Mom Gives Her Son a Seductive Dating Lesson at the Student Bar – [MF][M/s][inc][incest][mom son][mommy][seduction]

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I’d love to know what you think. I really appreciate feedback to help me improve. Enjoy! X

Leslie arrived at the same student bar she frequented while she attended her former Alma Mater many years ago. Tonight, she was here to meet her son. Excited to see him for the first time in months, she stepped inside.

Not wanting to dress too much like a typical mother, she tied her blonde hair into a neat ponytail. After seeking inspiration from her daughter, she squeezed into some tight jeans, modest high-heels and under a thick white jumper, a red tank top. It made her feel young and attractive again, grateful she still had the body to wear such clothes.

Looking around the bar, she couldn’t see her son, Matt. She sat at a table in the corner and ordered herself a drink. She watched as the students surrounding her cheered and laughed in their groups, smiled as young couples stared into each other eyes – some of them making out. She sighed, and with a smile took a sip of her drink reminiscing of her younger days.

With the heating on full blast during the harsh winter, she took off her jumper. Nearby students instinctually noticed her ample cleavage held together by the tight tank top. Leslie hung the jumper on the back of her chair.

A small number of guys, and some girls, were still staring at her. This took her by surprise. She knew she was attractive back in her college days, but to still receive this kind of attention put a smile on her face. She remembered that she was here for her son so had to ensure she won’t be bothered again. With widened eyes, she stared back at the guys that were still checking her out and gave a playful wave as if to signal to them, ‘not a chance’.

One by one, she got each of the men to stop staring at her. That was until, she noticed that one of them was her son, on his way to greet her. She paused, but thought nothing of it. This wasn’t her particular attire so he probably mistook her for some random girl. She stood up and approached him with her arms open for a hug.

“How are you, my dear son?” She hugged him tightly, pressing her curvaceous body into him, giving the remaining onlookers a chance to stop staring. She fixed up his hair after him being outside in the wind and caressed his cold face a little before planting a kiss on each of his cheeks. “Oh my God! It’s been so long, Matt. Tell me, how have you been?”

“I’m good, you know. I’m good.” Matt himself was a little put out. He never saw his mother wear such tight clothing. He was also uncomfortable whenever his mom hugged him. It was always a challenge for him, every time, to not think about how his mother’s big tits were pressed up against him.

“That’s it? That’s all I get after travelling all this way?” She beckoned him over to sit at the table. “Let me get you a drink, hopefully it’ll loosen you up a little.”

“Sorry, Mom. I’m just after finishing an assignment.”

“Ugh! I don’t want to hear about assignments. We have all weekend for that. If anything, it’s the last thing you want to think about, too. How are *you* doing?”

“Not much has changed since our last video call, Mom. Just keeping the head down.”

“Okay. Okay. What about girls? A young, handsome, strapping man like yourself must have a girlfriend at this stage, right?” With her radiant eyes she stared at him as if to entice the answer out of him.

“Well, um. There is one-”

“Ahh! I knew it! I knew as soon as you hesitated. I saw the sparkle in your eyes.” She leaned forward with excitement and giddiness. Struggling to contain her brilliant smile, she bit her luscious red lips to allow her son to speak. “Sorry. You’ll have to forgive me for being excited. Continue…”

“Her name’s Amanda and she’s studying Nursing.”

“No… way. That’s what I studied when I went here. Tell me, is she pretty?”

“Mom… what?” He threw his head back as if to regret bringing her up. “I mean, yeah, of course she is.”

“I’m only *asking*, Matt. I’m your mother, I should know these things. So… How long have you been going out with her?”

“Well. That’s the thing. I’m not.”

“Oh! Umm…”

“She’s just a girl that I like. I haven’t asked her out because I don’t really know how to approach her.”

“Oh, Sweetie,” Leslie expressed her concern and leaned over to hold her son’s hands in hers. “Come on. You aren’t in high school any more. You’re not even a teenager anymore either. Just ask her out. It’s easy.”

“Wow, Mom. Thanks. That makes me feel a whole lot better.” Matt saw that his mom still looked at him with concern.

Much to their relief, the awkward silence was broken by the waitress arriving at their table. They ordered two more drinks and continued.

“So, tell me. How would you ask Amanda out on a date then?” She looked at her son enthusiastically, awaiting his response.

“Um, Mom. What do you mean? Do you want me to ask *you* out?”

“Aww. I’m flattered, Sweetie. While I would like to go out on a date with you, my dear son, unfortunately for you, I’m your mother.” She shrugged her shoulders and let a little laugh out to reassure her son she was just making fun of him.

“Ha ha, Mom. Very funny,” Matt replied, rolling his eyes in admittance of walking into that one.

“Seriously, though. If you want, just pretend I’m her. I’m sitting here in the bar. How would you approach me to ask me out?”

Matt looked puzzled, not used to being put on the spot like this. He cleared his throat and fixed up his hair, showing how nervous he was.

“Um, hey, Amanda. How are your assignments going this semester?” Matt looked towards his mother for feedback, but she was just waiting, hoping for him to say something else.

“Okay. No. Don’t start with that. Think about it. She’s in a bar, all dressed up, out for a good time. She probably doesn’t even want to think about assignments. Go again.”

“Hey, Amanda. Can I buy you a drink?”

“Keeping it simple, huh? There’s no better way, Sweetie. That’s how your dad got with someone like me.” She ran her hands down over her breasts and along her waist then let out a little laugh at her own joke. Looking up to move on, she noticed her son was checking her out.

“Hey, Matt!” She clicked her fingers to wake him from his trance. “Hey. Matt, c’mon. My eyes are up here,” she said, moving her hands from her chest and pointing towards her eyes. She felt her cheeks blushing as she was admittedly flattered with the attention.

“Oh, shit. I’m sorry, Mom. I was just thinking about -”

“I don’t want to know who or what you were thinking about there. Well, I certainly hope you weren’t thinking about me. You can’t think about me like that, son. I’m your mother… Wait, were you?” She asked this, admittedly curious.

“Well… I…. um.” Matt hung his head in shame.

“Oh my, Matt.” She covered her mouth with her hand, feigning shock but she already wrote the incident off as her son just being a young man. She also did it to conceal her smile. She couldn’t help but feel flattered and caught herself checking out her son in response.

After hearing her son promise it wouldn’t happen again, she changed the scenario to help him out some more. They moved up to the bar, ordered another drink and sat beside each other.

“Now, my dear son. There will come a time during the evening when she will want to get close to you. She might do this by … actually, it’s better if I just show you. She moved the bar stool to sit right beside her son. With their shoulders almost touching, she could see that he was getting a little uncomfortable.

“Mom, I think this might be getting a little too into it, don’t you think?” He began inching away from his mother. Not because he didn’t want to learn, but he could feel himself getting aroused and while he wasn’t hard right now, it wouldn’t be long before he couldn’t hide it. He started to feel ashamed and embarrassed that he was turned on by his own mother.

“Don’t worry, Sweetie.” She wrapped her arm around him and pulled him in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, in a way that would definitely make him feel more embarrassed. “It’s near the end of the lesson so you won’t have to deal with your mother much longer. Unless of course, you want to check me out a little more.”

“Mom, please. Can we just get this over with?”

“Okay. Okay. I’m sorry Sweetie. After you checked me out earlier, who knows what goes on inside that filthy mind of yours. Thought I’d make a little joke that’s all.” She laughed at her own joke again and took a moment to settle down and focus on helping her son.

“Hold on, I’ve to go to the ladies room.”

While his mother was away, Matt took a moment to breathe and settle down. He was frustrated and angry at himself for feeling this way towards his mother, for thinking about her sexually and lusting after her. He was forcing himself to think of something else. The barmaid, his friend, Christine, interrupted him.

“Heya, Matt. Who’s that girl you’re with?” She assumed he was on a date or something and was patient in waiting for his response as she noticed he looked a little uncomfortable.

“Oh, nobody. She’s actually, um, my mom.” He regretted giving an honest answer as soon as the words left him. Christine raised her eyebrows in astonishment.

“That’s your *mom*? Wow, Matt. I guess you could say you and your mom are… close.”

“She sure knows how to embarrass me, that’s for sure.”

Leslie retuned and positioned herself even closer to her son. Matt looked towards Christine and she held her hands up, signalling she chose to ignore whatever was going on.

Leslie removed her hair tie, undoing her ponytail. Letting her hair loose. She gently shook her head to allow it to fall down to its full length. Her soft, full hair brushed against his face and his neck. It once again provoked the lust he had for his mother.

“Shall we continue?” She didn’t wait for her son to respond. “Sometime during the night, she, and hopefully you too, will want to get a little more, let’s say, intimate. But not inherently sexual.” She noticed him giving her a cautious look.

She might,” she inched closer to him and continued, “gently rub her hand up and down your forearm.

Matt closed his eyes as he embraced his mother’s gentle touch. The feeling of his mom’s soft hands and her occasionally grazing her fingernails up and down his arm, caused a rush of blood to his crotch.

He was now getting visibly hard and made a feeble attempt to cover it with his other arm, nearly dropping his drink.

“Or maybe… she might touch her leg against yours.” She crossed her legs so that her foot was close to his leg. She gently, slowly moved her foot up and down his leg.


“Sweetie, relax. This is all part of it. It’s *supposed* to feel good. Don’t you like it when Mommy touches you like this?” She switched back over to rub his arm again, only this time she was staring at her son with lust too. She missed getting with young men and for whatever reason, her son was attracted to her.

She knew by the look on his face and his body language that he was rock hard and knowing that she got her son so aroused simply just by touching him sent tingles all around her body. She could feel herself getting wet, no longer caring if it was her son. But she still wanted to hear it from him that he wanted to fuck her.

“Next, she’ll want to confirm whether her touch is turning you on. She’ll move on from rubbing her foot against you or her hand up and down your arm and start caressing your inner thigh.” She placed her hand on him like so, but with a gentle grip.

Matt watched in awe as his mother moved her hand from near his crotch, to his knee. With each rotation, she edged closer and closer to his crotch.

Leslie bit her lip to appease the sexual tension. She looked him in the eyes, waiting for his reaction as she was expecting her hand to touch off her son’s hard cock any second now.

“Okay, Mom. I can’t pretend any more. That feels so fucking good. Holy shit!”

“Oh, I know,” she replied. “I can *feel* how much you want to fuck me, son. It’s messed up ‘cos I’m your Mom and all… But what’s really fucked up is… I want to fuck you too, Sweetie.”

She placed her hand over her son’s crotch. Through his trousers she could feel his stiff shaft and his swollen balls. She gave them a gentle squeeze which caused Matt to jerk backwards with shock.

“Not many boys get turned on by their mothers, my dear son. But even fewer have mothers like me that, you know, willingly turn them on.”

Matt was stunned, unable to speak or even move.

“How lucky you are, my sweet boy, that when you were younger, all your friends wanted to fuck me. They probably still do. But who knew that is would be you, *my own son*, that I’d want to have sex with? Hmm?”

Much to his relief, this moment was interrupted by a group of friends coming into the bar, laughing and talking loudly. Matt turned around only to find that one of the members of that group, was Amanada.

Leslie continued to massage her son’s crotch while she waited for the moment that her turned back around.

“That’s her,” he said, taking deep breaths as he started to panic. “That’s her over there… in the purple hat.”

“Isn’t that interesting? And she looks like a lovely girl.” She let his thoughts linger for a minute. “Looks like you have a decision to make, Sweetie.” She resumed moving her hand up and down his inner thigh, regularly touching his hard cock.

“I don’t understand.”

“Well, you can take what we practised here tonight and approach Amanda.” She smiled a she looked at her son but then constrained it to a smirk. “Or, you can take me back to your dorm room. I haven’t seen it yet.”

“Jeez, Mom. That’s taking it a bit far, no?” He retracted back to his chair, shocked by how forward she was.

“Don’t act all innocent now, Sweetie. You’ve been eye-fucking me all night. You’ve been staring at my big tits and most of all, you’ve been letting me flirt with you and touch you however I please.”

“Okay, Mom. But stop making it so obvious. I don’t want Amanda to see.”

“First, I want to hear you say it. I want you to say what you want to do with me.”

“Mom…” The group was now heading towards the bar and Christine, the bar maid who was friends with Matt was walking in their direction. Leslie positioned herself in a way that looked less obvious. She turned her back to the group and leaned in towards her son’s face and whispered to him.

“Just say it, Sweetie. Just say you want to have sex with me.”

She started to kiss him on the cheek, multiple times. After a couple of kisses, lipstick marks remained. She could feel her son shaking with nerves as his face grew a deeper red by the second.

“C’mon, Sweetie. Be a good boy and tell Mommy what you want. Tell me-”

“Okay… Mom I want to fuck your brains out,” he said, a little louder than anticipated.

Leslie sat back with her mouth wide open, smiling. She never thought he would actually do it. But she quickly noticed people were beginning to stare. Amanda, her group of friends and Christine were looking at them with suspicion.

“And look at what you’re wearing, Mom. All I can see and think about is your big tits and how much I want to squeeze them and suck on them. And look at me. I’m so fucking hard for you right now.”

During this, Leslie tried to calm her son down. She could see him about to speak again so she pressed her finger against his lips and whispered to him, “Not here, Sweetie. Let’s hope nobody grasped what you were really saying. Let’s get out of here.”


It was a short walk back to Matt’s dorm room. Leslie made a point to hold his hand to provide with that extra bit of comfort after her son embarrassed himself at the bar. They finally approached his door.

“Okay, Mom. Be quiet, my housemate is probably asleep.” He looked at his mother with concern. She gave a reassuring nod and playful wink.

When they got in, they could hear a woman’s moaning and the occasionally grunt of a man.

“Doesn’t sound like your housemate is sleeping.” She let out a little laugh. “So, where’s your room?”

Leslie took her son by the hand and led him through the door and they each sat at the end of his bed.

“Tidier than I imagined. At least I must have done something right while raising you.”

“Again, sorry about my housemate, Mom. I should have known, really.”

“Why are you so worried about it, Sweetie? Besides, it’s nothing your Mom hasn’t heard, or done, before.”

“It’s just… the guys always make fun of me for not bringing any girls home.”

“Well, my dear son,” she said leaning into whisper and wrapping her arms around him, “After tonight, they won’t be making fun of you any longer.” Leslie got up from the bed and opened the door.

“What are you doing? What if they hear us?”

“Don’t you want them to hear me? Sorry, I mean, hear us?” She started walking slowly towards him. She unbuttoned her coat to reveal the tight, form fitting tank top that captured her son’s attention throughout the evening.

“But what if they find out you’re my Mom?” Matt started inching back on his bed as his mother approached him.

“They’ve never even met me, Sweetie. All they’re going to see is you having sex with a woman. One who has bigger tits and more sexual experience than any college girl.” She stood in front of him, allowing him the opportunity to check her out.

When he eventually looked back up at her she leaned forward and pressed her hand against his chest.

“Now, my dear son. Lie back.”

“Why? Wh … Wha-,” he struggled to say, unprepared now that the time had come.

“I said, lie back,” she demanded, pushing him by the chest, forcing him to lie down flat.

Matt followed suit, but leaned up on his elbows for a better view.

Leslie smiled at her son’s shock. In the bedroom, she was the one in control. She slipped her finger underneath the shoulder strap of her top and her bra strap and moved them so they slid down each of her arms.

The grip of the bra loosened a little, resulting in it falling down, exposing much more of her cleavage, barely concealing her nipples. Leslie could see how much her son wanted to see her tits, he was almost drooling.

“Do you want to see Mommy’s big, natural tits, Sweetie?” She traced her finger around her cleavage, then while supporting the bra in one hand, with the other she slipped it underneath to rub and pinch her hard nipples, relieving some of her pent-up sexual frustration.

Matt nodded and sat up a bit more energetically, no longer shy about the raging boner sticking out from his trousers causing him some discomfort he was no longer aware of.

Leslie reached around and took off her bra entirely, swiftly taking off her top afterwards. Her round, full breasts jiggled as she settled. She watched as her son’s eyes widened in awe and a wide grin grew across his face.

“Wow, Mom. Your tits are fantastic. They’re fucking huge.”

“It’s no surprise that you’re a boobs guy, now that I think of it. Growing up in a house with not just me, but your sister, too – you must have been tormented.” She started to caress her tits. She could feel herself get wetter. She could wait no longer.

“Can I feel them?”

“Take off your trousers!” She demanded of him, ignoring his request.

Matt began taking off his trousers and his boxer shorts. It wasn’t until Leslie had taken off everything but her jeans and panties that she noticed.

“Hey! I said trousers only.”

Matt had only slipped his boxer shorts just above his knees, enjoying the feeling of his hard dick no longer being constrained by his clothes. With a defeated look, he pulled his boxer shorts back up.

“Aren’t you such a good boy for Mommy?” Leslie knelt down before him and as she approached him, to get really close to her son, she made sure to graze her large breasts against his legs.

As she got closer to his crotch, she leaned in. Now her big tits were pressed against his inner thighs. She watched as her son’s dick twitched beneath his boxer shorts.

She placed her hands on his chest and started to softly trace her fingers around his lower abs, making her way down to the crotch area, making a point to touch everywhere but his dick.

Leslie looked back up at her son, who looked quite worried. She gave him a seductive smile as she unbuttoned the opening in his boxers and took out her son’s throbbing, rock hard dick.

“Do you know what’s happening now, Sweetie?” She started to stroke his dick and with her other hand she grazed her hand over his balls – feeling them, massaging them.

Matt responded with a nervous, unconvincing nod.

“Well, before you have sex with Mommy, your dick needs to be nice and wet. And to do that, Mommy’s going to suck it.” She slowed down her stroking to a stop and then leaned in so her mouth was almost touching his dick.

Starting at the base of his shaft, she gave it a gentle kiss. She smiled at how it twitched and how her son shuffled about when her lips first made contact.

As she made her way up his shaft, she incorporated her tongue a bit more and when she reached the top, she swirled her tongue around the head.

She moved down to the balls and sucked on them, too, making sure to tickle them with her tongue. She then slowly, licked from the base of his shaft, up to the top, making sure to go extra slow around the frenulum, the most sensitive part of the head

Matt groaned; he could barely contain himself.

Leslie looked towards her son, ensuring he was okay to continue. She reminded herself that her son may not last long.

“Try not to cum, Sweetie, okay? Just do your best to hold it in. Only cum when I say so.”

Matt nodded in response, but before he knew it, his mother was bobbing her head up and down. He jerked his head back, relishing the feeling of her sucking, her licking and her kissing. Having her warm, wet tongue and luscious lips move up and down his shaft was almost too much for him.

Leslie felt her son’s dick twitch inside her mouth. Every so often he randomly jerked his body in response or even pulled back and tensed up as he was close to cumming.

She slowed down and resumed kissing his shaft, taking a longer break between kisses, but letting them linger for a moment longer.

“Let me know if Amanda ever sucks your dick that good.” She stood up, turned around and began to unzip her jeans.

“Mom, that felt so fucking good. Fuck!” Matt exhaled a loud sigh as he recovered and took in the sight of his mom taking off her skin tight jeans.

Leaving her panties on, Leslie pulled the jeans down to just below her butt cheeks. She turned her head quickly to see if her son was paying attention and smiled and bit her lip when she saw that he was.

She did a slow dance, moving her hips from side to side, before leaning over and taking off her jeans entirely.

She felt how wet her panties were before gripping them by the sides and pulling them straight down, bending fully over and presenting her son with the glorious view of her firm, round ass and her glistening, wet pussy.

Turning to face her son, she stood at the end of the bed and spread her legs. With one hand she pinched her hard nipples and with the other, she began to rub her pussy, gently massaging it at first.

She let out some soft moans and noticed Matt was embracing himself for what was coming, but she wanted him to wait just a little longer.

“Tell me again, son. Tell me what you want to do.” While he was struggling to come up the words, she got on the bed and crawled over him in such a way that when he looked up, he had to decide between looking her in the eyes or at her tits.

“Mom, I want … to … um”

“What do you want me to do? Just say it, Sweetie.” She leaned into him and pressed her big tits against his chest. She caressed his face and started to kiss him all over his face.

“I want you to…”

Leslie brought her hand that she was massaging her pussy with up to her son’s face. She traced her wet fingers around his lips and under his nose. He opened his mouth and she slipped her finger in and waited for him to suck her juices off her finger.

“That’s it, Sweetie. Do you like the taste of your mother?” She leaned to his side and began tracing her fingers all the way down his chest, then his abs and slipped them to just underneath the waistband of his boxers.

“I want you to f…” Matt inhaled sharply. He was ready to say it, but an ill-timed breath stopped him.

“Oh, Sweetie. Just relax, breathe deeply.” She moved up to whisper in his ear. “You know Mommy wants it too, but Mommy can’t give it to you… unless you ask.”

With her hand on the waistband, she began slowly edging them down. Just as she was about to pull them below his dick, Matt tried to whisper something back out of fear of being heard.

“I want you to fuck me, Mom.” He let out a huge sigh of relief, frustrated that he panicked in the moment.

“Aww. That’s my good boy.” She slid her hand down his shaft and figured she needs to get his dick wet again. She took off her son’s boxer shorts as she was now ready to fuck him.

She sat up on the bed, looking at her son with lust as he lay there with a throbbing hard cock. She watched Matt stroke it and even noticed a stream of precum flowing down his shaft.

She swung her leg over her son, straddling him. She sat just before his dick and leaned over him again.

“You wanted to touch my boobs?”

Matt hesitated in response and Leslie took his hands one by one and placed them on her large natural breasts. She leaned into him so he could suck them and she treasured the soft, wet feeling of her son licking and sucking on her hard nipples.

While Matt was preoccupied, she moved up and started to rub her wet pussy over his balls and then up and down his thick, hard shaft. She moved back and forth, applying pressure on her son’s dick so he could feel how wet she was.

Matt audibly gasped. He could feel his mother’s juices cover his dick. And the friction she was causing by grinding back and forth over his dick and balls was proving to be too intense for him.

“Are you ready to fuck your mother? Are you ready to fuck me, Sweetie?” She started grinding on him, faster and faster. “C’mon, Sweetie. Grab my hips.”

He just about managed to place his hands around his mom. He was now breathing heavily and had a scrunched-up face from trying not to cum.

“Don’t cum now, Sweetie. Not yet.” She sympathised with him and slowed down to give him a breather. She leaned over to French kiss him as he recovered.

While doing so, she reached back and took hold of her son’s dick and guided it inside her pussy.”

Matt’s eyes widened with awe and his breathing became short and quick. He closed his eyes, appreciating the tightness and warmth of being inside his mother.

“Easy now, son. Just relax; deep breaths.” She let go and placed her hands on his torso to steady herself. “Just enjoy the feeling of being inside your mother. Feel the warmth. Feel my… OH!”

When she sat down into him completely, she realised his dick was the perfect size for her. She took a moment to appreciate that a young man’s cock, her son’s cock, was inside of her. For the first time in a long while, she felt sexy and desired.

Leslie began to rock her hips back and forth, slowly at first so they could find a rhythm. She felt her son’s grip around her waist tighten as she picked up pace, hoping that he won’t cum too soon.

She looked right into his eyes as she rocked back and forth, loving the fact that her son couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

“C’mon, Sweetie. That’s Mommy’s good boy. FUCK ME! That feels so fucking good. YES!” She remembered to be as loud as possible.

“Mom, your pussy feels… so … fucking … good,” he managed to say, in between groans.

“OH YES! OH FUCK!” Leslie shouted towards the open door. She enjoyed the fact that she could be as loud of possible. “I LOVE YOUR BIG DICK, SWEETIE!” She shouted again to give him some ego points.

She took his hands and placed them on her boobs again. He started squeezing them again, only a bit more intensely. Occasionally, he squeezed her hard nipples after which she let out gentle moans.

“SQUEEZE MY BIG TITS, SWEETIE.” She couldn’t stop herself being so over the top. Afterward, she leaned in to whisper.

“Squeeze Mommy’s big tits, son. I bet you’ve always wanted to touch them.” She kissed him a couple of times before moving back up. She could hear her son’s breathing had once again become shorter and quicker. He wasn’t going to last much longer.

“OH YES! FUCK YOUR MOMMY!” She cupped her mouth in shock, but it was too late. Afraid his housemate might have heard, she did her best to keep quiet from now on.

Perhaps the thrill of getting caught was too much for Matt, he started to groan and thrust his hips into her. It’s like he no longer cared – he was too caught up in having sex with his mom.

“Oh! Are you going to cum for me, Sweetie?” She quickened her pace again.

“Mommy’s going to go as fast as she can and you should too, okay? Can you handle that?” Leslie started to feel that familiar tingle in her body and a flash of warmth spread through her. She was close too.

She started to rock back and forth and she herself began to feel tingles around her body. She was going to cum too.

“C’mon, Sweetie. Nearly there. Just cum for me. CUM FOR ME, SON!”

Each time she raised her voice, Matt jerked his body and thrust deeper inside his mother. Leslie could see his body spasming, but she didn’t slow down. They were both so close.

“OH YES! FUCK ME! I’m going to cum all over your dick, Sweetie. I’m going to- Ooh!”

Hot cum poured over her son’s dick. She was now in ecstasy in the midst of an orgasm, but kept going – it was the best time to keep fucking.

“Cum for Mommy, my sweet boy. Be a good boy and let all your cum out inside Mommy’s pussy.” She placed her hand over his, encouraging him to keep squeezing her tits.

“Now’s the time to cum for Mommy. CUM FOR MOMMY, SWEETIE! NOW!” She yelled out again, and it worked. She could see he was about to explode so she leaned into his and pressed her body against his – her big tits against his chest and her face pressed against his – all the more intimate.

He thrust into his mom for the last time. His body tensed up and he too fell into orgasmic ecstasy as he pumped his mother’s pussy full of his cum.

Leslie couldn’t contain her smile as she bit her lip to contain herself as she felt her son’s throbbing dick pump erupt with cum inside her.

She pulled herself away afterwards and they kissed each other, with momentary breaks to stare each other in the eyes. It was a special moment.

“Did you enjoy that, Sweetie?”

Wow, Mom. Yeah! I mean…” He distracted himself by reminiscing of what just happened, his eyes closed and a wide smile on his face.

“Hopefully your housemate could hear how well you can pleasure a woman now. If anything, they’ll be asking you for advice.” She said this, not really regretting that she shouted loudly that she was his mom. Deciding to enjoy the moment, she agreed with herself to deal with any consequences tomorrow.

They continued to exchange a little pillow talk until they fell asleep.


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