Step Sister Corruption Part 237 – Day 127 Ginger Tests the Meds Pt 2 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

I helped hold my husband’s head in between my thighs as I had presented him with his second *breakfast*……me.

I had moved the dishes out of the way some of which crashed on the floor….I didn’t care. I wanted sex.

I sat on the table in front of my husband and opened my legs showing him my shaved bare pussy ready to be eaten and didn’t give him a chance to retort as I grabbed the back of his head and *helped* guide him to my pussy for a proper eating.

And my husband didn’t fail as he opened his mouth and knew how to get me riled up.

He quickly kissed my pussy then *Frenched* it as he stuck in his tongue to glide it all along my inner labia causing nothing but feel goods throughout my body as the pleasure tingled making me want more.

I moaned and rubbed the back of Jason’s head as I kept my legs open for him knowing that this is a good time waster until the meds for us kick in and I desperately hoped they worked.

I moaned more and more letting my lust take over the moment as Jason wrapped his lips around my clit and started humming causing me to fall back onto the table and start groping my own breasts as that single act shot electricity straight to my brain.

While his lips were wrapped around my clit and humming he used his tongue to *flick* and circle my growing clit causing all the blood vessels to harden the flesh more quickly and making it much *much* more sensitive and making my brain’s synapses misfire in all the right places.

It was exquisite as I knew this act alone was going to make me orgasm but not a big one. Just your normal every day orgasm.

Still I embraced the orgasm as it built and released in my body making my body tense and my pussy to quiver.

God do I love this man for how he *knew* how to eat my pussy in just the right way to make me orgasm fast.

I felt him about to stop as the seal around my clit was about to be broken meaning he was going to stand up and stick his dick in me.

As much as I wanted dick I *knew* the meds hadn’t kicked in yet.

I lightly begged, “No please keep going!!”

The sucking stopped as my husband heard my request before the seal around my clit was reapplied and felt my husband stick a finger in my aching pussy making me moan more and grope my own breasts helping me orgasm more.

He worked his finger in my pussy as he sucked on my clit letting his tongue move all around it until he found what he was looking for… g spot…..the one hiding inside my vagina.

I felt his finger *tickle* the spot as his finger moved in the *come here* movement causing me to achieve yet another normal sized orgasm.

I have to admit that though Jason sure as fuck isn’t Gabe the frequency that this man can make me achieve orgasms is a feat in itself. Though I still yearned for those massive orgasms the normal one’s were still amazing too.

Then my husband stopped and stood causing him to break the seal on my clit making me look at him in confusion….that is until he placed one hand right in between my belly button and pelvic region.

He looked at me and smiled, “Have you been a good girl?”

I blinked at him in confusion.

Was he *trying* to talk dirty to me?

In all the time we had been together he has **never** talked dirty to me.

It has always been foreplay and sex.

No dirty talking.

No role play.


This was new.

I looked at him still confused as to what has happening and nodded Interested to see where this was going.

He smiled as he licked his two middle finger’s and slowly reached down towards my pussy and I felt him insert his fingers into my pussy causing me to gasp as he had never inserted two of his finger’s before. Hell he has barely put one finger in my pussy. It’s always been his tongue or his dick.

He quickly found my g spot again after finding it the first time.

Then simultaneously he pushed his hand on my flesh while simultaneously using his two fingers to hook onto my inner flesh and moved his hand fast.

Between the twin pressure’s it caused me to scream as I had **never** felt this before.

Jason was jack hammering his hand in me with so much force I knew my flesh was swaying with the motion causing my breasts to move just as violently.

As he was jack hammering his hand in my pussy as his two finger’s dragged, rubbed, and overall stimulated the spot I felt the usual tell tale signs another orgasm was building……fast.

But I felt another pressure I wasn’t accustomed to……I needed to pee…..badly.

It was equal parts orgasm and the need to pee that was equally building.

It was hard to describe the dual sensations as sure I *may* have needed to pee during sex especially after growing three children and damaging my bladder as my exact hold on my bladder had been greatly diminished since my teenage years when I had the bladder of a camel.

I could drink a gallon of water and not need to pee for hour’s. Though if I did drink a gallon of water when I eventually popped the cork and did pee it was like a never ending series of cycles as I relieved my bladder.

But you get my point and that was before kids I had a cast iron bladder, now a days not so much. If I sneezed and didn’t hold myself correctly there was a good chance I might soil myself a little bit.

Hell if I have sex on a full bladder I can normally control it long enough, especially with Jason’s low stamina, until the act is done. Then I usually sprint to the bathroom and pee, which also forces all of Jason’s cum out of my pussy.

But now this build up was odd because before I had presented myself to Jason I *knew* my bladder was empty because I had emptied the damn thing *before* I had started prepping his *special* breakfast.

And unless my little intake of liquids was enough to refill my bladder this sensation was odd.

Still what was happening I couldn’t think or dwell on it too long as I was currently screaming and moaning as Jason jack hammered his hand into my pussy as both sensations grew and grew.

At first I thought I was going insane as both sensations were building so high I thought maybe just *maybe* Jason was finally *finally* going to help me achieve a **large** orgasm solidifying that he could finally make me have huge orgasms.

I was partially right.

Jason kept jack hammering me all while I screamed, moaned, whimpered, groaned and cursed as my insanity built at the same rate as my other builds.

I secretly prayed whatever was building in my body dropped a massive orgasm.

I’ll be pissed if all this building just drops a normal or small orgasm though at the moment I’ll be happy for it’s eventual release but afterwards I’ll be pissed.

When I was about to go insane thinking that my orgasm couldn’t build anymore it happened…..I orgasmed.

And it wasn’t large…… no no no.

I didn’t just orgasm. I orgasmed ***MASSIVELY***.

It was the fabled unicorn….a M.O.A.O.


I thought **this** level of an orgasm was a myth. The stuff of legends. Something you would read in erotic novels.

Yet here I was as the M.O.A.O. exploded in my body.

It was so massive that Gabe never had me achieve one.

It was so powerful that I thought my heart stopped and my brain had an aneurysm as just about every synapse not only misfired but fucking fried from the shear volume of electrical feedback that not only slammed but ran through it like a god damn fully loaded rig going at 5,000 mph.

My scream got caught in my throat as a simultaneous groan happened.

My eyes not only rolled back into my head but I think I saw my own brain as it literally melted.

My body tensed so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if I had a cramp in every muscle in my body.

This orgasm lasted so long I thought I had passed out and it was now night time but I had only blacked out from the orgasm as it was too big for my tiny brain to understand what just happened as I had *never* experienced it.

My thinking was only momentary as it allowed me to relax my body causing me to scream again as the pressure in my bladder was released setting off another **BIG** orgasm.

I raised my head thinking that I was peeing and looked to see fluid spray out all over Jason who was still moving his hand in and out of my pussy.

I groaned and stared wide eyed as I watched myself do the same thing my step daughter could do……I was squirting.




  1. I have to tell you Lighting this was a great one! I’m both happy and sad at the same time. Happy for my Ginger she got something shes never had before and if the drugs grow Jason’s dick I’m sad for me because my kink with Gabe railing mom will be a thing of the past. Keep it up Lightning!

  2. Hmmm either he’s been holding out or he learned some tricks on the outside. Interesting development could also be the meds. Remember she took them before him sooo…. she tripping on them shrooms yo lol . But some where some how I think she may lose days if she try the same drugs with Gabe. Food for though

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