A Father’s Struggle 36 – Polyamory (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I sat in my man cave *trying* to solve yet another problem.

The problem…..*how do I get my daughter’s off my back when **their** friend’s come to visit me?*

Yes I know I seem to be coming up with problems…..problems I never had a decade ago.

But I guess that’s the price **I** have to pay for being single…..and living with single females who have single friends.

If the single females in my house weren’t my daughters I swear I wouldn’t have *these* problems…..just different ones.  Like trying to bed **every** single female.

But six of those females were my daughter’s.  Some of whom have very very hot friends and one of them made the first move to where I could do something about it but in typical fashion they ran straight to my daughter to protect them from the big bad daddy.

I could argue that I wasn’t really being *bad*…..more like naughty.

Still I had six daughter’s to deal with.  And at least two of them were strong willed….Nicole and Mackenzie.  

Heather wasn’t really strong willed….just passionate….at work.  At home she was more laid back though she was the center for everyone and could put everyone in their place.

Nicole was *really* strong willed as witnessed by her obvious willingness to confront me.

Mackenzie was semi strong willed but was more flirtatious than *strong willed*.  Guess all that time dancing in front of men you had to grow a backbone.

Savanna wasn’t really strong willed as she was more flirtatious and unlike her sister she didn’t dance in front of people so she didn’t have to grow a backbone.

Haley I wasn’t too sure about as she seemed more of the follower and trying to appease everyone.

Abby I also wasn’t too sure about as she was the most aloof. Bookworm…definitely. Selective smartass….oh you better believe it. But strong willed?? I have no idea she’s never shown it unlike Nicole.

So I had *two* strong willed people I needed to get around if I wanted to do anything with their friend’s.

One of whom would be the most difficult.

So I have a problem and I really don’t know how to solve my problem.

I mean I could go with my current route….a route that already blew up in my face when Reagan went and snitched on me to my daughter’s.  I can already guess who she snitched with as witnessed by the first to call me out was Nicole.

Still I could be sneakier…..and maybe one won’t go running to the dominant one.


I could find a way to *convince* them to *let* me have fun with *their* **friend’s**.

But how?

I was racking my brain and was coming up with bupkis.

Blackmail?  Na…..knowing my luck they *would* turn it around on me somehow.

I mean I *could* blackmail Nicole with the video of her masturbating to me fucking Lola…..


Knowing Nicole I had a better chance of fighting a MMA fighter than getting her to agree to anything with that.

Though I still logged the video away for a rainy day that I could use for later….still waiting on the right motivation to hit me.

I was mindlessly just watching TV while I tried to work out my problem, still not knowing what to do when a commercial came on that immediately started getting the blood flow going again.

I looked at the commercial and instantly had an idea of how I was going to get the girl’s to do what **I** wanted.

And if I’m *right*…..I could also catch my *spy(s)*.

Now I had an idea…..next was finding the right person to *help* with my *idea*.

I was going to jump on the internet to start doing searches and reading reviews of people when my door opened and heard Nicole speak out into the room, “Dinner is ready dad.”

I logged the idea for later as I couldn’t do anything about it now though I made a mental note to start surfing the web later as I stood up to address Nicole, “Thanks honey.”

I walked out of my man cave to see just about everyone had already taken a seat and was already sitting where *they* wanted.

Looks like I was the **last** person notified of dinner as **MY** seat had been taken by one of the friend’s.

I raised my eyebrow at the friend about to voice *my* concern with her taking **my** seat at the dinner table but Abby was standing at the kitchen counter with a plate already loaded with food and a glass filled with juice held out in my direction.

Abby stood there already dressed in an animal style onesie.

I walked up to Abby and looked down at the food, “Thanks sweetheart.”

Abby slightly smiled, “I thought we could go to your room and eat while **WE** watched the anime you agreed on with me.”

*Right!  I did promise Abby that I would do that with her.*

I blinked and nodded, “Right.”

I sighed as I grabbed the proffered plate and glass as I spoke, “Come on.”

I walked up the stairs towards my room as I imagined Abby was trailing right behind me while the rest of the females did their thing downstairs.

As we were traveling to my room Abby spoke, “Dad.  Can I ask you something?”

I walked almost to my room, “Sure sweetheart.”

I had turned the corner into my room when Abby spoke, “Were you **really** trying to fuck Reagan?”

I stopped and looked at her giving her my look but saw she was looking directly at me.  I sighed, “Maybe.”  I turned and walked over to my bed as I continued, “I just wanted to teach her a lesson of going through **MY** things.”

She spoke, “And that lesson *required* bondage gear?”

I looked at her and sat down on my bed before I addressed her, “Yes it does.”

She looked down at me looking innocent, “Then why not just yell at her?”

I smiled, “Because.”

She looked at me, “Because she’s hot.”

I tilted my head as I thought, “That’s part of it, sure.”

She spoke, “But I thought you were with Lola and her daughter?”

I lightly chuckled, not really answering the question.

I looked at her and could tell she was confused.  I spoke, “I take it you’re confused?”

She semi blushed but nodded, “Yeah I am.”

She set her food down on the end table before she looked at me, “I mean I understand **WHY** you and mom broke up so long ago though I didn’t fully understand it at the time but I’ve had time to process it.”

She sat down next to me, “Then you got with Lola and I was happy for you for finally finding a female.”

She looked at me, “But then you *fucked* her daughter, Maxine.”

She continued, “And now you *try* to go after Reagan.”

I watched her closely not saying anything.

Mainly I was trying to watch her eyes to make sure they didn’t change on me.

She looked away as she spoke, “Are you out to fuck every girl because **mom** fucked you over?  Are you trying to justify what mom did to you now you’re doing to other females?”

I immediately spoke, “Of course not sweetie!”

She looked at me just blankly, “Then **WHY** you trying to go after Reagan when **YOU** already have Lola?”

I looked at her trying to figure out **HOW** to best possibly answer this.

She spoke, “You playing Lola?”

I sighed, “No.”

She spoke, “You **WITH** her?”

I looked at her, “That’s a little bit *complicated* sweetheart.”

She looked at me, “Then explain it because I don’t understand.”

I sighed, not really sure **HOW** to explain to my daughter that *yes* I wanted ALL the girl’s.

What guy wouldn’t WANT as many girls as they could?

Though a lot of guys would have a problem handling so many girls.  I had two and they were out to drain me….not complaining.

And here I was wanting a chance at Reagan…..and possibly more.

I spoke, “Have you ever liked more than one guy, Abby?”

She looked at me, “Sure.”

I looked at her, “Ever *try* to be with BOTH guy’s?”

She looked at me, “You mean sexually?”

I nodded.

She blushed but shook her head, “That would be cheating.”

I nodded, “Sure.  But that’s **because** you have **only** been in a monogamous relationship.  Which is fine.  I’ve dealt with monogamous relationships ALL my life.”

She looked at me, “What’s wrong with monogamy?”

I shrugged, “Not a DAMN thing.  If that’s what makes you happy.”

She looked at me quizzically, “But you’re not in a monogamous relationship NOW are you?”

I shook my head, “I’m kind of in a polyamorous relationship or open relationship with Lola and her daughter.”

She looked at me like she was trying to read my thoughts.  I smiled, “When you’re in a polyamorous relationship you’ll understand.  And I’m still trying to figure it out.”

She looked at me quizzically, “So you *think* being in a polyamorous relationship justifies you as you *try* to fuck Reagan?”

I shrugged, “It’s the best analogy I can come up with.”

I looked at her, “And the best explanation I can give you honey.  I’m still trying to figure it out.”

She sighed, “Still sounds like you are *TRYING* to create your own harem.”

I chuckled, “I kind of already have a harem, honey.  Between you, your sisters, and your friends I have my own harem.”

She looked at me, “But doesn’t having a harem mean you are least fucking them?”

I smiled and shrugged, “You’re the bookworm and anime freak.  You tell me.  Do **ANY** of your anime’s have a guy surrounded by girl’s that he’s NOT fucking that **YOU** would consider a harem?”

I watched as my little bookworm actually thought out my question and she probably went through her head of ALL the anime/manga she has devoured since starting down the nerd life that she has followed.

Eventually she looked at me, “I guess you’re right.”

I smiled, “See,” as I lightly elbowed her, “I’m already living my harem life.”

I left out what I was thinking ***right*** after I said that as I thought ‘*though a lot of your friends are **hot** that I wouldn’t mind fucking*’.

She lightly chuckled, “I guess you’re right.”

I looked at her, “Now let’s put on this *anime* that you wanted to watch with me while we eat.”

She perked up, “Alright.”

She got up and bounced over to my TV as she fished out her drive to plug into my TV.

I leaned back on my bed as I placed my plate on my lap, “So what are **WE** watching honey?”

Abby smiled at me and said, “It’s called ‘*Watashi no imōto wa watashi ga hentaida to wa shiranai*’.”

I blinked at her, “English honey.”

She smiled, “It means ‘*my sister’s don’t know I’m a pervert*’.”

I thought *ironic*.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tokntd/a_fathers_struggle_36_polyamory_fiction_family


  1. You guys being to Critical… so he said females 🤔 he’s a guy thats interested in women. Besides the story has a hentai smut style to it. Lightning is already being careful enough for the story not to be pulled because of the moderator rules. You guys trying to take away his writers creativity. I mean yea a big man explaining poly to his big daughter makes her seem a little slow and not up to the times but it’s a fictional story and its also a set up. So sit back and 😉 good job Lightning 🌩 👏 do your thing.

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