[F] 35. Policewoman here. A senior ranking officer seduced me and turned me into a slut for my fellow policemen.

I am a policewoman. From India, in the rank of sub inspector. We are put on probation under a senior officer after graduating from the police academy. And I too was put under this particular officer. He was flirty since the beginning first verbally and then physically. I ignored that at first thinking that I am married and it shouldn’t bother me. I was wrong. The more he flirted the more I loosened up.

In his office he used to touch my tits, my ass, in between my thighs over my uniform. This started as gentle touches which then evolved into full blown groping sessions. My husband works in the abroad so in a way I was enjoying this but at the same time the wife in me was conflicted.

Then he had to go out of the district for an investigation. Since I was put under him he asked me to join him. I knew that very moment that I was gonna get fucked. We reached to that location by the evening. He was touchy with me during the whole time in the vehicle. He booked two rooms (to show it to the accounts dept) and in the elevator he told me to put my bags and stuffs in my room and join him in his room.

I did so. And he fucked me in missionary position in the bed for the first time. I didn’t resisted and jnfact took off my clothes by myself. It wasn’t awkward as we both knew the endgame. Slutty me then called my husband to tell that we had reached and I am doing well. After first sex, we went out to have dinner and that’s when he bought me pills as he had cum inside me. We had sex again after coming back to his room. Had sex during the midnight and also the next morning. We were done with our work by the afternoon and were back to our rooms to pick up our belongings and had sex once again and that was my first time in uniform.

He kept me to himself for a couple of weeks and then shared me with his peer, another senior officer. Then I got shared to others as well. After the probation I got my first transfer to a police station and in there, I worked with someone who used to work with this senior and he knew about me. And we started having sex and soon, others too.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tt4wv6/f_35_policewoman_here_a_senior_ranking_officer

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