Shaving Beth (romantic, f/f)

After a quiet night in with a couple of glasses of wine, Beth decided to have a shower before bed. She stripped off pants and kicked away her panties, then pulled off her top. She had already taken off her bra earlier while watching TV. As she lifted her shirt over her head, she noticed the small growth of hair under her arms, as well as those at her crotch. Beth made a mental note to shave sometime soon.

As Beth stepped into the shower, her wife came into the bathroom. Jenn pulled out her shaving gear; soap, brush and razor from the drawer and set them on the counter. Then she joined Beth in the shower. Under the hot water they took turns washing, soaping themselves up, a hand occasionally straying to the other’s body, caressing a shoulder, chest, ass.

As usual, Jenn finished his shower first and stepped out. Through the fogged glass Beth watched her towel herself off, then with the towel around her waist, take the shaving brush and build up a thick lather of cream. While she showered, Beth watched her rub the cream into her armpits. With a few practiced strokes she removed all of the stubble, leaving her underarms bare. As her wife dried herself, Beth stepped from the shower. She took her own towel and dried herself, before wrapping it around her wet hair.

Beth was about to heave the bathroom and climb into bed, when her wife took her hand and stopped her. She didn’t say anything, but she guided to sit down on the toilet. With Beth sitting, Jenn lifted her right arm over her head. She started to speak, but Jenn placed a finger on her lips. Then she took her shaving brush, and began to coat Beth’s armpit with shaving cream. Then she took her razor from beside the sink and slowly ran it up and down Beth’s armpit. In moments the skin under her arm was bare, and Jenn gently towelled away the remaining cream and small hairs. Then Jenn let her right arm fall and repeated the procedure under her left arm.

When Beth’s armpits were both free of hair, her wife knelt between her on the toilet. Jenn gently spread her legs, kissing from her knees to her upper thighs. Once again she grabbed the shaving brush and gently but firmly rubbed it on one side of Beth’s crotch, coating the hair in a thick lather. She brought the razor to Beth, moving slowly and gently. Jenn first pushed lightly against her thigh to make the skin tight, then ran the razor down the skin between her crotch and thigh. There was a slight catch but no pain as the razor cleanly removed the hair. Moments later the other leg was pushed wide, and soon all hair was gone between Beth’s legs and her crotch itself.

Next her wife began to slowly run her finger between Beth’s lower lips. Then she gently grabbed one of them and pulled the skin taught. Jenn ran the razor along the stretched skin, leaving it bare and smooth. As she let go of Beth’s lip, her finger again began to rub between them, then the wet, sensitive bud at the top of Beth’s cleft. Beth moaned and bucked her hips against her hand, trying to prolong the contact.

Beth’s wife pulled her hand away and gave her a very light slap on her crotch. “Don’t move,” she said. “I don’t want to cut you!”

With a struggle, Beth stopped moving. When she was still again, Jenn took the shaving brush and applied more thick cream to the other side of Beth’s crotch. She pulled her lip taught again, and quickly stripped away the hair. Her left hand returned between Beth’s legs, slowly sliding in and out, the razor and other hand going to the remaining tuft of hair atop Beth’s crotch. Jenn’s finger was a teasing penetration.

“Stay still,” she whispered, as her finger curled inside of Beth, the razor taking the last of the hair from Beth’s crotch. When she was done, Jenn set down the razor and picked up the towel. She continued to finger Beth as she used the towel to wipe away any left over shaving cream. When Beth was clean, Jenn leaned in and gave her a kiss on her now bare mound.

Beth was about to grab her wife by the back of the head and push Jenn’s face harder against her crotch when she stood, pulling Beth to stand with the finger still inside her. Jenn gave her a deep kiss before she removing hers finger. Then she turned Beth around so she was bent over the toilet. Her wife knelt down behind her and spread her rear cheeks with one hand. Beth gave a little gasp as the warm shaving cream was applied to her rear.

Jenn took Beth’s hands and guided them back so she held herself open. Soon the razor was in Jenn’s hand again, expertly running along Beth. When the hair was gone, Jenn used to towel to wipe her clean. Before Beth could move her hands and stop spreading herself, her wife leaned in and ran her tongue along the newly bare, sensitive skin. The firm wet warmth of her tongue in an unexpected place made Beth gasp.

The Jenn stood up and took Beth’s hand. “Now that we’re all clean, lets go to bed and get dirty again.”
