My best friends brother… Pt2 The Party [MM]

(I’m gonna try to pick up the pace of the story but I don’t want to jeopardize the integrity of it. This isn’t just a hookup story, it’s a full narrative)

Me: Wait… what? Your my rooma-

Drew: Hahaha waittt this is kinda cool.

Me: You knew didn’t you?

Drew: No. this is just as much of a surprise to me as it is for you.

He laughed as he started to lay down on his bed

Drew: What? You don’t want me?

Hearing those words I almost choked

Me: Huh?

Drew: To be your roomie?

Me: Ohh no- wait- I mean yea… I’m just a little shocked at this coincidence.

Drew: Well this is great so just relax, we’ll have fun this year.

We talked a little that night and fell asleep. The next morning I began my classes and everything went on normally. In about 2 weeks I started to get into the groove of college life and Drew really helped me. One night I was studying when he came into the dorm. He took his shirt off which wasn’t out of the usual, then he went into the bathroom and I head the shower begin to run. About 10 minutes later he came out in just his towel. His tan, toned body glistened as he walked to closet to find something to wear.

Me: You going out again?

Drew: Yep, I know you heard about the huge party at the frat house… wanna come?

Me: Uh… nah I think I’m ok.

Drew: I know it’s not really your scene but just come with me.

Me: I don’t know…

Drew: Come on, don’t be a pussy it’s Friday!

Me: Shut up Drew… I have work t-

Before I could even finish I felt the weight of his entire body crash onto me. He wrestled me as I tried to resist him. It wasn’t much of a fight though as he quickly pinned me to the bed.

Me: Drew what the hell?

Drew: Your going right?

Me: Get off-

Drew: Nope! Not until you tell me your going.

Me: I-…
The feeling off his body pressed against mine started to stir emotions and hormones. I felt my member begin to stiffen and I knew he wouldn’t get up unless I gave in.
Me: Fine! I’ll go now get off.

Drew: Good, go get dressed

He said as he got up and laughed in excitement like a child. 30 minutes later we were leaving the dorm and heading to this party. Arriving there I instantly notice that this house looked over its capacity by at least 200 people.

Drew: We gotta find my friends so you can meet them, come on

With that he grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowds of people flooding every crevice of the house. Soon we reached his friends, all pretty much fit the build of college jocks.

Drew: This is Ty, he’s new some be nice

He joked as I awkwardly waved to them. They each reached out they’re arm one by one for a hand shake as they introduced themselves.

Chris: So this is the freshy, I’m Chris. *6,1’ fair skinned, quarter back. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. The American dream boy*

Daniel: Daniel, you can call me Danny though. “6 foot, copper skinned muscular built guy. He was on the baseball team with Andre*

Erin: Sup, I’m Erin. * 5,11’ chocolate man, flawless skin with waves wetter than the Florida coast*

Me: Hey, I’m Ty… I mean Tyler. Well you can call me Ty… if you want.

Chris: Hey where did you find this guy?

Chris said as he and the other guys laughed. I awkwardly laughed it off but Drew stepped in.

Drew: Hey shut up. It’s his first college party.

Daniel: Ohhh I see, well let’s show him a good time.

After that a plethora of drinking games commenced. Surprisingly I was having fun, I still didn’t get shit faced but I was enjoying myself.

Chris: The cute freshy is actually kinda fun

I was shocked for a moment until I examined everyone else faces. No one else was surprised so I thought maybe he just one of those friends. You know, the ones that use “sus” actions as jokes?

Me: Thanks
I said as I pat his back

Erin: Come one guys let’s play the hat game now!

Me: The what?

Daniel: The hat game. Everyone writes a dare or a truth on a sticky note and put it in the hat.

Chris: Then we pass the hat around and each person takes one.

Drew: And If you don’t answer the question or do the dare, you take 3 straight shots.

Me: Oh… sounds fun.

Everyone starting writing and each person dropped their paper in Danny’s hat. We all sat in a circle, Drew across from me, Erin and Chris on the sides of me with some other party goers filling the rest of the circle. Everyone takes their turn and does they’re dares and truths until it gets to Chris. He pulls the paper and it said “Slap the person your right and kiss the one to your left.” We all starting laughing until I heard a slap. The realization hit me almost as hard as the slap that I was the person to his left. He looked over at me still laughing and leaned in. My head jolted back…

Me: Whoaaa buddy, aren’t you gonna take me out to dinner first?

Everyone laughed harder

Chris: Come on it’s just a dare bro… I have socks on so it’s not gay.

The laughter continued as Chris leaned in again. I hesitantly leaned forward, in one swift movement he grabbed the back of my head and forced our lips to meet. I solid 3 seconds and then we moved apart. Everyone cheered and hooted. I wiped my lips as I looked at Drew. He looked kind of… uncomfortable.

Chris: Aweee that was my first kiss baby

Chris said sarcastically and then handed the hat to me. I confidently pulled out a paper, the laughter became silence as I read it.

Erin: Come on the anticipation is killing me.

My joints stiffened as I reread the paper. Then I crumble it up and let it fall from my hand onto the floor.

Me: I’ll take the shots…

Everyone “ouuu” and “ahhh”d.

Chris: What was so bad that you’d rather that

He picked up the paper and read it out loud.

Chris: “You can hookup with anyone in the room, no strings attached, who?” That’s not so bad, why won’t you answer?

Me: I’ll take the shots.

I said as I looked over to Drew. He got up bring a bottle of vodka with him. He stood over me where I was sitting.

Drew: You sure? You don’t have too if you don’t want.

Chris: Yes he does, it’s the rules.

Drew: Shut the hell up Chris… Ty?

Me: Yea… yea I’ll take em.

He pulled my chin up and as I opened my mouth he poured the equivalent of 3 shots in one by one. When I was done he wiped the littles that dripped down my chin with his thumb. I felt these feelings start to stir again… I had to break the tension.

Me: Wooh! …Ok let’s keep going

We all laughed and the game continued. As the night began to end around 3 am, Drew suggested we get going. He could tell those shots definitely did something to me. I wasn’t but I was a far cry from sober or tipsy. We said goodbye to everyone and started the walk across campus to the dorm. I stumbled as we walked and I felt Drew put his arm around me as he threw my arm over his shoulder. He helped me the rest of the way and when we arrived he guided me to the bed and laid me down. Then he sat beside me.

Drew: You ok?

Me: Me? What? I’m fineee

My words slurred as I spoke. He began to get up before I grabbed his arm.

Me: Thanks… for tonight. It was fun.

Drew: Sure… can I ask you something?

Me: Anything.

Drew: Who would you have picked?

Me: Huh?

Drew: The paper? Who would you have picked?

Me: Ohhh, haha… you.

I said as I sat up to meet his face. I honestly don’t know what I thought I was doing at this point. I moved closer and so did he. We were so close that I could feel his breath on my lips. I looked down at his plump lips and back into his eyes.

Drew: Ty…

Me: Yea?

Drew: Your breath reeks

He both bursted into laughter until I felt my stomach stir. I leaned over the bed and threw up into my trash can. Drew patted my back as I vomited my guts out.

Drew: Your ok buddy. Your just… drunk as hell.

His words trailed off almost like he was convincing himself. He began to get up again and again I grabbed his arm.

Me: Wait… can you stay?

Drew: I’m right here.

Me: I mean in the bed…for like- if I um… get sick… again.

He chuckled and sighed…

Drew: Yea… sure.

He hopped in the bed and laid on his back as I turned my back to him. I laid so close to the edge I was sure I’d fall off, only so that I’d be closer to the garbage if I needed to throw up again. I drifted off to sleep but somewhere in the early morning I woke up again. I felt unusually warm, I soon realized that I was locked in Drew’s embrace.
