Pokemon Misadventures, pt 2 [F/Pokémon][Non-Cons][Breed Kink]

The urge was pretty high to inspect my new Machamp, a shiny Pokémon gifted to me by Tanya, my… _Girlfriend? Friend with benefits?_ Whatever it is that we are to each other now, I guess. Still have a lot to wrap my mind around in that respect. I decided to wait until setting up camp before summoning the new Pokémon from his ball. But, there was _something_ about the way she described him.

Tanya gave me the _special_ Machamp (after a few or the most dizzying, mind blowing orgasms of my life!) before I set off today. She told me he was shiny, so special in that regard, sure. The thing I kept circling back to was the emphasis on how she expected him to “make me very happy.” This promise came after finding out she’d been banging Pokémon, which apparently many others do as well. _Was she right? Am I just being a “prude” about an activity I considered taboo?_ If so many people are having sex with their Pokémon, perhaps I could-

My train of thought gets derailed by another Pokémon trainer. He springs from a bush, challenging me to a battle. My heart races in my chest, the thrill of battle always gets my blood pumping. That, and the opportunity to lay eyes on my newest team member occurring sooner than expected. 

The challenger sends out a Beedrill, and I toss the ball containing the Machamp into our impromptu arena. The green Pokémon springs forth, flexes his four arms, and bellows a mighty roar at the opposing creature. Beedrill shrinks back, clearly intimidated by the muscular combatant. My challenger commands his Pokémon to attack, it’s stingers swiping furiously at the Machamp – who strikes back with a mighty punch without me even giving the command!

A bit of worry flutters in my stomach. _If he attacks without an order, would he even obey me? How much stronger than my other Pokémon is he?_ 

Beedrill goes down following the punch, it’s stunned trainer recalling the fallen bug. He sends out a Venomoth next, dust scattering from its wings as the bug type flutters about. Another unauthorized attack came crashing into the opponent in the form of a karate chop. The strike sent the poor bug crashing into the ground with a mangled wing. Stunned silence permeated the air. My challenger quietly recalled his Venomoth, and accepted defeat. He tossed some money down and sprinted away before uttering another word.

My Machamp flexed victoriously, then turned to face me. I cautiously examined my new Pokémon, taking in the monstrous specimen before me. He stood well over seven feet tall, muscles bulging on all four arms. More muscle rippled across every inch of exposed, green flesh. I was familiar with the natural garb of this species of Pokémon, but instead of the usual briefs under a championship style belt, this one had something resembling compression shorts. My eyes lingered on the large bulge between his knees, heart skipping a beat when I made out a shape extending down each thigh. 

_This one has_ ___two cocks?!___ The realization shocked me, leaving me stunned long enough for the Pokémon to lumber up to me. With a bit of panic, I recalled him back into his ball, and allowed this new information to process.

_Tanya said he’d “make me happy.” She had him as a Machoke, definitely fucks her Pokémon, and would absolutely have known about this one’s… “mutation” was what she said?_ I took a deep, steadying breath as I fished my phone from my pack. _How the_ ___fuck___ _did she manage to take something so large, let alone_ ___two?___ Trembling fingers typed in a clumsy message to my friend. It took quite a while, but I finally managed to formulate a coherent text.

Me: He has 2 cocks?!

Tanya messaged back surprisingly fast, as though she were expecting my text.

Tanya: Yep! Told ya he’d make you happy!

Me: He’s massive, how did you ever handle them both???

Tanya: LOL, he’s not that big. Maybe 8 inches each. 

Me: No way, they’re way bigger than that!

Tanya: I’ve had them inside me, pretty sure I know how big they are.

Me: Maybe as a Machoke, but this thing is huge!! 

Tanya: …pics or it didn’t happen?

I leaned against a tree, a feeble attempt to get some manner of control over my raging emotions. Either she was fucking with me, and knew exactly what _he_ was packing, in which case she was apparently trying to kill me, or… Could she really not know?

Me: I’ll send some when I set up camp. Just handled another trainer.

Tanya: Can’t wait, maybe include some with you in them?

She added a few choice emojis, probably in an attempt to arouse, but missing the target entirely. I walked another mile or so, then found a good campsite. My tent went up quickly, a small fireplace was established, and items were arranged in their usual way (sleeping bag, folding chair, cooking pot, etc.). I called out my Flareon to ignite a fire, and began cooking a quick dinner. Tanya had provided me with some necessities, and I felt as though I owed her. Perhaps that’s what led me to bringing the Machamp out with the other Pokémon, but deep down I knew my own curiosity was to blame. My usual crew (Flareon, Ditto, Magneton, Pidgeot, Pupitar, and Slowbro) gathered around the fire, their happy chit-chat being cut short by the appearance of a new member. 

The Machamp emerged with a brilliant flash, and looked at the gathered Pokémon. All eyes were on him, and he flexed happily. I smiled at the show, pleased with his reaction to the other Pokémon. A flash from my camera captured his attention, and he struck another pose for me. He certainly seemed friendly enough, and Tanya _had_ requested I be in some pictures as well, so I approached the Machamp. Carefully. 

Our size difference was _significant_. A little over a year ago I had a run in with another Machamp, but that one couldn’t have been more than five feet tall. Even so, it had no trouble having its way with my personal Ditto substitute. I couldn’t help but imagine this chiseled creature doing the same, both cocks finding a hole and thrusting away. My legs became shaky as I stood barely a foot from his massive chest, looking up at the inquisitive Pokémon. He seemed to be trying to figure out what I was up to, but quickly struck another pose when I turned around and held out the phone for a selfie. I turned and tilted the phone trying to get us both in the frame, but ended up having to settle for a nervous picture of myself with a background of muscle. I sent the picture to Tanya, then walked around to begin preparing dinner for the team. Midway through cooking, I hear a response chime in. 

Tanya: Fuck, he got big! I swear he was a regular sized Machoke 

Me: LOL, I figured! There’s no way you could have handled his package. You’d be in bed for a week!

Tanya: He still has 2? Not just merged into 1 huge dong?

Me: 2 obvious outlines stretching down his tight shorts, yeah

Tanya: You haven’t seen them, though?

Me: No, why would I see them?

Tanya: He’s probably waiting for you to do something. Was pretty regularly giving the double barrel treatment to me, LOL

I distributed the food while that last message sunk in. Each Pokémon happily dug in, devouring the offered food as soon as it hit their plate. The Machamp watched me as I served him, his eyes remaining on me even after the food was presented. I couldn’t help but stare back, wondering what was going on in his mind. _Was he thinking about taking me? Could I stop him if he tried?_ I glanced at Ditto, then made my way back to the fire. Even over here, I could still feel Machamp’s eyes on me.

My more revealing than normal attire gave him a good view. The blue sports bra did a good job at concealing my perky, b-cup breasts, but left my toned midriff bare. I’d changed into some snug yoga pants after setting up the camp, green leggings stretching tight around my firm, round ass and thighs. My red hair curled gracefully over my shoulders, shimmering in the firelight. Another chime signaled a new text message. 

Tanya: Be sure to condom up before, don’t want to go getting knocked up

New tremors shook through me with that reminder. But, would condoms even fit him? The rubbers I have in my pack are a couple of years old, and for humans. Probably not really meant for people (or Pokémon) so massively endowed. 

Me: I don’t think that would do any good…

Tanya: LOL, he cums buckets. Was beyond description feeling them inflate inside, but the latex holds up

Me: There’s just no way

Really, there was absolutely no way. I couldn’t possibly handle something of this size! Especially _both_. Where was I supposed to stick the other one, _my ass_? It would tear me apart by simply going in! Another message hit my phone as I began to eat.

Tanya: Better train up, love.

The message was accompanied by a picture of my friend. She was naked from the waist down, her toned legs flexing as she squatted low to the ground. Her thighs were spread wide, giving me a wonderful view of her pink lips stretching around a thick dildo, the transparent object opening her delicious hole for the camera. Another dildo could be seen behind the first, a hand guiding the veiny, purple toy up into her. She had angled herself or the phone in such a way that I could see both holes being stuffed, and I bit my lower lip in unbearable arousal. _Guess I’ll be training myself tonight_ I thought, running through a mental list of the toys in my mobile arsenal. 

I was so lost in desire and thought, I hadn’t even noticed the Machamp. He had gotten up from his spot on the ground and walked around behind me. The ground shook softly as he approached, snapping me from my horny thoughts. I turned to look at him, my eyes immediately locking on his poorly concealed package, conveniently at eye level. His cocks were clearly erect, having grown even larger than I remembered from before. I could now make out textures beneath his thin shorts, the fabric struggling to hold his impressive members. Thick veins protruded along his organs, each shaft as long as my forearm, with a mushroom-like head at the top. The bulge between his legs were either his testicles or a watermelon.

A hand fumbled about for my phone, trembling fingers struggling to pick up the rectangular device. I pulled up the camera app, and snapped a picture of his throbbing package, then turned to capture a selfie with them behind me. My plate fell from my lap, and I instinctively bent down to clean it up before deciding to get to that mess later. I sat back up and readied my camera for the selfie, shocked to see Machamp had removed his shorts! His massive cocks now sprung forward, one large hand guiding each to rest on my shoulders. I could see the front portions of his members in my peripheral vision, too stunned to react or move as my arm remained extended for the picture. A nervous smile crossed my face as I looked into the lens, my thumb tapping the screen to take the picture. 

My phone dropped to the ground as a meaty shaft slapped against my shoulder. I exhaled, suddenly aware that I’d been holding my breath. Machamp thumped his other meaty shaft down on the opposite shoulder, sending shivers of naughty excitement shaking down my spine. My toes curled inside their shoes, and I slowly turned to face the colossal creature. The rest of the world faded around us as I got a good look at his uncovered groin. A hand fluttered up to grasp the base of one of his cocks, the lower one. They were situated one on top of the other, each just as formidable as their twin. My fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around, his girth far larger than my hand could hold. He rested the other heavy shaft on my head while I examined the one in my hands. Both hands slowly slid up and down the rigid length, thick veins pulsing beneath my palms and slender fingers. The fat head was a pale tint of purple, a wide, spongy mushroom with a fleshy point at the tip. Creamy precum beaded at the tip, then began to drool down onto my chest, soaking into the thin fibers of my top.

I swallowed nervously, completely mesmerized by the sheer size of the organs around me, but at the complete mercy of my own curiosity. A tentative elbow rested beneath the thick base of his lower shaft. I compared the size of his protruding organ to my forearm, his member throbbing against my skin. His cock was longer and _thicker_ than my arm, my wrist barely resting beneath the bulbous head. Even his cockhead was surprising when compared to my balled up fist, the spongy flesh almost as large as one hand wrapped around the other. I went back to stroking him, my hands sliding up, rising over my head with his solid rod, then sliding back down. More cum bubbled out from his meat, draining across my chest as more mess spread into my sports bra. I began to feel hot, not just the burning desire for sex, but something else. Something deeper, and never really known before. His musk flooded my senses, and I felt myself growing unreasonably wet within my tight pants. I had to snap out of this stupor fast, otherwise I’d likely suffer an incredible, albeit brutal, fate. 

His hand reached my head, hips pulling back. He pointed the lower cock directly at my face, lining himself up with my opening mouth. The thick, drooling head touched my lips, his savory seed covering them before starting to slide forward. My eyes widened in sudden realization, and I instinctively grabbed a ball from my waistband. He was gone in a flash. I began to breathe heavily, momentarily relieved that I’d been able to regain control. Only…

My tongue slid along my lips, his heavy flavor taking hold of my judgment. I _wanted_ him, that much was certain. Didn’t I? Or, was this just a passing desire? A musk empowered urge that would fade – as long as I left him in the ball. Ditto came into view as the world re-emerged, then a wicked idea began to take shape.

I recalled all the Pokémon to their respective balls, went into the tent, and found a pair of dildos. The thick, pink toy that had become my absolute favorite, and a slimmer black one. The black toy was ribbed, and my body shivered at the prospect of it being the first to penetrate my tight ass. I stripped out of my clothes, a cold shiver slipping down my back as the air bit into me, folded them neatly and laid them on my chair, then cleared a small area near the fire and laid down a blanket. Ditto emerged from its ball, saw me, and obeyed when I said “transform.” It melted and grew into a near perfect replica of myself, the two of us standing naked by the dwindling fire. I told the Ditto to take position on the other side of our fire, set my phone on the chair, angled it to face the disguised Pokémon, and sent out the Machamp. My camera began to record the scene unfolding across the fire from me, while I slathered some lubricant on the black, eight inch dildo. The pink toy was nine inches long with an eye rolling curve, but I was already lubricated enough for it. 

The Machamp looked my Ditto clone up and down, his scarce shorts fading into himself as his arousal grew. I laid quietly on the blanket, legs spread wide, elbows supporting me as I laid back. The ball for Machamp was within arms reach, just in case I would need it. I rubbed my fingers across my slick folds, sloshing as they slid across my thin, pink labia. A stifled moan crashed into my closed mouth as I watched the Machamp pick my clone up off the ground, his hands clutching thick, squirming thighs. Ditto offered some resistance, but was completely overpowered by the horny Machamp. The large Pokémon turned my clone to face him, one hand on each struggling knee, another holding beneath the ribs, and the last angling one cock against what could have been too small of a hole. Ditto would be able to stretch around Machamp’s size, but I most certainly wouldn’t.

Machamp pulled Ditto’s legs back as his cock entered, and I stuffed my pink toy into my own pussy with what I imagined to be his pace. I laid back against a stone behind the blanket as my other arm became occupied with slowly slipping the black toy into my tightest hole, captivated by the show illuminated by the fire between us. Machamp’s lower cock, the one I’d been fondling before, peaked out from beneath the impaled Ditto, the tip seeming to look directly at me as I stuffed both holes. My ass protested the intrusion, but I forced it deeper. The pleasure building within my body longed to erupt into ecstasy, and I was instructed to train.

Ditto’s arms went limp as the Machamp began to thrust into my clone, lifting and dropping the helpless Pokémon as his hips surged back and forth. I looked into a replica of my own face as the head fell back, dangling from the shoulders with red hair shimmering in the dimming fire light as it shook under the constant barrage. My eyes drifted to the Machamp as my body tensed up with the pressure of approaching orgasm. He was looking directly at me, through the soft smoke separating us. A thick thumb from his free hand snaked into Ditto’s mouth, his big hand clutching my head. Climax consumed me as the Machamp pressed himself fully within my clone, a trail of cum leaking from the cock splitting the lower cheeks. Waves of pleasure shook through me, my ass threatening to swallow the lubricated black dildo, with slick, clumsy fingers struggling to keep the submerged toy from entering completely. My pussy spasmed around the thick purple rod buried inside, lips slurping at the smooth plastic. I let my head fall back against the rock, moaning my ecstasy into the night. 

Warmth spread across my body, coating my belly and chest as I slowly recovered from orgasm. Another hot splash covered my hands and thighs, thick rivers running down my body as my eyes flew open. A thick glob crashed into my face when I raised my head from the stone, a familiar, savory flavor spilling into my mouth as the overpowering musk choked my airways. I pulled the toys from still convulsing holes, dropping the black one as my hand searched blindly for the ball. My pink toy smeared some thick cum from my eyes, and I was finally able to locate and grasp the Poké Ball. Machamp leapt over the fire, his feet on either side of my trembling legs, throbbing cock looming overhead. More semen oozed from his lower member, the upper rod still embedded inside an inflated, melting Ditto. I managed to recall him back into the ball as a pair of hands reached out, his fingertips brushing over my shoulders as he flashed into the ball. 

Ditto splashed onto me, a choking mixture of the pink Pokémon and cum covering my entire naked body. The used Pokémon slowly took its normal shape, leaving me coated from head to toe in the Machamp’s thick sperm. I fell onto the blanket with a soggy ‘splat,’ feeling the accumulated cum drain from my body. My arousal seemed to return, and I began to squirm with growing discomfort as an orgasm built. A hand instinctively grabbed one of the discarded toys, dragging it along the mess clinging to my flesh as the smooth curve descended my body. I decided to use it in my newly explored hole, not wanting to push the Machamp’s still warm cum into my pussy.

The thick goop seemed to get warmer, burning incredible desire into my skin as my hands worked feverishly to coax out the stubborn climax. His scent was all around me, the memory of the overly stuffed version of myself etched into my mind as the thick toy pressed against the small opening between my cheeks. My fingers teased my throbbing sex while pressure was slowly applied against my puckered ass, the dildo finally sliding through as a pair of fingers slipped between my slick lips. I fingers, rubbed, and fucked myself as the Pokémon’s semen soaked into me, conjealing into a sticky mess while my climax evaded me. Frustration welled within, and I ended up forcing the purple object as deep as I dared, the other hand desperately pumping against my needy organ.

My palm slapped against my aching clit, fingers scraping juicy, tender walls, toy being hilted firmly inside, until ecstasy washed over me once more. Liquid pleasure gushed from my battered pussy, raining down onto the cream already staining my blanket. Delighted shrieks tore into the night, and rough spasms shook my arms, waves of pleasure forcing my hands to continue the physical stimulation. The buried toy jiggled within my ass, while my trembling hand subconsciously drilled more juices from my quavering entrance. My fingers became ensnared within their convulsing tunnel, and I found myself surprised by my own increased tightness. I finally began to come down, laying exhausted against the ruins of my blanket as my creamy coating began to cool.

Shaky breaths struggled to fill my lungs around the choking musk, and I slowly found myself returning to a state of intense, _primal_ need. I knew a bath would be needed – for more reasons than just cleanliness. My mind fumbled around the chaos for the recent memory of a stream. I _always_ made sure to set up camp near one, but couldn’t remember where it was. Desperation crept in, and I decided the best thing to do was summon the Slowbro. He could, at the _very least_, hit me with a quick water gun. It would certainly knock me from my feet, but at this point, that’s something a stiff breeze could do. I found Slowbro’s ball, brought him back into our campsite, and commanded him to use his water ability on me. The cold water surging all around my naked body chilled me to the bone, but I was finally free of the hold Machamp’s musk had over me. I recalled the water-type, shivered into my towel as I quickly dried off, and then summoned my Flareon. Her presence warmed me in an instant, and we fell asleep together next to the fire. 

I woke up the next day still wrapped in my towel. Memories of the previous night crept back into my mind, as did shame. Sure, it was the best orgasm of my life, even Tanya never made me squirt. But it was _Pokémon_ induced. Not only that, but I fell asleep _naked_, __outside__! At least I was too exhausted to move through the night. Otherwise, I would definitely have been completely bared to anyone (or _anything_) who happened to walk by. But… It was absolutely amazing! I couldn’t deny the pleasure I got from it, or how I felt in the moment. My eyes wandered to the phone still propped up. Just how much of last night did it capture? The battery was dead, memory likely full, but I _had_ to know. I had to _see it_ with sober eyes.

The morning had a chill to it, but fortunately Flareon kept me warm. I slipped into the tent, grabbed my bathing bag and a fresh set of clothes, plugged the phone into my portable charger, and wandered to the stream. My mind kept swimming around the experience of last night. Machamp with the Ditto’s replica of myself, his cum covering me, his hands reaching for me before- _What if he got me?_ The thought broke into my mind, forcing me to _really_ consider the reality of my predicament. If he _had_ reached me, clutching me in his big, strong hands, there would be nothing to stop him. No way to keep him from having his way with me.

My breathing became labored, heavy breaths shaking my chest as goosebumps not related to the cold spread across my body. I had just started training myself for that _exact_ thing, but would it be enough? Would it ever be enough to prepare me for his size(s)? Arousal built as I imagined his cocks squeezing into me, my inner organs struggling around his girthy pillars of flesh. How forcefully his loads would pump into me, flooding my insides with his incredible volume… My hands had begun teasing my body while lost in thought. Fingers pinched and rolled my nipple while the other rubbed my clit beneath the clear water. I continued in earnest, squeezing my firm ass as fingers slipped into my hungry pussy.

Orgasm was easier to achieve now than it had been last night, the semen covering me apparently influencing the climax’s stubbornness. I came in the water, warmth spreading around my legs as the pleasure flowed from within again. Trembling legs carried me to the shore, where I laid until the spasms faded. I dried off, pulled on a pair of black bicycle shorts and another blue sports bra, then returned to camp. Once there, I added tan cargo shorts over my form fitting bicycle shorts, strapped the belt with all six pokeballs around my waist, and threw on a gray tank top. The ball carrying Machamp ended up in my pack today, I didn’t want to risk any accidents. 

I tore camp down, tightly packing all the gear up before minimizing it into small, easily transportable capsules. The capsules were about the size of a bottle of water, and I had absolutely no idea how they worked, but was _endlessly_ grateful that they did. With my bag packed tight and slung over my shoulders, feet nestled inside my hiking boots, and trusty team of Pokémon at the ready, my journey continued. It would be another few days until we reached the mountain range, several more before arriving at the valley where the Silent Forest resides. Then, finally, my search would _truly_ begin. 

The next few days crawled by. My destination still seemed too far out of reach, cold mornings drenching me with sew, hot sun burning down onto me in the afternoon, and exhaustion taking control at night. Each night ended the same; dinner with my six Pokémon, bath in a nearby stream or lake, and stuffing myself full of silicone, glass, and/or jelly toys while watching the video of Machamp taking my clone. I’d even managed to purchase a huge, five inch wide, two feet long dildo from a specialty shop at the base of the mountains. The goal was to be able to stretch my holes wide enough to handle Machamp’s girth without too much pain, and I felt as though I was getting close. With enough lube I could even wriggle my whole fist into my ass now! I often found myself hurrying more than usual throughout the day, frustratingly resigning myself to keep Machamp confined to his ball until Tanya could help satisfy his urges. Wouldn’t _she_ be surprised to see how much cock I could handle!!

A sheepish smile crossed my face as I strolled into a clearing. I couldn’t convince myself that I wasn’t nervous. The _real_ reason for wanting to wait until Tanya and I were together again was because I was scared to be around such a monstrosity alone. It excited me, sure, but more than that, I worried about what might happen without someone to help. Visions of him wearing me like a cock-sleeve floated through my mind, not for the first time. Perhaps _that’s_ why I set up camp further from a water source than usual. In any case, the trek to a clear stream took longer than I was used to, but I did remember to bring my Pokémon and pack with me this time. I’d been getting into the habit of forgetting to bring anything with me, leaving me completely exposed to anything that may be lurking in the shadows. 

On the way to the small river, I spotted it. Yellow fur with a white mane around his neck, long, pointed nose, piercing eyes already fixated on me with a pendulum swinging from his outreached arm. I was beginning to feel the effects of his hypnosis when Flareon lept to action, biting him on the leg. He leveled a solid headbutt onto her with a sickening crunch, and she staggered from the blow. The hypno attacked her again, psychically this time. She fell to the ground, unable to continue her valiant attempt to defend me, but I had recovered and pulled out the next Poké Ball. 

Pidgeot emerged from the ball, his wings already beating against the wild Hypno. I pulled Flareon into her ball for safekeeping until the conflict was over, turning back to the action just in time to see Pidgeot fall limply to the ground following another psychic attack. This Hypno was clearly powerful, and I would need to pull all the stops if I was going to beat (and hopefully capture) it. Pidgeot returned to his ball, and Magneton emerged. I ordered a Thunder Wave in the hopes of slowing down the Hypno, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. The wild Pokémon managed to confuse my Magneton, who’s next attempt to paralyze ended up doing more harm to himself than anything else. One more unseen strike from the Hypno sent Magneton tumbling, and I was forced to recall it as well.

The night’s chill chewed into my chest and back, nipples growing stiff in the sudden cold. I blinked, then realized my jacket and top were both gone! With a quick glance around I managed to find my discarded clothes, neatly folded and placed on a nearby rock. I stared at them in confusion, wondering how that could have happened, when my eyes darted back to the Hypno. He looked to be smiling at me, his pendulum swinging in an effort to hypnotize… _me_?

I decided to fight fire with fire, sending my water/psychic type, Slowbro, into the mix. He emerged from the ball, roaring his readiness to fight. Defeated instantly, somehow, I recalled Slowbro. Another sudden chill bit into my rear and legs, which I found had been stripped as well! The pants and boots I’d been wearing a moment ago had been added to my pile of folded clothes, along with my remaining balls. Confusion bloomed again as I tried to come up with _any_ logical explanation, other than the horrible, obvious answer, standing and smiling just a few yards away.

_Had he always been that close?_ I wondered. It was difficult to remember, cognitive thoughts seemed to be avoiding me. I just kept looking at the shining pendulum, swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

_”You will not panic”_

_Who said that?_ A voice echoed all around me as I suddenly realized I’d fallen to my hands and knees. I couldn’t see the Hypno any more, but instead of panic or concern, I felt an overwhelming calm.

_”You will find enjoyment, pleasure here”_

The intrusive voice flooded my mind, cognitive thought slipping away as fuzzy hands grasped my ass. Something thick and warm poked into the valley of my spread cheeks, prodding against my tight hole before sliding up over my back.

_”There will be no resistance until seed is planted within”_

I moaned contentedly as the thick thing slid back down between the halves of my round ass, wiggling my hips when it prodded against my obviously aroused lips. It pushed forward, easily splitting into my eager tunnel. 

_”You will yearn for it,_ ___need it__”_

A groan spilled from my mouth as my inch after delightful inch dug into me. Rough bumps and veins stimulated every nerve within my pussy as it sunk into the deepest reaches. Air fled from my lungs as it continued on, feeling as though it was nestling between them. A shriek pierced the otherwise peaceful night, the thick probe settling painfully against my cervix. No, not painfully. Thrillingly. I enjoyed being stuffed so full, _needed_ it with every fiber of my being. 

Something flashed across my blurred vision, and I began to work my body back and forth along the girthy shaft. Moans fluttered from my lips as I fucked my master, my body growing in desperation for his nourishing seed. I could feel a climax building as his inches grinded in and out of me, slick slurping coming from the tightness enveloping his _wonderful_ cock. My rhythmic moans elevated musically every time I sent myself crashing back into him, his tip crushing against the gateway to my empty womb. I was thankful, grateful even, that my master had gifted me with a new, exciting sensation, even more so at his willingness to fill my womb with his seed.

His hands grasped my hips, and he began to thrust himself into me. Our bodies slammed against one another, fuzzy hips moving forward, colliding with bare ass as it flew back. He pulled away at the same time as me, what felt like a foot of glorious cock sliding against my constricting walls. My body tensed up, movements becoming more sporadic as the climax teetered on the edge, and I could feel him getting closer too. His heavy balls swung up and slapped against my throbbing clit with each powerful thrust, driving me further into madness. My toes curled painfully, eyes clenched shut as hands flailed about in search of purchase. _Something_ to anchor me to this beautiful reality. 

The first hot rope of cum splashed against my battered cervix, sending me careening over the edge of ecstasy. My tensed body released, hard waves of pleasure rocking through me as the buried cock sheathed itself fully inside, pulsing the contents of my masters balls directly in my hungry womb. I writhed and screamed, the thrill melting back into agony at the sensation of being _too fucking full_ of cock. The hypno held my hips tightly, relishing in his own pleasure as he spilled into me, my own orgasm milking his seed as I shook and constricted all around him. My hand slapped hard against the discarded pack, and out rolled a Poké Ball. A clumsy finger tapped the release button. I had no idea which Pokémon was inside, but the stretching sensation in my belly around a torrent of warm, thick cum had me hoping it was _anything_ that could help.

Large, green feet stood at my head when the flash dissipated. With a loud ‘crunch,’ the Hypno fell away from behind me, his long, thick cock quickly sliding out from within my gaping pussy. A warm stream flowed from my tender lips as the pressure faded, most of his deposited seed draining into the grass between my knees. I slumped to the ground, exhaustion replacing my orgasm and complicating the strange hypnosis. My body began to float, or fly, rising from the ground and away. Sleep won the battle, and I folded against the muscular Pokémon carrying me into the night.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tlh9ke/pokemon_misadventures_pt_2_fpokémonnonconsbreed