious amounts of beer is consumed and as everyone slowly gets more and more drunk, people gradually say their goodbyes and the number of party goers dwindles until finally there’s just one large group of drunk people sat/laying around in a circle in the living room around a large coffee table situated in front of a grand fireplace. Everyone is talking and laughing loudly and the party doesn’t even feel close to being over as everyone is still having such a good time. By now, everyone knows each other’s names at this point and you feel like part of a group of people that you’ve known for 5 years, not 5 hours. Everyone has moved on from beer by now; either to wine or spirits. Jess has had a fair bit of all three and is starting to look a little worse for wear. She’s slurring her words and her body is moving as if it’s almost out of batteries, but she is being well looked after; she’s nestled into Sam on the sofa and happily drinking a big bottle of water that someone gave to her. You’re feeling pretty drunk too but you want to keep drinking. You know Jess has had more than you so figure you can at least have a few more before you’ll end up in her condition.

You go to the kitchen to make one more drink, a gin and tonic, and you make it a strong one. As you take a nice long sip you hear the group erupting into a loud sing along, some indie song from years ago that you’re not very familiar with as Jess approaches you in the kitchen. She’s breathing deeply, in through her nose and out through her mouth. You know instantly how she’s feeling.

“Not feeling too good?” you ask and she just about manages to shake her head in response with a slight smile that almost suggests she knows you’ll both be laughing about this story in a day or two. You pour her a glass of water and gently rub her back when she quickly puts the glass down and takes a step back.

“Fuck, I’m gonna be sick” she says, not in a panic, but in accepted defeat with a hint of embarrassment. She quickly heads off in the direction of the downstairs toilet as fast as she can reasonably walk without breaking into a jog, using the walls to prop herself up along the way. Sam sees her drunkenly power-walking to the toilet and comes over to the kitchen to speak to you.

“Hey is everything ok with Jess?” he asks, genuinely concerned.

“Yeah, just a little too much to drink, I think she’ll be fine..in a little while” you say, beginning to laugh a little. Sam smiles, seemingly relieved but he says he’s just going to go check and make sure she’s ok. He’s a sweet guy, you think to yourself. You quickly realize, as you take a huge gulp of your G&T, that you need to pee and shout after Sam before he’s disappeared from view.

“Oh hey, is there another bathroom?”

“Yeah you can use mine. Left at the top of the stairs, 3rd door on the right.” he says, walking away and pointing towards the stairs. One more quick sip of drink before you pee.

This place is huge, you think to yourself as you get to the top of the stairs. The hall goes off in both directions so you take the left and there are like 5 doors just on this side of the hall alone. As you realize this place must have more bedrooms than your place has rooms in total, you find yourself at the door you’re looking for. This is Sam’s bedroom but you barely give it even a cursory glance upon entering; your eyes dart straight for the bathroom and you head towards it. Your eyes widen in awe a little as you enter; there’s a huge bathtub AND a shower and it’s beautifully decorated, just like the guest bathroom downstairs which you’ve already used multiple times. This ensuite, though, is bigger than your living room, you think to yourself. You’re exaggerating, of course, but it’s so nice you wish you could come back here some other time just to have a bath in that gorgeous tub.

As you’re sitting on the toilet peeing you realize you’re way drunker than you thought. The room is spinning slightly, not enough to make you dizzy yet but more than enough to notice when you’re sitting stationary for a minute. Your vision is a bit blurry too, you’re trying to focus on the fine detail of the tiling around you but you’re trapped in a constant cycle of trying to squint and sharpen your vision before it drunkenly blurs over again. You probably didn’t need that G&T afterall you think to yourself. You finish peeing and wash your hands. The hand soap smells expensive in a way only expensive hand soap does and the towel you dry your hands on is the softest thing you’ve ever touched. You take one last look at this heavenly bathroom and open the door to leave and then jump out of your skin as you find Sam standing in the doorway, filling the doorframe with his huge physique.

“Fuck!” you shout nervously, half laughing, half trying to catch your breath as you step backwards with your hand over your chest.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” says Sam with the effortlessly charming smile he’s been displaying all night. You’re laughing to yourself now as your heart rate slowly begins to settle.

“No, it’s fine. Sorry, you can have your bathroom back now”. You walk towards the doorway to leave but Sam doesn’t budge an inch.

“Sorry” you mumble sheepishly, putting your arm out as if to gesture that you’re trying to get past, as if the reason he hasn’t moved is because he somehow didn’t get that you were trying to leave?

“Where are you going?” He says, standing completely still, his arms resting against the door frames. You realize he is deliberately blocking you in and the mood changes in an instant; your heart begins to race again and you feel extremely uncomfortable for the first time all evening. You’re looking sheepishly at the floor the whole time.

“Is Jess ok?” you ask, harking back to the last conversation you had together, trying to bring things back to a reality you understand. You’re twiddling your fingers nervously, still looking at the floor with the occasional glance upwards at Sam’s eyes like a subservient dog looking at its master.

“She’s resting” he says tersely. He reaches out towards you and your whole body stiffens out of fear as he places a single curled finger under your chin and lifts your entire head up to face him. You try to match his gaze but keep nervously looking to the side and smiling uncomfortably.

“You’ve been driving me crazy all night dressed like that” Sam says, staring into your eyes with a confidence you’ve never witnessed before.

“What?” you blurt out through yet more nervous laughter. “You’re with Jess”.

“Jess didn’t tell me she had such a beautiful friend” Sam says as he begins to gently stroke your cheek with his thumb, his fingers still propping your head up, refusing to let you look down and stare at the floor. With Sam touching your face now you notice a slight gap in the doorway where his arm has moved.

“I’ve got to go” you say as authoritatively as you can, pulling your head out of Sam’s grasp and trying to push past him in the doorway as hard as you can; a newfound burst of confidence surging through your body. Either you’re too drunk or Sam is too strong, maybe both, but he is unmoved by your mightiest efforts to escape.

“No no no no, stay here with me” he says as he grabs hold of your wrists and begins walking backwards towards the nearby bed, pulling you with him. His huge hands envelop your tiny wrists and you can tell it’s futile to try and wrestle free from his powerful grip without even trying. You’re so nervous and afraid that you can’t even speak. You keep telling yourself that this must be some kind of misunderstanding? Sam has been such a gentleman all night, have you been giving off signals without realizing? Did you do or say something while drunk that would give him the wrong impression? So many things are rushing through your head at once that you can’t even find a single thought to latch on to; you’re so overwhelmed right now that you feel paralysed by it. You can feel yourself just seemingly letting this happen and you don’t know what’s wrong with you. Why aren’t you doing more to stop this? The room is spinning worse than before and your heart is pounding out of your chest.

Sam is sitting on the edge of the bed now, his legs apart, feet still on the floor. He pulls you in towards him so you stand over him, between his legs. He pulls you in until your knees are pressed up against the side of the bed and he quickly closes his legs to trap you; his hands now free they begin to wander your body. The room feels like it’s spinning so much now that you’d probably fall over if he wasn’t keeping you forcibly propped upright. He lifts up your top a bit and begins kissing your stomach, licking you with his tongue slightly before each kiss. His hands move around your body, from your waist, down to your hips and around to your ass, groping and caressing you firmly as he goes, occasionally grabbing hold of your wrists and placing them forcibly down by your side if you try to resist him.

“Sam, stop. Stop”. You plead, but he doesn’t listen or acknowledge you. You try to pull away but his legs are gripping you too tightly, you attempt to push his head away from you and push his shoulders back but each time he restrains you until he eventually forces your hands behind your back and holds both of your wrists together tightly with just one of his hands. With your arms restrained again he releases the grip with his legs and stands up, positioning himself behind you. He towers over you and tugs on your hair hard with his free hand, forcing your face to look up at him and he holds you in place.

“Be a good girl for me” he says before he begins kissing your exposed neck. Despite practically whispering, the violence in his words feels deafening. Does he…does he know what he’s doing? The thought that Sam is knowingly assaulting you is almost too much to bear. How can someone so kind, so genuinely nice be a secret monster? He won’t do this, you tell yourself. He’ll realize this isn’t right, he’ll realize you’re not into this and stop. He’ll apologize profusely. This has to be a misunderstanding, it HAS to be. Your mind is racing still, you want this to end but you don’t know what to do. When will Sam realize this isn’t right?!

He releases his grip on your hair and wrists and places his hands on your arms in order to spin you around to face him, your back to the bed. He shoves you backwards hard so you fall on to the bed and before you can even attempt to roll away and escape his entire body is on top of you. He is kissing you passionately all over; your cheeks, your mouth, your neck, although the passion is purely one sided and after refusing to reciprocate, he stops even attempting to kiss your mouth but instead begins to move lower, kissing your chest, inching closer and closer to your cleavage. You realize this has gone way too far already. You don’t want this at all, any of this, and you’re not going to let it happen. With a self assurance you should have had from the beginning you snap at Sam.

“Sam, stop. I don’t want this, get off of me” you shout loudly so he cannot ignore. You push him as hard as you can and try to sit up but before you know it his hand has covered your mouth completely and pushed your head back down onto the bed. He positions his face right over yours intimidatingly.

“Shut the fuck up. This is happening, keep fucking quiet or it’s going to be much worse for you I promise.” He releases his hand from your mouth and you don’t make a sound. This is real. This is real and it is happening yet at the same time it doesn’t feel real at all. You’re going to wake up from this nightmare any minute, you have to. You’re absolutely terrified and lie completely frozen still, just as Sam told you to and he continues his assault.

He lifts your top up over your head. You don’t consciously raise your arms to cooperate, he just hoists your top up so hard it practically forces your arms up to make way. He throws your top on the floor and immediately slides his hands under your back to undo your bra, pulling it away from your body as forcefully as he did your top. He begins to roughly grope your breasts while kissing and sucking on them. He flicks your nipples with his tongue while squeezing your breasts together so hard it’s as if he wants to have them both in his mouth at the same time. Your arms lay lifelessly by your side. You just stare up at the ceiling watching the light spin around the room.

Sam stands up beside the bed as you lay naked before him feeling exposed and violated. You make a half-hearted attempt to cover your breasts as he quickly takes his shirt off revealing a toned, muscular body. He then pulls his shorts off revealing his erect penis. You can’t see well because of the alcohol and the fact that your eyes are welling up with tears, but it looks big. You’re truly terrified and a sense of dread washes over you. You realize exactly what’s in store for you, how far Sam is going to go. You’re about to be raped. You look back up at the ceiling wondering what the hell you were even doing looking at his body in the first place, you don’t want to see him, it, what he’s about to do to you. You look back up at the light, blurry and still spinning from the alcohol and you try to focus on it like you did the tiles in the bathroom. You try to focus your mind on this and only this, shut everything else out, but as you feel Sam begin to unbutton your shorts and tug on them hard, pulling them down your legs along with your panties, you realize that might not be possible and begin to cry. The room is spinning and your vision is so blurred from the tears and the alcohol that you can barely see. Sam places his hand around the inside of your legs, where your inner thighs meet your calf muscles and forcibly hoists them up, bending them so far back that your knees are practically touching your shoulders. Your vagina is completely exposed and you feel violated beyond words.

You feel Sam’s rock hard cock dancing around the tip of your vagina and within seconds he is inside you, fucking you hard and fast without any protection. You cover your face with your hands and begin to sob into them. His size is too painful to bear and without any lubrication the sensation of his cock fucking you this hard and this fast is unbearable. Still crying, you reach out with your hands to find his body and push him away; they land on his rock hard abs and his body, thrusting back and forth like a jackhammer, feels immovable. You push as hard as you can but he doesn’t stop. You feel his huge cock pounding you, your body being violently rocked back and forth, your legs being held apart against your will; you feel like a worthless piece of meat. Your entire being, your sense of self worth, is stripped from you in this moment; reduced to a mere hole for Sam to fuck. Use and abuse however he pleases. You continue to push in vain until he gets sick of your refusal to comply; he grabs both of your wrists again dismissively and holds them pinned together, firmly in place. You attempt to wriggle out of his dominant hold over your body; twisting your hips in an attempt to break free of his grip on your legs but in an act of frustration and punishment he ceases to fuck you for only a brief moment in order to flip you over on to your front and quickly penetrate you again from behind. He immediately finds your hands again and pins them together this time behind your back, bent at an angle and with so much pressure that it feels like he’s trying to break your arms. You feel his other hand shove your head straight down into the bedsheets. You can barely breathe as he puts all his weight on to your head and arms and you lay there, helpless as he fucks you once again. His cock feels enormous and even more painful this time as your legs are much closer together; trapped in place by his knees which are preventing you from spreading them wider in search of some small relief from the pain of his huge cock aggressively fucking your pussy. You are completely helpless, defenceless; pinned down by a man twice your size being raped like your life means nothing to him and as your bite down on the bed sheets and continually scream muffled cries for help, pleading with him to stop, you pray for it to all be over.

Eventually it is. Sam cums deep inside you and lets out an audible groan of relief. He releases the pressure from the back of your head and you quickly begin gasping for air, trying to find your breath whilst sobbing your heart out and the feeling of his limp penis sliding out of you makes you want to vomit. Sam immediately begins speaking but you can’t make out the words. The room is spinning like crazy and your ears are ringing. You realize he’s asking you something when he leans in close to you and gently brushes the sweaty hairs that are stuck to the front of your face together and tucks them tenderly behind your ears, in the same way a loving partner would comfort you in a moment of pain.

“Do you know who my family is?” He asks softly.

“What?” you mutter somewhat confused, tears still pouring down your face.

“My family, do you know who they are? Who I am?” You take a second to process what he’s asking you, as if the words don’t even make sense. This man has just raped you and now he’s asking you if you know his family?

“No?” you reply, weakly as if you’re afraid it’s the wrong answer, staring at the bedsheets, too disgusted to look at his face or let him see yours. He lets out a slight chuckle to himself.

“Well, my Father is the deputy chief of police and my Mother is a defense attorney.” he says with a sickening tone of arrogant sleaze.

“So I’d think very carefully before telling anyone about this” he says almost gleefully, while casually getting dressed.

“Put your clothes back on and leave. I’m calling you and Jess an Uber. Hurry up.” He leaves the room and shuts the door quietly behind him. You lay on the bed in shock. The content of his words terrify you as much as the coldness in which they were delivered disgust you. A cold shiver runs through your body like a bolt of lightning. You manage to push yourself upright to a sitting position, perched naked on the edge of the bed.

As you see your various items of clothing strewn about the bedroom floor, the prospect of getting dressed and leaving the room seems impossibly daunting, yet at the same time you want to get out of the house more than anything. You slowly begin to pick up the items of clothing and dress yourself; it somehow feels like you’re picking up the pieces of your old life and trying to put it back together but everything feels different. These don’t feel like your clothes any more, they feel dirty and tainted. You take a minute in the bathroom to check on yourself; fix your hair and wash your face. You want that bath more than ever before, but not here. No matter how much you wash your face and tidy your hair, you feel disgusting and the thought of venturing back downstairs where everyone will see you is a horrifying prospect, but the pressure of Sam’s words telling you to hurry up weighs heavy on you; you do not want him to come back and get you. You approach the bedroom door and take a deep breath. Can you really just return to the party as if nothing has happened? What choice do you have? You know as well as Sam that there is a truth to his threat, that there is no outcome to this situation that bodes well for you. Better to just pretend it never happened, but somehow, leaving this bedroom and returning to the world outside, taking this trauma with you, feels like accepting that it has happened. But you have no choice. You take one more deep breath to fight back the tears, and open the door. You hear the party still going on downstairs, everyone still laughing and having a good time. You wonder if you’ll ever laugh again.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tt1nb4/raped_at_a_party_by_someone_you_thought_you_could