What are the best places to get advice for writing erotica?

I write erotica as a hobby, but even though smaller stories are pretty easy to make work, I am struggling with my ideas that involve a bigger cast and more than one arc.

Like I say, it’s just a hobby, I don’t intend to make any money off it, so I hope there is somewhere where people don’t mind brainstorming or workshopping a little bit together.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tnjzll/what_are_the_best_places_to_get_advice_for

1 comment

  1. I think you just gotta hope for the random bits of feedback you’ll occasionally get. I personally think Literotica is good for this because your work is more likely to get votes and it’s more than up or down. You’ll know when you bombed one on that site. I get more feedback on my posts there too.

    I do most of my own feedback on there as well because there’s categories and I’m more likely to read something that interests me. Plus, if you want, they got editors that will look over your stories before you post them on literotica too.

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