part 1. finally meeting you in person :) part 2 soon with all the fun stuff.

After months of talking, hundreds of pictures sent, this is the moment I have been waiting for! You’re flying into Ohio today and we are finally going to see if this connection works in person.Will everything I am in person live up to the stories I’ve told and the image of how you want this to go. I’m so nervous running around my house trying to pick the perfect sexy, yet easily removable, outfit. I have honestly been thinking about this day since our first night chatting. Waiting for my phone to chime and let me know that you’ve landed. It’s 20 minutes since you should have landed. My first thought is that something happened to you, then of course straight to you are ditching me. Just as I’m finishing that thought, *ding* Thank God, I let out a huge sigh of relief. It’s a text from you, “Hey hun, I have a little surprise for you tonight and I hope you like it. I caught an earlier flight and I’m already at the hotel.” Already at your hotel? Another text comes in letting me know which hotel and what room. I’m really starting to freak out now, take another look in the mirror and out the door I go. As I pull up to the hotel, my eyes widen, wow this is a fancy hotel, I did not dress well enough for this. I park my car and let you know I am here but I’m nervous to head up because u hadnt worn the right outfit for a place like this. You assure me ill be just fine, head straight for the elevator and head up here. As I get in the elevator I get your text back, “I can not wait for you to get up here!” As I get to your door I stand there frozen in fear. Why did I say all the things I would do if I met him? Will I ever be able to live up to the hype I gave myself? Finally your arm raises and knocks on the door. Heart pounding through your chest you hear the hand move. Too nervous to even be looking up, staring at the floor, the door opens and a hand immediately touches my chin. As you lift my head I’m trying to take you all in. You look absolutely amazing. Dressed up in a suit and tie, and absolutely making my heart skip a beat. As my eyes reach your face you quickly grab my waist with your other hand and pull me in for a kiss. My heart is beating so fast, I’m trying to soak in every taste of you I can. As you let me go I have to catch my breath. I lick my lips trying to get another taste of you. Every sense in my body is in hyperdrive right now. My whole body feels weak, I want more of you, no I need you. Quickly again you reach out and grab ahold of me again but this time pulling me into the room and into a hug. I bury my head into your chest, you smell intoxicating. I could stay like this forever but before I know it you are letting go of me again. You move your lips to my ear whispering, “I know this isn’t what we had planned but I have a very special, exciting evening planned for us.” You release me again as my fingers linger trying to keep your body close to mine. Spinning me around to the mirror on the way and sliding your body into the back of mine. Knees weak as I feel your bulge resting against me. Once again moving your lips to my ear, I feel your lip graze against me sending shivers through my body, you reach up and rub your hands down my arms. After what feels like a century of that you finally whisper, “you are too beautiful to keep in this room all night. I’m taking you out to dinner.” A look of pure shock comes across my face. I am not dressed for this, he can’t take me out looking as good as he does and I’m in a tight summer dress. “Don’t worry baby, I have everything planned out for you.” You turn my attention over to the bed where a whole new outfit is laid out. “Just put this on and we will go to dinner.” You spin me around quickly and again passionately kiss me while bringing your hand up to entangle my hair to pull my head back as you start kissing my neck. You end with a soft bite, spin me around again smacking my ass, “now get ready so we can go eat.” I let out a laugh, “if you keep doing things like that we aren’t going to make it to dinner.” This has to be a dream right? My body, mind and soul are all buzzing. I go into the bathroom to change leaving the door slightly opened. As I am pulling off my shirt I notice you trying to glance in and sneak a peek. As I go to take my pants off I turn so my back is to mirror. Slowly bending over and pulling my pants to expose the thong I had put on for you. I take a peek and notice you getting more into watching so I start shaking my ass back and forth as I am pulling them down. I see you take a step towards the bathroom and quickly snap back up. I take my shirt off and stand there for a moment, letting you admire my body, hoping you are enjoying it as much as I’m getting pleasure from you watching. I finally grab the dress and step into it, put on my new shoes and step out of the bathroom. Walking out I ask if you could zip me up, turning to you to expose my bare back. You walk up to me, brush my hair to the side leaning down to kiss my neck as your hands slide down my body reaching for the zipper. You bend down blowing air up my bare back as you zip me up. I feel silly, I never wear clothes like this. I look ridiculous, like I’m just play dress up. You see my face in the mirror and can tell I feel weird. You spin around and dip me down for a long kiss. “You look like a dream, I can’t wait to see all the looks you’re going to get.” We walk to the elevator but you can barely keep your hands off of me. As soon as those shuts you push me up against the wall holding my face in your one hand on the other lifting up my dress and pressing firmly against my clit moving just slightly enough to make my whole body shake. “Now remember princess, this, this is all mine. Once dinner is over I will devour all of you.” Ding we’ve reached our stop. You let go and give me the softest kiss, while quickly lowering my dress. You chuckle at how flustered I became. Grabbing my hand you pull me down to the restaurant.



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