Amber’s Awakening – Chapter II [MF][MDom][Fsub][Bondage][Impact Play]

Part 1 of this series can be found here: [Amber’s Awakening [MF][MDom][FSub][Consenual Non-Consent]](

Blinding white light surrounds her everywhere. Amber tries to steady herself in this shroud of light, unsure of her surroundings. As the light slowly recedes, she begins to make out details. White, marble flooring. Glass railings. She cannot make out walls or a ceiling beyond the bright haze.

She is wearing a crimson, sequined gown with six-inch stilettos to match. Her wrists are adorned with triple-row diamond bracelets, sparkling from the light around her. She reaches up to feel a matching choker snug around her neck, then continues up to her face, where she is wearing a crimson, lace masquerade eye mask. She does not recognize any of these items. She does not know where she is or how she got here, but she feels as if she belongs. In the distance, she notices what appears to be an escalator going down. She can hear the echo of her heels clicking on the marble, sounding as if she were in a large cavern, as she walks toward the escalator. She was not willing her footsteps. Something was drawing her there. As she moves closer, the ever-present light dissipates below, revealing…


“Fuck,” Amber groans as she reaches over to silence the alarm on her phone. She closes her eyes, trying to burn every detail into her memory of the dream she just had. This is the third time in a month that she’s had this dream and woken to remember it. It has been the most surreal dream she can ever recall having.

Amber raises herself to a sitting position on the side of the bed, the covers revealing her naked form as she places her feet on the floor. Five o’clock. Time to get to it. She kneels down next to the bed, in front of the mirror, in the position of Nadu…knees spread apart, back straight, chest out, and head held up…just like Master trained her. Her eyes look down out of respect to Master, and her hands are placed palms-up on her thighs. Now in position, she takes a deep breath, slowly, then recites her daily mantra:

“Master is my life, my love, and my Owner. I obey, love, and cherish Him. I am sensuality, pleasure, love, and devotion in service of all forms. I will show Him each day my love of service to Him. I will let go of all inhibition and give myself to Him completely. I am Master’s treasure and will take good care of His possession in all ways. He is Master, I am kajira.”

Once she has uttered the last word, she opens her eyes to see the reflection of the woman in the mirror. It was a far different reflection that stared back at her six months ago…

“You belong to me. We are going to do beautiful things together,” Peter said. Amber stared blankly as his words reverberated through her, then began to sob uncontrollably.

“There, there,” Peter whispered softly as he gathered her up into his arms, holding her tight. “Shh, you’re okay. Everything is okay. I have you. You are safe.” he continued to reassure her as his hand brushed her head.

She continued to sob, her body shaking uncontrollably, yet his embrace felt comforting. She could not recall ever feeling like this. Exhausted, weak, with no control of her emotions. Peter picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, placing her on the edge.

“Let’s get you into the shower. A nice hot shower is what you need right now,” he said, as he began to undress her. “A shower, some food, and water. Yes, where is the water?” Peter looked to find the complimentary water bottles on the dresser and moved to retrieve one. “Here, drink this,” he said, holding the bottle to her lips. Amber took a sip of the water, then handed it back.

“No, drink it all. You don’t realize how dehydrated you are after that scene. You will maintain hydration at all times.” Peter said sharply, returning the bottle to her lips.

Amber gulped the water down till the bottle was empty. Peter finished undressing her, then led her into the bathroom, where he started the shower. As they waited for the water to warm, Amber stood in front of the mirror, seeing the visual representation of the mess that she felt she was at this time. Peter stood behind her, softly brushing her hair.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear as he stared at her reflection, “Tonight is just the beginning of the magic we will share together. I will show you the world you’ve been seeking.”

Peter undressed, then guided Amber into the shower. As she stepped under the warm spray, she felt a little more at peace. Showers always helped calmed her mind, and now that she was in this state, her thoughts began to organize.

“I know we discussed CNC, but I wasn’t expecting that,” she stated.

“Which is why I thought it was the perfect opportunity. Most of the excitement from that fantasy is the surprise element.” Peter replied as he began to wash her back. “What if I had used my safewords?” Amber asked.

“If you had used ‘Red’, then I would have stopped immediately. ‘Yellow’, I would have stopped to check with what was uncomfortable for you and adapted. ‘Green’, well…I may have gone harder. Your safety will always be my highest priority. Did you want to use your safewords?”

“No. I…wanted you.” she began to sob softly.

“I know,” Peter said as he continued to wash her body, then help her rinse off. After showering and toweling off, Peter guided Amber to the bed and tucked her in. She continued to weep softly as she curled up under the covers. Peter climbed next to her, petting her softly.

“Shh. Rest your mind. You are safe. You are unharmed. Rest.” he whispered softly. Amber fell fast into a deep sleep. She recalls hearing his voice calling for room service. At some point, Peter woke her to eat. It was a three-egg omelet, some fresh fruit, and orange juice. She felt as if she were in a fog, but she was famished, so she ate. Peter would occasionally ask if she was okay or how she was feeling. Other than that, they didn’t talk much. Amber fell back to sleep shortly after their meal, Peter stroking her hair beside her. Feeling his body next to her made her feel safer, more secure, and she slept soundly.

Peter was accurate when he said that night was just the beginning of the magic they would share together. From that night onward, she belonged to him and began her training on how to serve him. Peter lived in a 3 bedroom condominium where one room was dedicated entirely to BDSM equipment. Here is where her training consisted of studying positions she was expected to assume at a given command, protocols she would be required to follow, an exercise routine custom-tailored to his wishes, sessions where she would be bound and her limits tested, and lots of sex.

“Good morning, Master,” Amber says into the phone as she walks toward her building.

“Good morning, my kajira,” is the response from Peter on the other end. “Did you sleep well? Did you complete your morning routine?”

“Yes, Master. Immediately upon waking I said my mantra, then exercised. Master, could you send me next week’s gym routine? I like knowing what is planned.”

“I will send it to you as soon as I’m in the office, does that work?”

“Yes, thank you, Master,” Amber replies.

“How are the squats going?” Peter asks.

“I’m getting better, Master. I was able to complete all the sets without any extended breaks this morning.” she is excited to tell him about her positive progress.

“That’s excellent. We’ll be testing that tonight.” he responds, “I have ‘Riding Practice’ planned for tonight.”

“Master, I have to go now. I’m entering my building. I hope you have a great day and I can’t wait to see you tonight.”

“Yes, of course. I wish the same for you. See you later.” Peter said before hanging up.

As Amber entered her building, her heart sank a bit in worry for the evening’s plans. She worried that she would fail to keep up again. Peter could fuck like a machine. Physically, he had little, if any, body fat. He followed a strict exercise regimen and constantly pushed himself to be at peak physical performance. When you take this powerful frame he had formed of himself, and add his sexual prowess, you had a recipe for a woman’s orgasmic bliss. He was powerful, strong, and in total control at all times. Every session left Amber feeling exhausted and thoroughly fucked. Yet, she couldn’t get enough of his cock, or the way he could pound it into her until she nearly passed out from coming too much. The sex was amazing for her but she always worried about her own performance in comparison to his. No matter how hard she tried, she always felt that she disappointed him when, for example, he wanted her to ride him because she just couldn’t keep up with the pace. Or the positions he would twist her in, that would put pressure on her hips, back, or legs where she couldn’t hold that long. Peter was on a whole other level when it came to sex, which she could only aspire to get to.

This is why ‘Riding Practice’ came into the training schedule. Amber remembered one session about three months into their relationship. Peter had her blindfolded with noise-canceling headphones on. Her hands were cuffed together, with a rope anchored from the ceiling, connected to them. She wore her body harness and was displayed in a squatting position. Connected to the harness was another rope, which was connected to a pulley on the ceiling. At times, Peter would secure this so that Amber could rest her legs from holding her weight in this awkward position. Playing on the headset was this hypnotic EDM with a slow, steady, rhythm, the words “pump it” mixed in. It was the same music Peter would have her listen to when doing certain exercises, including squats. She had been like this for maybe 30 minutes? Maybe an hour? She wasn’t sure. But for the entirety of the time she was hung, Peter had been using various toys and devices to tease or torture her. She was told that she would not be released till she made him come. She was allowed to come as many times as she could, but he would not alter anything to make her come. So, she would go from squatting on him, bouncing up and down, trying to get him off. She could feel the pull on her harness guiding her, knowing that Peter was pulling on the tether trying to assist her. When she paused from the strain, Peter would get out from underneath her, anchor the tether, then proceed to tease or torture. Sometimes it was a crop to her thighs, ass, and cunt. Sometimes it would be the wand, turned on high, and pressed tightly to her cunt. But he never left it there long enough for her to come. When he pulled it away, she’d be a shaking, quivering mess, begging to come. This would be followed by a slap to her breasts, ass, and cunt, the pain shooting throughout her body.

“Thank you, Master!” Amber would yell, barely hearing her own voice from inside her head.

She could feel Peter slip underneath her again, and guide her onto his erect cock. She was sopping wet by this time and was accustomed to his length and girth. Even with all the strain and pain in her legs, it still felt incredible when his cock filled her. She resumed her bouncing and grinding on his cock, trying to milk his come out.

“Come for me, Master,” she’d shout, trying her best to make her moans sound sexy to him, but this proved difficult without being able to hear them herself. “Please fill me with your come!”

She knew she would hear no reply. Without the visual or audible feedback, all she could do is focus deeply on blocking out the pain in her hip, thighs, and ass, and her cunt engulfing and squeezing his cock. Riding and grinding, she kept at it until a sudden cramp in her calf muscle shot through her, and she kicked her leg out and fell. All her weight was anchored on her wrists and resting on Peter.

“Owww…Cramp!” Amber yelled.

Peter slid out from underneath her, pulled her up by the tether on her harness, then anchored it. He then removed the headphones, blindfold, and began releasing the ropes.

“Master, I can do this. Please, I just need a few minutes.” Amber panted.

“I won’t risk you being injured. We are done for today.” Peter said flatly.

Once free, Amber immediately assumed the ‘Humble’ position…on her knees, forehead on the floor, arms outstretched in front of her head, and hands crossed.

“Master, this girl is ready to serve. Please let me make you come with my holes.” She begged.

“That won’t be necessary. You may recover and relax.” Peter responded.

Once Amber stood, he leaned into her and kissed her cheek.

“I’m going to hit the gym real quick. What time are the reservations?” he asked.

“Six o’clock, Master,” Amber replied meekly.

“Very well. See you in a bit.”

He left without another word. Amber was crushed. She felt like a failure for not being able to maintain the training exercise, and not being able to make him come. Even though he hadn’t said it, and probably never will, she knew that she disappointed him. Exhausted and defeated, Amber went into the bathroom to shower, where she cried for nearly an hour.

After that experience, ‘Riding Practice’ became one of her more feared training sessions. Tonight was going to be tough.
