ASMODAL INN: PART ONE [boss][secretary][text][pics][accidentally on purpose][lesbian][tbc]



(this is the first chapter of a horror/erotica story I am working on. This chapter is just character establishment and exposition)

Jacob sat at his desk late on a Thursday afternoon, pouring over client files. Forms and papers spread out in front of him as he clicked away at his keyboard, entering all the information on the papers into a spreadsheet.

That seemed to be his entire life anymore, spreadsheets, home, sleep, spreadsheets, home, sleep. He hadn’t really even seen his wife, Amber, in the two months since she started working nights. He would only see her, sound asleep, in the morning as he got out of bed for work. Most mornings he would stare longingly at her in her red silk nightgown, wanting to wake her and remind her that he loves her, but instead he would lightly kiss her cheek and whisper his love into her ear as he left for work.

He stole a glance at the framed photo peeking out from behind the tower of file folders. Amber’s wedding dress clung to every curve and formed an formed an hourglass more akin to an “8”. From her bare shoulders, the neckline plunged deeply revealing the inner clefts of her ample breasts. Ringlets of her brown hair hung down stopping just short of the satin fabric that so selfishly covered the woman he loved so deeply. Over her shoulder, like a designer accessory, wrapped an arm… his arm, the rest of him blocked by the mound of papers and folders.

His reality crashed back in around him around as his fingers resumed their course of the contours on his keyboard.

He gathered the papers from around the desk and slid them into an empty folder and he put that into the wire basket next to his monitor as the door to his office opened.

Stephanie, his assistant, poked her head in the door. “Hey, Jake, I have to get going… unless there is… anything else you’d like me to do for you,” she said as she stepped into his office.

She had started working for him while she was a student at the local community college and after she graduated last spring she stayed on, despite taking on a second job serving tables at the same resort lounge where Amber worked tending bar.

He looked up at the clock, five O’clock, and then at her. She was still in her mid twenties with long flowing blond hair that hung half way down her back. She always wore clothes that, while professional in appearance, hugged her slender frame in a way that begged for all eyes to gander. More than once, he caught himself noticing how similar Amber and Stephanie are built. He didn’t dare let his eyes dwell for too long, he was her boss and he definitely couldn’t afford a sexual harassment suit and besides, she worked with Amber so there would be hell to pay at home too.

“I’m just finishing up here, see you tomorrow.”

She smiled at him, “oh, before I go…” she turned and grabbed a large yellow envelope off her desk. “This came in just a few minutes ago, but you seemed to be lost in your work so I waited to give it to you.” She put the envelope down, leaning over the desk in the process. He forced himself to maintain eye contact while a slight, sly, smile formed on the corners of her mouth as she stood over his desk with the neck of her shirt hanging down just below his eyes. When she placed her hand on the envelope, he stole an opportunity to let his eyes scan downward across her chest, with a quick peak down her shirt at her red, lacy, sheer bra and then down to her red painted fingernails poised across the yellow paper.

“Thank you Stephanie, have a good night and be sure to send my wife my love when you see her.”

“Oh, I will definitely give her your love, Boss, see you tomorrow.” She stood straight and started walking out the door, her hips rocking back and forth with every step. Jake lost his resolve and watched her from behind as she opened the door. As the door opened, she turned her head back over shoulder. “Oh, and, Amber may get home a bit late tonight. There’s a huge party in the conference center tonight.” She said as his eyes darted over to the pile of papers on his desk, he was pretty sure he got caught.

As the door closed behind her, he picked up the envelope. “Asmodal Inn, Gooding, Idaho” was all that was written on the envelope aside from the delivery address. He slid his finger into the flap on top and opened it up. Inside, he found a letter.

“Dear Mr. Warley,

On behalf of the management and staff of the Asmodal Inn in Gooding, Idaho and all those at Asmodeus Industries, we cordially invite you and your spouse to attend our grand opening weekend gala on November 11-14. All expenses will be paid and air travel and rental car have already been arranged at the request of Mrs. Amber Warley.

This event is for notable staff members of Asmodeus properties and their spouses/partners only.

To accept your invitation to this event, please go to and fill out the confirmation form located on our website.

We look forward to seeing you at this and future events.
Signed, Duane Asmodeus, CEO Asmodeus Industries.”

Asmodeus is the parent company that owns multiple properties around the northwest United States including the resort at which both Amber and Stephanie work. Since Amber already gave them travel information, he assumed she wanted to go, so he pulled up the website. The event date was actually starting tomorrow. He filled out the RSVP confirmation form and closed his computer and went home for the night.


All the lights in the house were off when he walked in the door. He nearly tripped over the two suitcases placed near the door in the dark house. Amber must have already packed for the trip before she left for work. He went to the kitchen and got a beer from the fridge and then sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

He relaxed back into the couch and let curiosity overtake his mind. He took out his phone and looked up information about Asmodal Inn. The building, itself, once served as the Idaho State Tuberculosis Hospital and also a short stint as a mental hospital. There were numerous sites referencing paranormal investigations and a story about Asmodeus buying the site.

After a bit of channel surfing and finishing his beer, he got up and turned to go to bed. Walking down the darkened hall with his eyelids heavy, he just followed the light coming from his room like a moth. He walked in, stripped off his clothes and crawled into bed and turned on the tv on his dresser to put on one of those satisfying videos with sleepy music and then allowed himself to drift.


He opened his eyes swearing he heard the text alert from his phone. He closed his eyes again and tried to go back to sleep. DING… He reached over and picked up the phone, message from Stephanie, he can look in the morning, he dropped the phone on the bed and rolled back over. Another Ding… Stephanie again, he looked at the time on the phone, three am. Three more dings in quick succession. He opened his text app. Stephanie had sent a series of seven pictures.

The first picture was a pair of rather impressive breasts in nothing but a sheer red lacy bra. Nipples erect and very visible behind the thin fabric, all the way down over a rather shapely waste framed by a matching pair of very revealing underwear that clung to the hips like a pair of very lucky and hungry hands.

Not sure why she was sending him these pictures, but he wasn’t complaining.

The second picture was even better, just a pair of tits, bare and onderful and the underwear was being pulled down revealing just enough to know that the love mound was perfectly and totally shaved. Jake started to feel himself getting hard but still wondering why he was getting these pictures at three in the morning.

The third pic had Jake reaching down to take matters into his own hands. Full frame, boobs, glorious boobs. Under each large round globe, hands pushing the nipples upward like idols for worship. Fingers stretched out and squeezing at the exposed flesh, each red painted fingernail all but disappearing into the bliss bags.

When he scrolled to the fourth picture, his stroking became more feverish. The hands with red painted nails were now joined by some that were painted a dark blue or purple. The left arms wrapping around, under and lifting the left breast and, hand in hand, grasping the right breast firmly with fingers intertwined alternating polish colors, red blue red blue red blue… The right arms pushed down between the legs, fingers disappearing between the legs, labia popping over the top of the middle fingers. The way the arms wrapped in from behind made it impossible to tell which set of hands belonged to the boobs.

The fifth picture was almost more than Jake could handle and he almost came right there in his nice clean sheets. Two nude women’s bodies, one on top of the other, breasts just brushing each others bellies, faces hidden between the others thighs. The long blonde hair of the woman on top flowing over the leg of the woman on the bottom.

He opened the sixth picture and his mouth fell open and what was left of his blood rushed south. The perfect body of a woman lying nude on her back with her legs spread showing her perfect hairless pussy, the wet, pink lips spread open by a pair of fingers with dark blue nail polish. The other woman, that he could now tell was Stephanie, sitting on the naked woman’s face with her back to the camera and her hands held behind her head, showing off her perfect curves that Jake had so often admired.

He opened the last picture. The woman still on her back, breasts still large and perky. Stephanie, still sitting on the other woman’s face, now facing the camera, With her hands firmly squeezing her own nipples and her eyes closed, her mouth held open in an expression that implied the picture was taken mid orgasm. As he looked at the bottom of the frame, he saw that another friend had joined the party. A hard, bareback cock with the tip just inside of the unknown woman’s pussy, the skin of the dick still glistening to show that it had already been buried deep inside.

Still stroking madly, Jake momentarily put the phone down on the bed while he reached over to the box of tissues on the side table. As he picked up the phone it dinged one more time. He opened it up and saw two more pics.

He eagerly opened the first. Both women, now on their hands and knees, their heads toward the camera. He could tell that the unknown woman had brown hair, but he still couldn’t see her face as it was hidden behind Stephanie’s blonde locks, the position of the heads showing that they were captured mid kiss. Behind each of them, there was the torso of a man with his dick buried deeply into each woman’s pleasure palace.

Jake opened the final picture. Stephanie’s beautiful face, tongue extended, licking the cum off the other woman’s breasts. The other woman’s blue polished fingers grasping to her head. Jake couldn’t contain it anymore, he sprayed his load all over. One spurt shooting up over his head and hitting the wall behind him.

When his vision returned, he texted back.

“UUUUUM, thank you, but… why are you sending that to me?”


“OH SHIT! I AM SO SORRY! I SENT THOSE TO THE WRONG ‘BOSS’! I was trying to send those to the general manager but I forgot that you are in my phone under the title “BIG BOSS”. I had someone else take and send the photos and they sent them to you by accident.”


“ACTUALLY, NO, NOT SORRY AT ALL! I know you wanted to see me like that! I’ve seen the way you look at me and I know you try really hard but you’re a guy and you can’t always control it. And I don’t work for you for the money ;).”

Jake thought for a moment before he replied, “But if Amber was to see these pics on my phone, she wouldn’t be so understanding.”


“Amber knows all about how I tease you. She also knows about every time I caught you looking. It kind of turns her on to know that HER husband finds another woman attractive, hell most of the time, shes the one who tells me just how to get you going… but, yeah, I won’t tell her about this one. She wouldn’t be too happy with me for sending those.”

Jake thought for a moment… “No, she prob wouldn’t be.”

“Oh, and, I guess we are going on a trip this weekend so the office is closed tomorrow. Still mark yourself down for 8 hours though, you earned it. And I’m pretty sure you could use the rest ;)”


“I know about the trip. I’m going too. All of the top staff members at the resort and their sig others have been invited. I’m rolling without a plus one but I’m still going. I’m gonna let you TRY to get some sleep, good night BOSS MAN!”

Jake laid his phone down on the table to the side of the bed. And pulled the blankets up and closed his eyes, trying to sleep but his mind would not let go of the images he just saw. He felt his cock start to chub up again.

Just as he was about to grab his phone and choke himself out to the pics again, he heard the front door open, close, and then footsteps coming down the hall. Then the frame of his beautiful wife walked into the room and the bathroom light turned on. He watched as Amber stripped off each item of clothing his cock getting harder as her nakedness was revealed. She stepped into the shower and closed the clear glass door. He watched as she rinsed herself and then soaped up every inch of the body that he had never wanted more than he did right now. As he watched, she took the shower head down from the hanger and turned it to the massage setting and let it drift down, between her legs and she held it there, her face drifting into various expressions of ecstasy.

Just as she was about to cum, she locked eyes with him and realized he was awake. She put the shower head back up in its holder.

“Hey, don’t stop on my account! The show was just getting good.”

“I didn’t mean to wake you, honey.” She said as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself.

“I was already awake. Couldn’t sleep, my mind was on… um… other things.”

She walked across the room and let the towel fall to the floor before she slipped into bed and curled up against Jake. Jake wrapped his arms around his naked wife and grabbed her boobs with both hands, her nipples pinched between his fingers as he squeezed. She pushed her hips back and felt his rock hard erection pressing against her ass through his boxer briefs. She reached a hand back and grabbed it.

“Ooh, is that for me?”

“Well, I could use it by myself, but its more fun when someone else plays too.”

She turned to face him and kissed him with the passion he remembered as she pushed his underwear down and left a trail of kisses down his neck, across his chest, and up his shaft and then her mouth spread around his head and slid down until it was fully enveloped and touching the back of her throat. Her head began bobbing and she made the slightest slurping noises for a few minutes before she retraced her trail of kisses from his dick all the way up until their lips met again in a passionate and longing filled kiss.

She pushed his shoulder back and he laid flat. Slowly, she slid her leg up and across him, pressing her pussy into him so hard he could feel the warm moisture against his skin. She rolled up and straddled his hips and began running her lips along the length of his cock, pausing slightly to tease his tip with her hole before sliding it back between her lips and then back and forth, each slip sending shudders through his spine. She lowered down and put a hand on each side of his head letting her round and firm breasts hang enticingly over his face before she rocked her hips back and allowed him entry into her secret chamber. As his dick slid into her wondrous depths, she lowered her nipples until she could brush them across his lips, teasing him with every pass. He timed out the passage of her nipple and he latched on, sucking the nipple into his mouth like he was trying to get the whole breast into his mouth. His tongued flicked ant teased across her hard nipple as she moaned loudly.

Her hip movement changed from just an up and down movement to a rocking back and forth circular motion, her breathing changing to match the fever and rhythm of her thrusts.

“OH… my… GOD!!! I have… missed… THIS… dick!” She squealed as her hands moved from the bed and she curled her fingers over his shoulders and dug her nails into his flesh as her hips bucked violently. Jake felt his tip press against her cervix on every motion as her pussy muscles began to pulse onto his now painfully raging hard on.

“OH SHIT!” She screamed as her breathing suddenly stopped and her pussy clamped down on him with that GI Joe Kung Fu Grip. He put his hands onto her hips and held them in place just above himself, as he powerfully and mercilessly began ramming his rod into her with all the force he could muster until tears started to come from her eyes and her breaths came in short gasps, her face turning almost as blue as her nail polish.

She finally let out a loud screaming cry of pleasure just as he felt his nuts contract, painting her walls while she let loose a flood across his crotch and dripping down to the bed as she collapsed down on top of him.

He rolled her to the side and kept his hold on her, his cock still inside with her body pressed firmly to her husband, one leg wrapped up over him as a third limb to hold onto him with. Within minutes, he felt her grip relax as she fell asleep and he followed soon after.

Jake woke up to the sun streaming through his bedroom window. He reached over to the other side of the bed, hoping his wife, Amber, would still be there but she was already up, The air hung heavy with the smell of bacon and coffee.

He got out of bed and walked out to the kitchen still naked from the previous night’s activities and sleep still not quite releasing it’s grip.

“Well hello there, Boss Man.” He looked into the living room and his face flushed bright red when he saw her. His wife Amber was sitting on one end of the couch, and on the other, his office assistant, Stephanie sat there, smiling at him, refusing to shift her gaze from his nakedness, now only obscured by the kitchen counter. “I see you’re happy to see me too!” She joked as her eyes made their way to his crotch level, referencing the painfully engorged erection that men often have when they wake in the morning.

“Honey, go get dressed,” Amber said as he turned to go back into the bedroom, a very mischievous, sly smile across her face. “The bacon and coffee will be ready when you come back.”

“Aaaawe, I was hoping we’d be having sausage for breakfast,” Stephanie chuckled, “but, then again, from what I saw last night, Amber already had a good serving of sausage. You guys really should close your door when you have company.”

Jake went back to the room and got dressed and ready to travel. As he got ready, he could hear the girls giggling in the next room. After he was dressed, he came back out.

“Since Stephanie is going stag on this one, we decided that she should ride with us. I didn’t figure you would mind so she stayed the night with us.”

“Of course I don’t mind. But, a little warning would have been nice.”

“What would be the fun in that?” Stephanie chimed in, “If we had warned you I wouldn’t have been given such a… warm welcome.”

After breakfast, they all loaded up into Jake’s car and drove to the Airport. Both women opting to sit in the back seat, whispering and giggling for the entire 45 minute car ride like two little schoolgirls.

As they pulled up to the airport, there was a sign that read ‘Asmodeus Employees” written on a sign next to a gate to the tarmac. Jake turned the car through the gate and a security guard directed him to pull into a large hangar to park. As they entered the hangar there was a large private jet parked to one side and about a dozen cars parked to the other. Jake parked with the other cars and popped the trunk open, got out and opened the door for his wife and Stephanie to get out of the backseat before he went to the trunk and started taking out their suitcases.

“No, no, no,” a man in a suit was walking up to him. “Just leave them there, we will take car of it, you go get on the plane.”

They got on the plane and found some seats toward the front, all of them gaping at the luxury plane and the décor. It looked more like a living room in an expensive house than it did a plane.

Within a few minutes, they were rolling down the runway.



  1. took a few tries to get the formatting correct… note to self… no indents on paragraphs

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