Battling Hyperspermia: Chapter 2 – Old friends, New Problems [MF] [Medical condition] [Shy male] [Excessive cum]

Eyes bolting open, Mike awakens with a start. The room is pitch black, the sun having yet to rise. Yelping with discomfort, he throws off his bed sheets and runs to the bathroom, his stiff dick flopping unevenly about like some kind of lewd, broken metronome.

Entering the room, Mike removes the rag adhered to the end of his cock with drying cum, tossing it aside. He lifts up the toilet seat, planting one hand on the wall and angling his body 45 degrees. With his other hand he holds out his pulsing cock and aims it into the toilet. Bracing the wall he grunts out, straining for a moment before he begins to urinate. *’Shouldn’t have slept so long!’* He chides himself as he empties his bladder. Before long, the clear urine becomes tinged with a milky, opaque sheen. “Nnnngh!” He yelps out as he strains harder, attempting to force out the backed-up cum that has collected in his balls during his long rest.

Panting slightly, he flushes the toilet and proceeds to his desk, waking the monitor display with his mouse. The screen flickers, still on the same video he discovered last night. He sits and adjusts himself, reaching for the jug at his feet and nestling it inbetween his legs as he begins his first order of the day: Depleting the semen build-up in his backed-up balls.

He gets to work, grunting, stroking and filling up his cum-jug. Pausing every now and then to quench his thirst. By the time he starts to feel “level” again, the sun has begun to rise, penetrating and projecting daylight into the dark room intermittently through the edges of his closed window shades. As his discomfort ebbs somewhat, he takes a break, heading to the nightstand to retrieve his phone.

Shocked somewhat at the fact he’s received notifications, he scrolls through them. A couple texts, a couple calls and a voicemail from his friend Sandy. ‘Shit, that’s right!’ he thinks as he reads through the texts. “Hey! We were supposed to go to Warped Tour together this weekend. You promised. Did you forget?” The text reads.

“Sorry. Yesterday was rough. I’ll make it up to you” He types out as his reply, sending the text off. A couple moments later, a reply.

“Everything ok?”


“I have 2 hour gap after class. Wanna meet up at 11?”

His cell phone time reads 8:05. *’Plenty of time to prepare.’* Mike thinks.

“Ok. Here or there?” He replies.

“Let’s meet at Griffyn park, it’s nice today”


Mike sets the phone down, priming himself as he passes the time, spent primarily on stroking his shaft and relieving his stubborn, ever-churning nutsack. As the meeting time nears, he rubs one out for the road and washes up, throwing on a clean red T-shirt, dark blue jeans and a pair of black trainers.

Stepping outside, Mike bristles slightly as the sun warmly beats down on him. Walking a couple blocks away to the city park, he looks about. There are a couple families with small children, a few casual joggers, but the park is relatively quiet. He spots Sandy waiting by the fountain and waves as he approaches.

As Mike nears, he takes a closer look at Sandy. She’s sporting a forest green tank top and a plaited, knee-length black skirt, black Chucks on her feet. Her short, honey-brown hair combed neatly, with a red hairclip pinning her bangs to the side. He looks at her face, noting how the baby fat around her cheeks has dissipated entirely. She wears a small, mysterious smile on her face as her warm, hazel eyes regard him.

“Hey.” Sandy says simply as he approaches. They hug briefly. “I haven’t seen you in ages!” She says as they withdraw from one another.

“Yeah, sorry. Things have been busy for me lately.” Mike says, arms held awkwardly at his sides. “Wanna go for a walk?” He offers. Sandy nods.

They walk quietly along the perimeter of the park. Joggers pass by them every so often as birds chirp nearby. The light din of children playing in the background adds to the background noise, adding a light bustle that seems out-of-place as they walk together nearly silently, each seemingly in their own world. After a short trek, they stop at a small bench, each taking a seat as they view the surroundings.

After a moment, Mike opens his mouth to speak. “What’s new with you?” He asks.

“Nothing too much. Just school, really.” Sandy replies as she looks over. “I broke up with my boyfriend about a week ago.” She adds, eyes flicking down momentarily before she looks back up at him.

Mike’s eyebrows raise. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone!” He admits. Sandy rolls her eyes. “I doubt you would. We don’t really even talk to each other much anymore!” She says.

“Two months. It was the guy in class I told you about.” Sandy says. “The guy I did a group project with in my Soc class.” She adds. Mike nods, remembering. “Why’d you break up?” He asks.

A short pause later, Sandy replies. “He was just kind of a dick. I liked it at first, and he could be really sweet when he wanted to.” She admits. “I got tired of him pushing me around and trying to get me to put out, though. All he ever really wanted to do was party, and I don’t like alcohol. I got so fed up of him trying to get me drunk so I’ll agree to have sex that I broke it off.” She says. “I have too much riding on my scholarship to waste partying. If my grades drop, my parents will flip.” She adds, eyes fixed her skirt as she fidgets with the hem.

Mike nods. “Sorry to hear.” He says. “Sorry about Warped Tour too, I know you really wanted to go.” He adds.

Sandy flashes him a small, brief smile. “It’s fine, Mike.” She says. She pauses as her eyes study him more closely. “Something is different with you, I can tell. Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” She asks, as her eyes regard his own. Mike shuffles uncomfortably, breaking off eye contact and looking downcast at the floor. “I’d rather not.” he mutters.

Sandy’s eyebrow furrows. “That’s not fair. You can’t let me spill out my guts then refuse to tell me what’s on your mind.” She says with a light laugh. Seeing his lack of reaction, she stops, a look of concern emerging on her face. “Seriously though, is everything okay? You look like the walking dead.” Sandy says flatly. “You never used to act like this. Is it something personal? Something with family?” She asks. “As your friend I demand you tell me who you are and where my friend Mike went!” She jokes, sporting a cheeky grin.

Mike sighs. He looks Sandy in the eye for a moment. “I’m here. Things have just been weird lately.” He says.

“Why weird?” She asks. Mike shuffles a bit, uncomfortably. “I have a thing.” He says quietly.

“What kind of thing? Like a medical thing, a thing hiding under your bed?” Sandy asks, teasing him.

Mike looks over at Sandy’s face, her cheery smile not quite reaching the concerned look mirrored in her eyes. He realizes he remembers the day she moved into his neighborhood vividly. All the times they rode their bikes together. He realizes with a start just how grown up she’s become. After wrestling with himself internally for a bit, he decides to open up to her. “It’s like a sexual thing.” He says quietly, blushing.

Sandy’s eyebrows raise slightly. “You mean like with a girl?” She asks curiously. Mike shakes his head. “It’s a problem with the way I ejaculate.” He mutters out quietly.

Sandy’s face softens, seeming to understand. “You mean like a performance thing? Did you finish too early or something?” She asks. “It’s okay Mike.” She says in a reassuring tone. “It happens to a lot of guys. Not all gir-” She starts.

“No, nothing like that.” Mike interrupts, waving her response off. He pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts, and try to articulate. “It’s like…I have to masturbate all the time because my balls start to ache and hurt if I don’t.” He explains. “When I cum, it’s way much more than you’d think, and it’s like it never stops.” He says. “It sucks.” He adds.

Sandy blinks, not sure if he’s joking or not. “Mike, that’s kind of weird. Is this some kind of joke or weird come-on or something?” She asks. “I don’t get it.” She adds, feeling distinctly uncomfortable.

“It’s not a joke.” Mike says bluntly. “It’s not like a sexy thing or anything. I don’t feel like a stud.” He explains. “More like a balloon being filled up by a hose, with a small hole at the bottom. It’s not cool or sexy, just uncomfortable. It just kind of sucks.” He says bitterly. An awkward aura permeates from them, as they sit at their bench, isolated from the light bustle of the parks inhabitants.

For a long, quiet moment Sandy looks over at Mike. She notes his pained expression, the tired, slightly haunted look in his eyes. As she studies his face, she realizes she can’t remember what he looks like when he’s smiling. Frowning as she mulls it over, she starts to put two-and-two together. “Does this have something to do with why you got expelled from school?” She asks softly.

Mike nods. “Yeah.” He says.”The janitor caught me in the bathroom. I wasn’t doing it because I was horny or anything, just uncomfortable. It just hurt.” He says plainly, eyes fixed on his shoes.

Sandy looks down from his face to his groin. Sure enough, the outline of his erection in his jeans is faintly visible. She can see a small wet spot through the dark denim fabric where she surmises the tip to be. “Is it like that now?” She asks quietly.

Mike half-nods. “Not yet. But soon.” He admits.

Sandy considers this. They spend a long, tense moment avoiding each other’s gaze, each surveying their surroundings.

After a time, Sandy speaks up. “Mike.” She says. “Yeah?” He asks.

Sandy again fidgets with her skirt. “I have to get back to school soon.” She says, after a brief pause. “Can I text you later?” She asks. “Yeah. I have to get going too.” He replies.

Sandy gets up, shooting Mike a small smile as she leaves. He waves to her briefly before he also walks off, in the opposite direction.

Mike walks two blocks back home, lost in thought. Feeling the erection in his pants and the familiar, uncomfortable tingle from his scrotum he sighs, wondering if he had said too much. Sandy was like the girl-next-door. Cool, chill, cheery. The way she looked at him when he opened up made him distinctly unclean, like a filthy pervert.

Mike makes his way back home. Trudging upstairs, he opens and closes the door to his room. As he plops into his computer chair, he adjusts his jeans. Taking his phone out of his pocket to set it aside, he feels a sudden vibration in his hand. He checks it. A text from Sandy.

“Can I come by after class?” The text reads. Mikes take the phone in hand, typing out a short reply. “Sure” he says.

He sets the phone down. The familiar tingling in his groin abates for a moment as he starts to feel nervousness. Mike had never brought a girl into his room before, let alone even be with one. He feels a sinking feeling in his stomach, apprehensive of what would happen when she comes to visit.



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