I can’t believe I’m actually considering this.
Or in my current case two separate items.
At least I got the *ok* from Summer for my plan but would have to lay out everything that happened during *Mia’s day* afterwards cause all she knew about that day was Mia and I went and did a couple of things then met her family for dinner then I was home. I really didn’t mention the whole *hide my dick* from her family as I *played* the potential boyfriend before that flew out the window when it was just us and her sisters. She knew about the whole *massage* day as she told me she spoke to Morgan about my *session*.
Plus I was forced to tell dad to essentially ‘tell me when you’re and I’ll come to you to drop off the money’ in which I got a simple ‘*ok*’ from him. So I didn’t have to worry about dad dropping in for what was about to happen.
So right now I had Sabrina who wanted *Gabe Time* aka she wanted me to fuck her.
Then there was the whole *can we talk* coming from Moira, Mia’s sister. I could only guess as to what she wanted to *talk* about….me.
Yes I felt convicted in my suspicions even if it made me seem ‘nervous’.
So I concocted a half baked scheme asking Sabrina if she wanted to *make someone jealous* in which, no surprise, made her smile. So I went over my *plan* which was she would *fuck* me in front of Moira and whoever she brings with her, if she brings anyone, and go with whatever happens and not make **ANY** comments.
She asked what I *might* do during this little *show* so she could prepare herself but I told her I wasn’t sure but just wanted her assurance that she’ll do nothing and simply play along.
I looked at her, “I’m going to apologize now just in case I might get carried away but I want to *scare* this girl away.”
Sabrina looked at me quizzically as I’m sure she had questions but I held up my hand as I continued, “Just trust me. I don’t want this girl in my life and leave it at that.”
Once again she looked at me quizzically at my weird wording but shrugged and said, “Ok I trust you Gabe.”
I nodded and went to my phone to reply to Moira.
*Me: ok you got my attention. what do you want?*
I waited a few moments before Moira replied.
*Moira: well I kind of want to go over the other night if you’ll let me*
I looked at her text and rolled my eyes.
*Me: you and your sisters already apologized about what went down that night no need to continue the conversation*
*Moira: Really? Because I got the impression you didn’t like it and I thought it would only be fair to explain our unique dynamic*
I scoffed thinking *yeah right*. Their *dynamic* was as fun as watching two cats fight over catnip and I was the catnip as the two cats were Mia and Becky.
I mean I could understand the whole *sibling rivalry* as I had experienced my fair share of *sibling rivalry* with Kel growing up as we occasionally fought for our parent’s attention or just simply fought for no **real** reason other than what we *thought* was important at the time.
You know silly things like *I* wanted to watch TV in the living room *that* day while Kel was hogging the TV for her *dramas*. Mind you that was before mom and dad got us our own TV’s for our room. That was before we moved out here and the girl’s were really little as *they* were the only ones who had a TV in their shared room and we didn’t in our shared room.
Ah the good ole apartment days seems like a long time ago.
Or when she wanted *her* friends, mainly Summer and some other girls, to come over to spend the night when *I* was sick and mom and dad said no.
Or when **she** wanted the last yogurt and I was eating it before she *gave* me a black eye. Yeah I decided to eat the last chocolate mousse yogurt right when her *Aunt Flo* was visiting…..I didn’t know. Sure as fuck made me start counting days so I could tell when she was about to start so I could be like dad…..be elsewhere. Spent a lot of nights with Ben back then after that fiasco. It got so common, before Kel started working out, all I had to do was tell Ben that it was *Emotion Day* and he would sigh and beg his parents to let me spend the night…or three.
You know simple sibling squabbles that seem silly now.
I had never *tried* to steal any of Kel’s boyfriends….you know because I don’t swing for the other team. And I never tried to steal any of *her* friends, mainly Summer.
Ok there was that *one* friend that mysteriously stopped hanging out that I may or may not have flirted with but she flat out told me no and stopped hanging out with Kel to not *ruin* her friendship with Kel. Yeah I got yelled at as the *pranks* started between us for a couple of years…..that is until this *whirlwind* started.
Ok she did *steal* a friend but come on if he was **truly** my friend that idiot would have never done it so there was that. But I never yelled at Kel nearly as much as she yelled at me for her losing a friend.
If I’m being honest *if* none of this didn’t happen I’m sure Kel would stop talking to Summer as she crossed the friend line but here we are.
So I guess I could see where they were coming from but at the same time I didn’t because the clear difference between me and them is that I didn’t *actively* try to steal Summer from Kel like Becky seems to enjoy doing to not only Mia but Geri and Moira as well.
The three admitted that they’ve *accepted* Becky’s tendencies to try to actively steal their beau’s as they see it as a *test* of sorts. *If* Becky is able to steal the boy in question then he wasn’t right for them. And there was no need to *test* Becky’s beaus as they never last long before she went off for her next *conquest*.
When I heard all of this it sounded **nuts** but I could see their logic….though really *really* fucked up thinking.
I wonder if Samantha and Jasmine will start that when *they* start dating.
I quickly shook my head as I didn’t *even* want to start thinking of **my** little sister’s outside of them being innocent and…..well *little*.
That was a problem I would have to face, I hoped, *at least* five years down the road. And by then I *should* be out of the house, more than I am now, and living on my own elsewhere. Hopefully when I *do* move out and live on my own I **hope** Kel and Summer follow me….but once again that was a future problem and I had the *now* problem to deal with.
I realized I was going into my head again as I went off on my multi-leveled tangent and resumed my thinking on the **now**.
*Me: well no shit I didn’t like it*
*Moira: and we’ve apologized*
*Me: I know and I accept it….just need more time to get over it*
*Moira: I get that and normally I would let you but I’m only here for a few more days and I’d like to speak to you about it*
*Me: ok then speak I’m listening*
*Moira: I was hoping in person TBH*
*Me: why so you or Becky can **try** to seduce me?*
*Moira: NNOOOOOOO…..*
I sent her the emoji that showed I was skeptical of her response and left that hanging there not saying anything else. Which obviously worked as Moira replied to my emoji.
*Moira: ok maybe but I have a reason. Which is **why** I’d like to speak with you in person*
I looked at her response wondering what about **her** and **me** had in common to justify a ‘*reason*’.
Then I remembered her unusual *kink*…….her being a *breeder*.
Was she trying to ‘*recruit*’ me into that lifestyle?
I mean it was the only thing I could think of with *that* response.
No matter how I looked at this, I was either right or I’m wrong. But if I was right I *guarantee* anyone that Summer *would not* let anyone have **my** cum in them.
I don’t think any amount of money would make that girl think that *my* cum wasn’t her property. Fuck the way she talks about **my** cum and pre-cum I’m surprised she shares it with Kel.
I’m pretty sure if someone, or any company, were to pay Summer a million dollars per girl she *allowed* **my** cum to infect them with life there was a **HIGH** chance she would tell them to go pound sand or go empty the ocean using only a straw.
I’m pretty sure if *whoever* paid both me **and** Summer an absurd amount of money just so they can *sample* my product to potentially infect their targets with life she would **still** tell them to go pound sand.
I don’t think there’s enough money that anyone could offer that girl to make her share more than she already has the way she makes my cum sound when she has it in her.
And here Moira was trying.
I lightly chuckled at the idea.
I looked at the phone and was about to reply when she text more.
*Moira: it doesn’t have to be **your** place or my parents if you don’t feel safe. we can meet at a neutral location if you feel more safe*
I really didn’t think of that when she text that. I had this whole plan to *use* Sabrina in front Moira just to scare her but I didn’t think of the consequences that could potentially bring.
Mainly, *if* Moira knew where I lived would also mean Becky *might* know where I live. With those two *could* bring in a whole amount of headache that I was desperately *trying* to avoid.
Then a wicked idea popped into my head. It would kill two birds with one stone.
And I had already *kind of* gotten Sabrina to agree. I’m sure this new *addition* wouldn’t change her mind. Plus I had already *sort of* gotten Summer’s approval so this *idea* was still good.
I quickly made a call before I typed my response along with my proposed ‘*location*’ as I waited for a response.
Sabrina looked at me weird as I made my call.
The phone clicked not listening to the response as I spoke, “Yes is one of your room’s available to rent?”
I listened to the response and prices as the person on the other end listed my choices.
I spoke, “Can I reserve the *captive* room for,” I looked at Sabrina and thought of what I *needed* to do, “two hours?”
I listened and blinked at the response before I answered, “And if I need it longer?”
I waited and listened before I looked at Sabrina who was *trying* to figure out what was happening as she was only getting my end of the conversation as she spoke, “What are you doing Gabe?”
I ignored her as I answered, “Ok that’s fine. Can it be ready in,” I looked at the time and *tried* to factor in my travel time **and** *Moira’s* time, “50 minutes or so?”
I waited again and listened before I smiled, “Perfect! The name will be Gabe Newman and I’ll see you in 50.”
I waited and spoke, “Yep. See you then.”
I went back to my phone and typed my response to Moira giving her the time and location as I waited.
Once she answered that she’ll be there I looked at Sabrina, “Change of plans.”
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tqexb5/step_sister_corruption_part_240_day_128_the