[F] 23. My FWB is a dick, but I put up with him because the sex is actually AMAZING

This ended up becoming a huge wall of text that’s mostly just a stream of consciousness, but hopefully its still an enjoyable read. Definitely felt good to write it down, so I think mission accomplished.

I first met him when we were in the same class and introduced through some mutual friends. Literally started hitting on me minutes after hello, in front of the same mutual friends. I had a boyfriend at the time so I shut him down quickly, but I can’t say I wasn’t interested. Even though he’s a dick, it’s hard not to like him—he’s charming, easy to talk to and incredibly attractive. Perfect example of the tall, dark & handsome dream guy.

He’s fun, but it’s always been pretty clear that his only interest in women is fucking them. Pretty sure he’s tried to hook up with every girl in our friend group at some point. Normally I would have never even given someone like him a chance, but my longtime boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago and I wasn’t acting like myself. I was honestly being a bit self-destructive and was just looking for a rebound, it didn’t matter who it was. I knew he was a sure thing, plus, he was/is hot so it just kind of made sense at the time. Our friend group went out to a bar one night and he was touchy & flirty with me as per usual, but this time I encouraged it. I got very drunk and ended up going home with him after some trashy kissing & heavy petting at the bar.

I wasn’t really expecting much, again I was just looking for a rebound to get over my ex. In fact, I kind of thought the sex would be bad *because* of how much he talked… but wow… all that cockiness and overconfidence was not just for show. First time in my life where a guy with a big mouth actually backed it up, calling it the best sex of my life feels like an understatement. And that’s not to say that I haven’t had good sex, like other partners have definitely made me cum before, but this was just something else entirely.

I came multiple times in a row, which isn’t even something I’ve been able to do on my own before AND it all happened in like less than 30 minutes. It’s hard to even explain what’s so different with him—his cock is nice and definitely on the bigger side but there’s so much more to it than that (I’ve definitely had bigger but they don’t even compare to this dude). I swear from the very first time he has just had a magic sixth sense to anticipate exactly what my body needs next, and then has the rhythm & stamina to keep up with that intuition. It’s like he just *knows* how to find the exact spot and angle that feels best for me in whatever position we’re in, and then consistently hits that exact place in a rhythm perfectly matched to my building orgasm. I swear he has some kind of superpower, it feels so effortless for me to just cum on his cock back to back… and before him I was lucky if a guy made me cum once. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I think he knows my body better than I do.

After that first hookup I was kind of planning on just crashing at his place, but it hadn’t been more than 5 minutes from when we finished that he started gathering my clothes and tossing them to me. I can take a hint and I sleep better alone anyways so I didn’t make a fuss. As he was ushering me out of his apartment he teased me that it sounded like I had enjoyed it more than he did and said something douchey about how he always knew it was only a matter of time before he fucked me, that he was surprised I lasted this long. I was feeling way too good from the afterglow of getting properly fucked to even care, so I just let him have it.

After that we started fucking regularly. It’s embarrassing because I’ve talked plenty of shit to our friends about what a dick he is and now here I was basically begging him to bend me over several times a week… I meant everything I said, but the sex is genuinely life-changing. We had a really good thing going for a while, but I think I was hitting him up to fuck too often. I didn’t even realize how desperate I was being but I literally booty called him like 5 times in a week and I think he just realized he held all the power in our relationship.

Out of no where he stopped replying to my texts. And then on some random weekday after making me wait like 5 days he texts me a half-assed apology and tells me I should just come over that night. It was like 10pm already. I know I should have told him no and at least tried to play hard to get, but I was horny and the stupid slut in me ultimately won out in the end. I was over at his place within the hour. We made small talk for a total of like 3 minutes before he threw himself at me and started pulling me towards his bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and did that thing guys do where they just push down on your shoulders or head and look at you expectantly. I get it—you want me to suck your cock 🙄. I gave him a big eye roll, but I got on my knees and pulled his dick out like he wanted. I sucked his cock **good** for like 10 minutes and then started to stand up because I wanted to ride it, but he sternly told me to keep sucking and held me in place with a handful of my hair. He was a bit rougher from there and started pushing & pulling me to go deeper or faster—another thing that guys do that annoys the hell out of me. Like I’m already sucking the soul out of your cock here, just let me do my thing at *my* pace. But apparently I’m willing to let that slide if said guy has been consistently fucking my brains out… go figure.

So I keep blowing him for like another 10 minutes, like my very life depends on it, and I get to the point where I just *need* to be fucked already. I batted my eyes up at him, gave him the best fuck-me look I could muster and practically begged him to put his cock inside me while I gave him slow licks. And this prick just matter-of-factly tells me that I’ll have to “earn it” then, with this shit-eating grin on his face. I’ve never had a guy take control like this before and the audacity of it just froze me in place—I didn’t know I could simultaneously feel so infuriated but also so, *so* turned on. A guy has never told me outright no in a sexy setting like that before… and turns out I *definitely* like that. I think he was trying to gauge how I’d react because we kind of just stared at each other for a long pause. Then he started to push his cock back into my mouth and I gave him a few nasty looks for it, but I let him.

My thoughts were so scattered after that—it literally felt like I was high. I looked up at him as he was kind of just gently sliding himself back and forth through my mouth and just had this sudden awareness of how wet I had gotten through it all. I remember being really worried that he would notice, I don’t know why, but at the time it just seemed so embarrassing that I was so turned on when he wasn’t even interested in my pleasure. I really didn’t know how to feel anymore, it was a weird mix of arousal & humiliation (which I’m learning is definitely a kink of mine), and just this overwhelming awareness of the growing wet spot between my legs.

I let him continue to guide me by my hair for a while longer, up and down his length. All the way up and all the way down, over and over, as he moaned and called me *his* little cocksucker. Then with no warning other than heavy breathing and his trembling body, I felt the first shot of his cum hit the back of my throat. It surprised me and I almost pulled away on reflex, but he kept his grip locked in my hair and pulled me back into it as I felt another wave of heat flood my mouth with every twitch of his cock. I kept my lips sealed tight, lightly sucking and swallowing repeatedly until I couldn’t feel his cock throbbing anymore. Even gave it a few more licks after he was finished because apparently I’m that easy when it comes to good dick.

I was still incredibly turned on, but I was also feeling so humiliated that I just couldn’t look him in the eye anymore. I pretty much immediately stood up and told him that I should get going. He said some more dumb guy shit as I was leaving… like telling me what a “good girl” I had been—which I know is pretty vanilla and common, but its just so patronizing the way he says it—and bragged about how he could always tell which girls can “learn” to give the best head. He gave my ass a good grab/slap as I was leaving, but otherwise didn’t seem to be bothered by me getting the hell out of there.

I went home and played with myself for literal hours, don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on/sexually frustrated in my life. It’s weird how memorable the experience was when I didn’t even get anything out of it, but I still fantasize about it sometimes. I’d like to say that I cut it off after he started getting more selfish in bed, but I just can’t seem to stay away—I swear to god this boy has a magic cock 🙃.

We’ve since fallen into a routine where the hook ups are very skewed in his favor: I suck his cock 2 or 3 times a week (or honestly pretty much whenever he wants), and he “rewards” me with a good fucking about once a week. It’s a bit frustrating at times, but I think he likes controlling my pleasure in that way and I like the surprise of never knowing when he’s going to fuck me again, so it works.

I can usually make myself cum while I suck him off, and he’s still just as good of a fuck so it’s not the worst thing for me (and obviously he’s very happy with our arrangement). I’m not sure if he awoke some submissive kink that I already had, or if being with him has just totally redefined what I find hot but my fantasies have done a total 180 and are pretty much all based around him dominating me in some way.

He likes to see how far he can push me now, like recently he keeps making me thank him right after he cums in my mouth. Wasn’t really into it at first but the more he does it, the hotter it seems to get for me lol.

I know this is kind of a toxic relationship and I would never get serious with him, but the sex is just actually so good that I don’t mind putting up with his huge ego. Not really looking for advice or anything, just hoping some people can relate to how hot I find it… Like here’s this guy that I think is a total asshat and he’s got me so wrapped around his finger that I’ll just drop whatever I’m doing to go suck the life out of his cock whenever he tells me to… that’s just so so *hot* to me 🥵.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tqi7ku/f_23_my_fwb_is_a_dick_but_i_put_up_with_him


  1. Incredible story. I don’t know what it says about me how strongly I related to it… but it’s definitely true that some guys know just what to say and do to make you forget about your own self-respect. Congrats on the sex!

  2. Great post, very hot…

    I swear from the very first time he has just had a magic sixth sense to anticipate exactly what my body needs next, and then has the rhythm & stamina to keep up with that intuition. It’s like he just *knows* how to find the exact spot and angle that feels best for me in whatever position we’re in, and then consistently hits that exact place in a rhythm perfectly matched to my building orgasm.

    This sounded very similar to the way many female pornstars describe Manuel Ferrara.

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