Stacy Dresses Up Part 2 – The Uber Ride [MF][Cons][Fingering][Female Orgasm][Exhib][Uber][Fishnets][Tight Dress][Seduction][Tease][Burlesque]

If you want to jump directly to the the sex scene, [you can find it here]( :-)

“Honey! What time did you say the Uber would be here?” Joe called down the hall.

“In about 10 minutes,” Stacy replied from the bedroom.

“OK, I’ll start locking up. Please let me know when you’re ready to leave the apartment.”

Joe made one last circuit around the apartment to make sure he hadn’t missed anything before heading out for the night. As he was pulling on his jacket, he heard Stacy emerge from the bedroom. He turned his head to look at her, and his jaw dropped.

Stacy was wearing an off-the-shoulder black dress. The tight-fitting bodice lifted her breasts, presenting the perfect amount of mouth-watering cleavage. The dress hugged her hourglass figure over her waist and hips, running smoothly down her thighs to just below her knees.

The most tantalizing feature of this gorgeous garment, however, was a slit running from the hem of the skirt up the middle of the front to mid-way up her shapely fishnet-clad thighs. Yes, beneath this dream of a dress she was wearing fishnet tights which encased her shapely legs all the way down to the three inch strappy heels.

Each element of her outfit on its own would be enough to make a grown man gasp in wonder. When combined with her flaming auburn, curled and hanging low over one shoulder, it took all of Joe’s willpower to suppress the moan of desire that welled up from deep within his chest.

Joe’s slack-jawed reaction confirmed what Stacy already knew; that her carefully crafted costume would be turning heads all evening long. Stacy always felt confident and sexy in black, and tonight was no exception. The last minute decision to replace her usual sheer stockings with fishnets pushed her confidence to a new level. She felt like a sexual badass. This attitude permeated her essence, and was reflected in every move she made.

Joe eventually recovered his senses enough to stammer out, “You look incredible! Where did you get that dress?”

“This old thing?” Stacy replied with a smile, as she wiggled a little, just to tease him some more. “I picked it up late last week. When I saw how well it fit, I knew I just had to wear it for our next night out on the town. Judging by the look on your face, I think the purchase was worth every penny.”

With that, she walked past Joe. She grabbed a short black jacket from the closet on her way out the door, and headed to the elevator.

Joe stood, transfixed for a moment, watching her shapely ass move beneath the tight skirt before he realized he also needed to head out the door. Not for the first time he said to himself, “I am an extremely lucky man!”

They only had to wait a few minutes after reaching street level before their Uber ride arrived. Joe held the door for Stacy, then walked around to the other side to take a seat behind the driver. As he climbed into the car, he noticed that Stacy’s short jacket did not cover the skirt of her dress at all. He was treated to a view of a splendid expanse of fishnet covered thigh through the slit in her skirt, which had ridden up as she scooted into her seat.

Noticing where his eyes were fixated, Stacy whispered to him, “Don’t get any ideas mister. I need to keep my composure before we get to the show. Besides, the driver can see anything that happens on this side of the car. We wouldn’t want to distract him too much, would we?” As she said these last words, she traced her fingertips along the exposed skin visible within the slit of her skirt. Then, she tugged her skirt back into place, and buckled her seatbelt before reaching over and patting the cheek of his decidedly disappointed face.

The ride to the venue took about 20 minutes. While riding they discussed the previous burlesque show they attended, and what they hoped to see tonight. Both of them remembered how exciting the show had been, and the fun they’d had once they’d gotten back to their apartment that night, and both were hoping tonight’s show would lead to even more fun later.

Upon arriving at the lounge, Stacy took a moment to tip the driver using the app while Joe ran around to open her door for her. Once the door was opened, he leaned down and offered her his hand to help her exit the car gracefully. Knowing how much Joe had enjoyed looking at her legs earlier, Stacy made sure to swing her legs out of the car one at a time to allow her skirt to again run up her legs, this time almost to her hip. Once again she was treated to the look of pure desire that flashed across Joe’s visage before he composed himself and flashed her the smile that always made her knees go weak. “Yes,” Stacy thought to herself. “Tonight is going to be a lot of fun.”

Once they were inside, the hostess showed them to their table for two, which was located just off center on the floor in front of the low stage. With about 30 minutes to go until showtime, they each ordered a cocktail and settled in to people-watch and soak up the atmosphere.

The room was set up with a row of about a half-dozen tables for two in front of the low stage, which measured about 20 ft x 20 ft at the front of the room. Larger tables were arrayed around the sides and the back of the room, with booths for large groups in the corners. The overall feel was intimate, yet spacious enough that the dancers could wander through the crowd if they wanted to interact more directly with the audience.

With about ten minutes to go before the show was scheduled to start, only the table for two to their immediate right was unoccupied. Finally, with only a few minutes before curtain, a young woman hurried across the room and dropped her purse into one of the two seats. Stacy noticed her first, and now it was her turn this evening to be entranced by a woman. She was struck at first by the young woman’s raven dark hair and pale skin. Beneath the bangs on her forehead, her large pale blue eyes were made to look even bigger by expertly applied dark mascara. Provocative red lipstick drew Stacy’s attention from the woman’s eyes to her bow shaped mouth, and what she realized were surprisingly kissable lips.

With only moments until showtime, the woman quickly removed her coat and tossed it on the second chair at her table. This movement drew Joe’s attention in her direction in time to notice the young lady smoothing her short red dress as she slid into her seat and turned to look at the stage.

“Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!” came the voice of the emcee over the speakers, drawing both Joe and Stacy’s attention away from the new arrival.

“Welcome to the KitKat Lounge for a fabulous evening of fun and frivolity!” the man in a bright pink tuxedo called to loud cheers and whistles from the crowd. “And now, without further ado, I introduce to you, the first act of the evening…Miss Emerald Eveningstar!”

With those words, the night of fun stripteases and frivolous comedy began. Each act was better than the last. Joe and Stacy momentarily forgot the raven-haired beauty who had taken the seat next to theirs. Joe, once again enraptured by his stunning date, had a difficult time deciding whether to watch her or the performers on stage.

Toward the end of the final act before intermission, the striptease artist stepped down from the stage, one glove in hand as she worked to remove the other. Stepping between Stacy and the woman at the other table, she turned and dropped a glove into the lap of each seated woman. The dancer continued moving through the crowd, playing off of the audience members as she unhooked and unzipped, leaving a trail of clothing in the crowd as she worked her way back to the stage. By the time the performer was down to her pasties and g-string she had the crowd eating out of her hand. She took a final bow as the audience erupted with delight!

“We will now take a break, so the audience can catch their breath and the performers can prepare for the second half of our exciting evening. Please, take this opportunity to freshen up and freshen your drinks. For those of you in possession of any stray articles of clothing or props, please hold them up so our stage kitten can come by to collect them.”

With those words, Stacy turned to the other woman holding a discarded glove in the air.

“That was quite an act! I wasn’t expecting her to drop these in our laps.” she said to the young woman.

The young woman turned to face her, making eye contact for the first time this evening. Again, Stacy was struck by her beauty.

“Well I’m glad she did. It gives me an excuse to talk to you.” returned the woman. “My name is Emily. I hope I didn’t disturb you by rushing in at the last minute.”

“Hello Emily, I’m Stacy and this is Joe. I’m very glad to meet you. And, no it was no disturbance at all. “I’m glad you were able to catch the show from the beginning.”

At that moment, a woman in a French Maid’s costume stepped up and took the gloves from each of them, freeing them up to turn to face each other.

“This is only the second burlesque show we’ve been to,” explained Stacy. “We still didn’t know quite what to expect. There wasn’t this level of audience participation at the first show we attended.”

“I’ve been going to shows for about a year now,” replied Emily. “This is one of the best I’ve seen in that time. I hope the second act is as much fun as the first.”

Joe took this opportunity to lean in. “If you ladies would excuse me, I’ll head to the bar to get us some fresh drinks. Would you like another one of those Emily?” he asked, pointing to her cocktail glass.

“I don’t want to be any trouble,” said Emily. “I can get my own drink…”

“It’s no trouble at all. Besides, this will give you and Stacy an opportunity to chat. What are you drinking?”

“Well, if you insist. I’ll take an Old Fashioned.”

As Joe walked away, Emily turned to Stacy. “Your boyfriend is very handsome. The two of you are quite the striking couple.”

“Thank you,” replied Stacy. “Since we’re exchanging compliments, I have to say that I love your hair, and your makeup. Oh, and your dress is perfect! You look like you belong at events like this.”

“That is nice of you to say. It took me a little longer than usual to pull myself together tonight. That’s one reason I was running late. Would you mind accompanying me to the powder room? I want to check my makeup.”

With that the two women made their way to the queue for the ladies room. The line was longer than expected, so they had time to get to know each other while they waited. By the time they were able to enter, Stacy had already filled Emily in on the adventures she and Joe shared after they attended their first show.

“I can’t believe I just told you how seeing the dancers got me so turned on I pulled on a slinky nightgown and seduced Joe in front of an open window in our apartment!” exclaimed Stacy as she and Emilly placed their purses on the counter and looked into the mirror to begin adjusting their makeup.

“I can’t believe I told you how I wound up coming to the show alone tonight. My girlfriend stood me up for a date with a man she just met! How embarrassing.”

“Well, since we’re oversharing, I was wondering if I could run an idea I had by you. You know, get another woman’s opinion?”

“Of course!”

“I must admit that watching the dancers again has me thinking about seducing Joe tonight, but I want to really tease him. Get his motor running before we even get home. I’ve been thinking I should…”

“Slip your panties into his pocket when we get back to our seats?” finished Emily.

“No, wait, what?” stammered Stacy.

“You said you wanted to surprise him AND excite him, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“And just think how naughty it will feel! Only the two of you will know that you’re practically naked under that amazing dress you’re wearing. He probably won’t be able to focus on the acts. He’ll be too busy thinking about how you’re bare and ready for him.”

“Since you put it that way, I think I’m coming around to your way of thinking on this.”

“OK, so off with them!”

“Right here?”

“Where else would you remove them? Unless you want to give everyone in the audience the best show they’ve seen all night, that is.”

“No you’re right. OK, please watch the door.”

As Emily stood by the door, Stacy reached up beneath her skirt; grasped the sides of her panties; and pulled them down to the floor. Bending over, stepped out of them and balled the lacy garment into her fist. Looking in the mirror, she smoothed down her skirt, turned to Emily and said, “Let’s go.”

Joe was waiting for them with their drinks as the women returned to their tables. He stood as they approached, and pulled out their chairs for them. While Emily took her seat, Stacy walked around the table to approach Joe from behind. She made sure he could feel her hand slide along his jacket and into his pocket. As she did she whispered in his ear, “I thought you might like something fun to think about during the second act.” Then she kissed him on the cheek and slid around him into her seat.

Confused, and more than a little turned on, Joe reached his hand into the pocket to find out what she had placed there. Looking down at the balled up piece of lacy cloth in his hand, it took him a few moments to work out what, exactly, he was holding.

Stacy and Emily watched Joe’s face carefully as realization dawned on him. When they observed him rapidly shove the garment back into his pocket, they both burst out giggling.

Looking down at Emily Joe said “You both know? When did…”

And at that moment the emcee called for the crowd’s attention to begin the second half of the show.

The rest of the evening was a blur from Joe’s perspective. He had already been having difficulty dividing his attention between his alluring girlfriend and the performers. With the knowledge that she was now wearing ONLY the fishnet tights underneath her dress, all hope of thinking of anything else vanished.

The next thing he realized, the audience was applauding the performers as they took their final bows on stage. Then he was helping Stacy out of her seat and standing by awkwardly as Stacy and Emily said their goodbyes, promising to call each other the next day.

As he followed Stacy out the door, a plan began to form in his mind.

Just like on the way over, Joe held the door to the car open so Stacy could enter from the sidewalk. However, this time, instead of walking around to the other side he politely asked Stacy to scoot over behind the driver’s seat so he could slide in next to her.

Once they were buckled in, and on their way, Joe looked Stacy in the eye saying, “I can’t believe you slipped those into my pocket, and sat through the entire second act like that! Do you have any idea how hard it was to focus on the performers the rest of the night?”

As he was saying this, his left hand landed on her right knee.

Stacy just smiled at him, and said, “I have a confession to make. It was Emily’s idea. I was going to..Oh!” was all she got out before Joe’s hand slid along her thigh and under her skirt. She could feel his fingertips running over the material of the fishnet stockings. His hand felt warm on her cool skin.

As the car made its way through the nighttime traffic Joe began talking to Stacy about the night, about the traffic, about whatever they happened to drive past.

All the while, his fingers moved slowly up her leg. As his fingers traveled, he traced delicate patterns on her skin, watching her face to detect each indication of the pleasure he knew he was giving her.

Stacy couldn’t believe what was happening. “I knew I was playing with fire when I slipped my panties into his pocket.” She thought to herself. “Mmmmmmmmm. I didn’t think he’d actually do anything before we got…ohhhhh. Oh my. That feels soooo good”

By the time his fingers reached the junction between her thighs she had leaned her head back and her eyes were closed. Her breathing was labored now, and he could see her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. To make sure he had the access he needed, he leaned over to whisper to her, “Spread your legs for me. I’m going to make you come, right here, right now.”

Not wanting the pleasure to cease, Stacy quickly complied, hiking up her skirt a few extra inches and moving her knees apart just enough to allow his fingers to touch her lower lips.

“She’s so wet,” Joe thought to himself. “I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get her off in the car, but hmmm. The look on her face is so fucking hot. She started this game, and now I’m going to finish it.”

As the miles rolled by, Joe’s fingertips played with Stacy’s pussy and clit. He knew exactly how she liked to be touched. He spread her moisture up onto her clit, and began rubbing in small circles. Even with the somewhat awkward angle he was still able to build the pleasure he was giving her, until with about a mile left in their journey her eyelids shot open and she looked directly into his eyes.

“Oh. Oh Joe,” Stacy moaned softly, “I’m so close.” With that she closed her eyes again, leaned back into her seat and gave herself over to him completely.

Joe’s fingertip kept circling on her clit as he watched her face and listened to her gasps of pleasure.

As the car approached the last turn before their street, she let out a low moan of unmistakable pleasure and her thighs clamped around his hand. At that same moment her hand grasped his wrist and held his hand in place as she pressed herself against him, grinding and moving her hips to extend the pleasure as she rode out her orgasm. Finally as the car pulled up in front of their building she released his hand and collapsed backward into her seat.

Joe leaned forward to talk to the driver as he pulled his hand from between Stacy’s legs.

“Thank you. It will just be a moment as we get the app out to pay you.”

He could hear Stacy gathering her purse and pulling out her phone. Joe quickly exited the vehicle and ran around to open Stacy’s door to help her out of the car.

He wrapped his arm around her waist to support her as the car drove off to meet the next customer.

“Did I ever tell you, you look incredibly desirable when you come for me?” he asked her playfully as they walked up to the door of their building. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted you as much as I do now.”

“Yes, you have told me that.” Stacy said as she turned to give him a kiss. “Mmmmm, I agree though. I need you inside me. NOW. Let’s go.”


1 comment

  1. Wow what a fucking turn on this story was very well done thanks for sharing

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