[MF] Getting physical with a stranger in a Vegas nightclub

About ten years ago I was in Las Vegas with a few friends, including Haley, a girl I’d met in a college class a few months earlier and had developed a small crush on. She was taller than me and had long brown hair, and we’d worked together on a project where we’d had to spend some time at each other’s places. I was worried I’d already gotten stuck in the friend zone, but I knew we all planned on rolling in Vegas so I hoped that might be my chance to see if she’d be interested in something more.

We all took molly together and went to the Hakkasan nightclub at MGM, where my friends and I started dancing and feeling the feels as we each came up at our own pace. If you haven’t been to a club in Vegas, the thing that struck me is how every club space is actually build from scratch for that club, and you can tell. The music, dancers, DJs, confetti or whatever else is blasting from the stage or ceiling, and any other performers are all in sync so when the beat drops, EVERYTHING drops. It’s pretty cool, and it can be a great environment to roll in as the feelings of unity and connection are just that much more enhanced.

Anyways, I was feeling it, and at one point I leaned over to Haley, who seemed to be having a good time but I couldn’t quite read where her head was it, and asked “Do you want to make out?”She, unfortunately, looked a bit surprised and confused, and after a moment said “I don’t think so, you’re just rolling!”

In my head I thought, “yeah, obviously, you are too and that’s why I want to make out!” but I wasn’t shocked by her response. Still, I was disappointed, realizing that our shifted state of mind wasn’t going to change our relationship. It was what it was, and I was still feeling great and wanted to have an amazing night.

I started wandering the club, dancing with different people and just vibing off the music. It couldn’t have been more than ten minutes or so of meandering before I came up on this incredibly hot woman who was maybe dancing with a couple of friends but I couldn’t really tell. She was fairly short, with brown skin and black hair, and a beautiful, cute face that made her look like a manic pixie dreamgirl without her even saying a word. The dance floor was packed so we were pretty close by the time I saw her, and once we made eye contact we both held it. Her eyes looked big, and I wondered if she might be rolling too.

Before I had any time to think about making a move, she pulled me towards her and immediately started making out with me. I was completely caught off guard but was suddenly in heaven, making out with this beautiful stranger as my body still felt in sync with the music and everyone dancing around me. I was completely following her lead and so surprised to even be in this situation, so when she grabbed my right hand and placed it on her breast, giving my hand a squeeze as she did it so that I lightly groped her, I couldn’t believe my luck. I followed her suggestion and continued making out with her as I caressed and groped her body over her clothes.

The whole encounter couldn’t have lasted more than a couple of minutes, but for that time we were making out like crazy and she seemed to be loving it. I was so turned on, not just sexually but in every way – almost overwhelmed by the music, dancing, rolling, and this mystery woman who had made my night.

At some point she turned away, reconnecting with her friends or something like that, and I went another direction to give her some space as it seemed like she wasn’t looking for this to turn into anything more. The rest of the night I replayed the encounter over and over again, and eventually went looking for her but never saw her again. I never got her name, and we didn’t say a single word to each other. But she’s still one of the hottest women I’ve ever hooked up with.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tq06bp/mf_getting_physical_with_a_stranger_in_a_vegas