I hypnotized my sister to be oblivious while I fucked her – PART 2 [INCEST] [DUBIOUS] [UNAWARE]

[Link to part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsym1q/i_hypnotized_my_sister_to_be_oblivious_while_i/)

I had made out with a few girls before. Mary, Alana, Phoebe, that one girl I had a one-night stand with.

I loved the one-nighter the most. I couldn’t remember the woman’s name, but she had possessed curves my ex-girlfriends didn’t, and her lips tasted sweet as cake.

Lina’s lips made the one-night stand obsolete. Sad, almost.

Holy fuck, her lips felt divine. They were soft, plump, wet, and best of all, they tasted like fucking peaches.

How the fuck can she taste this good? Was my dream woman living under my nose the whole time?

And this was just her lips. I almost came thinking about how her pussy might feel.

I was aggressive with her. All thoughts about how wrong it was to kiss her, how disgusting it was to take advantage of her in this situation… all those were washed away as pleasure ripped through me.

I tackled her mouth and pushed her against the pillows as I sucked hard on her upper lips, then her bottom. Her fruitiness exploded in my taste buds, making me moan from how addicting she tasted.

“Tyler?” I heard her lips move against mine, her words muffled. “What’s happening?”

I gasped, then jerked backwards, my eyes wide with fear and shock.

Lina’s eyes were half-opened. They were still glazed over, but life was forming back into them.

“Tyler?” she murmured at me, her voice low and hazy. Then her eyes snapped back shut and she slumped to the side.

“Uh.” I prodded her limp body, feeling dumb. When she didn’t respond, I spoke up. “Lina?”

The sexy low voice was back.


“Are… are you okay?”


Her right hand reached for shorts again and I watched, almost in a daze, as she slipped under and began pumping her arm up and down.

Having no idea what the fuck just happened, I scanned the couch until I saw my phone. I grabbed it and did some Google search.

The low moans coming out of my adopted sister were a goddamn turn on, but I was adamant to find out why she had ‘woken’ up.

I received my answer after some digging. Hypnosis wasn’t what I had imagined it to be. I couldn’t make her do anything I wanted. The level of trust mattered. Since Lina trusted me so much, I could push her to do things she didn’t necessarily want to do.

But if I sailed past the imaginary red line and made her extremely uncomfortable, her consciousness would resurface as a defense mechanism.

A part of me was severely disappointed. Clearly, my sister didn’t share the same feelings I had recently developed for her.

I just need to find out where her limits were. How far could I push without waking her up?

I felt like the absolute worst human in the world, but with how horny I felt, all I could think was Lina and Lina alone. I had tasted a sampling of what she could offer, and I was hooked for life. There was no going back from this.

I shifted closer to my sister, admiring her barely audible grunts as she pleasured herself. The answer to why she was fingering herself wasn’t important to me. It was amazing seeing her like this.

Lina was wearing a light pink shirt and black cotton shorts, her usual casual attire. Outside, she would put on a cute dress, usually a light color, pink being her favorite. But her outfits have always disappointedly covered most of her skin.

Usually I was okay with that, but with my newfound lust for her, I wanted more.

When I was close enough to my sister, I placed a hesitant palm on her left thigh. She didn’t react. Her eyes were still closed and her breaths were still hot.

Confidence grew in me and I skated my hands up, my fingers trailing up her thighs. I slipped under her shirt and lightly ran my fingers up her smooth stomach. Lina paid no attention to me. So holding air in my lungs, and then exhaling it in a long, drawn out breath, I went even higher. Towards her breasts.

The reaction was immediate.

She gasped, loud enough to make me retreat. I jerked my hands back to where they belonged.

Lina’s eyelids lifted slightly, and I thought that was it. I had been caught red-handed groping her boobs, and it was all over for me.

But then, her shoulders dropped, and her eyelids fell with them. She was back in a trance, masturbating with her eyes shut.

Shit, that was close.

So, I couldn’t touch anywhere intimate, and I couldn’t kiss her. Disappointment washed over me. I decided to just cut my losses and wake her up. I could try hypnotizing her again in the future and maybe by then, I could figure out a loophole.

But as I opened my lips to command her to wake up, a thought struck me like a lightning bolt.

If her defense mechanism triggered when she didn’t feel comfortable with something, what if I changed her perspective of what was and wasn’t comfortable?

It was a far-fetched idea, but I had to try. I would do anything to taste that exotic lip of hers again.

After all, if everything felt normal and as it should be in her mind, then there wasn’t a reason for her to act up.


“Lina,” I said, my voice shaky and my fingers trembling. I have never been this nervous in my life, and it was ridiculous for me to cower in front of my sister.


“From now on, whenever there is anything sexual between us, whether it be us being naked, or me looking at you in a lustful way, touching you in inappropriate places, or even kissing or fu..” I stopped and steadied myself. Seriously, get a grip, Tyler.

“… fucking you. You’ll not be able to register it.”

I didn’t know what the hell I was saying, but I continued on.

“In your eyes and in your mind, instead of these inappropriate acts, you will see me doing something completely ordinary and unusual.” I suck in a quick breath. “Do you understand?”

I steeled myself for a reply. Maybe I was talking gibberish and what I was saying was impossible. Maybe what I—


“You will?” I didn’t realize I said that aloud until she opened her rosy lips again.


I nodded, feeling that my heart was about to burst from my chest. I should snap her awake now, if that even worked. If she didn’t react, I would shake her awake.

But was I really done? She was still in this extremely suggestible state, and I should use this to my full advantage.

Aside from making love to my sister, what else did I desire from her?

The answer came quickly.

My dream woman would not only be loving towards me, she should also be extremely submissive.

She should address me as her Master.

Could I do it? Could I ‘trick’ Lina into calling me her Master?

“Lina,” I said, my words still wavering, my heart still pounding. “From now on, instead of calling me Tyler, you will call me Master. In your mind, you would not notice the difference between the two words. There isn’t any significance in the word ‘Master’. To you, it’s the same as my name, and you will say it like it’s second nature and no big deal. Do you understand?”

Another immediate response.


Was that it? Had her mind really accepted the command?

There was only one way to find out.

“Lina, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up. You will not remember what happened while you were in this trance. You will wake up feeling refreshed and the last thing you remembered was showing me the clip of the woman squatting weights. Do you understand?”

I really didn’t know if snapping my fingers was going to work or not. In movies, it did, but from what I had learnt over the past hour, hypnosis was vastly different than in real life.

Another affirmative from her.


I snapped my fingers.


Her reaction was so immediate it caught me off guard. I stared at her wide-eyed. Lina’s eyes were already fully opened, and she looked at me with her soaking wet right hand extended towards me.

“Look,” she repeated, shifting towards me and then showed me her wet hand. Her voice was back to her normal tone. All high pitched and cute.

When I stared at her empty hand, confused. She noticed she wasn’t holding anything.

“Wait.” She frowned. “Where did my phone go?” Then she noticed the condition of her hands. “Wait… why… why is my hand so wet?”

I held my breath. She looked at her hand, then back at me.

With a bewildered expression coloring her pretty features, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen. I didn’t realize I was still holding my breath until she returned a minute later and I had to heave for air.

If Lina noticed me acting weird, she didn’t show it. Instead, she grabbed her phone on the other side of the couch, swiped it unlocked, then plopped down next to me where our knees touched.

We had done this a million times, but this time, it felt worlds different. I was the horniest I had ever been in my entire life, with a raging hard on, soaked underwear, and my lips were still tingling from the faint taste of her.

“Ah!” my best friend exclaimed, scrolling through her Instagram feed. “I found it! Here, look at this, Master!”

When I just stared at her, she frowned.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I shook my head.

She studied me for several more seconds before shoving her phone in front of my face where a meme video was playing.

The video was a blur in my vision. She had said the word so nonchalantly, so naturally, as if she had called me that throughout her entire life.

I fucking loved it.

Fuck, everything about her was addicting. Why hadn’t I noticed this before?

I turned towards her. “Lina?”

She frowned when she saw I wasn’t paying any attention to the phone. Withdrawing her hand back, she stuck her tongue out at me. “What?”

“Can you say my name again?”

I knew how weird the request sounded, but I didn’t care.

And I needed her to say it again.

And again. And Again.

Her frown deepened. “What?”

“Could you say my name again? Please?”

“Oooookay…” She paused. “Master?”

When my breathing increased, and my nostrils flared, her eyes flashed with concern.

“Umm… are you okay, Master? Could you tell me what’s going on?”

Master. She was actually calling me Master.

“Master,” Lina said. “Are you—”

I was even more forceful with this kiss than the last. Our nose collided as my lips crashed into hers. I was rewarded with that mouth-watering peach taste again.

Half of me expected Lina to go berserk. She would shove me off her and slap me hard.

None of that happened. Instead, she continued talking to me as if our lips weren’t sealed tight.

“Are you okay?” she asked again as I sucked on her bottom lip and pulled on her hair. At least that was what I thought she said. Her words were slurred as she tried her best to speak.

“I’m okay,” I told her, feeling completely drunk with lust and pleasure.

“Good.” I felt her lips move as she smiled. She wrapped her hands around me and scrolled through her phone again, her expression passive, as if me kissing her was no big deal. As if she didn’t even notice it.

Exactly what I had hoped.

I now had confirmation that the hypnosis had worked. I had changed the way her mind saw things. She wouldn’t register anything sexual I did to her anymore, which meant…

I could fuck her and she wouldn’t stop me.

The realization had me hopping off her. Lina squealed as I jumped off the couch and began stripping my clothes off. My shirt was the first out of the way, and when I slid down my pants, I saw that my underwear was indeed completely soaked. I stripped myself bare and half-braced for a wild reaction from Lina.

None came. She was still fixated on her phone, a soft smile spreading across her swollen lips as she watched something that amused her.

Arousal was still dripping from my tip, coating the floor. I stepped towards her, my cock swaying side to side, pre-cum falling everywhere, but her gaze was glued to the small screen.

“Hey!” Lina said when my greedy hands gripped the hem of her shirt.

I steeled for a scolding, but she just shook her head. “Be gentle, okay?” Then she went back to whatever she was doing on Instagram.

Following her comment, I tugged on her shirt. Lina raised her arms up and allowed me to peel the pink shirt off her.

She wasn’t wearing any bra, and I stared at utter perfection. I had never seen her bare breasts before. I had been close, several times, but my eyes never laid upon those beautiful globes in its full splendor.

Just as I envisioned, her tits were just the right size for me to palm. I eagerly reached and cupped her wonderful breasts, feeling how plump and soft they felt.

Her nipples grew hard as I kneaded her sex globes. The pink buds became little pebbles underneath my hands, and a low, barely audible moan escaped Lina’s lips.

Her eyes darted towards me, her brown eyes showing panic. When I looked back at her, she quickly snapped her gaze away and coughed into a fist, her cheeks forming a light shade of pink.

Was she… was she trying to hide her moan?

I briefly wondered how she must be feeling. She was no doubt getting turned on by my actions, and was probably wondering why her body was heating up so much, when, in her mind, nothing weird was going on.

Did I feel bad doing this to her?

Yeah, kinda. She was so naïve and innocent, and I was abusing her trust in me. But as long as she never became aware of what I was doing to her, it wouldn’t hurt.

After all, ignorance was bliss.

And I would take care of her as long as I lived. There was no harm in a little sex here and there while we were together. In a way, it was a fair trade. I would provide her the attention and companionship she so desperately craved, and she would provide me with an insane amount of sexual pleasure without even realizing it.

And fuck me, her body was beautiful. Not only were her breasts perfect looking, hanging firmly on her chest, her skin was radiant, almost milky looking, her stomach was flat, and her legs were smooth.

Fucking perfection.

Having had enough of massaging her little breasts, I took off my hands and replaced them with my lips. I paid special attention to her left tit first, pressing the pad of my tongue around her pebbled nipple, then licking over it.


I didn’t answer her, far too absorbed at the texture of her nipples against my tongue than to register her words. I focused on her right tit next, sucking and softly nipping her plump flesh, then making my way towards her nipple, sucking on that too.

“Hey, Master.” There was a sharp edge to her voice. “Why aren’t you answering me? Are you ignoring me or something?”

“I’m sorry,” I said, between sucking hard on her right nipple and licking the top curve of her right tit. “I’m just a little… busy.”

“Well… I don’t see you doing anything. So, can I please ask you something?”

I was done with her breasts. There was more of her to worship than just those little sex globes. My lips made their way south, and I trailed soft kisses down her stomach, remembering to reply to her when I reached her belly button.

“Uh.. yeah, yeah. Sure.”

“Do you think I can get a booty like this?” She flipped her phone around to show me a picture of a ridiculously fit woman posing with her ass cheeks out.

I afforded a few seconds to look at the small screen before resuming where I had left off. My knees were on the ground and I was positioned in between her delicious thighs.

“You know how insecure I’m about how small my body is,” Lina said. “Maybe I can relieve that anxiety by having a better body, you know?” Her gaze was nailed on me, but she didn’t seem annoyed that I wasn’t paying much attention. “Do you think I could improve my body with time?”

It seemed like a loaded question. In normal circumstances, I would have mulled over her question for a few minutes before answering her seriously. But her inquiry seemed like the least important thing in the world compared to what I was about to do.

I gripped the ends of her black cotton shorts and pulled. The article of clothing slipped down her thighs and a groan escaped my lips when I saw pink panties.

“What?” Lina raised a brow. “What does ugh mean in this context? Wait.” Her cute voice grew hard. “Am I bothering you or something, Master? Because it seems like it.”

“No, no, no, no, no.” I shook my head, shaking from both my frustrations of her wearing panties, and me being such an inattentive big brother. “I don’t mean that.”

I looked at her brown eyes and they grew soft as she realized I was taking her seriously now. I spoke the truth. “Lina, I think you can do whatever you set your mind to do. You’re smart and hardworking. So, please don’t doubt yourself.”

Her smile was angelic. “Thank you, Master.”

My cock twitched, causing more arousal to drip down onto the floor. I had to clean all the mess up before her parents were back. I would have to do it alone too, because I honestly didn’t know if her mind would even register the stain on the floor.

I tugged on her panties, and thankfully Lina was helpful. She stood up and allowed me to slip the offending garment off her. Now both of us were bare.

It was a pleasant surprise that her pussy was shaved, and very recently too. There was not a speck of hair around her sex. But what made me the most excited was how fucking wet she was.

The foreplay I gave her had paid off. Her pussy was glistening, almost shimmering, underneath the bright lights. Even though her mind couldn’t process what I was doing, her body certainly reacted.

“Do you want to go to the gym tomorrow morning?” Her sweet voice floated around the room. “Maybe ten? Can you pick me up?”

I was darting my eyes between her glistening sex and her light brown eyes.

“Mhm, yeah sure.” I stood up. “No problem.”

“Thank you. And could you bring my lip balm? I left it in your room, remember?”


I grabbed her ankles and spread her thighs wide. Lina gasped in surprise when I pulled her body forward so that her back was now horizontal and her eyes were now facing the ceiling. But other than the soft gasp, she continued talking.

“I cannot wait until I see more progress, Master. You know, I also see some progress from you. How much muscle have you packed on since starting out again? Five? Three?”

Her words were a drone, but I tried to keep conversation up while I placed her legs over my shoulders and then gripped her hips, lining up my cock towards her sex.

“Uh, five. Five pounds,” I told her, my mind miles away.

I couldn’t believe it. I was going to take Lina’s virginity.

“Oh, yeah, five. You know, I was talking to one of the guys in the gym and—”

Her words cut short as I entered her.

“Ah!” Lina jerked as my cock pushed into her tight walls. My eyes were on hers the entire time. I wanted to watch her expression as she took a cock in for the first time in her life.

Her lips parted in a wide ‘O’, then she clamped her mouth shut, her brows furrowing and her jaw clenching. She looked like she was in pain. I was hurting her. I was hurting my little sister.

The realization almost had me withdrawing out, but I knew the pain was normal. Her walls were impossibly tight and warm, and the initial hurt would be over as soon as her body became accustomed to the intrusion.

So, I pushed in another inch, then another. I grit my own teeth, and dug my fingernails into her thighs as I fucked her slowly.

She must have the tightest pussy in existence because I was pushing hard, but I just wouldn’t slide in.

Lina’s eyes went wide. “Ah!”

Then, finally, her inner walls relaxed, allowing me to plunge cleanly into her. I buried my way until I couldn’t anymore, my balls slapping against her ass. Pleasure shot through me like a bullet and I tilted my chin upwards and moaned my delight out.

I was fucking loud, and the neighbors could have heard me, but I didn’t care. Although it was a rough start at first, I could now feel how fucking amazing her pussy actually felt.

Her sex felt even better than those divine lips of hers. And that was a hill I was willing to die on. I had assumed those soft plump lips of hers were insane, but her pussy drove me to a higher plane of pleasure. Nobody would ever top Lina. What I was feeling in this moment could never be replicated by another woman in existence.

Holy fuck, she felt fucking amazing.

Lina was breathing hard, practically panting, and she was trying her best to slow down her breathing. She was unsuccessful and seemed confused about why she was feeling like that.

She continued speaking, her voice hoarse, the angelic tone in her tone all but gone. “So, like I was saying. One guy came up to me and… ah! A-and he told me he worked in the gym and… and he could waver our… ah! …. our fee off. I… forgot to tell you that. I have no idea why he is so nice…”

The thundering heartbeat in my eardrums drowned her out. I was pounding into her like my life depended on it, as if this was my last time having sex and I wanted to milk as much pleasure from this experience as possible.

Honestly, this could be my last time fucking my best friend. The effects of the hypnosis could end tomorrow. Who knows? But what was certain was the ecstasy I was feeling from slamming my cock into her pussy, ripping moans from my throat and rapidly building an unstoppable pressure from within me.

Lina seemed to pay no attention to how loud I was. She continued chattering to me as if nothing was happening, only pausing every few seconds to bite down on her lips, holding back a moan. She seemed adamant about acting like nothing weird was happening.

I guessed it made sense. In her mind, everything was normal, and her moaning out of the blue would be weird.

So, she kept the erotic sounds to a minimum. But on occasions, especially when I rammed my cock too fast, or when I was too rough with her, a moan would slip through the seam of her lips.

The rare sounds of her moans were music to my ears, and it drove me even wilder as I slammed my hips against hers with abandon. Her body was not used to this insane ferocity and I wouldn’t be surprised if she couldn’t walk tomorrow. There was no way she could go to the gym with the raw pounding I was delivering to her tiny frame.

I felt a pang of guilt at how rough I was, but I couldn’t will myself to be gentle. Her pussy just felt that good.

“Master, did you hear me? I asked you a question.”

A roar came out when I tried to answer her. The rising pressure that was inside me spilled out with the scream. I thrust in one more time, slamming down on her so hard, I thought my cock would break.

But instead of breaking, it exploded.

“FUCKKKKKK!” I roared, throwing my chin up to the ceiling as what seemed like a gallon of cum poured right out of me and into her cunt.

Impossibly, Lina furrowed her brow, craned her neck and waved both hands in front of me. “Helloooooo? Earth to Master.”


I was still orgasming, my cock spasming out of control deep inside her slick, warm depths. When I looked down, thick, white liquid was pouring out of her pussy, and I thought for a moment how impossible it was to clean the couch now.

Goosebumps were still on my flesh, and I shuddered uncontrollably as my orgasm finally subsided. I had filled her up to the fucking brim, and when I withdrew from her depths, more cum leaked out, drawing lines down her thighs.

“You don’t need to shout, you know?” Lina told me.

How the fuck was she this composed after taking in that much semen? Hypnosis really had me scratching my head.

“I-I’m sorry,” I apologized, catching my breath. Sweat was pouring down my back and I wiped a fresh batch of salty perspiration off my forehead. “What did you say?”

“What’s with you today and having to constantly repeat myself?” But from the tone of her voice, I could tell she wasn’t mad, just slightly disappointed. Somehow, that stung more.

“I’m really, really sorry. From now on, you have my complete attention, okay?”

After laying down next to her, I wrapped my arms around her breasts and pulled us together. My cock grazed the crack of her ass, and I smiled. I really wanted to fuck her there too, but I had no energy left to spare. Aches were already starting to set all over, and I had no doubts Lina was going to bear the brunt of today.

“Okay,” she whispered, then struggled to make me release her. Hesitantly, I let her go, then asked where she was going.

“To take out the trash,” she answered, walking towards the kitchen, her bare ass swaying side to side. Semen was still dripping down her thighs, and she left a trail of thick white liquid as she disappeared around the corner.

I almost fell over face first as I stood up on trembling legs. My knees were shaking so badly, and I had no idea how to stop it.

“Wait, wait,” I called out as she reappeared, a black trash bag in hand. “You can’t go out.”

She frowned and tilted her head. “Why not?”

My eyes journeyed the length of her fully nude body. Of course, she didn’t even realize she was naked.

“Just stay here,” I said, bending down and retrieving my shorts. “I’ll toss the bag out for you.”

“Aww, thanks, Master.”

I spent the next hour cleaning the couch, the living room, and the floor of her kitchen. Lina didn’t help. I didn’t even think she noticed I was cleaning her place up. To her, I was probably still watching the Marvel movie on the couch while she fiddled with her phone, now with her clothes on. I had helped her put them on, and she had unconsciously made it easier by lifting her legs and her arms when needed.

The last thing I wanted was for her parents to walk in on her naked in the living room. They would question why she had no clothes on, and she would probably tell them she had no idea what they were talking about.

There was also the fact that she was now addressing me as ‘Master’. It would definitely raise problems once we were in public, but I had all the time in the world to tinker with her mind. As soon as I got home, I would dive deep into hypnosis. I was sure after a few more hypnotic sessions, I could fix the glaring problems.

Lina looked up as I made my way towards the front door.

“Oh, you’re going? So early?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I had fun. Thanks.”

She stood up and made her way towards me. “Oh, okay. No problem.”

Her delicious peach scent waffled into my senses again. Her cute bob cut was still a disheveled mess after the brutal pounding I did to her, and her clothes were wrinkled after being on the ground for too long.

But even in a mess, Lina still looked devastatingly beautiful. I took a step back to admire her.

“What?” she asked me.

“Nothing,” I replied. “I just think you are sexy as hell and I can’t wait to fuck you more soon.”

It was an enormous risk saying those words out. But by now, I had a good grasp on how her mind worked after the hypnosis.

I was right. Instead of reacting in shock, she smiled at me, showing her perfect whites.

“I can’t wait to hang out, too. Don’t forget, Master. Gym early tomorrow!”

“For sure,” I said, opening the door and fishing out my car keys from my pocket. “For sure.”


Author’s Note: Thanks for reading. If you are interested in getting your own private commission, email [authoryouaremine@gmail.com](mailto:authoryouaremine@gmail.com)

Otherwise, check out [these steamy shorts!](https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/54054)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsynxq/i_hypnotized_my_sister_to_be_oblivious_while_i


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