Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 10: 3 in a row [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][bedroom][foreplay][dry humping][daddy kink]

**10: 3 in a row**

***|Tuesday, the next day***

I arrived in my clinic around 9 in the morning and found my clinic assistant already there.

“Hi, Monica. Good morning,” I greeted her.

“Good morning Mr. Foster,” she smiled as she greeted me back.

I opened my office, plopped my bag on my table, then got back outside to her desk asking, “How booked are we today?”

“Let me check, Doctor,” she casually answered.

“You have three morning check-ups, full physical ones, and another two starting 2pm,” she enumerated.

“I see, thanks!” I uttered walking back to my office.

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Paige saying that I’ll probably be able to fix her keyboard after work to which she immediately replied, “See you later, Mr. Foster 😉.”

I peeked out of my office to my assistant’s desk uttering, “Monica? We’ll close the clinic after the last appointment. Tell callers they could book for tomorrow.”

She nodded then continued with, “Noted, Doctor. Our first patient advised me just now that she’ll be here half an hour earlier than schedule, which would be around 9:30, would that be okay?”

“Sure, no problem with that,” I answered before returning to my office and preparing myself and my clinic for the patients.

It was a few minutes before 9:30am when I hear the door open along with Monica greeting someone. I assumed it was the patient and this was affirmed by Monica knocking on my door saying that the patient’s ready for my consultation while handing me the patient’s records.

“Alright, let her come in here,” I confidently spoke.

I was in the middle of reading the patient’s card when I noticed that the patient’s name was Sadie Turner at the same time the door to my office opened.

I looked at the door and saw her standing by it shyly.

“Come in, Sadie,” I pointed her to the chair across my table.

She hesitantly sat on it not speaking anything.

“Hey, Sadie. How are you?” I tried to break the ice even though we just saw each other last night in our families’ dinner.

“I’m not here for a physical exam,” she uttered and I could hear in her voice how nervous she was.

I looked at her medical record and appointment history and realized she’s due for her next exam, “What do you mean?”

“I—I, oh god, I don’t know what to do,” she uttered before bursting into tears.

I quickly stood up and walked around to pat her shoulder asking, “What’s going on? You could tell me if you’re comfortable enough. We could discuss things as a doctor and a patient.”

“Right, I, uh, I’m gonna tell you but please promise me this will be confidential,” she uttered much calmer now but with her voice still shaking from the crying.

“Of course it will. I promise,” I assured her as I got back on my seat.

“I think I’m pregnant,” she muttered in a low voice I almost didn’t hear her.I was shocked to hear what she just said but calmly and professionally asked, “Okay. What made you think you are? Have you tested with a pregnancy kit at home?”

“Y—yes, I first tried maybe 4 or 5 days ago then I did again last night. Both were positive,” she uttered hesitantly.

“Okay. When did you last have your period?” I calmly asked.

“Probably six weeks ago,” she replied.

“If that’s the case I would recommend you to have a transvaginal ultrasound since with this one we could accurately determine if you’re pregnant even in the early stages,” I explained.

“Okay, I—I’ll do that,” she muttered.

After completing the ultrasound, I have confirmed that she was actually pregnant and told her, “Sadie, you are pregnant for 7 weeks now.”

“Oh god, no,” she uttered burying her face into her hands to muffle her cries.

I stayed silent and let her release the emotions she’s been keeping. In my silence, thoughts start running through my head. My first thought was that this was the reason she wasn’t really drinking her wine last night.

Then my mind jumped to wondering who the father was and if her parents knew him, but then I also thought what if she’s been assaulted, I should definitely ask once she calms down so I could help her if she needed.

Then I suddenly remembered that time I saw her in the park looking extremely upset during and after talking to Miles. Is it possible that he’s the guy? But he’s Paige’s boyfriend. Could they be cheating on her?

“As your doctor I don’t really need to know these things so you could choose not to answer me, but I need to ask you these as your concerned neighbor. Do you know who the father is? You don’t need to tell me his name,” I explained slowly.

“I do. He’s not my boyfriend, but we’re having unprotected sex for a while. It—it’s a really complicated and this was an accident,” she answered tears rolling down her cheeks.

I breathed of relief knowing she consented to this and told her, “That’s alright, you don’t have to explain. If you plan on keeping the baby, I encourage you to tell him or at least your parents about your pregnancy. It’s always better to have people around you to help you in this journey.”

“I am sure I’ll keep the baby. And I know and I want to tell everyone about this, but I don’t know how. My parents didn’t know I’m seeing someone and the fact that I got knocked up when I’m about to graduate college, they won’t accept that,” she hopelessly muttered.

“You’re 23, I’m sure they’ll understand that you’re seeing someone. Besides, you could continue and finish college even when pregnant. For what I know now of your parents, I think that would not be a deal breaker for them,” I explained.

“You don’t understand. There are some things I can’t say,” she replied almost cutting my last word off.

“You’re absolutely right and you don’t need to tell me everything. I’m just telling you what I think is best you do with what I know about your situation and from my experience,” I paused a bit before continuing in a much casual tone, “My wife also got pregnant at 23 when we’re both still in med school back then. Her parents knew we were dating but didn’t know she was pregnant not until she returned back home for a break two months before giving birth to Charlie. They got mad at us for a second for not telling them early on, but that’s it.”

She just looked at me then wiped the tears off her eyes and cheeks before saying, “Thank you so much for your advice, Mr. Foster. I’ll consider everything you told me. Thank you.”

“I know you’ll do everything for the sake of your child. I am here if you need me and I hope you and your baby are always safe and healthy,” I genuinely smiled at her before writing a set of schedules for her regular check-ups.

I handed her the note and she proceeded to go home right after.

– – –

It’s about 4 in the afternoon when I arrived at the Turner household. Olive, who knew that I would be coming over, told me that Ellis was still in one of their restaurants doing his regular visits.

She was chilling in the lounge area with the twins asking me, “Do you want something to drink first? Coffee? Tea?”

“I’ll just have some water, please. It was pretty hot outside,” I politely requested before smiling at the twins.

“I’ll get it,” Sadie, who I didn’t notice was standing by the bar counter, suddenly talked.

She gave me look of *follow me* so I walked towards the kitchen area behind her.

“Why are you here?” She asked calmly but sternly.

I raised my brows as I say, “I’m gonna fix Paige’s keyboard. She didn’t tell you?”

“No, but okay. Please I’m begging you. Don’t say anything about earlier. You can’t tell anyone,” she pleaded.

“Of course, I won’t. You don’t have to worry—“ I assured her but got cut off by Paige who just walked in on us.

“Hey,” she greeted before walking to the fridge to get some water.

For a second, I gave in and trailed my eyes on her body before looking back at Sadie. She glanced at me before picking up a glass and filling it up with water for me after Paige was done.

Paige gazed at Sadie then at me with a questioning look.

Sadie handed me a glass of cold water uttering, “Here you go.”

She left immediately after that and headed upstairs to what I assumed was her room.

Paige and I were left in silence in the kitchen as I empty the glass before sighing, “Thank God, I’m so thirsty.”

She furrowed her brows in confusion saying, “Okay? I’m going upstairs.”

She quickly walked and I followed her waving to Olive and the twins as I pass by them.

I entered Paige’s room and saw her trying to lift the keyboard off its stand.

“I’ll help you with that,” I casually said to her.

“I can do it,” she uttered.

“Are you sure? Come on,” I insisted walking towards her.

“Fine, I can’t,” she uttered before sitting on the edge of her bed with her arms crossed on her chest looking pissed.

I caressed her hair as I ask, “Alright, what’s the problem?”

“What’s that thing with Sadie? You both looked shocked and suspicious when I found you in the kitchen,” she explained looking up at me.

I knelt down so I was now looking up at her and held on the cap of her knees, “So my baby is just jealous? Is that it?”

She just looked at me trying her best to look mad at me.

I gently kissed her knees before saying, “We’re just talking. She was asking me something medical.”

Her face got filled with concern for a second then asked, “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. She, uh, asked for her friend who’s interested to be my patient,” I lied.

She just stared at my eyes, probably studying me to know if I’m lying or not. I slowly ran my hand to her nape and held the back of her head on my palm before gently pulling her face towards mine.

She rested her hands on to my shoulders and gave in for a sweet kiss.

I then whispered, “Are you still pissed, baby?”

“I’m not,” she uttered looking away as she started to blush.

“To make up for getting you upset, I’m thinking I’ll let you call me daddy tonight. Just tonight, though,” I teased.

She turned back to face me giggling, “Really? That doesn’t sound like something difficult for you to hear, isn’t it, daddy?”

It isn’t. In fact, hearing her say this just fulfilled my unspoken fantasy and brought heat to my body making my cock twitch underneath my pants.

“Alright, if that’s not enough, I’ll eat your pussy until you scream so loud your mom would hear you,” I teased again.

“Fuck, daddy, you’re making me wet,” she giggled with her cheeks starting to burn again.

We leaned in for another kiss but now much more aggressive than the first one. With my hand still holding her head and our lips locked together, she slid her body down and out of the bed and ended on top of my thighs straddling me.

We moaned into each other’s lips as she began dry humping on top of me. I wrapped my other arm around her waist pulling her body closer to mine.

We pulled away from our kiss to breathe. I watched her body move as she grind on my hardening crotch, uttering in between breathes, “Shouldn’t we be locking the door?”

“We probably should. And the keyboard and your tools, we should set it up on the floor first,” she uttered along with her body going to a stop.

“God, I don’t want this to stop. I want you. I fucking need you, baby,” I groaned while groping both of her ass cheeks trying to make her hips rock again.

She gently kissed me before teasing me, “Didn’t we just fuck yesterday? And the other day, Sunday, right?”

“Yes! And I still want you. I can’t get enough of you. We can fuck every single day and I won’t care,” I moaned feeling the pain growing in my cock from being constricted.

“I’d gladly let you fuck me everyday and drain all your cum into me, daddy,” she whispered before kissing me again.

We pulled from each other again before I say, “Let’s fucking move.”

– – – – – – – – – –


*Hi there! Let me know what you feel about the daddy thing. I don’t plan on continuing it in the next chapters but I thought I’ll give it a try at least once. So here you go.* ^(i’m not a fan of dd/lg but I love DILF lol)

*Also, next chapter would be a continuation for this one (the fucking part). I got carried away writing this and already reached my 2k words target without even getting to the fun part—so sorry for ruining the momentum.*



  1. Big fan here but can’t say I’m really into the daddy stuff. I like the romantic and cute stuff more, just my two cents. But I gotta say this has got to be one of the best series on here

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