Justin and Katie Part 2 [mf] [consensual] [work wife] [teasing]

Hey, everyone!

What an amazing response I’ve had. So unexpected.

You can [READ PART 1 HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/trddyt/justin_and_katie_part_1_mf_consensual_work_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

# PART 2

“Listen, Mr. Bradley,” Justin said almost exasperated. “I know this is stressing you guys out. But we must think about a quicker release. Has the production team finished post?”

“Mr. Wentz, do you think he wants to rush things?” John Bradley replied.

Justin got out of his chair and some in the conference room gave him a sideways glance.

“Don’t give me that, John” Justin said emphatically. “I am not asking him to abandon his creative flow. I am merely pointing out that if movie theaters start to close, then something has to be done with this movie and we should announce that something sooner rather than later.”

Katie interjected, “He’s right, Mr. Bradley; and you know it. The only way to make money off this movie at this point would be to have drones of new subscribers.”

John took a moment. The four in the conference room thought he had hung up on them.

“John?” questioned Justin.

“Yes. I am here,” John said. “You’re right. Can your crew come out to the West Coast so we can have a conference call with Miranda and his crew regarding pushing up the premiere?”

The five looked at each other beaming. “John, we’d have to clear that with Scott; but I am sure we can secure a trip out West. Let us go over our plan with the executives and we’ll call you back with potential dates. In the meantime, I will text Lin-Manuel and just see if he will give me an idea of where his crew is at within the post-production timeline and plant the idea of an early release.”

“Justin, that should come from us,” John said, almost chastising Justin.

“Believe it or not, John, we’re on your side here. Leave that to me and my crew, you work on your executives to prepare putting pressure on post-production.”

“Okay, okay.”

Katie gawked at Justin, amazed at how he managed to control the meeting for the team and how he handled a major corporate representative. She felt flush, and light-headed. She grabbed her Yeti and took a long pull of her ice water to try and counteract her sudden state.

“That’s settled then. I will have Brad email the notes of our meeting which will include deliverables from both of us along with a timeline,” Justin said as he was nodding toward his assistant Brad Newsome. Brad just smiled and nodded while finishing typing notes in his laptop.

“Justin, why don’t all of our divisions work with you?” John asked jokingly.

“I don’t know, John. I don’t get involved in that sort of minutiae. It’s up to my team to deliver for whom my team works for. And that’s what we’re setting out to do right now.

“Tell your bosses to prepare to use some force regarding an early release. We want this thing to be successful, and it will be. And your subscriptions are going to shoot way up – trust us. We’ll get in touch with the dates for our trip to California. For now, it’s goodbye from Katie, Brad, Jacqueline, and myself.”

“Bye, guys.”

Justin pressed the red hang-up button on his arm of the conference phone to deaden the line while looking at the other three in the room.

“We have some work to do here. I will see where the movie is at regarding post-production. Jacqueline, check Scott’s calendar. Brad coordinate with Jacqueline regarding Scott and Katie’s calendars and set something up in the smaller conference room for a meeting about our trip to California.”

“Jay,” asked Brad, “when you say ‘our trip’?”

“I mean the four of us. This is the crew that has brought this baby home and we’re going to continue together in every meeting. I see you guys not just as assistants but potential leads someday. You’ll be at every meeting from here on out on this.”

Jacqueline Sosa looked at Katie. “Katie, are you on board with this?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” remarked Katie almost indignantly.

“I just wasn’t sure, is all.”

“Justin is right. You guys are special to us, and we’re going to groom you guys to our level. If we ever make senior partner here, you will be with us.”

Jacqueline and Brad just stared at each other.

“Drinks to celebrate tonight,” Justin finally said to break the awkwardness. “Brad, would Jenny be OK with that?”

“I think I can convince her to be,” laughed Brad.

“Jacqueline, anyone you have to convince at home to stay a little later in the office?” Justin asked with a sly smirk on his face.

Katie’s face flashed with anger and jealousy. She raised her eyebrows in surprise while taking a pull from her Yeti again to try and regulate her body’s response.

“Nobody at home for me,” Jacqueline answered.

“Katie, can we steal you from Nick for tonight?” Justin asked, already knowing her answer was going to be a resounding yes.

“Ha ha ha,” Katie responded. “Very funny.”

“Ok, then. Let me tell Alex that I will not be home for dinner tonight due to celebrations on this account.”

Katie went to the restroom to splash some water on her face.

*“Why would I get jealous about the way Justin asked that question to Jacqueline. It meant nothing. Right?”* she questioned internally. *“Maybe I shouldn’t go.”*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tt6kw8/justin_and_katie_part_2_mf_consensual_work_wife

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