New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 239-241) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 239: Penetrating Deep

“PETER KILL EVIL BIMBO!” Peter’s head roared as the monster dashed at Beatrice.

“Looks like there’s little doubt concerning which of the two participants our lovebirds hold a bigger grudge against,” Thelicia commented. “Skewering a man’s penis like a sausage at a campfire will do that.”

The monster aimed to squash Beatrice with its war hammer, but Beatrice avoided the attack.

“Eh?” Beatrice noticed a difference in the monster’s attacks. Just as the two engaged in combat again, Number Sixty-six took a deep breath, collecting air into her lungs, and breathed out through her mouth the same smog that she unleashed before, handing out a second dose of her fumes to Beatrice and the monster.

Peter saw this, but—rather than get out of the way of the obvious trajectory well in advance—he raised his tentacle arm, aimed his tentacles at the snake lady, and shouted, “PETER PULL!”

Before Number Sixty-six was even done unleashing the fumes, three fleshy tentacles flew through the air, extended from the monster’s tentacle hand, grabbed the snake lady’s waist, and pulled her through her own fumes, toward the vengeance-seeking monster.

For a split second, Beatrice considered helping the snake lady, but considering that the snake tried to take her out rather than help her, Beatrice preferred using the opportunity to instead strike at the monster.

“Peter!” Wendy’s head screamed for her husband’s attention and swung the war hammer through the air, where the attacking succubus was a second ago.

“You’ve really gotten a lot slower,” Beatrice said after easily dodging the monster’s hammer attacks one after another. “Whether it was poison or whatever, your absurd power means nothing if you can no longer reach me.”

Beatrice then moved in closer, past the hammer’s range, and—using her [Sharp Claws] —swung at the upper arm that wielded the overgrown, mutated hammer. Beatrice struck closer to the shoulder of the beast, far away from the calcified forearm, allowing her to tear through the muscle and hack off the arm entirely.

“WRAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!” both heads of the monster screamed in pain and wailed their two other, functioning arms aimlessly at the succubus.

*The benefit of such a low-level passive is that my Stamina literally regenerates faster than I spend it on [Sharp Claws],* Beatrice grinned, enjoying getting the situation back under control.

Meanwhile, the tentacles pulled the snake lady closer to the wounded monster, but—rather than try to escape—the snake lady stuck two fingers down her throat and caused herself to hurl, unleashing sickly-green vomit right on the monster. She probably hoped to get some on Beatrice too, but the succubus was having no difficulty avoiding the Peter/Wendy’s attacks and was thus not entangled enough with the monster to allow even a single drop of the vomit to reach her.

The monster was not so lucky. The vomit splashed across tentacles, tentacle arm, left shoulder, and one leg. The moment that the poisonous liquid touched the monster’s skin, smoke in the colors of rotting meat began to rise from every area that the liquid touched. The sizzling sounds that accompanied the smoke, confirmed the obvious—the acidic vomit burned the monster alive.

“UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!” both Wendy and Peter howled in agony, falling back to their knees and letting the snake lady go involuntarily. Not like it matter though, as their tentacles melted off their arm, while the vomit burned deeper holes in their combined body.

“Well, looks like that’s all she wrote, folks!” Thelicia said somberly, though her voice was still heard clear over the crowds that once again complained and spouted offensive crap.

“Peter!” the Wendy-head screamed and turned to Peter.

“Wendy!” the Peter-head screamed and turned to Wendy.

They nodded at each other and shouted in unison, “Lover’s dark union! Demon Regeneration!”

Dark energies again radiated from their body and grew to surround them.

*More buffs!? Regeneration?* Beatrice had enough of letting her opponents power up over and over again. It was only fun to let her opponent power up when they still ended up crushed by her regardless of buffs. *Otherwise, I’m the fool!* Beatrice had to end this before it got really out of hand.

“Hey, Peter!” Beatrice called for the orcish Peter-head’s attention before it disappeared in its own aura. “Your wife is uglier than an anglerfish!”

“What!?” Peter snapped and looked at Beatrice, reaching for her with his two good arms, ready to snap her in half.

That was all that Beatrice needed, as she looked back into Peter’s eyes and cast [Daze].

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh?” Peter’s expression grew even dumber as his eyes widened and stared aimlessly through Beatrice.

“P-peter?” Wendy’s head called out to her husband as the magical aura around them weakened.

The monster’s arms fell limp at its sides, and Beatrice jumped in, aiming her index finger at Peter’s head.

“PETER!!” Wendy screamed and took control of the arms that her husband just lost, but too late.

The moment that Beatrice’s fingernail was less than a foot away from Peter’s clueless eyeball, she used her [Extend Claws] Skill that was back up from its two-minute cooldown and skewered Peter’s right eyeball, penetrating deep into the brain behind it.

## 240: Fall From Grace

“BABYYYYYYYYYYY!!!” Wendy’s anglerfish-like head screamed as it watched Beatrice’s claw withdraw from her husband’s brain along with chunks of blackened brain matter.

With one of its two brains damaged, the already-weak monster lost control of its motor functions as it wailed its healthy and damaged limbs while Wendy howled in rage and terror.

Learning from her previous mistake, Beatrice did not give any chance for her opponent to recover. With her claws at their regular—but still decent—length and sharpness, she cut through Peter-head’s neck, tearing up the arteries and unleashing a stream of black blood that covered the succubus. That did not stop Beatrice. Even as the monster’s entire body trembled and fell into convulsions while a black aura seeped from many of the open wounds, Beatrice hacked Wendy-head’s neck, just as she did with Peter’s, unleashing more of the monster’s blood.

As the convulsions of the monster grew wilder and the black aura tore through it from the inside, Beatrice and Number Sixty-six jumped away from the monster. They could not know whether it would dissolve, explode or enter a whole new stage and transform into an even greater terrifying form.

“Many in the crowds wait with bated breath,” Thelicia commented. “Will the lovebirds be reborn from the ashes of this defeat? Or will they fall into the nothingness from whence they came?”

But while the aura that engulfed the monster grew more violent, it did not come even close to the power and spread from which the monster first appeared. And as the winds calmed down, they revealed two naked, human bodies, male and female, lying on the ground.

Peter laid motionless on his back. Though he was no longer a mutated, blackish, orcish monster, his body was covered in burns and wounds, his right arm was destroyed, his neck slashed, and a bloody hole through where his right eye used to be. Peter was dead.

The other body, however, Wendy, crawled on her stomach toward Peter. Human, just like before the terrifying transformation. Even her hair was no longer made of metallic braids. She was just a few feet away, just barely out of reach. But her body was just as bust-up as Peter’s. *It’s not just our wounds,* Beatrice thought as she looked at the extent of the damage throughout Wendy’s entire body. It wasn’t just the acid burns from Number Sixty-six vomit. Wendy’s flesh was cut open from shoulders to toes as if pierced by a thousand daggers. Beatrice was amazed that Wendy was still able to drag herself forward, even if it was an inch at a time while more blood poured from her split neck into the puddle under her.

Wendy stretched out her one good limb, her trembling hand toward her husband. Just a couple of inches to at the very least touch Peter’s shoulder. Just a little more…

“P-Phe… te…” Wendy weakly tried to utter her husband’s name before more blood gushed out of her mouth and throat. She was just barely out of reach of Peter when her arm fell powerlessly to the ground. Before she could reach her husband, before she could manage to properly say her husband’s name one last time, Wendy died.

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

*Woah! Two levels in one go!?* Beatrice was surprised but welcomed the reward for the unexpected challenge. *The four thugs in the forest netted me a single level all the way back when. Whatever that was… What they transformed into. It must’ve really been a greater than average threat, for this city at least.*

“Aaand nothingness it is!” Thelicia announced, disgusted with the crowd’s temporary favorite’s unsightly fall from grace. “It looks like trash is trash, no matter how much of it you stick together! What a way to disappoint a crowd!”

“BOOOO!!” The crowds voiced their frustration as more recently invalidated winner prediction tickets flew through the air and down into the abyss.

Beatrice wasn’t sure if the booing was directed toward the couple or the ones who beat them, or all four of them, but Beatrice was past the caring point. *Whatever narrative that furball is building, it’s clear that I’m not meant to be the face of these games,* Beatrice concluded, noting how easily Thelicia compared her and Number Sixty-six to cockroaches, and that failing to beat them meant the monster was trash. *Probably for the best, as I’ll end up drawing less attention until further into the rounds.*

“But despite their unexpected victory, neither of our little roaches have the luxury to celebrate!” Thelicia reminded the crowds. “Only one of them will live past the remaining deadline! Perhaps neither of them if they keep standing around idly!”

Just below the giant viewing sphere, the flaming numbers continued counting down the remaining time.


## 241: A Team Divided?

*“29:39”* spelled the fiery numbers that were conjured above the arena after the first round started, mere seconds ago.

“Uma! Uma! UMA!!”

“Eh!?” Number Fifty finally snapped out of her daze and looked at her teammate that kept shouting her name.

“Uma, what are we supposed to do!?” Number Forty-nine panicked and demanded answers from her leader. A shorter girl than the leader of the team, but with the same white and blue uniform, and same gory hair color (apart from the haircut, which was a bob haircut, instead of the long straight hair of Number Fifty). Both she and Number Fifty now stood on one side of the charred line that separated the team of four into two so-called semifinals. “Me and you? Fight each other? What kind of a joke is this!?”

“When going gets tough the tough get going!” Number Twenty-two, their gory bearded teammate said as he walked to the crossbow their team was handed and picked it off the ground. “At least, that’s what my Pa always used to say.”

“What the fuck does that mean!?” Number Forty-nine screamed. “And why do you get the crossbow!?”

“Aint nothin’ more simple darlin’!” Number Twenty-two said as he loaded the first of the three arrows into the crossbow. “If just one of us gets to see the sunrise in the mornin’, we will do everything it takes to ensure the victory of our clan!”

“So, what? You’re gonna shoot yourself to help Aldrich advance!? Or you going to kill him first and then kill yourself!?”

“Nonsense!” Number Twenty-two shook his head and then look to Number Seven’s team, where “the fridge” just cleaved a jittering hyenakin’s head in half. “Instead of shootin’ each other like mad dogs, we eliminate Uma’s strongest competition! Strike hard and fast, secure the victory before they know that hit ‘em!”

“George…” Number Fifty softly spoke her teammate’s name.

“Have you lost all senses!” Number Forty-nine went from panicked to mad, to outraged. “Didn’t you hear the rules!? You’re not allowed to kill anyone else but Aldrich over here! They’ll probably kill you the moment you attack anyone else!”

“Did ya not wash your ears today?” bearded George asked. “That announcer only said killin’ others than our current opponent is forbidden. She ain’t said shit about maimin’ ‘em! Who needs killin’ when you can rip their pretty little eyeballs out?”

One of the shirtless masked members of the Forge of Champions staff, the one that delivered the crossbow, just stood in place, not moving an inch, and casually listened to the conversation, without objections or remarks.

“AND THEN!?” Number Forty-nine screamed, waiting to hear the answer for the only part that mattered to her.

“It goes without sayin’ that Uma must be the one to advance further,” George shrugged.

“SAID WHO!? We’re supposed to kill ourselves after doing all the hard work to help this little princess win!?”

“What?” Uma was shocked to be called a ‘little princess’ by her teammate. She knew that such an insult flowed around in the clan, but never before did anyone dare to say it out loud in her presence.

“I wasn’t even supposed to be here!” Number Forty-nine continued. “You were the one who said ‘we’re in this together’! Since when are we sacrificial pawns for her benefit!?”

George sighed and replied calmly, “We ain’t got time fo such bickerin’, Ethel!”

Uma tried to calm her teammate down and took her hand, “Ethel, please, I understand how you feel and—”

“You *understand*!?” Ethel recoiled and pulled her hand away in disgust. “You’re supposed to be our leader! Miss righteous! And yet you’re perfectly happy to just stand there and do nothing while we throw our lives away!?”

George shook his head again. Rather than arguing further, he relocated his desired target, Number Seven, and without letting the giant out of his sight spoke to his other teammate, “Come on, Aldrich! Shootin’ that overgrown’ potato will be easier than hittin’ the side of a barn. But we need to decide on your target before we move in. One chance to take out the strongest competition before they know what’s comin’! Even if Ethel—”


The crossbow fell at George’s feet, followed quickly by George’s lifeless body that collapsed to the ground with a broken neck, snapped from behind by his teammate, Number Eight, Aldrich.

“ALDRICH!?” Uma screamed in horror when she saw one of her trusted teammates betray and snap the neck of her loyal friend.

“Sorry, George, but I agree with Ethel,” Aldrich said as he twirled his handlebar type mustache.

You can read more chapters [here]( or [here](
