Luke and Asmodeus[MM]

His upbringing told Luke that he should feel uncomfortable, but he didn’t. The heat of Asmodeus’s gaze trailed up his back. His skin puckered, every hair standing on edge. As much as Luke hated it, he loved the attention he was getting from the demon.  

Luke was standing in the middle of the minimalistic room. Lily had just attempted to take Luke from this place and failed. Luke wasn’t as torn about that as he should have been. He was dressed sparingly in the most comfortable fabric he had ever put on his body. The pants were cut low to accentuate the muscles of his stomach. Asmodeus hadn’t provided him with a shirt.

The demon stalked up behind him. Asmodeus’s hot breath on the back of his neck sent a shiver down Luke’s spine. The demon’s closeness was bringing so many of Luke’s darkest fantasies to light. He wanted to give in to them so badly. Luke shivered as Asmodeus dragged his hand slowly up his side. The demon nuzzled his face into the crook of Luke’s neck and kissed him deeply.

Luke let out a long and tortured moan. This shouldn’t feel good, but it did. Asmodeus chuckled against his skin and wrapped his wings around their bodies, encasing them in the soft feathers. The feeling was delightful against Luke’s skin, and he reached out to touch them. He had always imagined a demon’s wings to be tough and leathery, not light and soft as these were.

Asmodeus gripped his hips tightly and brought him against his erection. Luke gasped, his own excitement becoming obvious. He wasn’t sure why he wanted the prince standing behind him, but he did. Much to his dismay, Asmodeus withdrew his wings and let him go.
“Admit you want me, Priest. That’s the only way you’ll get a piece of me,” Asmodeus whispered in his ear, “I know you want me.”

The demon reached down and cupped Luke to make his point. Luke groaned and thrust his hips into Asmodeus’s hand.

“I know actions speak louder than words in your world, but in Hell, I need to hear it,” Asmodeus said.

“I’ll never want a man,” Luke lied.

“Well that’s too bad,” Asmodeus said as he stroked Luke’s length through the pants, “I was going to have so much fun with you.”

Luke’s breath caught in his throat. Would the demon really stop if Luke didn’t beg? Surely not. Asmodeus leaned forward and brushed his lips against Luke’s ear. His hand stilled and Luke tried to make him continue.  

“Tell me you want me, and I’ll show you what pleasure really feels like,” Asmodeus whispered.  

The demon’s magic wrapped around Luke like a warm blanket as it flooded his body. Not that the demon needed to use the magic. Luke had enough of his own lust for the both of them. The lust that Asmodeus projected into him threatened to tear him-and the pants-apart. Asmodeus started to rub him again, letting his hand wander down and cup his balls. The feeling was tantalizing. Luke wanted to give in so badly, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it aloud.

Instead, Luke reached around and pulled the demon’s face to his own. With only a moment of hesitation, he brought his lips to Asmodeus’s and attempted to claim the demon. Asmodeus growled into his mouth as he kissed Luke back. Luke explored the demon’s mouth and moaned as Asmodeus did the same. The intrusion felt divine. Asmodeus chuckled as he broke their kiss. Luke groaned. The demon still had a firm grasp on him, and he was throbbing into his hand.  

“Remember what I said about actions, though that was a nice one, I must admit,” the demon teased, “Tell me what you want. Then you can have me. It’s really that simple.”

“You,” Luke mumbled under his breath, “I want you.”

“That’s more like it,” Asmodeus said.

The Prince’s next move almost knocked Luke off his feet. In a sweeping motion, he was pushed forward towards the bed. He was grateful that it wasn’t too far away. In what seemed like no time, they were both free of the clothing that stood between them. It was the same magic that Luke had witnessed at the cottage. Except he wasn’t scared this time.  

Asmodeus crashed his lips against Luke’s. Need coursed through Luke’s body as the demon advanced. He welcomed those advances readily. Asmodeus pushed him roughly onto the bed and pressed his erection against Luke’s.  

Luke moaned and moved his hips in sync with the demon’s. Asmodeus lifted his body and slid his hand in between Luke’s legs. With a knee, he forced Luke’s legs apart.  

“Relax, Priest. I need to get you ready.”

Luke nodded and did his best to do as he was told. Asmodeus traced the bud of his ass lightly with a finger before he plunged inside Luke. The intrusion made Luke gasp, but Asmodeus was quick to find that one spot that had lit Luke on fire before. Luke grunted in pain as Asmodeus slid another finger inside him in the height of pleasure. He shifted uncomfortably to try to get used to the feeling. Asmodeus removed his fingers.

“Get on your hands and knees, that might make it easier,” he suggested.

Luke did. He waited as Asmodeus positioned himself behind him. The demon brought his hands to Luke’s ass and started massaging the cheeks gently. Tension that Luke didn’t realize he was holding onto left his body. The next thing he knew, the demon was exploring his body with his tongue. Asmodeus was holding his cheeks apart as he flicked his tongue curiously around Luke’s entrance. Luke moaned. The feeling, now that he welcomed it, was divine and unlike anything he had ever felt before.  

Luke gasped as he felt Asmodeus’s fingers enter him once more. It wasn’t as uncomfortable this time. Luke grunted in protest when the demon finished his work and removed his fingers. Asmodeus chuckled lightly. Luke heard him fumble with something before he felt the tip of the demon’s cock pressing against him.  

“Take a deep breath, this may hurt a little,” Asmodeus warned.

That was an understatement. Luke clenched as Asmodeus pressed inside him. The pain was sharp and immediate, the pressure uncomfortable, but the pleasure behind it was undeniable. Asmodeus gripped his hips tightly as he pushed deeper. Luke’s cock was leaking his excitement, twitching at every advance the demon made.

“Fuck,” Luke said through clenched teeth.

“You’re so tight,” Asmodeus said, his voice rough.

The demon paused for a moment. Luke supposed that was to give Luke a chance to get used to the intrusion. He relaxed a little. His need was threatening to tear him apart. Asmodeus must have sensed that, because he started thrusting roughly into Luke right after.  

Luke cried out his pleasure as Asmodeus’s movements got faster. His cock was throbbing, begging for attention. Luke risked losing his balance and reached up to palm himself. As he made contact, his pleasure exploded through his body. He arched his back into Asmodeus.

The way Asmodeus filled him up, the way the demon’s cock was brushing up against that one spot with every thrust, made Luke see stars. He never could have imagined something feeling this good. Especially something he had been told over and over would only cause him pain. Luke felt Asmodeus reach around and grab his cock. He was grateful, because the power of his thrusts was making it hard to balance on one arm.  
Asmodeus took him gently, and stroked him eagerly. Luke’s breathing was coming fast and shallow. The demon’s movements were getting jerkier as he tried to hold off his release. Asmodeus’s moans were getting more and more urgent. They were promising his release. Luke reveled in the feel of the demon’s hand sliding up and down his length.  

“Come for me, Priest,” Asmodeus begged. His words were strangled between moans.

Luke’s pleasure was reaching its peak as the demon thrusted into him one last time. Asmodeus couldn’t hold off his release any longer. His seed spilled hot and thick inside Luke. Asmodeus picked up speed on Luke’s cock. Luke heard his name spill out of the demon’s mouth. The sound sent waves of satisfaction through him and pushed him over the edge.  

Asmodeus was still buried deep inside him as Luke’s orgasm overtook his body. Luke’s back arched and he called out the demon’s name as he spilled his release over the demon’s hand and the bed. His breathing was ragged as he collapsed onto the bed. Asmodeus laid next to him, and pulled him into an embrace. Asmodeus encircled them with his wings once more. Luke reached out and stroked the feathers again, marveling at how soft they were. Asmodeus shivered at his touch.
The demon tightened his grip on Luke. Luke was completely relaxed now. His earlier apprehension about Asmodeus was gone. He had just received the best and most complete pleasure he had ever felt. He burrowed his body up against Asmodeus’s, and felt sleep threatening to overtake him. He didn’t stop it, and fell asleep in the demon’s embrace.
