Additionally context could be found in my another post but in short – me and Stepth (19 F) agreed on a game and who ever won it got the chance to be railed by our hot cousin. I ended up being the loser because I felt asleep while the 3 of us were watching a movie and woke up to the sound of Steph being railed hard.
They were trying to keep it down for sure but fuck me it was hard to be calm for the whole session. Tried to fall back to sleep but got woken up by the sound of him clapping her cheeks for a few more times during the night. But hey at least we have got some very well built beds that’s not creeking at all even though it was a rough session.
Currently typing this post while they are still sleeping on the other bed. Guess I will go for a swim to cool myself off. Don’t even want to see Steph reaction later the day. Fml
Roll tide!
Join them next time
Maybe you can tag team later