I hypnotized my sister to be oblivious while I fucked her – PART 1 [INCEST] [DUBIOUS] [UNAWARE]

Author’s note: This is a commissioned piece. The person that commissioned this has kindly allowed this project to be publicized. Email [authoryouaremine@gmail.com](mailto:authoryouaremine@gmail.com) if you’re interested in getting your own tailored story.

**Fucking My Oblivious Sister**


I thought I had heard my name coming from Lina’s lips, but I ignored the sound, far too absorbed by what was playing in front of me.


I gasped when Ironman flew out of the scene, slammed by a flying bus that was thrown by the villain of the film.

Holy shit. Is Ironman okay? He must be, right? He’s suit must have prot—

Warm fingers grabbed my shoulder and shook me out of my focus.

“Hey Tyler!”

“What?” I snapped, turning to the source of the disruption.

Lina didn’t notice my annoyance. Her eyes were cast down on her phone screen and she shook my shoulders again. “Look!”

Sighing, I leaned in so close our cheeks grazed. Her intoxicating peach scent waffled into my nostrils, and I took a second to breathe her in before looking at what the fuss was all about.

It was an Instagram video of a fit woman in tight leggings doing squats, her ass jutting out towards the camera every time she lowered herself. She had a barbell on her upper back stacked full with plates, but she lifted it up with ease.

“So that’s how you do it,” Lina said, continuing to watch as the video looped back to the start. “Now I know how to squat properly.”

“Really, Lina?” I sighed. “You called me for this?” I looked back toward the television screen, and there was no helping it, a groan escaped me. “Look! You made me miss the fight.”

“Whatever.” She waved her hand at the big screen dismissively. “Nothing really happened, anyway.” She lifted her gaze, her brown meeting mine. “I mean, you already watched this movie, like what? Five times now?”

“Yes, but you know how much I love Marvel. You, of all people, should understand.”

It was true. Lina and I were huge Marvel fanatics. In fact, that was how we met each other all those years ago. I had noticed her reading a Marvel comic book at the school canteen. Being a Marvel geek myself, it was an obvious decision to walk up to her and strike up a conversation.

I still remembered the day like it was yesterday. Lina was eating her meal alone, as usual. In fact, I had never heard her voice before talking to her. She was the most shy person in my class and would avoid interactions like it was the plague.

She even looked like the stereotypical ‘nerdy girl with glasses, but actually pretty trope’. Being slim, petite, and wearing circular frames, Lina had been coined the term ‘cute’ by everyone. Her cuteness was even exaggerated with that shoulder-length bob haircut she had been rocking ever since I had known her.

Honestly, I couldn’t see her in any other hairstyle. Her look suited her so naturally, it was as if she was born for it. Though Lina had made some adjustments to her look as we grew older. Her cute, nerdy glasses were never to be seen again after she discovered contact lenses.

And with her recent obsession with the gym, she had packed on some lean muscles in her thin frame and developed some nice curves. She still had a long way to go from having an Instagram model-like physique, but she had an excellent start.

Despite all her physical change, Lina was still the same girl I had met. She still despised social interactions and would leave all the talking to me. The only time she tolerated opening her front door was to go workout with me, or head to my house.

With all the time we spent together, people always assumed we were in a relationship.

I wish.

Or maybe it was better if we stayed friends.

Honestly, I was conflicted about my feelings with Lina.

On one hand, I was attracted to everything about her. Her angelic innocence, her childishness, her submissiveness, her milky skin, her soft hair. Fuck. Just everything.

On the other hand, we had known each other for over eleven years and she was basically my sister. We saw each other every day and did everything together.

It was insane to even think that we had known each other more than we hadn’t. I just turned twenty-two, and Lina clocked in on that number five months after me.

Even though we were the same age, sometimes it felt like she hadn’t hit twenty yet. Her childish antics annoyed me, but maybe she acted that way because she had little experience in social interactions. Her parents were always at work and never had much time for her, so she basically lived at my place.

And even though we had talked about every subject under the sun, mentioning anything remotely sexual would make my best friend turn bright red and change subjects. She had never mentioned her period, any cramps she experienced, topics about sex, relationships, or even boys.

Sometimes, I wondered if she really was attracted to the opposite sex. But I knew her more than anyone else.

Lina was definitely straight.

“Whatever,” my best friend said, sticking her tongue out at me. I always hated when she did that.

In the past, I thought the childish move was dumb and annoying. Now, as we grew older and as our body matured, the impulse of leaning forward and sucking on that glistening, pink muscle was driving me insane.

Lina went back to her phone. I shook my head and resumed watching the film playing in front of us.

My peace was quickly broken a minute later.

“Tyler, look! Look at this!”

This time, I held back my sigh. I sat back up and leaned into her just as she slanted into me. We bumped shoulders, and her light fruity scent invaded my space again.

What was she showing me this time? Some kind of meme? The amount of unfunny memes I was forced to witness over the past week had me almost allergic to them.

But it wasn’t some lame meme. In fact, it was the last thing I had expected to watch.

The video showed a man on a stage waving a pocket watch in front of a lady. The lady had her eyes half-closed and her pupils were evidently unfocused, enthralled at the swaying watch in front of her. Her head was moving from side-to-side, in perfect sync to the timepiece.

I felt enthralled by the video, the movie now a background blur. Lina must have felt the same because her eyes never left the screen. A soft gasp escaped her lips when the man snapped his fingers and the woman went completely limp.

Over the next minute, I watched the most bizarre acts playing in front of my eyes. The woman was made to do impossible things. The hypnotist commanded her to balance on a shaky stool that was only supported by two legs, then had her plank on top of a thin wooden pole.

It was just highlights after highlights of insanity. The hypnotist made the woman forget her name, made her unable to say the word ‘three,’ and Lina burst into a giggling fit when the woman was asked to count to five.

The video ended shortly after, but we were both speechless and still looking at the blank screen. Aside from the occasional explosions and short dialogues from the TV speakers, the room was silent.

Lina was the first to break the peace. She looked at me, and there was a twinkle in her brown eyes.

“Cool, huh?”


She was staring at me intently, probably trying to figure out what I was thinking. To be honest, I didn’t really have anything in my mind. Just how crazy the video was and how beautiful her eyes were.

Then she said something that made the world stop.

“Maybe you could try hypnotizing me?”


“Tyler?” she prompted when I just looked at her.

She straightened her back and turned, crossing her legs once her torso was parallel to me. “Hello? Can you say something?”

“Yeah,” I found myself saying.

“So, could you try hypnotizing me? It could be fun.”

I tried to shrug lamely, as if it were no big deal. “I don’t even know where to start. Hell, I don’t even have a pocket watch.”

“That’s okay.” My best friend stood up. I frowned when she walked away and went upstairs, probably towards her room.

Within a minute, she reappeared holding a pocket watch in hand.

“Here,” she whispered, handing the watch to me. I didn’t know why she was whispering as if someone could be eavesdropping on us, but she sounded sexy as fuck. I worried she would notice my hardening length.

I crossed my left leg over my right and took the timepiece without a word. It looked antique and had a surprising amount of weight to it.

Turning it over in my palms, I pretended to study it. In reality, I was a train wreck inside. Why was I feeling so horny? Over the recent years, I have developed hard-ons around my best friend, but the uncomfortable event was rare, and not a huge problem since I could direct my thoughts to something else and the hardness would deflate within a minute or two.

But right now, try as I might, I couldn’t do anything about my growing erection. Every time I tried to tunnel my focus on something other than Lina, somewhere along the way, visions of my friend under a trance, completely at my will would reappear.

God. The things I would do to her. I would destroy her petite frame like—

No. No, stop it. These thoughts were disgusting and wrong. Lina was basically my sister, for god’s sake. We always told other people we were siblings. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I must have been frowning because Lina tilted her head.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, her brown eyes studying me. “You don’t like it?”

“No, no.” I shook my head, my movements quick, and my voice two octaves higher than normal. “I-it’s fine. Everything’s fine.”

I touched my cheek. Was everything fine?

Nope. My face was burning. I had to face reality.

I was flustered.

Lina must not have noticed because she plopped down next to me, and I wished she wasn’t so close. Our thighs were touching and my boner, completely rock hard by now, was hidden under crossed legs.

As a straight male, it wasn’t all that crazy for me to be attracted to a woman like her, especially since we were so close. She was cute, but as her body matured, Lina’s natural beauty surfaced.

Guys at the gym would hit on her and try to extract her number. Of course, innocent, ignorant Lina would be unaware of what they were trying to achieve, so she would just assume the lusty men were just trying to be friendly.

I would have to step in and tell them to fuck off. I had always assumed I was just being a protective older brother, but now I knew exactly why I had been unnecessarily pushy.

It wasn’t for her benefit; it was for mine.

I wanted her for myself.

“So you would do it?” Lina leaned even closer to me until our lips were just inches apart. I knew the move wasn’t anything sexual to her. She did this often whenever she really wanted me to do something for her.

My best friend would lean in really fucking close and would stare into my eyes until my will was sapped, and I had to agree with whatever absurd requests she had.

“Would you try hypnotizing me?”

I almost moved forward to capture those plump lips. Lips that I knew no one had the luxury of tasting before. The only reason I didn’t give in to my primal instincts was because I had a hand behind my back and I was pinching myself with all my might.

The sexual tension in the room was obvious. But Lina didn’t notice it. She just blinked innocently at me, knowing that I would eventually say ‘yes’.

“So?” my little sister chided.

I had to convince myself that she really was my blood sister. That way, I could get the unwanted thoughts out of my head for good.

“I-I don’t know where to start,” I told her. “I have like… I have never hypnotized someone before.”

She leaned in even closer.

Kiss her.

Kiss her.

No! No, stop it!

“It can’t be that hard,” Lina said. “Just wave the thing in front of me and say some words. I mean, just google it! I’m sure there’s a script online you can read to put me in a trance.”

I shifted backwards so our lips weren’t almost touching. There was no way I could trust myself with us being inches apart.

“If it was so easy, then everyone could be a hypnotist,” I told her. “There’s no way this could work.”

Lina bounced up and down on the couch.

“Come onnnnnnn, Tyler,” she pouted. “Pleaseeeeeeee? Just try? For me? Please?”

I sighed. “Why? Why do you want to be hypnotized, anyway?”

Instantly, she grew quiet. Her eyes snapped away, and she cast her gaze towards the television. The movie had already ended and the credits were rolling.

“I don’t know,” she said simply.

“What? What do you mean you don’t know?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

The sudden shift in her attitude made it clear why she was eager to get hypnotized. There was only one topic that could make her act like this.

Anything sexual.

The realization hit me like a truck.

Being hypnotized was a kink for her.

If my cock was rock hard before, it was nothing compared to this. Pre-cum spilled over my tip, wetting my underwear.


I shifted in my seat, trying to find a better way of getting comfortable with a throbbing hard-on straining against my shorts.

This was all weird to me. I always had assumed we both knew everything about each other. But there was always one glaring gap of knowledge between both of us.

Lina didn’t know anything sexual about me, and it was the same for me towards her. Now that I knew something she found sexual, it was as if I was looking at her with fresh eyes.

She wasn’t little Lina anymore. The sweet innocent girl I had to keep protected at all costs. Right then, all filters were off. The girl in front of me was just Lina. A grown woman that denied her own attractiveness and was still getting comfortable with her own sexuality.

She was submissive. Inexperienced. Cute.

And most importantly…

A virgin.

The dream woman.

My dream woman.


I must have heard that high-pitched, girly voice a billion times by now. It should be familiar to my ears, but as she spoke my name, all the blood in my head rushed down south and it was hard to think straight.

“Tyler?” Lina said again, a frown etching her lips. “So, is that a yes?”


She did little quick claps with her hands. “Yayyyyyy!”

I watched her scoot backwards. There was a good distance between us now.

Good. If I was a hair close to her any longer, I might lose control. I still could smell faint traces of peaches and it was keeping my cock rock hard.

“Go google a quick guide on hypnosis,” Lina said, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and switching the TV off.

I did exactly that, fumbling on my phone. I clicked on the first link titled ‘How to Hypnotize someone with a pocket watch’.

The instructions were simple enough, but there were a lot of disclaimers written between the instructions informing me that hypnotizing someone requires a lot of practice and that I need a willing volunteer. It also told me I needed to establish a level of trust with the person getting hypnotized or the volunteer would never fall into a trance.

Well, I could check two out of the three boxes. Lina was definitely willing, and I knew she trusted me with her life. In fact, I was the only person she fully trusted. I knew more about her than her parents did.

Practice was the only problem. But I figured if it didn’t work then, and I failed to put my best friend into a trance, we could always try next time.

I looked up from my phone and addressed my eager friend.

“Okay, it says here to… wait.” I tilted my head back down and scanned the instructions again. “Okay, Lina, I want you to relax. Do some breathing exercises with me.”


The guide listed several relaxation exercises we could try. We did them all.

I was both nervous and excited about what we were doing, and it was clear Lina was feeling the same. Her breaths were quick and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. It took us three different relaxation exercises until we both experienced the effects of calmness.

“Remember, five seconds inhale,” I instructed. “A five seconds hold, then a five seconds exhale. Repeat that ten times.”

As I performed the exercise, Lina followed, our breaths in perfect sync as we both counted down from five internally. Our eyes were locked onto each other and had been for a minute now.

When we finally finished our sixth relaxation exercise, Lina’s breaths were steady and there was a soft smile on her pretty features.

Great. Onto the next step.

I broke eye contact and muttered out the next instructions. When I finished reading the paragraph, I looked back up and repeated what I had said, more loudly and clearly this time.

“Okay, Lina,” I said, extending my right arm and letting the pocket watch fall from my palm and onto her soft gaze. The watch hung under my grip from a silver chain and I swung it from left to right.

“Lina, I want you to—”

I didn’t need to instruct her. Her eyes were already fixated on the antique watch, her head swaying side to side.

The first part of the script was already ingrained in my mind. I didn’t need to look down. I watched my beautiful sister sway her head left and right, in perfect sync to the watch.

“Just relax, Lina,” I told her. “I want you to feel completely relaxed, free from all problems. You have no stress when you are following the watch and listening to my voice. You’re now free.”


I frowned. Had she just repeated what I said?

And her voice… it was not like her usual girly tone. She breathed the word out in a low, deep husk that made me want to jump her bones.

I had barely swung the watch in front of her and she was already slipping in a trance?

There was no way it was that easy. Either Lina was so into being hypnotized that she was acting her fantasies out, or she was playing a prank on me.

Whichever one, I didn’t really care. Watching my best friend’s half-closed eyes and her speaking to me in that deep tone was more erotic than any porn video I have watched.

Somewhere along the way, I had uncrossed my legs, and I quickly swung one leg over the other, covering the enormous tent under my shorts.

“Listen to the sound of my voice,” I told her, my own voice turning deeper as I grew hornier. I was hyperconscious of my tone as I recited the speech, trying to make it sound back to normal. But no matter how hard I tried, it stayed lower than baseline.

“Focus on every syllable of my words. That’s right. Nothing else matters. Everything else is just background noise. From now on, you can only hear the sound of my voice and nothing else. Do you understand?”

As I spoke the last words, I looked down at my phone. I was almost done with the script, and I was internally reading the last part when Lina parted her lips.


There it was again. The low sexy husk that was driving me nuts. I snapped my eyes back to Lina, but she paid no attention to me. She was still moving with the pocket watch, her brown eyes glazed over.

Left, right. Left, right.

I shook my head in disbelief. If my best friend was acting, she should be in Hollywood. The entranced expression on her face looked completely believable.

Whatever. I recited the last part of the script.

“As you follow the movement of the watch, you will find yourself falling asleep. Do you feel sleepy, my little Lina?”


Both of her eyelids were twitching, begging to snap shut.

My little Lina.

Really, Tyler? Really?

I almost laughed, reading back the paragraph. Written on the script told me to say exactly that.

… you will find yourself falling asleep. Do you feel sleepy, my little -name-? Pause for exactly five beats, then continue…

Smiling, I counted to five and read the final few sentences.

God, my hand was starting to feel tired from holding the watch for far too long.

“Good girl, Lina,” I said, shaking my head as I read the ridiculous lines. “Your eyelids are so heavy, aren’t there, Lina? So, so, so heavy.”


My cock twitched at her voice. I ignored the reaction and finished the instructions.

“Yes, they are so heavy, my little girl. You want to fall asleep, but you cannot close your eyes, can you, Lina? You cannot look away from the pendulum, can you?”


“That’s okay. Because when I snap my fingers, I want you to give up your struggles and allow yourself to be free. Do you understand?”


Lina’s breaths were heavy, and I was almost mesmerized myself looking at her breasts pushing in and out of her shirt. They weren’t large, but I never preferred big busts, anyway.

I tore my gaze away from her chest because it would be weird gawking at them for so long. Lina might quit her acting and slap me for being so crude. But when I looked back at her face, I received the shock of my life.

Not only were her eyelids twitching rapidly, spasming out of control, but a large amount of drool was pooling down the right edge of her lips. A few more seconds and her saliva would be on the couch.

I almost got up to retrieve a tissue paper, but I just needed to do one more thing. The instructions told me to wait a good ten seconds before I snapped my fingers, and the timer was up.

I snapped my fingers and gasped when Lina’s eyelids snapped shut and she fell limp sideways—towards the ground.

I didn’t know how the hell I reached her in time, but I did. The pocket watch dropped to the couch as I started forward, my arms outstretched, catching her precious body before she tumbled off the sofa.

“What the hell?” I snapped at my best friend. “Lina, this isn’t funny. You could have seriously hurt yourself.”

Her head was slumped against my chest and I could feel her hot breaths as she replied to me.

“… hurt myself?”

She was still speaking in that ridiculously sexy voice. This joke or act or whatever this was had gone too far.

I gripped her shoulders and pulled her away from me so I could see her face. Her hair was a mess and so I afforded a hand to swipe the strands away.

Lina’s eyes were still closed, and her chin was wet with saliva. Drool had started to drip down, and I cursed under my breath as my thighs became wet.

“Lina, this isn’t funny.”

Her lips parted. “Funny?”

“Yes, quit this act.”

A pause. Then,


I sighed. Okay, if she wanted to pretend she was hypnotized, then I might just go along with it. Just for the time being.

This sexual fantasy of hers was odd. But then again, perhaps my attraction to her was weirder.

“Okay, Lina,” I said lamely, the gears turning in my mind. I wanted to tell her to do something so ridiculous, she wouldn’t possibly subject herself to the humiliation. The idea came quickly.

I smirked. “Lina, I want you to quack like a duck.”

I expected her to burst out laughing now at my absurd request. As immature as Lina was, there was no way she—


I gasped and shot back when Lina jerked up and placed her hands on her hips, and then flapped her elbows as if they were wings. “Quack! Quack! Quack!”

What the fuck?

I stared at the ridiculousness of what was in front of me.

Lina would never do this. Never.

Could it be? Was she really hypnotized?

My cock throbbed at the possibility.

“Quack! Quack! Quack!”

“O-Okay, stop. Stop!”

She obeyed immediately. Her lips snapped shut and her hands fell limp by her sides. Lina sat there, eyes closed, swaying gently from side to side, as if waiting for my next command.

There was no way she was in a trance. I was a complete novice at hypnosis. I couldn’t just read some random guide online and just hypnotize someone so easily like that, right?


I grabbed my phone from the edge of the couch, almost dropping it as I started fumbling words on Google. I needed to know if it was possible for a scenario like this to happen and the results that popped out were astonishing.

Apparently, this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. There were several articles that reported people experimenting with hypnosis and ‘accidentally’ putting another person into a trance.

As I read on, it became clear why my best friend might have slipped into a trance so easily. There had to be a high level of trust between the hypnotist and the person getting hypnotized. The higher the trust level, the easier it was for the hypnosis to work.

And not only that, all the reports had one thing in common.

The people getting hypnotized were all submissive in nature.

Lina definitely didn’t mind giving up control. In public, especially in crowded areas, she was like a precious sheep, following me around everywhere and allowing me to talk for her. I always had to order for both of us in restaurants and she had always asked me for permission to go to the restroom when we were out.

I think it might be because of her upbringing. She had been neglected and every single interaction with her parents involved her having to do something or go somewhere.

It was always ‘Lina do this’ and ‘Lina do that.’

She was used to getting ordered around, and I think deep down, she craved affection and attention.

When I entered her life, I gave her plenty of both. We were almost inseparable. Hell, she even started sleeping over at my house when she was thirteen. We would travel to school in the same car.

Her parents were more than happy for me to be her nanny. They didn’t need to pay me a salary, and they knew I would take care of her.

Thinking back, it was fucked up for them to ditch their only daughter like that, but maybe it was better for them to not be so involved in her life. Except for giving her a nice, big house to stay in and providing her food, they were almost strangers to her.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I mull over her past. At least she had me.

I needed to find a way to wake her up and tell her what happened.

I loaded back to the website that had taught me how to hypnotize her. Scrolling through the page, I frowned when I saw no mention of how to wake a person out of a trance.

Should I just say ‘Lina, wake up,’ and snap my fingers? Does it work like that?

A low sound made me jump.



Did I just hear…

No, it can’t be.

Did… did Lina just…

Did she just moan?

My phone slipping from my fingers was an afterthought as my head snapped forward.. What I saw confirmed the absurd thought and the vision of her angelic innocence was shattered in an instant.

My adopted sister, the woman that has never said the word ‘fuck’ or ‘sex’ in her entire life…

Her eyes were still shut, but her lips were parted, and she was breathing heavily through them. Her right hand was jammed underneath her shorts and by the movement of her arms, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what she was doing.

“L-Lina?” I called out to her.

“Hmm?” Her chin jerked in my direction, but her eyes never opened.

I didn’t know what else to say. I just stared as my sister masturbated right in front of me. Even though she was in her twenties, it seemed like an impossibility that she even knew how to finger herself. But looking at how comfortable she was, it was obvious that she had done this before. Many, many times.

I had to do something. What she was doing felt… it was just wrong. Lina was in a deep trance and didn’t know what she was doing. Her conscious mind wasn’t present.

I started forward and grabbed her right hand. She inhaled sharply when I pulled her hand out from under her cotton shorts. Her fingers were soaked, dripping with arousal, and it was leaking down to my thighs, mixing in with her saliva there.

The sight. The fucking sight of her beautiful face, her parted lips, her juice dripping onto me. Her delicious peachy scent…

All those combined drove my animalistic side. I didn’t think before I acted and I made the worst mistake in my life when I dropped her soaked fingers, leaned in aggressively, and did the forbidden thing I was fantasizing about doing for years.

I kissed her.

[Link to Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsynxq/i_hypnotized_my_sister_to_be_oblivious_while_i/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsym1q/i_hypnotized_my_sister_to_be_oblivious_while_i