New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 233-235) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 233: The Wife and the Snake

*Should I just put him out of his misery and get this over with?* Beatrice wondered as she stood a couple of feet from her bleeding, screaming, one-arm-less opponent. The other duel of her so-called “bracket” was not over either. Beatrice looked at the duel between the snake lady and Number Twenty-five.

Mere minutes ago, Number Twenty-five had the snake lady’s temporary cock in her ass, and mere minutes later one of them would be dead. *She still must have the dick I gave her!* Beatrice remembered. *I wonder if that makes it more difficult for her to move? Must be weird, right?* But it certainly didn’t look that way. If anything, Number Twenty-five had more and more trouble keeping up with the snake lady’s speed.

*What’s wrong with her?* Beatrice wondered when she realized how tired and winded Number Twenty-five had gotten without even doing any serious damage to her opponent. *Number Sixty-six isn’t even moving that fast!* And yet, despite the snake lady not even exerting herself in dodging the incoming attacks, Number Twenty-five’s attacks seemed to land further and further from the intended target.

Number Twenty-five struck the rocks beneath where her opponent stood a second ago, sending pebbles into the air and damaging her own wrist. Her leg swings flew across the air, creating a refreshing breeze for her opponent. Not a single attack came even close to the promising start when Number Twenty-five took control of the dagger. The same dagger that after all this time still did not have a single drop of blood on it.

*The dagger!* Beatrice remembered and looked at the four-eyed milf’s wrist. Even through all of the milf’s indiscriminate—bordering on desperate—movements, Beatrice saw it clearly enough: the rot and blisters that spread from the putrid bite wound. *Oh, so their fight is over too,* Beatrice concluded when she realized the true state of their fight.

Whether it was some Magic Skill or literal poison, the result was the same. The more that Number Twenty-five moved, the more the poison spread, and the weaker she became. Number Sixty-six was literally stalling and waiting for the poison to do all the work for her. And why wouldn’t she?

*Healing over time versus damage over time, huh?* Beatrice couldn’t help but draw a parallel between her own possible stalling strategy and the snaky lady’s. Which would win out? Beatrice saw a blister pop on Number Twenty-five’s wrist, causing her to drop the knife from the sudden pain while yellowish pus spread further across her hand, infecting more skin. *Yeah, fuck that!* That was Beatrice conclusion concerning the contest between two effects over time. *No way in seven hells am I letting that infectious snake near me!*

“Argh!” Number Twenty-five grimaced in pain and grabbed her wounded wrist, finally acknowledging the wound that she must have had noticed before. But the moment she touched the festering wound, she screamed in pain as more blisters popped from the slightest pressure on them. She let go of her hand, but already too late. A mix of pus and bleeding skin and flesh tore from the rotting hand and stuck to her healthy fingers, connecting them to the original wound by slimy, bloody, odorous threads of mucus.

“You… What did you do!?” the milf screamed tearfully, picked up the dagger into her left hand, and in a fit of rage charged the venomous Number Sixty-six. The latest attack was even more embarrassing than the ones before it as the pain and poison took their toll on Number Twenty-five.

Without saying a word, the snake lady jumped aside, easily evading the attack. Number Twenty-five changed direction to follow-up her attack when—in the corner of her eye—she finally saw her husband, lying on the ground, grabbing his bleeding arm.

“Baby!!?” Number Twenty-five called out to her husband and stopped her offensive.

“You noticed it just now!?” Number Twenty-six lashed out at his wife as if she was to blame for his predicament. That’s when he saw his wife’s rotting hand. “What happened!?”

“I… That animal bit me!” She pointed at the hooded snake lady who was more than happy to let her opponent converse and waste more time. Beatrice could relate as she too was fine with simply standing by while Number Twenty-six bled out.

“P-Peter… It really hurts!” Number Twenty-five whimpered tearfully. She walked toward her husband, keeping her festering hand close to her chest while the wound spread to her forearm.

“Wendy…” Number Twenty-six quietly spoke his wife’s name with sadness. Spurred by her plight, he managed to get on his feet and, step-by-step, walked toward her.

“Oh, Peter!” Wendy cried out with joy when she saw her husband approach her and ran to him with her arms spread.

“Come here!” Peter spread his arms for a hug—even as more blood shot out in spurts out of the open wound of his hacked arm—and embraced his wife the second she reached him.

“Oh, I can’t stand not feeling your warmth for so long!” Wendy cried and kissed Peter’s face all over.

“It’s time, Wendy,” Peter said and looked Wendy right in the eyes.

“Oh, finally!” Wendy moaned and looked ecstatic. “Promise me we’ll kill that hooded piece of shit first!”


*Wait, wait, wait!* Beatrice did not like one bit where this conversation was heading. The snake lady’s calm façade also showed a crack as she took a step toward the couple. But before either of them had a chance to do anything, the two lovebirds shouted in unison:

“Two For One!”

“Two For One!”

Peter and Wendy passionately kissed each other and made out while a black aura manifested around them and engulfed them both.

## 234: Husband and Wife, United as One

Both Beatrice and Number Sixty-six covered their faces from the sudden powerful gust of winds filled with dark energy that was also black as if to hammer home the point that whatever was happening was not good.

*Did I just fall into a cliché of not finishing off my opponent when I had the chance?* Beatrice hoped that her mistake would not end up even more embarrassing than it already was. But a single look from behind the cover of her arms at the source of the dark energy winds dashed all hopes of this just being some kind of strange double suicide pact.

Something strange was happening with the two figures within the energy vortex. Beatrice couldn’t tell if it was just the light and shadows dancing in the wins, but it looked like the two figures transformed and grew within the growing black aura.

“Oooh, what kind of an attack could participants Twenty-five and Twenty-six be preparing?” even the announcer acknowledged whatever was happening as worthy of attention.

The participants around the energy winds halted their fights, distracted by dark attention beacon. This proved a costly mistake for some as one beheading and one disembowelment put an end to two more careless participants.

“Tch! An amateurish mistake!” Thelicia clicked her tongue. “Keep your eyes on your enemy! That much should be common sense!”

Thelicia’s indifferent attitude toward people’s lives was blatantly obvious, however, what worried Beatrice at that moment was the strange figure that took shape in the dark vortex as the winds calmed down.

A single leg appeared first, black, covered in misaligned scales. Something took a step out of the spinning shadows, digging its giant, curved, yellowish claws of the four reptile-like fingers into the rocks.

*Fuck,* Beatrice cursed at the sign of things to come, yet she could not have guessed what followed. The creature took another step forward with its second leg, bringing its giant torso out of the obscuring winds. Then it took its third step with a third leg. Then a fourth. A four-legged, four-armed, two-headed, nine-feet tall monstrosity emerged from its transformation. If an orc, a dragon, and a centipede had a baby together, they would produce something prettier than this.

The creature had more claws than it would know what to do with. And many of the protruding spikes all over the creature’s limbs and back looked more like bones that outgrew the constraints of mortal flesh and black skin. Two black cloth armbands were wrapped around one of the creatures four arms. The red numbers spelled twenty-five and twenty-six, confirming that this creature was indeed some dark manifestation of the two participants.

One of the creature’s limbs missed a hand, however, it already grew several fluttering tentacles out of the healing wound. As for the hand that was disintegrating due to Number Sixty-six’s poison, instead of falling apart it calcified and grew larger than all the others, looking akin to an orc’s war hammer.

The two heads on the creature’s shoulders were the last reminder that this thing was once human. But even the heads looked barely human now. They swung at unnatural angles like puppets. Their jaws doubled in size and their teeth bore more resemblance to those of an anglerfish than human. Their tiny eyes were darker than black, and their hair now consisted of some kind of metallic braids. The fact that they still kept their glasses on their crooked noses made them even more unnerving.

*WHAT. THE ACTUAL. FUCK!?* Beatrice was not mentally prepared to witness something like this lumber toward her with ill intent.

One of the heads, Peter, judging by the shorter braids and an even uglier mug than his partner’s, shook rapidly and then straightened itself as if awakening from a daze. It then focused its attention on Beatrice and spoke in a deep, hoarse voice, “Now you pay!”.

The creature jumped forward and a second later was already swinging down its hammer on Beatrice’s head.

“Oh my, what is this?” the announcer’s voice was louder than usual to make sure she was louder than the crowds and the fighting in the arena without actually shouting. “It appears two of our participants have combined into one! What an unusual situation!”

*Unusual!?* Beatrice wanted to slap the playful, high and mighty bitch ‘Thelicia’, but she was too busy dodging the attacks of whatever the hell this new abomination was that kept smashing the rocks under whenever Beatrice’s feet were the second before, sending rocks flying in all directions.

“Peter!” One malformed head shouted at the other next to it through all the carnage their limbs made. “You promised we would kill that biting twat first!”

“Alright, alright, baby!” the other head conceded. The monster landed with all four feet on a slope in the rocks, digging in its claws as it pressed against the ground and jumped in the opposite direction, flying right at the snake lady at a speed that neither Peter nor Wendy had displayed before.

## 235: Two Versus Lovebirds

“After consulting with the judges and taking into account that this single participant is made up of two participants, Number Twenty-five and Number Twenty-six, we have no objection for them to continue their participation in the games!” Thelicia announced her decision, though there were no other judges or any other living being in sight on the isolated platform where she stood.

“However, this would mean that the unusual “pairing” would have to fight participants Number Sixty-six and Number Sixty-nine both at the same time, as to not deprive either of our participants of their right, as well as duty, to prove their strength and resolve by killing their respective semi-final opponents.” Thelicia explained further and then turned toward the larges group of spectators and asked louder and with great excitement, “I wonder: what does our dear audience think about this!?”

The spectators erupted in cheers as they watched on the big sphere-screen how the eight-limbed monstrosity hunted down the snake lady across the arena. Number Sixty-six now looked puny compared to the monster. As if she were a child, chased around by a mutated wrestler.

“And there you have it!” Thelicia used the crowd’s cheers for confirmation. “Even among all the blood and death, there’s a place for a delightful little love story that has clearly tugged at the heartstrings of our audience! But can our lovebirds overcome a fight against two opponents at once? When they were apart, the lovebirds were beaten easily. But now that they are truly united? Are they still the underdogs? Or will they squash their opponents like the cockroaches that they are compared to such a specimen? I have a feeling that our audience will be rooting for them even if they’re no longer the underdog!”

*Go fuck yourself!* Beatrice cursed as she grew increasingly frustrated with the little furball that was the masked announcer.

Laughter broke out among the spectators who clearly couldn’t wait for the “lovebird” monster to rip its enemies limb from limb.

*Take a deep breath! Calm down!* Beatrice inhaled, trying to focus. Beatrice was getting used to the laughter and bloodthirst of the morally bankrupt crowd, however, the pompous announcer somehow managed to get continuously get more and more under her skin. For a moment, Beatrice entertained the idea of how she could literally make Thelicia fuck herself once she leveled her Eros Skills enough, but the succubus shook off her daydreaming, reminding herself to concentrate on the task at hand.

*I’m still at the very least as fast as that hulking mutation!* Beatrice reminded herself how she repeatedly dodged the monster’s attacks just seconds ago. *And I have one more Skill Point to use, but I should keep that for real trouble. This is just the first round. Who knows what the others are capable of? I need to be able to deal with this overgrown mutation with what I have! As long as I’m faster, I can just hack away at it, piece by piece!*

And, while the monster chased around after Number Sixty-six, smashing anything and anyone that got in the way, though without fatal casualties, Beatrice sprinted after them from behind. After catching up to the monster, Beatrice aimed for its legs, aiming to slow down and ultimately immobilize the creature.

*Perfect!* Beatrice’s angle of attack was secured as she was completely in the preoccupied monster’s blind spot.

“Babe, behind you!” one of the heads, Wendy, called out, after suddenly turning around by one-eighty degrees and spotting the succubus.

“Wait your turn!” Peter barked, doing a one-eighty with not only his head, but also his entire body, and brought down his full force on Beatrice.

Beatrice dodged the hammer by rolling to the side, dodged several leg stomps and fist smashes into the rocks, was not fast enough to escape one of the tentacles that wrapped itself around her ankle.

“Ugh!” Beatrice fell to the ground as she lost footing when the monster pulled her back toward it.

“I made a promise to Wendy!” Peter screamed with fury as he lifted Beatrice up by her leg. “First the hooded snake! Then the evil masked bimbo!”

“Fuck off!” Beatrice cursed and slashed at the tentacles that held her by the leg, slicing through them with her extended sharp claws.

“Argh!” Peter screamed as two pieces of cut tentacle meat flew across the air, losing their grip on Beatrice.

But before Beatrice even fell to the ground, the monster grabbed her by the legs with its two other hands.

“Make her pay!” Wendy demanded.

“I’ll make you pay!” Peter parroted and swung Beatrice up into the air, like a doll, high over his head.

“PETER SMASH!!” Peter screamed with foam at the mouth and swung Beatrice down with all of the creature’s monstrous strength and speed, smashing the succubus with full force against the rocks.

-100 HP

Beatrice couldn’t even manage an automatic scream of pain as her face was driven into the ground. Perhaps, what saved Beatrice from worse pain despite the impact on her whole body was the dulling, nausea-inducing dullness and disorientation from getting her forehead smashed against the ground. However, Beatrice did not have the time to even try to collect her thoughts or rouse her numb body to move when she heard a distant, raging scream.


“GHUAAAAH!!” Beatrice screamed in excruciating agony when a flat, heavy object slammed against her back with thunderous force.

-250 HP
