Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 09 [Apocalypse, romance, horror, loving wife, sneaky sex, brothel]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel continues to secretly bask in the heat of Kelsey’s scorn. Tom plays into his wife’s twisted desires and pulls Kelsey into a secret place to finally have a taste of that sweet pussy.

Meanwhile, Bruce crosses paths with Cameron’s team after spending a few days spying on New Washington. Having to flee in a hurry, Bruce mistakenly left behind evidence of his presence.

How will the group handle the signs of being stalked? Who will get satisfaction and who will be left wanting? Find out now!

Chapter 9: The Haze of Candle Smoke Nights

Tom squatted down on his haunches and rubbed his mouth as if he was deeply troubled. When dawn was starting to break and the sky turned grey, Tom had decided to check out the weird sound he heard about an hour ago. It sounded like an agitated infected fell over and then went completely silent. That was very unusual and when he could see enough details to feel safe, he came over to investigate. What he found was indeed suspicious and very concerning. Tom gathered up the items, took a slow sweeping look around and quickly made his way back to camp. He stuffed the evil items into his backpack so the others would not see them. He would have to talk to Cameron about it in private.

While the group woke and made breakfast, Tom pulled Cameron to the side. When they were alone, he opened his backpack and showed what he found. The handcuffs, duct tape, zip ties and pillow sack looked like evil relics in the pocket of the backpack. A malice energy radiated from their intent.

“They were in a little pile, next to a killed infected. Someone was setting up to do something. It looks bad.” Tom made sure Cameron saw what the items were and then closed his pack.

Cameron’s eyes were round in shock but he made no other obvious sign of distress. “What the fuck? Someone was watching us. Watching and waiting for…” His head jerked in the other’s direction when he heard Kelsey’s faint laugh. His nostrils flared as he imagined the worst.

“Yeah. I think we should get the hell out of here. It looks like we dodged a major bullet.” Tom was aware of how many bullets he personally dodged. What had he been thinking? Fucking around with Kelsey like that was insane! Somewhere along the way he forgot about the bad people left in the world. Of course a place like New Washington would be on someone’s radar. Tom was slipping up, it would get him killed if he did not regain his focus. “We’re assuming we don’t have secret enemies.”

Cameron remembered what Rosa said the night of the most recent horde attack. She thought the infected ones were led there. They talked a lot about it the next couple of council meetings but other than keeping an eye out, the council was at a loss on how to proceed. Cameron was immensely thankful that Tom was observant enough to find this. He was also relieved that Tom did not bring this to the whole team at once. It would have caused a panic. It seemed this man was a gem and Cameron was the one lucky enough to find him. So why on earth did he feel like he should dislike Tom? Cameron was normally good at reading people but this man’s actions were not matching with the urge to distrust him.

“You’re right. We need to go. You did right keeping this one on the low. Let’s get everyone going on loading up. We can say you got a bad feeling about some infected.”

“Roger that, Bossman.”

“Don’t call me Bossman.” Cameron gave Tom a playful shoulder bump to take some of the edge off his words. “I hate that shit.”

Tom chuckled. “Alright, I hear you.”

They successfully motivated the rest of the team into finishing loading the covered trailers. They worked without saying much, the implied threat of infected trouble made them instinctively quiet. They were done within an hour and after a quick breakfast of dried venison and potato patties, they all climbed into the trucks to head home. Tom and Cameron made paranoid eyes at each other during the process. They were on high alert and watching every blade of grass that moved. The other survivors were unaware of the deeper danger and were living in worlds of their own.

Tom and Kelsey were doing it again. Rachel could not believe these two! She woke up, already knowing that something happened the day before from Tom’s excited but brief update. Kelsey of course, was back to being bubbly and a little mean to Rachel from time to time. That part of it was a little exciting. She liked that Kelsey was trying to rub it in her face. It was charging Rachel up in a way that the young woman would never guess. But Tom was not acting like himself. He was back to being tense and distant. Roaming the camp with a short attitude. Rachel smiled to herself, already plotting on a way to cheer him up.

Rachel carried the last chunk of insulation that was in the basement. She already knew what was coming and was intentionally provoking the situation. Kelsey had a tendency to get mean when she felt ignored. Rachel cleared the smile off her face right before stepping out into the sunny morning.

“I said, it’s full.” Kelsey huffed as she stopped in the process of raising the back ramp of the trailer. She took a quick glance around but did not see Cameron. She turned back to face Rachel. Her tone tended to be more cutting when Cameron was not around. “Damn, you didn’t hear me?”

“I heard you. This is the last one. It would be bad luck to leave it.” Rachel carried the cut of insulation to the trailer.

Kelsey nearly slammed the trailer door open but considered the sound of would make. Instead, she lowered it and stepped back from the obviously packed full trailer. “Good luck, it’s all you.”

“Yeah, this won’t fit in there.” Rachel wiped sweat off her head and picked the section up. “Back of the truck it is!” Rachel moved their backpacks from the bed of the truck to one of the backseats. Doing this left just enough room for two people to sit next to each other without any elbow room at all. Rachel then loaded the slab into the truck and strapped it down just as Cameron and Tom began the wrap up sweep. Kelsey watched her work with an eyebrow raised but made no father objections.

With this finished, Rachel looked at Kelsey with what she hoped to be an innocent and open expression. “See? I’m pretty good at putting things into small holes.” She winked and said behind a hand put up for mock modesty, “I gotta be with a man like Tom.”

A smile tried to cut Kelsey’s serious expression but the young woman held it back. “Uhh, okay.”

“Trust me, it’s a challenge sometimes. Even after all these years. It’s like he knocks the air out of me from the inside. I usually don’t feel as small as I am until he’s got me all stuffed and bent up.” Rachel smiled as innocently as she could and blushed a little. “Sorry, that’s probably t.m.i. I just really miss girl talk.”

Kelsey was not short like Rachel, she was nearly as tall as Tom was. Kelsey pictured Tom fucking his wife, using her like a little toy. She realized why a man as big as him would like a little thing like Rachel. It probably made him feel powerful to use her. Kelsey wondered what it would be like to toss this mousey woman around. It was clear that Rachel did not open up a lot. Kelsey assumed she was probably just nervous and oversharing. Kelsey softened a little. “It’s cool. I get it.” She shrugged her shoulders a bit. “Not a lot of girl talk happening these days.”

Rachel smiled kindly at Kelsey. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to try it more often. We can swap all our dirty little secrets.”

Kelsey snorted and covered her mouth. “Yeah, I don’t really do that.”

“You do now!” Rachel gave Kelsey a playful push.

“We do what now?” Cameron asked as he joined them at the truck.

“Girl talk. Not to be stated in front of the boys.” Rachel teased.

“Uhh…okay?” Cameron smiled and glanced over Rachel’s shoulder at Kelsey.

“What? You told me to play nice.” Kelsey crossed her arms.

“Fair enough. I won’t ask again.” Cameron was just happy Kelsey was warming up to someone enough to talk to them. His daughter was not usually the type to share secrets.

Tom gave Rachel a puzzled look so she smiled and gave him a big kiss. “Just a little fun, no biggie. Why are you acting so depressed today?”

“I’m not depressed. I found something bad in the woods but we can’t talk about it now.” Tom looked at the truck and saw it loaded and ready to go.

Rachel felt a bit of foreboding about what he might have found but knew better than to push. “Okay. Well, we got the trucks loaded. We can go whenever.” Rachel had intended on being a little playful and sneaky on the way back but now that Tom expressed concern, she wondered if it was a good time. She decided she would try at least a little bit. If Tom did not want to play, he would make her aware. As she climbed into the cramped backseat, she made just enough room for Tom to join her.

Tom looked over the cramped backseat as he squeezed into the truck. He did not say anything but his eyebrows lowered in semi annoyance. Rachel waited until everyone was in the truck and they were on the road before she casually placed her left hand on Tom’s thigh. He reacted by patting her hand affectionately, assuming she just wanted to make contact. Rachel slowly traced her fingers up and down his inner thigh. It started casually enough but every minute or so, her hand would creep a little higher. Before long, Rachel’s hand was pressed against the crotch of his jeans as she kneaded him to full erect.

“Unbutton your jeans.” Rachel used a breathy whisper, her lips pressed against his ear.

Tom tried to open his jeans without being obvious and used a throat clearing cough to mask the zipper. Rachel’s hand expertly snaked under the elastic band of his boxers as she reached for him. His bare cock lunged madly in her grip as if it was barely able to contain the arousal he felt. Rachel smiled and used some of his leaking precum to begin a slow massage of the taught flesh. His breathing was already catching randomly as he tried to look normal.

“So Kelsey, what did you do before all this?” Rachel’s question was random to everyone but calculated for her.

“I was in high school, getting ready to graduate.” Kelsey had not been paying attention to anyone, just staring out the window as the miles ticked by. She turned her eyes on Rachel now with a slightly mocking tone. “Why?”

Rachel squeezed Tom’s cock at the base and kept tight pressure as she slowly slid her slick hand up his length. “Oh, just curious. Kinda cool to learn about what people used to do. Did you do anything for school like, I don’t know, cheerleading or gymnastics?” She wanted Tom to imagine her in bending poses, wearing tight outfits that cling to a woman’s body. When her hand made it to the head of his cock, the milking technique caused a flood of excessive precum to ooze over the back of her hand.

Kelsey laughed. “No fucking way. I wasn’t into all that dainty stuff.”

“I tried to get her to run track or play tennis but she wouldn’t do it.” Cameron looked at Kelsey with mock scorn. “Lazy ass.”

“I wasn’t much into sports either. I was more concerned with what the boys were doing.” Rachel used her palm to rub the swollen head of Tom’s cock. It pressed back against her hand, indicating how charged Tom felt. “I was a bit of a slut in high school.”

“Ohhh-kay.” Cameron said, quickly flashing a look into the rear view mirror. “I think I’d rather assume Kelsey was too wrapped up in her school work to be interested in sports.”

Both of the women laughed at that. “Yeah, sure. That’s a good one to believe.” Rachel ran her thin fingers down, smearing some of Tom’s natural lube onto the soft flesh of his balls. He quietly moaned in appreciation.

“Don’t worry, dad. I wasn’t interested in the boys at my school. I was a good girl.” Kelsey gave Rachel a cocky side grin.

Rachel returned the smile, knowing what the girl left unsaid. “Bullshit. You were just good at not getting caught.” Kelsey was not interested in the boys at her school because they were boys. She did not know Kelsey all that well but she was obviously into older guys. Rachel would not be surprised if Kelsey had a thing going on with a teacher or an older man. It would explain a lot about her need to get with Tom.

Kelsey just shrugged. “Maybe. I am pretty sneaky when I want to be.”

“I bet you are.” Rachel ran her hand up Tom’s cock and let it go. She felt it throb in frustration but she would return soon. Rachel fished for the slit in Tom’s boxers and used it to pull his cock out into the open. Tom looked at her, obviously shocked at her boldness but did not do anything to stop her. Cameron would not be able to see what was happening right behind his back but Kelsey would be able to. Rachel was counting on it. Still, she did not want to be too obvious. Rachel threw her leg across Tom’s lap and concealed a lot of what she was doing. Rachel casually continued the hand job and the conversation.

“What about you, Cameron? Were you a slut in high school?” Rachel asked.

Cameron laughed. “No way! I actually married my first. That didn’t last long so I guess you can say I wasted my chance for a slutty high school experience.”

“Too bad.” Rachel stroked Tom’s cock with a slow, loving touch. “You didn’t miss much though. I found that it’s a much better experience being with someone who knows what’s going on. I was with an older guy once when I was just barely old enough. Oh boy, he knocked my world sideways!” Tom’s cock throbbed appreciatively. He always liked hearing about Rachel’s past exploits.

“Alright, alright.” Cameron shook his head. “Can we not talk about this right now? I’m not sure I want my daughter hearing all that.”

“I’m a grown woman, dad. I know what sex is.” Kelsey rolled her eyes.

“I know. Doesn’t mean I want to be involved in discussing it with you.”

“Fair enough.” Kelsey shrugged. “I wasn’t the one sharing though.”

Rachel saw Kelsey’s eyes go wide when the young woman glanced back at them. Rachel made a feigned attempt to hide Tom’s cock but made sure she was slow in doing so. Kelsey slowly turned away with a look of shock on her face. “Yeah, I’ve always been bad about oversharing.” Rachel said as her heart rate spiked.

Rachel stroked Tom’s sticky cock, careful to keep the infamous “fap” noise from becoming audible. His breaths were uneven and caught in his chest each time her hand settled down at his base after a long, tight stroke. Rachel knew this cock well enough to call it her own. She knew just how to stroke him to bring him to orgasm and she also knew how to keep him from it. It took years of handling him to become skilled at edging Tom. It was a skill she was vastly proud of, due mostly to the fact she was normally submissive to his desires. This gave her some feeling of control even though it ultimately led to something good for Tom.

Precum was flowing out of his angry looking cock in a steady stream now. It was so messy in her hand, running between her fingers and sticking like spider silk. Rachel could feel Tom trying to thrust up into her hand for more pressure but she stayed as steady as she could. She felt his cock begin to swell and harden so she released him. Tom’s cock throbbed in the agony of losing the pleasurable stimulation. He quietly groaned as the orgasm slowly backed away, leaving him more desperate for release.

Rachel could tell Kelsey was having a hard time. The young woman looked more stiff than Rachel had ever seen her. It was obvious she wanted to look back. She was trying to take little glances but could not do it without being obvious. For her part, Rachel ignored Kelsey and acted as if they were still unobserved. She lightly grasped Tom’s cock, making sure the orgasm was truly gone before beginning the process all over again.

Kelsey felt like she just took a sucker punch to the gut. Rachel and Tom were in the backseat, playing around like they were alone. What kind of weird exhibitionist shit were they trying to pull? Kelsey knew Rachel and Tom were wild, their ex-neighbor Susan could testify on that. But here? Right behind her back? She saw all of Tom’s exposed cock before Rachel casually blocked her view. The moment made Kelsey feel like she saw something she was supposed to see. As if Rachel planned it.

After the shock of what she saw wore off, other emotions swirled up into Kelsey’s heart. She felt jealous and a little hurt. Kelsey thought she and Tom were doing the sneaky thing but here he was with his wife. It felt like a mean thing to do this close to her. Maybe Rachel was doing this on purpose? Did she know about what they were doing? This could be her way of claiming her territory. Kelsey did not like feeling slighted like this. She tried to take another look but could not do it without being obvious. Cameron would notice if she started glancing back too often.

Tom’s cock was like a balloon filling with water. Rachel, with her cruel fingers on the valve, let more fluid in even though it could burst at any moment. But like a professional, she knew exactly how much he could take right before the burst. Tom was nearly writhing in the torment of pleasure. He felt less human the longer she made him walk the cliff edge. The need to cum was enveloping his whole mind with a red tinged urgency. Rachel’s entire left hand was sticky with his cum but she still moved at a maddeningly slow pace.

Rachel let go of his cock right as it almost reached the moment of no return. He groaned in agony as the swelling orgasm backed off again. Tom was nearing the point where any touch would set him off so Rachel decided to wrap this up. She was satisfied with the torture she administered on Tom and Kelsey. Making an exaggerated motion of tiredness, Rachel yawned and pivoted her body so that she was laying on Tom’s lap. She smiled up at him devilishly before sucking his frustrated cock into her mouth.

Tom almost moaned out loud as his cock was engulfed by Rachel’s warm mouth. It was like a soothing balm after a long workout. The huge orgasm was right around the corner and Tom knew it would not be long before he would cum. Rachel knew it too, she would not need to be warned when it happened. Tom glanced in Kelsey’s direction and saw her eyes looking back at him. She was using the sun visor mirror to watch them with the pretense of checking out her hair. When their eyes met, Kelsey’s almond colored ones narrowed ominously. It was as if she was mad at him. Her stern expression and tight lips confirmed that suspension.

Tom could not hold on any longer. His eyes rolled back, gluing Kelsey’s look of anger into his consciousness as the rest of his surroundings faded in a sea of bliss. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he grabbed Rachel’s head and thrusted up. She let her neck muscles loosen and Tom used her mouth and throat to stroke the orgasm out. After so long being edged, the bursts of cum were thick and powerful. Each pulse of his cock sent a river of seed down her throat. Rachel swallowed every drop without any distress at all. When Tom was finally spent, he opened his eyes and saw Kelsey staring out the window. This time, her silent brooding felt much more substantial to Tom.

Rachel licked Tom clean, spending extra time on running her tongue slowly through the relaxed skin of his spent balls. His long cock was growing flaccid and it draped heavily across Rachel’s ear as she serviced his balls. She loved feeling it on her like this, a lover’s caress after a moment of extreme passion. For some strange, unexplainable reason, Rachel associated holding a soft penis to a feeling of immense intimacy. It was like seeing a tough man cry. She continued to lightly service Tom’s privates until she drifted into a light doze.


“Mistress, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Jess closed her tired, brown eyes. She felt exhausted and burnt out of emotions. The daily toll on her heart was almost more than any one person can stand. Almost. Jess could handle it. She could take blow after blow because it was important for her to do so. It was what was necessary to stay alive. To keep Chelsea alive. Before the young woman standing behind her chair could see it, Jess hardened her face. She made her mouth a thin, unreadable line and her eyes went flat. She turned her chair around slowly.

“Good evening Summer! Please, sit down. I know your feet are tired.” Jess motioned toward one of the chairs in front of her desk.

Summer sat down in the chair and held her thin limbs near her body in a defensive posture. Her blonde hair was in curls and her makeup was perfect. However, Summer’s blue eyes looked swollen as if she spent time crying recently. “Thank you, Mistress. I wanted to talk to you about tonight. Well, I don’t know. Haven’t I earned enough to have a night off?”

Jess looked at the young woman and allowed a few stands of her graying hair to drift in front of her glasses. She waited a few seconds before moving in an exaggerated manner. “Well, I don’t know! Let’s take a look.” Jess reached into a desk drawer and thumbed through a filing cabinet. The thin gold bracelets on her wrists jingled as she moved her hands. “Let’s see, Summer. Summer. Summer. Aha! Here you are.” She dropped the folder on the desk and closed the drawer. “You did receive your payment for the Theodore job, right?”

“Yes Mistress, but I-.”

“Hold on dear,” Jess held a hand up to stop the girl from talking. “I’m just making sure you got your due payment. Just to make sure nothing got left on the table. Okay?”

Summer swallowed, already way too far behind on her rehearsed speech to regain ground. She just nodded.

“Right, paid for the Theodore job.” Jess finally opened the folder to look at Summer’s history. “And that man is one of the better clients, you were lucky that night.”

“Yes, Mistress, but I-.”

Jess did not need to use her hand this time. She just glanced up sharply and the woman’s mouth closed. “You got paid for the Tyson job and the Perry job so I’m seeing you should in fact have enough to buy a night off! Good for you, sweetheart!”

“I don’t actually have all of it. Just part of it. Most of it, actually!” Summer pulled out her crumpled money and dropped it onto the desk. These were old world bills, virtually useless these days but Jess used it as personal currency among her people.

Jess did not touch the money, she just looked at Summer and waited.

“Please Mistress! I don’t do this, ever! I know that’s got to count for something. My credit is good.”

“I don’t do credit, Summer. Why do you think I do this?” She leaned forward, fixing the timid woman in her snake-like eyes. “In the winter, when we’re all nearly frozen and starving, do you think the weather will take credit? Or what about when one of these goddamn warlords wants to take what we got? Do you think we can just give them credit? Fuck your credit, Summer. You pull your weight or you leave. Ain’t no one stopping you. If you want to stay here, you follow the rules or you get the fuck out. We do not carry dead weight. Do you understand me?”

Summer was stunned by the Mistress’ venom but had known it would go like this. “Yes, Mistress.” She wanted to cry but knew better than to ruin her makeup. It would cost her personal money to have it redone.

“You can be reassigned if you want. There are always open spots in the west wing.”

Summer shook her head quickly. She knew enough to realize the west wing would be far more than she could take on.

“Then get this shit out of here and pull yourself together. We all make sacrifices, Summer. If you think there’s better outside, go for it.” Jess waved her hands, dismissing the young woman.

Summer gathered up her crumpled money and scurried out of the office. Just a few seconds passed before someone else stepped in. “Mistress, someone is here that you should come to greet yourself. It’s Kenneth.” The muscular woman who served as Jess’s right hand woman wore her dyed yellow hair in a floppy mohawk. She liked to wear business suits as if she was some kind of presidential secret service. It was a little inside joke between them that Tisha played out by always dressing in suits. It was funny and annoying at the same damn time.

“Fuck me, you’re right. We need to get some of the fresh ones around. Who’s with him?”

“Stephen and Arnold.” Tisha rolled her eyes.

Jess hoped it was Bruce. That man is a drunk but at least he was nice. Arnold was a different story. She thought for a moment and made a hard decision. She needed to put one of the weaker ones out tonight to protect her herd. Some women could not handle this line of work and one way or another, they always crack. If she needed to put one starting to crack in front of girls that will last longer, that was just the weight of leadership. “Make sure Summer is in the line up.”

Tisha gave Jess a knowing look. “Yes, Mistress.” She walked away to do the assignment.

Jess took a deep breath and stood up slowly. Her knees popped and cracked as she stood and she groaned with the effort of standing on tired feet. She wrapped the gunbelt that was hanging next to her seat around her thick waist and dropped the .45 caliber revolver into the holster. Jess looked at herself in the mirror for a long moment, admiring her tough appearance before putting the cowboy hat on. She locked her office door and went to meet her guests.

“Jess! It’s good to see you.” Kenneth smiled and held his hand out to the gunslinging pimp. They were meeting in the double door entrance of the old school building. The whole entrance was low lit with candles on metal stands and oil lanterns hanging from colorful scarves. It was comfortable, sexy and mysterious in a provocative way. A group of 6 women were lounging comfortably on couches and throws in a nearby shadowy area. Each one dressed in various styles of lingerie and feigning disinterest in the men.

“Good to see you too, dear.” Jess shook Kenneth’s hand and cut her eyes at Arnold. “I hope you come with good intentions.”

“Of course! Me and the guys just need some time to relax.” Kenneth’s short brown hair was trimmed and combed neatly and his handsome face was freshly shaved. His gleaming smile was enough to make a few of the girls whistle. Kenneth winked in their direction.

“Ladies!” Jess chided the girls without any real bite. “We would be happy to help you find that relaxation. That is, if you got what we need.”

Kenneth stepped aside and Stephen presented Jess with two duffle bags. He unzipped and opened them wide to show they were full of various canned goods. Tisha squatted down and dug through the bags, making sure they were all good. She zipped them up and nodded at Jess before picking them up and carrying them to a nearby table.

The other man, Arnold, stepped forward and did the same thing Stephen had done. One of his bags was canned food and the other was full of medical supplies like sealed bandages, alcohol and peroxide bottles, gauze and various ointments. Tisha found these offerings acceptable as well and moved them away from the group.

“I see four bags and three men. Is one of your party lagging behind?” Jess asked.

“No ma’am. I uhh, thought I’d pay the penalty in advance?” Arnold’s thin hair fell down across his thick square framed glasses. He absently brushed it back over his advancing bald spot. His blonde mustache quivered uneasily as he struggled to hold his creepy smile in check. Jess wanted to snarl at the creep, he had to know what he looked like.

“Fair enough.” Jess said as she lost the air in her lungs. She struggled to hold herself together but this was something she had to do. There was no way out of this nightmare. She needed to be strong for her people to survive. Jess swallowed her revulsion. “The blonde in yellow, will she serve?”

Arnold took a long look over at the women on the couches and turned back to Jess with his full creep smile on. “Oh, yeah. She’ll do good. Thank you, ma’am.”

“Room 4990.” Jess said with a straight face and one of the older women who served as guides and servants stepped forward to lead Arnold to his room. These women were off limits and that was violently enforced. None of the guests ever tested their resolve on this rule but believed the threat was real. This was a place that was designed to make you let your guard down. Keeping to Jess’s rules was a good way to stay alive while here.

Stephen likewise chose a partner and was led away to his own room. Kenneth stepped up to Jess with a familiar air and looked fondly around the place. “How ya doing, Jess? Are things holding up good here?”

“Oh, you know,” Jess jingled her golden bangles by waving a hand in the air. “Got problems and troubles like everyone else but you’re not here to talk about all that. You know? I’d offer you the first time with a girl I got coming up soon but you still owe me over that Zane incident. I’m afraid you’ll have to pick one of the floor girls.”

Kenneth felt his teeth crack from the pressure he put on them. He was fed up with her jabbing at him over that shit. Still, this was her castle and the price was worth the ware. “I’ll find you one soon, I’ve got a good lead. I’ll make it right.” Kenneth pointed at a dark haired woman in a blood red robe. “Besides, I like what’s on the floor.” The black trim barely touched the top of the woman’s exquisitely long legs. Her eyes were playful and danced as his finger landed on her. She bit her lip and flashed him a little of what was under her robe.

Jess snapped loudly in front of Kenneth’s face. “Alright, alright!” That’s enough eye fucking. Keep that shit in the rooms.” She assigned him a room and Marina ran up and took his hand before one of the guides could come forward.

“Come on baby, let’s get you nice and relaxed.” She led Kenneth away to a chorus of cat calls from the remaining ladies.

Kenneth sighed in pleasure as Marina lowered herself onto his cock. The bed beneath him was as soft as a dream cloud and the silk sheets were soothing on his bare flesh. The room was hazy with candle smoke that smelled like cinnamon. The red robe Marina wore was untied and parted, revealing a narrow strip of her stomach and chest. He admired her smooth, naturally tanned skin as she wiggled into a comfortable position. Marina bent over and kissed his forehead before shoving her round, full breasts into his face. Holding Kenneth’s head softly as he nibbled at her nipple, Marina began to roll her hips.

Kenneth rolled his tongue around her brown nipple, causing it to rise and harden. He pulled it into his mouth and nibbled it lightly, causing Marina to hum in delight. Her pussy felt amazing as she expertly used it to massage Kenneth’s troubles away.

“Does that feel nice, papi?” Marina whispered in his ear, exaggerating her Hispanic accent to sound more exotic.

“So nice.” Kenneth pulled his mouth away from her breast just long enough to answer her. “You have the best pussy in the world.” It was as if he was starving and seeking nourishment from her body.

Marina shoved her tongue into his ear and made him shiver. She knew Kenneth said that to all the girls. “The best pussy for the best cock.” Her white teeth sunk sharply into his earlobe. “It makes me so wet when you pick me, Bossman.”

As she seduced him with words and nibbles, Marina’s hips continued the perfect rolling rhythm. The walls of her tight pussy clung to Kenneth’s cock each time she rose up. Even with a condom on, the experience was intensely pleasurable. This woman was made for this line of work. Her honed skill was like a professional athlete taking on a red shirt college student. Marina sat up straight and began to bounce in earnest. The silk robe she wore fell off her shoulders and bunched around her waist. Kenneth could just see through the robes as his cock was swallowed by her bouncing body over and over again.

“Fuck! You’re going to make me cum!” Kenneth said as he squeezed her thin waist.

Marina let his cock fall out of her and it made a wet slapping sound against his lower stomach. “Oh no you don’t!” Marina settled her pussy on the bottom of his cock and began to slide it softly along his length. “You got me all night, you have to savor it a bit longer.”

About an hour later, Kenneth was holding Marina’s hips and thrusting into her body with reckless abandon. His balls slapped against her clit with each deep thrust and she was moaning like a porn star. The air was thick with lust, they were both sweating and the room looked like a tornado swept through it. The ferocity of their sex was in full swing now as the climax was close enough to reach.

“Fuck yes, Papi! Give it to me!” Marina was throwing her ass back against each of his thrusts, making him go as deep as possible.

“Oh shit! Oh my God!” Kenneth groaned as he grabbed Marina’s hips and pulled her tight against him. He roared out a moan of pleasure as his cock began to spew the enormous load out. On her hands and knees, Marina could only gasp at the force of Kenneth’s orgasm. She looked over her shoulder to see his red face, sweaty and twisted in pleasure. She could feel his overstimulated cock twitching around inside as it tried to impregnate her. She helped pull the rest of his climax out with gentle squeezes of her vaginal muscles.

Kenneth held the base of the condom as he pulled out and then flopped back onto the bed. They had been going at it for a long time and he was worried that the rubber might have broken. Seeing it intact and swollen with his load, Kenneth relaxed and let the post-coital bliss settle over him. Marina got off the bed and put her robe back on. She winked at Kenneth before heading off into the bathroom.

Kenneth’s eyes felt heavy as he looked up at the orange candle light dancing on the ceiling. He heard the sound of running water behind the bathroom door and figured he had enough time for a little snooze as Marina cleaned up. ‘A waste,’ he thought as he began to fall asleep. ‘It’s not like we’re finished.’ A sluggish smile surfaced as he imagined being inside the woman again. Next time would be more soothing and less energetic.

Kenneth heard something that sounded like ragged breathing. It was out of place here. In this den of harlots, the heavy breathing was usually less pain filled. He opened his eyes, expecting to see Marina but what he saw froze his blood. His wife, dead for over two years, was in the bed with him. Worse, she was crawling towards him!

Kenneth lunged up out of bed and spun to keep his eyes on the bloody nightmare. She moved her head like a crazed predator that was locked on to a kill. Her wide eyes were full of accusations and fury. As her lips rolled back, blood that was almost black rolled down her chin and flowed onto the silk sheets. She reached for Kenneth and pulled herself closer him. The torn remains of her legs dragged behind her. “K-Ken?” The nightmare ghoul asked. “Keeeeeeeeenneth?”

“This isn’t real.” Kenneth back peddled away as it reached out a crooked hand. “I’m. I’m dreaming. That’s all.”

“Youuuuuuuuu” her voice was like autumn wind through dead leaves. “Killed meeeeeeee.”

“No. Please.” Kenneth began to cry.

The dead woman fell off the bed in a heep. She twitched and thrashed around until she was back in the terrible crawling position. She pulled herself towards Kenneth without blinking her wide eyes. His knees turned to water and he slid to the floor, no longer able to retreat with his back to the wall. His sanity was on the precipice of total annihilation. His dead wife was close enough to touch him and he could only watch as her bloody claws reached for his eyes.

“Hey? Are you okay?” Marina shook Kenneth’s shoulder again. She was trying to keep her distance from the muttering man.

“Wha-? What’s happened? Huh?” Kenneth shook his head while blinking wildly. His wife was gone and Marina was looking at him as if he was mad. He was sitting on the cold floor with his back pressed against the wall. He did not see any sign of the ghoul even though it had been bleeding excessively. It must have been a nightmare.

“I must have dozed off.” Kenneth’s voice sounded weak and shaky. “Just had a nightmare.”

“Ahh, that’s understandable.” Marina smelled like sweet soap and fresh perfume. She put a light hand on his sweat slick shoulder. “Need help going back to sleep?” Her other hand dipped below his belly button to fondle his flaccid cock.

With his nerves shot to hell, it took a while before Marina was able to coax him to fully erect. In the end, his blood warmed and Kenneth forgot about the frightening nightmare. He lost himself in the pleasures of Marina’s body until he was completely spent and sore. The small splash of his last orgasm was unceremoniously wiped away from Marina’s breasts as Kenneth’s eyes finally closed. He did not dream as he slept in the comfortable bed.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tqni5l/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch_09_apocalypse_romance