Bad Influence (FFM) (Fiction)

When I’m sober, I am considerate, caring and respectful of other peoples’ boundaries. I try to make people feel comfortable at all times and don’t try to push people into things they don’t want to do but… once I’ve had a drink or two, I become such a bad influence.

Before I go any further, I reckon I should introduce myself. My name is Ava. I’m 23 years old, I’m 5’7, I have straight, brunette hair and slightly tanned skin owing to my Dad’s Greek roots and I am a massive slut.

This story concerns my best friend, Barbara. Barbara was homeschooled because her parents are strictly religious so we didn’t meet at school but rather we both work in the same shop. Barbara is a very quiet girl and, just like her parents, very religious. Unlike me, she rarely drinks. It isn’t prohibited by her religion but she thinks that bars and clubs are places “where sin happens”.

We might sound like an unlikely friendship but, once you get past the introversion and the stern religious beliefs, she is a lovely person.

A few weeks ago, Barbara got promoted at work. She doesn’t have many friends and I wanted to bring her out of her shell a little so I suggested we go for some drinks to celebrate. She was initially reluctant but I promised that it would be a wholesome, innocent evening and, at the time, I meant it.

I suggested a quiet bar in the city centre which I didn’t think would be too raucous or “sinful”. I figured Barbara wouldn’t want to stay out late so I arranged to meet some friends afterwards so I dressed to go clubbing – a red, backless dress, knee-high boots and hoop earrings.

As usual, I arrived at the bar ten minutes late and, as usual, Barbara had gotten there on time (probably why she was getting promoted and I wasn’t). She was dressed exactly how you would expect a homeschooled, introverted Christian would dress at a bar – a floral patterned dress that looked like it was from the 1950s, covered by a cardigan. Barbara tried to hide it with big, unfashionable grandma clothes but she was actually incredibly hot, she actually reminded me a little of Sydney Sweeney. You couldn’t always tell because of the shapeless clothes but her tits were bigger than mine. We made quite a pair – the slutty extrovert and the innocent Christian girl.

I made my excuses and then asked, “What would you like to drink?”

“Oh, just a glass of white wine,” she replied, sweetly.

“Come on, it’s your celebration drinks! I’m having a daiquiri, will you join me?”

“I don’t know about that.”

“Here’s the deal, I’ll buy two daiquiris and a glass of wine. Try a sip of the daiquiri and, if you don’t like it, I can drink it and you still have your wine.”

I saw that she was about to protest so I turned and left to go to the bar before she could say anything.

I returned minutes later with the drinks. At first Barbara was hesitant but, probably out of politeness to me, she took a sip of the cocktail. I could tell immediately that she liked it and she took another sip.

“Not bad, right?” I asked.

“You were right, this is good.”

We discussed work for a while and soon Barbara had finished the daiquiri and the wine. You could tell she wasn’t used to drinking, especially cocktails and mixing her drinks, because she was already starting to get a bit tipsy. I went back to the bar and got us another round.

When I returned, I spotted someone I knew at another table on the other side of the room.

“Oh my God, I fucked that guy last week,” I blurted out. Barbara looked shock; I normally didn’t swear around her and tried to avoid topics like sex.

“Is he your boyfriend?” she asked, naively.

“No,” I laughed, “We just met in a club and I went back to his place.”

I could sense Barbara was getting uncomfortable and, for some reason, I felt like watching her squirm a little bit more so I continued, “He had one of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen. Almost the size of my forearm. What’s the biggest you’ve ever had?” I asked this knowing she’d probably never seen one, nevermind fucked one.

“I… uh… have never had any.”

“Seriously? What about kissing? Have you kissed a guy before?”

“Uh… no.”

I pounced, “I heard a hesitation there. I need a story time.”

She blushed bright red and but the drinks had obviously loosened her tongue a little.

“Well, every year I go to this like Christian retreat in the countryside. There was this really cute guy and, after a dance one night, he walked me home and kissed me.”

“Did you like it?”

“Yeah,” she said, nervously.

I decided I wanted to shock her a little bit more.

“You know, when I went to summer camp, there weren’t any boys so us girls used to practice kissing with each other.”

Barbara looked scandalised but I felt I could sense another emotion, buried a bit deeper down. Curiosity, maybe.

“I would say that women are actually better kissers than boys,” I continued.

“I can’t believe that.”

“You’re just saying that because you were taught women kissing is bad. How would you know if you’ve never tried?”

At this point, I decided to try my luck. The crazy, bold side of me that comes out when I drink was rearing its head. I did something that could backfire very badly if Barbara didn’t respond the way I thought she would; I leaned in for a kiss.

I could see the conflict in her eyes – she was weighing up eternal damnation and momentary, fleeting horniness. Of course the horniness won. She leaned in and reciprocated the kiss.

I leaned back in my chair and enjoyed Barbara’s facial expression, a mixture of exhilaration, worry and lust.

“You know,” I said, growing bolder, “There’s a lot of things that you haven’t tried and you won’t know if you’ll like them if you never tried them.”

“Like what?” There was a giddy excitement in her voice.

“Well, personally, I love sucking cock.”

Her eyes widened and she hastily said, “You know I’m saving myself for marriage.”

“But come on,” I replied, “You need to live a little first.”

I scanned the room again to see if my hookup from last week was still there. He was ordering at the bar.

“You trust me, right?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Then wait here for two minutes.”

I stood up and approached last week’s fuck. I was struggling to remember his name but I did remember letting him cum on my face and I had a feeling he would remember that too.

I couldn’t be bothered with small talk so I cut to the chase immediately, “Have you ever had a blowjob from two girls at once?”

“No,” he replied, somewhat taken aback.

“Would you like one?”


“Then finish your drink and meet me outside in two minutes.”

I then ordered a cab, returned to my table and guided Barbara to the exit. Seconds later, the guy from the week before came out too.

“I’ve forgotten your name and you’ve probably forgotten mine – I’m Ava and this is Barbara.”

“And I’m Josh,” he replied, sticking his hand out for a handshake.

The taxi arrived and we all piled in.


After a tense taxi drive, we arrived at my place. I led both of them into the living room, sat Josh down on the couch and explained the situation, “Here’s the deal: Barbare here has never sucked cock. I’m going to teach her. You’re going to sit there with that big cock and enjoy it.”

“Sounds like a good deal to me.”

“First things first,” I said, turning to Barbara, “We’re getting those tits out.”

I pulled off her cardigan and we took her dress off together. They were even larger than I expected and I couldn’t help sucking on one of her nipples. She let out a moan so loud and passionate that I think it was the first time she’d ever moaned in pleasure before.

I knelt down on the ground, in front of the couch, with my face close to Josh’s massive cock and gestured for Barbara to do the same.

“The lesson starts now,” I said as I took a firm hold of Josh’s cock, “Guys like a bit of lube so first we have to do this.” I spat on his cock and rubbed it up and down the length of it, making sure it was wet from the base to the tip.

“Now you try,” I instructed her.

She was nervous but, like a good girl, she followed my lead and spat on it.

“What a good student! Now rub it in.”

She did as I said, taking a hold of it and rubbing the length of his cock.

“Now, in my experience, most guys like a bit of teasing, so we’re going to do this.” I started lightly flicking my tongue against the head of Josh’s cock while looking up at his eyes.

Barbara was starting to get into it; I didn’t even need to tell her to copy me, she lowered her head and gently licked the tip of his cock. I grabbed her hand and placed it back on his cock.

“Don’t forget to stroke him a little,” I reminded her.

Corrupting this innocent, good Christian was really turning me on and I sat back and started to rub my own clit as I watched them. Barbara, inexperienced as she was, was clearly a natural. Within minutes, she’d gotten the hang of the technique and was taking as many inches of his monster cock in his mouth as she could. As good a friend as I am, I wasn’t going to let her get all the fun. I positioned myself right next to her again and pulled her in for a kiss. I could taste Josh’s precum on her lips. I looked into her eyes and knew life would never be the same for her again. She was a slut now.

We then started licking his cock together, me on the right side, Barbara on the left side. I glanced up at Josh and he was in heaven seeing a hot blonde and brunette slobbering all over his cock.

Soon he announced he was going to cum. As much as I wanted it all for myself, I decided that Barbara should get the facial this time. I grabbed his cock and told Barbara to open wide as I jerked him off. He came all over her face, coating it in cum. I sucked the last drops off his cock and started making out with Barbara.

“Your next lesson is going to be eating pussy,” I told her.




  1. This was an entertaining read. Looking forward to the rest of this story.

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