The Weekend – Friday [F+][Voy][Nudism][Exhib]

The sky had a wonderful red glow as the sun was rising in the horizon. It was clear except for a couple of Altocumulus clouds far ahead. We had the road to ourselves. The radio was tuned to a station playing non-stop old Country music. It felt like we were the only two people left on earth. Just Erica and I. Alone. On an empty highway.

Erica was driving, I was in charge of the map. She had one hand on the wheel and one hand on my tigh.

Our day had started a couple of hours before sunrise. [Caroline]( had suggested a [hiking trail]( they had talked about trying for a while. It was about a three hour drive from their home, but for us it was a little more than four hours – without stops. Therefore, in order to get a good start before the morning-rush began, we headed out at 5AM. We just had a yoghurt and a cup of coffee before hitting the road, and planned on finding a diner to eat breakfast after getting off the highway.

The traffic had become a little more dense when we turned off the highway and headed up the mountains. There was a small town ahead where we would stop for breakfast.

*Have you heard from the others?* Erica asked as we approached the town centre.

*Yes, Mathilda just messaged me,* I said. *They just started. If everything goes well we will arrive at about the same time.*

*Great, I’m really looking forward to this,* Erica said enthusiastically. *Hey, what about this place?* She nodded at a small diner right ahead of us.

*That looks nice, lets see what they serve for breakfast.*

Erica blinked to signal that we were turning off the road and into the diners parking.
The air outside was crisp and fresh, not like in city. Taking a big breath filled me with a strange energy. Someone once said that the mountain air has healing capabilities, I wondered if there maybe was some truth behind it.

A small bell above the door notified the waitress that she had new customers. We found a free table along the windows and sat down. It seemed to be a slow morning, only a couple of other tables were occupied. The waitress was at out table just a moment after we sat down. She presented the breakfast menu and took our orders. Erica ordered pancakes, I ordered a breakfast plate with hash browns, eggs and bacon. For drinks we both had lemonade and coffee. Maybe it was because we hadn’t had any real breakfast yet, but the food tasted delicious.

*Maybe we should fill up our mugs before leaving*, I said to Erica.

*Great idea, I’ll go out to the car and get them*, she replied.

While Erica got our coffee mugs in the car, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. I figured it would be smart to start the hike with empty bladder and bowels.
It was a unisex two-stall toilet, both stalls was unoccupied. *Fantastic*, i thought to myself. I’ve never liked using the toilet with other people around – especially when going number two, except for Erica. But she’s my girlfriend, so that’s natural.

I entered a stall, locked the door, wiped the seat, pulled down my pants and sat down. While sitting there, letting my body do its work, I looked around. The walls was covered in writing. Names, phone numbers, exclamations of love – you know, the usual toilet poetry. I noticed a hole in the wall between my stall and the neighbouring stall. It was actually more like a vertical oval slit, maby about three inches wide and six inches high. And the edges was sanded smooth. Just out of curiosity I peaked thru the hole into the empty stall next to me. *Weird*, I thought, *what’s the purpose of…*
And then, with a mix of repulsion and fascination, it hit me. It was a gloryhole! I had never seen one in real life before, only heard of them from movies and books.
Then I heard the toilet door open, and someone entering. A chill went thru my spine. Anxiously I hoped it was not the creator of the hole that entered. What if he suddenly pushed his dick thru the hole and expected me to suck it?

I held my breath and sat absolutely still. The next door stall opened and closed. The door locked. The person next door pulled his pants down. I closed my eyes.
Then I heard paper being teared. And then a hissing sound hitting the porcelain.
I opened my eyes and exhaled my breath slowly. I dared myself to take a quick peak thru the hole.

Oh, what a wonderful sight. It wasn’t any ugly old rapist in the next door stall. It was my beautiful girlfriend Erica! She looked really cute sitting there. Pants around her knees, her cute bum on the seat. The hissing sound had stopped, and she looked a little blushed. Probably doing number two, I thought. My thoughts were confirmed when I heard a muffled splash in the bowl.

*Hey Eri*, I whispered. She looked around.


*To your right*, I said, *theres a hole in the wall!* She turned towards me and expelled her eyes.

*Haha, Oli? I wondered where you had gone! But… are you spying on me?*

*Ehm, no, or yes, but no, haha. I just needed to use the toilet, and then I found this hole. I think it’s a gloryhole.* I said, enthusiastically, like it was the greatest discovery in history.

*Really? Thats weird,* she said, *I’ve never seen one.*

*Me neither*, I said.

*Hey, let me have a look!*

*Sure babe!* I leaned back from the hole to let Erica try. I could see her bright blue right eye as she peeked thru the hole.

*What’ya doin’?* she asked teasingly.

*I’m wiping*, I answered, pulled some paper off the roll and wiped my butt. When my ass was clean, I wiped my pussy.
Then I figured I wanted to give her a little show. So I started fingering myself – just to tease her.

*Hey, that’s not fail!* she said.

*What’s not fair?* I replied with my sexy-voice.

*You can’t do that without me!*

*Haha, okay, I’ll stop*, I said and pulled my fingers out. They were sticky with pussy juice. *Oops, looks like I need to wipe som more*, I said teasingly while tearing off some more paper.

*Hold on a sec*, Erica said and leant back from the hole.

*What?* I said, and peeked at her. She had started wiping her cute bum.

*Just wait, I’ll just wipe here.*


I watched as she cleansed herself. When she was finished she got up from the seat, and without pulling her pants up she leaned her crotch agains the hole. Positioning it so that I could clearly see her moist clitoris.

*Lick it*, she whispered thru the wall.


*I want you to lick it!*

*Heh, okay*, I said, and got off the toilet seat. I squatted down between the wall and the toilet and leaned forward, putting my mouth against the hole. The wall wasn’t thick, so I could easily use my tongue on her clit.

Erica started moaning softly form behind the wall, as her pussy got more and more wet. she started grinding slowly up and down against my tongue.

*This is really hot*, she whispered between the moans.

*Mhm*, I mumbled into her vagina. I put my right hand between my legs and started fingering. The situation was actually very absurd. But maybe that’s the reason why it also felt so arousing.
It didn’t take long until my juices was running down my hands and leaving small drops on the floor.

Erica started grunting and panting softly, trying to stay quiet so that no one out in the diner would hear her. Her grinding had become more intense now, she was clearly about to peak. And so was I.


*That was insane!* I said, when we were back in the car heading out of town.

We had both orgasmed at the same time. Erica’s legs had shaken so much that she had trouble standing and she slid down on her knees in the stall. I had squirted on the wall, it had ran down the wall and dripped onto the floor making a puddle that spread under the wall and into Ericas stall.
By some unknown reason my pants was still dry. I was lucky, because it was the only pair I had brought with me this weekend.

We cleaned ourselves up a little in the sink inside the toilet, before we got back out in the diner and filled out mugs with fresh coffee.
Before we got in the car, we headed into a grocery store next to the diner to get some snacks and soft drinks for the remaining drive. We still had about two and a half hours left to go.
The air had started to heat up, so we removed our jackets and sweaters before getting back into the car.

The rest of the drive went great. There was a lot of wonderful wild nature to see as we drove into the mountains. We stopped once more, when there was about an hour left. The coffee ran straight thru our bodies, and along with the soft-drinks, we both couldn’t hold on until we reached the trail. We were far away from any civilization by now, so we simply had to squat behind some bushes along the road.

We met up with Caroline and Mathilda an hour later where the trail started. They had arrived just five minutes before us.
After having greeted and chatting about the drive there, we emptied the cars, locked the doors and put on our backpacks. They were heavier than they looked, but the hike was only about an hour, so we figured it would work.

It was a nice trail with not too many obstacles. Part of it went along a beautiful stream where beavers was building a dam. We saw traces of bobcats, and there where birds of prey circling the sun high above us. This really was the wilderness.

All of us were warm, sweaty and tired when we arrived at the lake. It was a relief to take off our backpacks. We took our water bottles and sat by the lake for a little while regaining our energy before setting up camp.
I was a beautiful spot. The sun was high in the sky, there were birds chirping in the trees, a stream of fresh mountain water running into the lake, an occasional fish jumping in the water, and flat ground to set up camp. Perfect.

The first thing we did was to set out our fishing rods with float and bait to see if we could catch som fish for dinner.
With the bait in the water we started pitching our tents, finding logs to sit on, stones and wood for our campfire, and hanging the tarp between some trees for shade. The fish bit three times while doing this.
Next, Erica and Caroline went into the wood to dig a latrine, while Caroline and I started the fire and prepared dinner. We grilled the fish and boiled some rice on the campfire. I love eating fish grilled on campfires, it is the best way to prepare fish.
After eating we sat by the lake drinking beer chilled in the cool water form the stream. Suddenly Mathilda said she wanted to take a dip in the lake.

*Oh no,* I said, *I forgot my bikini!*

*That’s okay*, Mathilda said with a wink, *we didn’t bring ours either*.

She stood up and started undressing. Removing her t-shirt and pink sports bra, revealing a beautiful pair of small, perky breasts.

*Come on! We’re the only ones here,* she said while continuing to undress.

Suddenly all of us were removing our clothes until we were bare naked. Caroline with her tan skin and hazel-brown hair. Mathilda the blonde, a little more pale-skinned than Caroline, but also beautiful. Erica – my soulmate, and me. Erica an I were the only ones that had completely shaved our pubics. Caroline had a neatly trimmed dark bush, and Mathilda had a more wild, blonde bush between her legs.

Erica and Mathilda was first into the water, Caroline and I was right behind. We spent about a half hour in the lake, swimming, playing and splashing water at each other. Erica and I teased each other a little when we thought the others where not watching. She would grab my ass on occasion, and then later I would brush my hand against her pussy. Things like that. But I think, while playing in the lake, I once felt Mathildas hand also between my legs, from behind. Weird but intriguing.

Afterwards we spread a large blanket on the ground and layed down next to each other to dry in the sun.
It was wonderful laying like that, next to three other naked bodies. We spent the rest of the day talking, getting to know each other, and fishing – naked. Like we was some kind of a nudist colony. And I loved it!
When the air became cooler in the evening we put on a t-shirt, and eventually a sweater. We didn’t bother wearing underwear or pants. The campfire kept us warm.

We stayed up late, playing cards, drinking beer, enjoying ourselves in each others company. Eventually we decided to go to bed. We brushed out teeth in the stream, and peed in the latrine Erica and Caroline had made.
For the latrine, they had found a thick branch that layd on the ground, and they had dug a trench behind it. The trench was long enough so that all four of us could use it at the same time. And after a few beers that seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
So, therefore, after having brushed our teeth, we all squatted on the branch, positioned our asses over the trench and let the streams flow. It may sound weird, but it actually was quite cozy and bonding.

Afterwards, alone with Erica in the tent, we had to process all the impressions of the day, all the naked bodies, exposed breasts and pussies, all the teasing. Everything. I just have to say it, tent-sex is the greatest!


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